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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Newt is one of the republicans that is responsible for the state of the party today. Hilarious that his warnings will fall o the deaf ears of the ignorant monster he helped create.
Wasn't Newt pretty much kicked out the party for not being radicle enough?


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
I looked forever for an ideal work from home position, but decided it was futile and settled for an office like most other people. Now it's looking to be somewhat likely that I could be working from home indefinitely. It's some sick irony that it took a pandemic to make this more of a possibility than even before.


Nov 1, 2017

um lol one of these isn't like the others
Umm is that Charlie Kirk op-ed real? What the fuck?


Oct 25, 2017
Will Sanders drop out after this debate? At this point it's redundant and holding large gatherings of old people seems like a public health hazard.


Nov 27, 2017
The problem with folks being all "We should have just let the GOP vote against it then!" is....they would have. You cannot negotiate with them. You get the best you can get when we have to deal with them, and then we vote the fuckers out. Something is better than nothing, and when the other side is totally happy with get what you can where you can.

Will Tulsi win Hawaii? 🤔🤔🤔
Aloha means no.


Oct 25, 2017
Will Tulsi win Hawaii? 🤔🤔🤔
LOL no.

Biden will still sweep on Tuesday. Fewer olds will vote, but more of them will still vote than the youngs, whose turnout will also be down. Sanders's campaign ended two weeks ago. Now we just see a slow-motion demise as a selfish old man prolongs an election in the face of a pandemic.


Nov 27, 2017
LOL no.

Biden will still sweep on Tuesday. Fewer olds will vote, but more of them will still vote than the youngs, whose turnout will also be down. Sanders's campaign ended two weeks ago. Now we just see a slow-motion demise as a selfish old man prolongs an election in the face of a pandemic.
I'm interested to see how far down turnout will be. Olds early vote. Ohio and Florida both have robust early voting. I honestly don't know anyone who hasn't already voted (that is going to vote.) I'm very happy my sorta 19 year old son decided to vote for Biden. He was thinking about Bernie and I was going to let it slide because we all did crazy things in our 20s.....but he's in school for nursing and he's livid about pretending this thing isn't over in the face of a public health crisis.

So, everyone in my house who can legally vote voted for Biden.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, weird federal paid sick leave is better than the no sick leave (not now, not ever) that was the alternative option.

You cannot shame the Republicans or the president into doing what you want. House Republicans have no incentive to yield (because we can safely pass legislation without them), and the president simply doesn't give a shit about anything but himself.

If the language in the bill means that the public health emergency supersedes the limitations (meaning they won't apply to COVID-19), then I think it's a good start, and it's not worth killing the whole bill just to try to get a permanent sick leave law when the crisis is already upon us.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm interested to see how far down turnout will be. Olds early vote. Ohio and Florida both have robust early voting. I honestly don't know anyone who hasn't already voted (that is going to vote.) I'm very happy my sorta 19 year old son decided to vote for Biden. He was thinking about Bernie and I was going to let it slide because we all did crazy things in our 20s.....but he's in school for nursing and he's livid about pretending this thing isn't over in the face of a public health crisis.

So, everyone in my house who can legally vote voted for Biden.
I actually don't think turnout will be bad in AZ because they mostly vote by mail, and as you say, OH and FL have a lot of early voting. I'd imagine lower but decent, considering the circumstances.

I have no clue about IL. I just know that Biden will pretty likely sweep.


Nov 27, 2017
What was in this tweet?
Sorry, I meant to copy it. It was saying that something like half the cases in French ICU are under 60.
I actually don't think turnout will be bad in AZ because they mostly vote by mail, and as you say, OH and FL have a lot of early voting. I'd imagine lower but decent, considering the circumstances.

I have no clue about IL. I just know that Biden will pretty likely sweep.
And we'll have to pretend for another 4 months that this whole thing isn't over because we can't hurt Bernie's fee-fees for some reason.

Honestly, I want the Dem party to come out after Tuesday, and be like "It's done. No more debates. Fuck this." If the man won't go away with some dignity, we can at least make him just go away.
Oct 25, 2017
Bernie should drop out but I think it's weird for Hillary stans to be angry about it considering she invented staying in till the bitter end.

I know you're going to use coronavirus as a reason for why it's different but y'all complained the same way in 2016 too. 🤔


Oct 30, 2017
Bernie should drop out but I think it's weird for Hillary stans to be angry about it considering she invented staying in till the bitter end.
Those specific Hillary stans are 2008 stans. I stood in the Idaho Caucus for Obama screaming at those awful horrible Hillary supporters, and was horrified when she wouldn't drop out, especially when she compared Obama to RFK, and then in 2016 I was 'With Her' fully and equally horrified at the Bernie people not accepting defeat. I think you can be a Hillary supporter and against staying in the race after you've been eliminated without any inconsistencies.


Oct 25, 2017
Hillary should have dropped out earlier in 2008 when it became mathematical improbability/impossibility.
Same with Sanders 2016 and 2020.


Nov 27, 2017
Bernie should drop out but I think it's weird for Hillary stans to be angry about it considering she invented staying in till the bitter end.

I know you're going to use coronavirus as a reason for why it's different but y'all complained the same way in 2016 too. 🤔
I mean, sure. Hillary should have dropped out in 2008. And? Two wrongs don't make a right, and nor was Hillary ever behind by the margins Bernie is/will be behind after Tuesday. Every critique of Bernie always boils down to "Well what about XYZ." And I do think it's massively different to campaign when we have a literal state of emergency in nearly every state, where governors are asking people to minimize social interactions as much as possible.
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, sure. Hillary should have dropped out in 2008. And? Two wrongs don't make a right, and nor was Hillary ever behind by the margins Bernie is/will be behind after Tuesday. Every critique of Bernie always boils down to "Well what about XYZ." And I do think it's massively different to campaign when we have a literal state of emergency in nearly every state, where governors are asking people to minimize social interactions as much as possible.
I'm not excusing Bernie, I'm just calling you out having it both ways. 😛


Nov 27, 2017
I'm not excusing Bernie, I'm just calling you out having it both ways. 😛
But...we're not? I'm literally saying, yes, Hillary should have dropped out earlier. Once it's not possible to win, you should stop. It's silly and a waste of everyone's time. Also, if you check the record, I actually never said, in 2016, Bernie should drop out for the specific reason you mentioned. We cannot pretend, though, that this situation isn't totally 100% different. (That's not even keeping into account that 2008 was actually close, whereas 2016 and 2020 definitely weren't.) Best case for Bernie, he's down 250-300 delegates after Tuesday. There is a pandemic. States are canceling elections. This is dangerous at this point. We can't look at this in a vaccum or make assumptions about what someone did or didn't support in 2008.

Fuck you Sen Asshole.


Oct 25, 2017
But...we're not? I'm literally saying, yes, Hillary should have dropped out earlier. Once it's not possible to win, you should stop. It's silly and a waste of everyone's time. Also, if you check the record, I actually never said, in 2016, Bernie should drop out for the specific reason you mentioned. We cannot pretend, though, that this situation isn't totally 100% different. (That's not even keeping into account that 2008 was actually close, whereas 2016 and 2020 definitely weren't.) Best case for Bernie, he's down 250-300 delegates after Tuesday. There is a pandemic. States are canceling elections. This is dangerous at this point. We can't look at this in a vaccum or make assumptions about what someone did or didn't support in 2008.

Fuck you Sen Asshole.

I wasn't even born in 2008!


Oct 26, 2017
The fact that anything at all was passed is nothing short of a miracle...
We got to expect more from Congress, we really really do, we need to.
And if nothing else, we can't be celebrating this type as this amazing win for working people, even without those giant loopholes it falls massively short from what this country needs right now.
If that's a stopgap than fine, but get back right now and try to pass something on top that. The country needs a whole lot more support from the federal government.


Oct 27, 2017
We got to expect more from Congress, we really really do, we need to.
And if nothing else, we can't be celebrating this type as this amazing win for working people, even without those giant loopholes it falls massively short from what this country needs right now.
If that's a stopgap than fine, but get back right now and try to pass something on top that. The country needs a whole lot more support from the federal government.

you are aware there are 2 parties and 1 is unwilling to govern even minimally


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We got to expect more from Congress, we really really do, we need to.
And if nothing else, we can't be celebrating this type as this amazing win for working people, even without those giant loopholes it falls massively short from what this country needs right now.
If that's a stopgap than fine, but get back right now and try to pass something on top that. The country needs a whole lot more support from the federal government.
Consider that this is something that needs to get past McConnell, and might not even do that, it is a miracle we got anything in a positive direction. Dems don't control government right now.


Nov 27, 2017
In case anyone is interesting, most updated results from Washington:


About a 29k vote lead, with around an estimated 100k left to count.
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