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Oct 25, 2017
Whitmer is relatively young. She can afford to wait a little bit even if she waits until two presidents are done with their terms for that inevitable pendulum swing. She will be 56/60/64 then if she waits out Biden and his likely Republican replacement once thier terms are done.

The only risk I can see with her waiting is her star fading somewhat when her name is inevitably thrown out there every election cycle.


Nov 30, 2017
I love the Wolverine Queen but now's not the time. Experience with mechanics of the federal administration feels too important given that they are one ventilator away from having to take over in the middle of the largest crisis in a century.

I reckon the new revelations about Tara Reade havent hit the mainstream

Edited a typo

Plenty about the story has changed in the last week. And it's OK to state preference for a candidate as long as you support the nominee too.

My thing was that she said her political hero was Margaret Thatcher, so maybe's she setting up a long-term redemption arc.
Oct 25, 2017
Which is all the more reason why it baffles me whenever people insist on having her be Biden's VP pick.
On the flip side, the longer she stays the higher chance she has of getting in scandals and drama.

Her administration needs to be laser focused on repairing relations with black communities and fixing Flint or else she'll be in a world of pain when she decides to run for higher office.


Oct 24, 2017
I can't believe people think Trump is actually a good politician. This is malpractice to CALL ATTENTION TO THE FACT YOU ARE GOLFING!


Nov 30, 2017
It will be Biden giving interviews to CNN and MSNBC while Trump tweets, neither campaign has any infrastructure and neither needs any.

Actually, he'll probably be doing interviews with local TV stations and newspapers in swing states in addition to national news.

Local interviews like this are gold because unlike pundit-brain BS they actually ask questions relevant to their city and state. Go back to the primaries-if you wanted to really understand what made them tick and what they thought was important in the job, look at their interviews with local media outlets and newspapers.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
Politicians like local interviews because they're more likely to give softball questions.


Oct 25, 2017
It will be Biden giving interviews to CNN and MSNBC while Trump tweets, neither campaign has any infrastructure and neither needs any.
I think the Biden campaign is okay with that if it really comes down to it. I think Trump will still hold rallies though.

He risks headlines like 'Ten people dies due to coronavirus exposure after attending Trump rally a few weeks ago' once the second wave is here. We already saw a taste of this when Jared Kushner's wife tested positive.

The Optics™️ is not gonna look good but it's not gonna stop him from doing the rallies. His base won't stop attending but the few middle ground voters (that still exist) and old will be paying attention. It will keep confirming to these people that Trump is out of touch when it comes to the pandemic response. It will also keep associating Trump's name with the dead victims.

Rallies will also increase the chances that Trump gets it. Knowing him, he will ignore doctor's orders to rest and we might see Trump's own version of the Hillary collapse.
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Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
I think the Biden campaign is okay with that if it really comes down to it. I think Trump will still hold rallies though.

He risks headlines like 'Ten people dies due to coronavirus exposure after attending Trump rally a few weeks ago' once the second wave is here. We already saw a taste of this when Jared Kushner's wife tested positive.

The Optics™️ is not gonna look good but it's not gonna stop him from doing the rallies. His base won't stop attending but the few middle ground voters (that still exist) and old will be paying attention. It will keep confirming to these people that Trump is out of touch when it comes to the pandemic response. It will also keep associating Trump's name with the dead victims.

Rallies will also increase the chances that Trump gets it. Knowing him, he will ignore doctor's orders to rest and we might see Trump's own version of the Hillary collapse.
This is my concern though. Trump and his rallies dominating headlines. His supporters don't care and will flock to see him.

Also doesn't allow for Biden to tap into Obama as much in key states.


Oct 25, 2017

Ben Collins on Twitter

“Husband of the woman who leads the Reopen NC movement: “This is a test. This is seeing if we are ready to accept the mark of the beast, if we are ready to accept this New World Order system they want to implement over humanity.””

"But are we willing to kill people? Are we willing to lay down our lives?" he asked. "We have to say, 'Yes.' We have to say, 'Yes.' Is that violence? Is that terrorism? No, it's not terrorism. I'm not trying to strike fear in people by saying, 'I'm going to kill you.' I'm gonna say, 'If you bring guns, I'm gonna bring guns. If you're armed with this, we're going to be armed with this.'"

Very normal
Nov 19, 2019
This is where I see the Republican strategy--convince loyal GOP voters that coronavirus is over/not real/not that bad to juice turnout--has a major flaw.

Once the rallies start, there's a real chance their infection rates will grow too. if you're GOP you probably don't care if they get sick, but you do care if they are too sick to vote.
This is where I see the Republican strategy--convince loyal GOP voters that coronavirus is over/not real/not that bad to juice turnout--has a major flaw.

Once the rallies start, there's a real chance their infection rates will grow too. if you're GOP you probably don't care if they get sick, but you do care if they are too sick to vote.
I've seen enough eugenics-flavored talk from right wing pundits and writers, to suspect that the GOP believes the people who get sick enough to be hospitalized will be a minority of old people they can do without.

However, I think there's the possibility that republican voters will get spooked if people around them begin getting sick, even if most of them don't go to the hospital. So yes, the flaw in the strategy stands.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair, that's how people responded when Moore said it in 2016 too.

So far Biden is actually legitimately somewhat popular, though. His favorabilities are generally around even, whereas Hillary's were far in the negatives.

Biden actually does connect to a fairly large swath of America. He's just struggling with the youngest of voters.
Oct 25, 2017
Michael Moore doesn't want people to take the election for granted like 2016, yes I know Comey factor was a big part of what happened but still, Americans can't get complacent this time
Oct 27, 2017
Moore was not "right", he did not see Trump's one possible path to victory nor could make the call on the Comey memo. He has had his ear to the ground in those areas over the years and could tell you that people "would" vote for him rather than "will" vote, but that's not the same thing as making a prescient call. He got too much credit for this, and like so many others he doesn't seem to acknowledge the motivation of people that got Biden back into the race. Reading the quotes, he still thinks Biden may not be the nominee.

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
Moore was not "right", he did not see Trump's one possible path to victory nor could make the call on the Comey memo. He has had his ear to the ground in those areas over the years and could tell you that people "would" vote for him rather than "will" vote, but that's not the same thing as making a prescient call. He got too much credit for this, and like so many others he doesn't seem to acknowledge the motivation of people that got Biden back into the race. Reading the quotes, he still thinks Biden may not be the nominee.

What the hell are you talking about? I swear some of you have the memory of a gold fish.

5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win - Michael Moore (July 25th, 2016)
Oct 27, 2017
What the hell are you talking about? I swear some of you have the memory of a gold fish.

5 Reasons Why Trump Will Win - Michael Moore (July 25th, 2016)

Oh please, I was around and aware of this. And this. on, now.

They didn't vote for Trump as a political joke from a sense of humor or because "they could". He won the primary because it's what the party really wanted, not because Trump is tough. They voted for Trump because they aligned and bought in the rhetoric from the start. Even today with Clinton long out of the picture, they are willing to risk their businesses, accept their own layoffs, accept deportation of spouses and other family members, and now risk their own health and healthcare not to say "never Clinton", but "Trump".

Clinton wasn't merely unpopular on her own. Decades of public messaging, and a little help from Russia, and at the end Comey was enough to open that one path. We've been through this analysis so many times before.

Further, the enthusiasm for Sanders didn't translate enough in 2016, and went even less far in 2020. From time to time it makes you think what might have been, of course, but there's no reason to hold onto an alternate reality like Moore is. There will be some sort of convention resolution, if not in-person, with Biden as the nominee.

I've known about Trump for decades, living in the Greater NYC area. He has operated consistently the whole time. There was nothing new to know about him except his most recent dealings and associates, yet people continue to give him too much credit for everything.

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
Oh please, I was around and aware of this. And this. on, now.

They didn't vote for Trump as a political joke from a sense of humor or because "they could". He won the primary because it's what the party really wanted, not because Trump is tough. They voted for Trump because they aligned and bought in the rhetoric from the start. Even today with Clinton long out of the picture, they are willing to risk their businesses, accept their own layoffs, accept deportation of spouses and other family members, and now risk their own health and healthcare not to say "never Clinton", but "Trump".

Clinton wasn't merely unpopular on her own. Decades of public messaging, and a little help from Russia, and at the end Comey was enough to open that one path. We've been through this analysis so many times before.

Further, the enthusiasm for Sanders didn't translate enough in 2016, and went even less far in 2020. From time to time it makes you think what might have been, of course, but there's no reason to hold onto an alternate reality like Moore is. There will be some sort of convention resolution, if not in-person, with Biden as the nominee.

I've known about Trump for decades, living in the Greater NYC area. He has operated consistently the whole time. There was nothing new to know about him except his most recent dealings and associates, yet people continue to give him too much credit for everything.

Your original post claimed Moore shouldn't be congratulated for addressing potential "would' voters and not "will" voters. He made a definitive statement in an Oped (and a follow up article that you are provided only reconfirms his stance "do not think for a second this election is over or in the bag") that Trump would win and bet on it. Don't discredit the guy, he was one of the few people who raised the flags.

I'm fully aware (as we all are) of the other variables at play that created a perfect storm in 2016, none of which could have been foreseen. But don't knock the guy from addressing key (and pretty damn obvious) variables that even Hillary's camp was overlooking.
Oct 27, 2017
Your original post claimed Moore shouldn't be congratulated for addressing potential "would' voters and not "will" voters. He made a definitive statement in an Oped (and a follow up article that you are provided only reconfirms his stance "do not think for a second this election is over or in the bag") that Trump would win and bet on it. Don't discredit the guy, he was one of the few people who raised the flags.

I'm fully aware (as we all are) of the other variables at play that created a perfect storm in 2016, none of which could have been foreseen. But don't knock the guy from addressing key (and pretty damn obvious) variables that even Hillary's camp was overlooking.

I've also known about Moore for decades and followed his career with great interest. I'm not discrediting him, I just said he's didn't quite make the call, and gives Trump too much credit.

If you want to keep telling me what to not to say about Moore, that's fine. But maybe next time it can be done without making unqualified comments about my memory. It may indeed go the way of the goldfish at some point, but we're not there yet.

Dr. Feel Good

Oct 25, 2017
I've also known about Moore for decades and followed his career with great interest. I'm not discrediting him, I just said he's didn't quite make the call, and gives Trump too much credit.

If you want to keep telling me what to not to say about Moore, that's fine. But maybe next time it can be done without making unqualified comments about my memory. It may indeed go the way of the goldfish at some point, but we're not there yet.

I don't know, I'm actually in the camp of people who don't feel Trump is given enough credit for some of the political plays he has pulled off. He has managed to convince a large portion of the US population that fascism, cult mentality, and dictatorship tactics are beneficial to our nation as a whole all within 5 years. That's incredibly impressive regardless of what GOP tentacles have helped facilitate the narrative and strategic moves.

A lot of his tactics are juvenile but incredibly effective. Look at how long the Hunter Biden story stayed in the news for and then how long Tara Reade will continue for an then I'm sure his role in Russia/Flynn investigation. It's all conspiracy nonsense further fueled by Fox News propaganda and mouth pieces within the GOP umbrella, but he's the one creating those talking points and creating a "fall in line" environment.

Meanwhile for the better part of 10 years Democrats can't seem to stay consistent on one damn issue.
Oct 25, 2017
California is announcing plans in a couple days to open gyms? What all changed in the past 2 weeks? Lol

also: um I guess
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Nov 30, 2017
I don't know, I'm actually in the camp of people who don't feel Trump is given enough credit for some of the political plays he has pulled off. He has managed to convince a large portion of the US population that fascism, cult mentality, and dictatorship tactics are beneficial to our nation as a whole all within 5 years. That's incredibly impressive regardless of what GOP tentacles have helped facilitate the narrative and strategic moves.

It's really worth pointing out how Republicans felt about Trump then vs. now. He's been extremely effective at speaking over the party to the Republican base and having the party adopt positive/negative partisan responses based on his interpretation of things. That's why COVID-19 is such a problem for him, he could not turn his inaction on the disease into a partisan issue with his base. Half of them, maybe, but not the full on lockstep he was used to. Since he controls the base, he has all of the legislators in line because he's not afraid to destroy them if he doesn't get what he wants.

The whole problem with this is seen in 2018 and now-he's hollowed out the GOP and now they face huge demographic struggles. All the growth in Texas, Georgia, and the Sun Belt don't help if they are all concentrated in the inner ring burbs.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't know, I'm actually in the camp of people who don't feel Trump is given enough credit for some of the political plays he has pulled off. He has managed to convince a large portion of the US population that fascism, cult mentality, and dictatorship tactics are beneficial to our nation as a whole all within 5 years. That's incredibly impressive regardless of what GOP tentacles have helped facilitate the narrative and strategic moves.

A lot of his tactics are juvenile but incredibly effective. Look at how long the Hunter Biden story stayed in the news for and then how long Tara Reade will continue for an then I'm sure his role in Russia/Flynn investigation. It's all conspiracy nonsense further fueled by Fox News propaganda and mouth pieces within the GOP umbrella, but he's the one creating those talking points and creating a "fall in line" environment.

Meanwhile for the better part of 10 years Democrats can't seem to stay consistent on one damn issue.

Consider the fact that we have a story just this weekend of Kushner demanding the GOP strip their entire platform down to some dumb pocket size list of catch phrases and platitudes in a serious enough way that he's considered taking it up with the RNC proper. That's nothing to scoff at in terms of demanding where an entire party can go, it takes a significant measure of dumb self confidence to think that you as a non-elected official who has been shown to be inept in almost every venture you take in the admin still has enough sway to move the national arm of the republican party. Trump absolutely isn't some political genius, but they've punched enough holes and shoved the expectations for politics so far down it's almost hard to recall what one would even think a normal election is like anymore. The worst part is this man isn't going to go anywhere, we're stuck for the foreseeable future with this guy lobbing bombs online till he croaks and I personally don't see how the talk of the GOP suddenly acting like he doesn't exist wpuld even work given how much things have shifted since the start of his presidency.

The whole problem with this is seen in 2018 and now-he's hollowed out the GOP and now they face huge demographic struggles. All the growth in Texas, Georgia, and the Sun Belt don't help if they are all concentrated in the inner ring burbs.

I mean the wildest thing is just how much the playbook of the GOP changed from that postmortem they did in '12. Just on their stance of hispanic outreach alone, it's like they took their initial attempts at throwing out some overtures towards the voting block and chucked that plan into the fire and never looked back.

Like the only thing they really took away from that postmortem was their plan to capitalize on data collection, they absolutely smashed that goal but everything else basically went in a complete 180. At this point the goal just seems to center around mitigating their demographic losses through a relentless focus on cutting enfranchisement to everyone and anyone who doesn't fit squarely in their wheelhouse. The sheer disregard for the health and well being of the voters alone through this pandemic across various states paints a terrifying picture for the future of what will clearly be a continued assault on voter rights as a core strategy.
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Nov 30, 2017
I think Jeb! or Rubio would have executed more or less on that outreach plan. However, Trump somehow bungled into the plans for the GOP death star, found the exhaust vent in the primaries, and used it to blow the entire party up.

That story about Junkyard Jared getting involved in the party platform and trying to turn it into a set of simple principles makes sense-if you hang out with your business friends too much, that's what you're going to cargo cult. It's terrible politics though, and turns bright specific things in your platform that people can latch onto into mushy, mealy messes. It also has zero appeal outside of the party base, which is already 85% on board anyway.

Just dumb, but that's Jared.


Oct 26, 2017
I think Jeb! or Rubio would have executed more or less on that outreach plan. However, Trump somehow bungled into the plans for the GOP death star, found the exhaust vent in the primaries, and used it to blow the entire party up.

That story about Junkyard Jared getting involved in the party platform and trying to turn it into a set of simple principles makes sense-if you hang out with your business friends too much, that's what you're going to cargo cult. It's terrible politics though, and turns bright specific things in your platform that people can latch onto into mushy, mealy messes. It also has zero appeal outside of the party base, which is already 85% on board anyway.

Just dumb, but that's Jared.


Never forget.

Also I had always expected George Prescott Bush to become a bigger thing than he actually did, leading into that primary, I assumed JEB! would be the natural lead in for Prescott Bush. Now he's apparently the sole Bush still out there pounding the pavement for Trump.
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