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Unshakable Resolve - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Organization does not equal activation. I say this as someone who wanted Bernie to win, but even with all his fundraising, he didn't get people to show up.


Oct 26, 2017
Seeing the "incredibly online" supporters... still not seeing this as a net negative
The concern is posts that get created organically and go viral (or at least are posted by socks and boosted to hell by other fake accounts) would overshadow any attempt to blackout since you can't boot private posters doing political ads. Trumpists and sock puppet accounts for him would probably still reign supreme.


May 31, 2018

Bill Barr Is Running an October-Surprise Factory at Justice

The attorney general’s probe of the Russia probes will inevitably arrive in the midst of campaign season—just one small detail of the Justice Department’s ugly politicization under Barr.

The thing is that in order for something to be an October Surprise, it has to be a ... well... surprise. Which Kissinger's stunt and Comey's letter were. Which is why they were effective. At this point, Bill Barr's DOJ brazingly putting its thumb on the scale at the 11th hour isn't just not a surprise, it's practically expected. Which would significantly decrease its impact.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017



Oct 25, 2017
Omar has said some things that have made me cringe on numerous occasions, but rather than criticizing her or for her views or legislative agenda, people always scrape the bottom of the barrel and make racist, sexist, and islamaphobic attacks against her so i've always got her back.


Oct 25, 2017
The concern is posts that get created organically and go viral (or at least are posted by socks and boosted to hell by other fake accounts) would overshadow any attempt to blackout since you can't boot private posters doing political ads. Trumpists and sock puppet accounts for him would probably still reign supreme.
I mean I agree it's not enough. It doesn't address the real problem with bot accounts and focused boosting, but those require real work vs lip service to get advertisers back on their platform


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Trump Dims Hopes for New China Trade Deal

President Trump said that he is no longer thinking about negotiating a phase-two trade deal with China, saying the relationship between the countries has been badly damaged by the coronavirus pandemic.

Chad P. Bown @ChadBown

"I don't think about it now," President Trump told reporters on Air Force One when asked if a phase-two deal with China was still on the table.

By @JoshZumbrun & @Catherine_Lucey

1:26 PM · Jul 10, 2020

Trump says he's no longer considering phase-two trade agreement with China

He noted that the coronavirus pandemic has severely damaged the countries' relationship.



Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

Trump Dims Hopes for New China Trade Deal

President Trump said that he is no longer thinking about negotiating a phase-two trade deal with China, saying the relationship between the countries has been badly damaged by the coronavirus pandemic.

Chad P. Bown @ChadBown

"I don't think about it now," President Trump told reporters on Air Force One when asked if a phase-two deal with China was still on the table.

By @JoshZumbrun & @Catherine_Lucey

1:26 PM · Jul 10, 2020

Trump says he's no longer considering phase-two trade agreement with China

He noted that the coronavirus pandemic has severely damaged the countries' relationship.

In other words China refused to talk to him because they know the election is less than 4 months away
Oct 27, 2017
Seattle, WA

Trump Dims Hopes for New China Trade Deal

President Trump said that he is no longer thinking about negotiating a phase-two trade deal with China, saying the relationship between the countries has been badly damaged by the coronavirus pandemic.

Chad P. Bown @ChadBown

"I don't think about it now," President Trump told reporters on Air Force One when asked if a phase-two deal with China was still on the table.

By @JoshZumbrun & @Catherine_Lucey

1:26 PM · Jul 10, 2020

Trump says he's no longer considering phase-two trade agreement with China

He noted that the coronavirus pandemic has severely damaged the countries' relationship.


Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
We shouldn't make any deal with China going forward at all without human rights being discussed first

we should end the ones we already have and pressure Europe and other allies to do the same. Not that we have any influence with them anymore but
Mar 15, 2019
anyone more familiar with the Biden platform could talk about his policy regarding "isolationism" in general, including proctectionism, bilateralism/multilateralism and the relationship with UNO and WHO, for example? like, does Biden want to bring global trade "back"? can't seem to find a comprehensive explanation online


Oct 25, 2017
The thing is that in order for something to be an October Surprise, it has to be a ... well... surprise. Which Kissinger's stunt and Comey's letter were. Which is why they were effective. At this point, Bill Barr's DOJ brazingly putting its thumb on the scale at the 11th hour isn't just not a surprise, it's practically expected. Which would significantly decrease its impact.

Dems have a blunting tool now though. Trump can no longer act like he's above the law and now has a dagger hanging over him from NY and congress. The only thing he won yesterday was a temporary break on his taxes being exposed. As we can see courts can move quick when they want too. He will be under threat going forward way past November. Dems can creat bad headlines in October for him too.


Oct 29, 2017
There's nothing amusing about posting ads made by people who may shit like this

Like it might be funny to you but

They are white supremacist dude

I see it as being able to see what horrible people they are, while simultaneously seeing what great work they're doing making ads and fighting Trumpism. The enemy of my enemy and all that. The fact their ads are seen by Trump and its making him mad means it's working, and I can still see what bad people they are.


Oct 27, 2017

AK (Sullivan): Solid R⮕LIKELY R
AZ (McSally): Toss-up⮕TILT D
GA (Perdue): Likely R⮕TILT R
GA (Loeffler): Likely R⮕LEAN R
IA (Ernst): Lean R⮕TOSS-UP
MT (Daines): Lean R⮕TOSS-UP
SC (Graham): Solid R⮕LIKELY R
TX (Cornyn): Likely R⮕LEAN R

A long way to go thru November. But for now, this tweet is what Democratic dreams are made of.
Last edited:
Oct 28, 2017

I'm fairly sure Ann Coulter's brand of racism and general shock jock conservatism is dead and buried because literally the entire Republican Party and the media that pushes their message is worse than her in that regard.

She needs the moderates to come back and kick guys like OANN to the curb to get her job back. If she can even do that in this day and age, OANN and the people who watch that shit isn't going anywhere.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm fairly sure Ann Coulter's brand of racism and general shock jock conservatism is dead and buried because literally the entire Republican Party and the media that pushes their message is worse than her in that regard.

She needs the moderates to come back and kick guys like OANN to the curb to get her job back. If she can even do that in this day and age, OANN and the people who watch that shit isn't going anywhere.

Yeah also Ingraham really outflanked her from the reich.


Oct 27, 2017
Omar has said some things that have made me cringe on numerous occasions, but rather than criticizing her or for her views or legislative agenda, people always scrape the bottom of the barrel and make racist, sexist, and islamaphobic attacks against her so i've always got her back.

I'm voting for her biggest primary challenger to hopefully make her think twice about some of what she says and hopefully pay more attention to the district but I doubt it will be remotely close enough to even send that message.


Oct 26, 2017

Trump told Telemundo the following about how he is going to protect DACA recipients: "I'm going to be signing a very major immigration bill as an executive order, which the Supreme Court now, because of the DACA decision, has given me the power to do that." This makes no sense.

Trump regularly mixes up bills and executive orders. For example, he's repeatedly claimed he signed a bill on protecting monuments, though that's just an order. I go back and forth on whether this is deception or, still, confusion.
Oh good so he's not just going to lie on this interview, but also lie without realizing he's lying because he's a fucking moron.


Oct 28, 2017
Weird to see that Ann Coulter is still around. I was sure someone had found and shattered her phylactery by now.

Bill Barr Is Running an October-Surprise Factory at Justice

The attorney general’s probe of the Russia probes will inevitably arrive in the midst of campaign season—just one small detail of the Justice Department’s ugly politicization under Barr.
The Russia probe is old news at this point and really doesn't have much of anything to do with the election, so I honestly don't see how this would qualify as an October surprise unless Barr is going to try to frame Biden for the whole thing somehow.

Which, in any case, Barr's DOJ is already so politicized that the media isn't going to regard any action he takes as those of a neutral party. We already see that in how he's covered now.
Oct 29, 2017
If they had anything huge on Biden they'd have already started releasing that information, I feel. Trump and team are floundering to find anything to attack him with, anything that will stick, and they're failing pretty hard. Waiting until October could help "turn the tables" at the last second which we've of course seen before, but with the absolute NOTHING that they have right now I just don't see them sitting on something good until then.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

Some more shady stuff about to go down. Barr is the best hire Trump ever made for himself


Jul 25, 2018

Trump Dims Hopes for New China Trade Deal

President Trump said that he is no longer thinking about negotiating a phase-two trade deal with China, saying the relationship between the countries has been badly damaged by the coronavirus pandemic.

Chad P. Bown @ChadBown

"I don't think about it now," President Trump told reporters on Air Force One when asked if a phase-two deal with China was still on the table.

By @JoshZumbrun & @Catherine_Lucey

1:26 PM · Jul 10, 2020

Trump says he's no longer considering phase-two trade agreement with China

He noted that the coronavirus pandemic has severely damaged the countries' relationship.

Reminder that phase one of the deal is dead too. China is only buying a fraction of the expected amount.

Another international relationship ruined, and years of tariffs, trade wars and what is it $42BN in bailouts, for nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Barr knew how the SCOTUS was going to rule, someone from the conservative side of the bench tipped him off and why he's making moves to squash everything before the election. He's hoping that even if they lose that Biden won't make the same kinda of moves with his AG pick because as usual conservatives get away with it but hold democrats to a higher bar.
Oct 30, 2017
I'll never understand why Barr was so willing to destroy his reputation for Trump. And not just that, but that he keeps going out of his way to protect him. What's even the point now?

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Thought McSally's seat was basically a gimme for Kelly at this point?
It's Arizona. Nothing is a "gimme". It needs to happen more than once regardless of the polling for it to be rated that way. Sinema is like the first D senator from there in 40 years.

remember most of Kelly's large leads are due to weak support from Trump supporters for McSally. Partisanship can change that quickly, because while Biden is winning he's not killing it in Arizona. Lean or Tilt is probably the correct professional rating regardless of gut vibes about how it will probably go


Oct 25, 2017
It's Arizona. Nothing is a "gimme". It needs to happen more than once regardless of the polling for it to be rated that way. Sinema is like the first D senator from there in 40 years.

remember most of Kelly's large leads are due to weak support from Trump supporters for McSally. Partisanship can change that quickly, because while Biden is winning he's not killing it in Arizona. Lean or Tilt is probably the correct professional rating regardless of gut vibes about how it will probably go
I see. Because everything i've read makes it seem like McSally is easily the weakest senator defending her seat. All the polling and fundraising shows Kelly miles ahead.

But you're right. It is a red state after all.


Oct 29, 2017
I said this in another thread. This might sound crazy, but I was born/raised in Texas. If high school/college football is cancelled, Texas flips blue.

Dems need to make ads running in all TX markets that link Trump's covid inaction to no football this year, specifically showing that Europe is already playing soccer and will be in the fall because they took it seriously and took action that we didn't. Give them a target for their football rage, make it simple for the simpletons.


Oct 27, 2017
Ted Cruz looking for outs with the guy who called his wife ugly and said his dad killed JFK:

Oct 27, 2017
it's almost amusing to see the trump campaign try over and over again to take control of the news cycle like they have for the past 3 years
it's like watching my mom's face when i try to explain that she needs to change the input on her TV for something
just give us the remote, we'll do it

Dems need to make ads running in all TX markets that link Trump's covid inaction to no football this year, specifically showing that Europe is already playing soccer and will be in the fall because they took it seriously and took action that we didn't. Give them a target for their football rage, make it simple for the simpletons.

god if only that strat could help doug jones too
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