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Nov 14, 2017

Today on...interesting takes...The author is advocating for preference primaries. Basically, voters would vote for their preferred candidate and about possible issues...and then the Elites would decide based on that results...which is kind of what we have already...and if said elites decided to toss that public opinion that wouldn't solve the divide anyways...I'm confused by this article.

The editorial in the last few paragraphs after the fluff finally gets around to saying we should have ranked choice primaries and ballot questions so the final convention is more informed on what the party wants nationwide. If the editors chose that title for her they sandbagged the shit out of the substance.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm going to do everything I can to help the eventual Dem nominee, but seeing Trump's approval numbers as the highest they've ever been is absolutely soul-crushing. I have never felt so utterly angry at the state of humanity.
I don't want to handwave away concerning polls, or overstate this effect too much, but "partisan non-response bias" is a real proven thing and could be a factor here.

In short, a significant number of Democratic voters could be too bummed to respond to polls right now.

Trump's polling has allllways hovered around 40-42% and it's unlikely he's really bumped himself up a hard five points. (Response bias was also the likely cause for his occasional dips into the 30s.)

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Yet to be asked of Bloomberg: How many bloomberg terminals does the US government (taxpayers) pay for now, and how many will they pay for in a Bloomberg administration? News subscriptions? Does he have plans for divesting or blind-trusting-his businesses? Suspending or resigning any board seats?
His campaign answered yesterday. To avoid even the slightest appearance of impropriety, he will sell his stage in Bloomberg LP.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Top Pentagon policy official who warned against withholding Ukraine aid resigns at Trump's request

The Pentagon's top policy official who warned against withholding military aid to Ukraine last year resigned on Wednesday at the request of President Donald Trump, according to a copy of his resignation letter obtained by CNN.
Rood is the Pentagon's top policy official and oversees aspects of the Pentagon's relationship with US allies and partners. Rood was involved in certifying to Congress that Ukraine had embarked on significant reforms to justify its receipt of $250 million in security assistance. That certification undermined one of the justifications -- concerns about corruption in Kiev -- that some members of the Trump administration made to defend blocking aid to Ukraine.
Hours after Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, which kicked off impeachment proceedings, Rood emailed Secretary of Defense Mark Esper -- who had been in the job two days -- informing him about an upcoming deputies meeting, "to discuss the President's concern about endemic corruption in Ukraine and his reported view that US should cease providing security assistance," according to emails reviewed by CNN.
Rood notes in his email to the secretary that "placing a hold on security assistance at this time would jeopardize this unique window of opportunity and undermine our defense priorities with a key partner in the strategic competition with Russia."
The Pentagon declined to comment on the expected departure.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Yet to be asked of Bloomberg: How many bloomberg terminals does the US government (taxpayers) pay for now, and how many will they pay for in a Bloomberg administration? News subscriptions? Does he have plans for divesting or blind-trusting-his businesses? Suspending or resigning any board seats?
Dec 31, 2017
Bernie's now at high 20s or low 30s in every poll. The "ceiling" sure seems to be getting higher.

Today's debate is a good way from him to really boost forward. The momentum is with him. But he will also be in the crosshairs. I'm excited to see how he balances his frontrunner status with going after bloomberg. Will he lead the charge, or will he let the others ether bloombito instead?

And if the recent Nevada polls are accurate, then phew, he can run away with it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I dont trust that Change poll but nationally it seems like Bernie is breaking through the 30% barrier. He needs to get into the 40s for me to be comfortable. At this point a plurality is looking like a lock


Nov 27, 2017

(from their last SC Poll.)

How the fuck do you do that? Like....Bernie may be ahead by a bajillion points in SC. Whatever, but how in the WORLD do you get THAT demo in the South Carolina Democratic primary. In 2016 it was 61% Black and 35% white. I cannot fathom how you would possibly get those numbers. This is like Mayor Pete Buttibutt went to bed and had a dream, and when he woke up just went THIS IS WHAT SOUTH CAROLINA LOOKS LIKE NOW.


Oct 28, 2017
Trump is so excited to have Sanders in the lead. He has been praising Bernie and his followers. He wants bernie's supporters to sit out if bErnie doesn't win the nom and he wants to use "socialists" if Bernie wins the Nom. Win Win for him. He will never debate the Dem unless it's a woman.

Dude sucks


Nov 27, 2017

Please, for the love of all that is good and holy, fire this woman! See if you can get Simone Sanders back. She was the best part of Bernie's 2016 campaign.

And, remember when Nina Turner said Hillary fainting was somehow a cover up? Good times good times.
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Nov 27, 2017
It's literally in the full headline:
George Zimmerman sues Pete Buttigieg and Elizabeth Warren over tweets honouring Trayvon Martin

Though neither of their tweets so much as named Mr Zimmerman, the 36-year-old claimed in his lawsuit that Mr Buttigieg and Ms Warren were committing "defamation with actual malice or at a minimum a reckless disregard for the truth".

The lawsuit was seeking $15,000 (£11,524) in damages, while alleging the Democratic candidates wrongly connected the shooting victim's death to gun violence.



Nov 27, 2017
His medical records are under audit!

We are so fucked.
Like his heart attack is whatever. I think it's dumb to nominate an 80 year old who just had a heart attack but whatever. What gripes my soul is pretending a factual thing that happened is some kind of smear against him. Then she just makes up that Bloomberg also has no me so YOLO. It's very Kelly Ann.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie and his team better get fucking better about defending that heart attack they waited days to tell the public about even though they 100% knew it was one the day of.

Bernies VP pick needs to be a slam dunk. If he fucking picks Nina Turner or someone on that level I will just pack it in

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Trump is so excited to have Sanders in the lead. He has been praising Bernie and his followers. He wants bernie's supporters to sit out if bErnie doesn't win the nom and he wants to use "socialists" if Bernie wins the Nom. Win Win for him. He will never debate the Dem unless it's a woman.

Dude sucks
I don't like that Bernie doesn't scare Trump.


Jul 25, 2018
Yet to be asked of Bloomberg: How many bloomberg terminals does the US government (taxpayers) pay for now, and how many will they pay for in a Bloomberg administration? News subscriptions? Does he have plans for divesting or blind-trusting-his businesses? Suspending or resigning any board seats?
I don't know. I despise Trump's grift, his abuse of the emoluments, and the national security risks of his grift, however I also dislike the suggestion that Dems have to play by different rules than the GOP.


Nov 27, 2017
Like just say "Yes, Senator Sanders was treated by world class physicians, and that's one of the many reasons he believes healthcare is a human right" just jump into your stump if you have to don't Kelly Ann this shit.


Oct 29, 2017

I wish Bernie didn't employee such colossal idiots. I get that his pool of candidates is small, but come on....
Oct 27, 2017
If I'm running a trump PAC the day it's clear he's the nominee, I'm going on air with red scare shit immediately. Bernie won't be able to respond, so I'm defining him early. Maybe it sticks maybe it doesn't but it's your best shot.
This definitely scares me. Other than Warren this is clearly who he wants to run against.
What Adam said. It's not like there's some secret strategy to be worried about. He just thinks he can go full Red Scare and win. Maybe? Maybe not?

I'm concerned that the Sanders campaign underestimates this, but also, Republicans have thought a lot of dumb things. So I wouldn't really factor in who they "want".
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