
Oct 27, 2017
The MCU is greater than the sum of its part. To be able to string together 22 films over 10+ years into a cohesive and compelling story is just unfathomable. Being able to not only stay relevant but actually become more and more relevant over the years is really a testament to what Marvel has managed to build. Marvel got people to care about all the characters - to many fans, they've become as close as friends.

It will be interesting to see where the MCU goes post-Endgame and whether they'll be able to generate the same level of investment, without (maybe?) the draw of the biggest characters from their current roster.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
We actually dont fawn over the MCU enough is a funny take to post here


Oct 25, 2017
Reading the comments makes me think like 90% of people didn't actually watch the video.

When he says taken for granted he doesn't mean financially or even critically, he means that the biggest criticism is that they are simple dumb blockbuster films with shallow stories and characters yet when you examine them properly and see how the characters have logically changed throughout and that there is a lot more depth than many five of credit for. The fact this has happened over 22 films and nearly a many directors /writers etc is also what isn't appreciated by many people.


Oct 25, 2017

What makes MCU "11 separate franchises" rather than just one?
The solo movies, perhaps? The first Avengers movie was preceded by the following, for example
Iron Man 1 & 2
The Incredible Hulk
Captain America

I think it should be easy to see why some would view those as 4 distinct franchises. I'd view The Fast and the Furious as one franchise with one spinoff (Tokyo Drift), soon to be two (Hobbs and Shaw).


Oct 26, 2017
This video really takes too much time to get to its point. Really agree with the opening minute's criticisms though.

Infinity War is special, Black Panther was culturally influential, and Ragnarok was fun. I don't think they'll have a run of 3 films in a row like that again. It feels like Infinity War was the only great film they made, and was a significant achievement of years of characters being developed. But after Endgame I'm out.


Oct 28, 2017
theres some interesting things in the MCU tht I wonder about when I watch the movies again...

Take for example the joke where Rocket says to winter soldier "I'm going to get that arm..."

i started wondering... was that whole arm thing in GotG introduced just so down the line when they met Rocket could tell that joke?

And if so how many more of these small but clever correlations have been planned from the start?
And if not is it just a clever coincidence?

Deleted member 29939

User requested account closure
Nov 2, 2017
A bland extravaganza and for sure the main fat target to blame the godaweful rapid-fire quippy humor trend everyone will despise in the near future.

*record scratch**insert quip**audience wink**cut to head tilt reaction shot**insert quip comeback**cut to sassy reaction*audience wink*insert quip* insert quick quip comeback*cut to group reaction shot*......

Hire me Marvel


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
theres some interesting things in the MCU tht I wonder about when I watch the movies again...

Take for example the joke where Rocket says to winter soldier "I'm going to get that arm..."

i started wondering... was that whole arm thing in GotG introduced just so down the line when they met Rocket could tell that joke?

And if so how many more of these small but clever correlations have been planned from the start?
And if not is it just a clever coincidence?
Ask James Gunn, but the answer would probably be 'no'. He probably didn't insert a fruitless character quirk so that 5 years later, a different writer could write another one-off joke between two characters who might never meet in a movie that had not been conceived yet.

The writers know the characters, their quirks, and see who would play off eachother. But in a movie like IW, they wrote countless versions of pairings and moments between different characters. They thought that one had some history and pulled on that.

Look! The Pie!

Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
There's like an average of 5 new MCU threads on here every single day, but sure, let's argue it doesn't get enough love and attention.


Nov 15, 2017
Reading the comments makes me think like 90% of people didn't actually watch the video.

When he says taken for granted he doesn't mean financially or even critically, he means that the biggest criticism is that they are simple dumb blockbuster films with shallow stories and characters yet when you examine them properly and see how the characters have logically changed throughout and that there is a lot more depth than many five of credit for. The fact this has happened over 22 films and nearly a many directors /writers etc is also what isn't appreciated by many people.
That still doesn't fly because there are many a Marvel fan or just regular movie fan who will tell you about those things or go into detail about the character arcs and the structure and all that.

Does everyone appreciate it? No. Does everyone need to? Also no. I'm sorry, but I just cannot get with the idea that biggest and most beloved movie franchise probably ever is somehow being slighted or not appreciated enough.

Marvel fans are so weird about these movies.
It's too much for me, fam. It's like some of them just need these movies to be validated and loved by everyone instead of just....almost everyone.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Average studios don't make the first Avengers or Infinity War or get away with success like this. Nobody comes close to those achievements.
they do. they're just OK recieved movies. that's all. what the MCU is doing isn't as difficult as they say, it's more that there's a shit tonne less executive meddling or the meddling aligns with what the movies want. creatively it isn't a huge undertaking that only 1 studio is able to do as all have the capacity for it.


Dec 26, 2018
they do. they're just OK recieved movies. that's all. what the MCU is doing isn't as difficult as they say, it's more that there's a shit tonne less executive meddling or the meddling aligns with what the movies want. creatively it isn't a huge undertaking that only 1 studio is able to do as all have the capacity for it.

What movie studio have made movies like the first Avengers or Infinity War?

You're ignoring how badly studios that have tried replicating what Marvel's doing and failed miserably. Universal has done that twice now.
Oct 31, 2017
They literally hit a reboot button?!?

literally lol



Oct 28, 2017
The MCU isn't unique, just executed the best so far.

I think they are executed so much better than anything before it which is why it feels unique. Leagues better. More films, very coherent arc and an importance in consistency. They others are such a mess and fail so bad at this that they don't feel comparable imo. Almost like comparing a horse drawn carriage to a Jet.


Nov 24, 2018
Who takes it for granted? What they've created is amazing, and this is coming from someone who wrote the movies off until GotG. Thought it was all dumb popcorn action movies, then I watched.

Either way I'm excited for the next phase(s). Crazy to think I'll be taking my kid to the finale of those.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
What movie studio have made movies like the first Avengers or Infinity War?
fast and furious?

like, y'all act like the MCU can only happen once in a life time but it's more that Disney execs aren't off their rockers. if feige made a DCEU at warner, it'd be just like the current. the capacity is there just not the necessary framework. if warner was hands off and gave gunn 100% control, you'd see an easy second universe.


Dec 26, 2018
fast and furious?

like, y'all act like the MCU can only happen once in a life time but it's more that Disney execs aren't off their rockers. if feige made a DCEU at warner, it'd be just like the current. the capacity is there just not the necessary framework. if warner was hands off and gave gunn 100% control, you'd see an easy second universe.

F & F may be ensembles but they don't have the development the Avengers movies did. They're Dom's show. None of their films come close to what the Avengers are doing, either.

WB would never allow a Fiege to work like he does in the MCU, that's not how they're structured. It's been a major reason they've failed to replicate the MCU until recently. WB aren't hands off, either.


Apr 28, 2018
I always remind my son how lucky he is to get to grow up with these movies. I grew up with crappy Batman movies.

The original Superman (78) film still hasn't been topped for me and it likely never will. Spidey 2 in 2004 came close but it falls apart on repeat viewings. The only other film thats up there for me is The Dark Knight.

Captain America: The First Avenger is my favourite MCU movie, none of the others come close. But the MCU has been wntertaining this decade.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Finally got a chance to watch the video and between the examples of callbacks and character progression in this video as well as the videos in the "One Marvelous Scene" YouTube series that just came out, it really is easy to overlook just how thoughtful these movies are in their intention and execution, even as a huge fan that owns all these movies and have seen them all many times. There is a level of care and passion in the storytelling and characters that often gets overlooks, and while I do think lots of people recognize the progression of Cap or Tony starting with their own solo films, they overlook the newer characters and the same care put into their arcs or how far the MCU has come in crafting their villains.

In that way, it actually seems easier to look at an individual film isolated in a bubble or awe at the larger machine running so efficiently, but I think the artistry in the collaborations that occur across so many different films with so many creatives, beyond just the directors and writers, it's easy to also overlook that the MCU isn't successful just because it's a novelty that managed to not be crushed under it's own weight, but that Marvel has managed to tap into the many aspects of storytelling, whether through films or comics, that resonate with people. They've focused on characters and treated them seriously, even when they are talking raccoons that are cracking jokes half the time, and they've used the medium to explore themes with superheroes as metaphors for bigger discussions that are sometimes harder to have.

I think the MCU will have a similar critical revisiting 10 years down the line as Star Wars, where it was popular and praised at the time, but didn't get the sort of credit for pulling together the monomyth influences and distilling fantasy, sci-fi pulp with westerns and samurai films with religion and politics thrown in as well. Sometimes it takes a little distance to properly appreciate what something is doing so well in the moment, especially if your metric of greatness has a blind spot for, say, genre films.


Does not approve of this tag
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah you are guys are enjoying this, but YOU JUST DON'T GET IT!!!!


Oct 29, 2017
Marvel is like One Piece where it starts out okay, mediocre even, but it just continues to build on characters and lore to the point where the sheer scale AND consistency of it is nothing short of admirable. I'm not without my own criticisms of certain MCU films, of course, but the whole picture is absolutely greater than the sum of its parts.
fast and furious?

like, y'all act like the MCU can only happen once in a life time but it's more that Disney execs aren't off their rockers. if feige made a DCEU at warner, it'd be just like the current. the capacity is there just not the necessary framework. if warner was hands off and gave gunn 100% control, you'd see an easy second universe.
I mean... yes? I hope no one actually believes it's the quality and fame of the source material that's driving these movies. The point is, with the amount of cogs and stupid executive hierarchies in Hollywood, something like this shouldn't be possible. We're celebrating creatives who've managed to make this work more than anything else.


Oct 26, 2017
Not me! I've been eternally grateful for this renaissance of superhero movies. When I was a kid, all I had were Superman and Batman as far as quality superhero films went. In those days, comic book movies were usually low budget and very unfaithful to the original source material. I could only DREAM of the wealth of comic book riches we've been recently blessed with. So I have enjoyed this whole ride and will continue to enjoy it as long as it lasts.