
Oct 27, 2017
Since apparently you aren't joking, that's some of the worst conspiracy nonsense by a member of this forum I have seen so far.

Ah, we'll see. I was afraid to make this analysis years ago and America has ended up exactly where I thought it would be. I won't let these types of criticism affect my thought process. Posts like yours is what leads to situations we find ourselves in.

The rise and fall of nations, descent into fascism and communism are not conspiracy theory. It has happened numerous times and will continue to happen.

Germany in 20 years is going to be a mess.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the dominant political attitudes here reflect the site's vocal youthful core more so than any sort of well thought out, shared political ideology. Like most prior generations, the youth here distrust the establishment, loathe the wealthy, and seek to upend power imbalances. The current youthful core will mature, understand the world is a messy place full of failure and uncomfortable comprises. Soon, they'll become part of the establishment. Attention will be diverted towards starting families, career advancement, creating wealth. A new batch of youthful optimists will displace them.
Yeah because there are no older Democrats or progressive. Once somebody makes money they turn into a greedy asshole that's perfectly fine with enabling White supremacy. There are no wealthy Democrats like in Hollywood or that play sports. None. Nevermind that the youth doesn't vote so how the fuck do Democrats ever win? Strange shit.

You're argument comes across that Democrats are naive instead of principled and it's insulting.


Oct 25, 2017
The Internet
I think the dominant political attitudes here reflect the site's vocal youthful core more so than any sort of well thought out, shared political ideology. Like most prior generations, the youth here distrust the establishment, loathe the wealthy, and seek to upend power imbalances. The current youthful core will mature, understand the world is a messy place full of failure and uncomfortable comprises. Soon, they'll become part of the establishment. Attention will be diverted towards starting families, career advancement, creating wealth. A new batch of youthful optimists will displace them.
Nah. I have a career, a family and am accumulating wealth.
Fuck Republicans. Fuck conservatives. Fuck the rich. Fuck the establishment.
I'd rather my tax money go towards helping our country better itself than a giant war machine that does nothing but destroy all that's good.
I'd gladly pay more in taxes if it meant we all had a better chance at surviving and thriving as a country and a species.


Oct 25, 2017
Ah, we'll see. I was afraid to make this analysis years ago and America has ended up exactly where I thought it would be. I won't let these types of criticism affect my thought process. Posts like yours is what leads to situations we find ourselves in.

The rise and fall of nations, descent into fascism and communism are not conspiracy theory. It has happened numerous times and will continue to happen.

Germany in 20 years is going to be a mess.
You presume that (a) there is a secret fascist conspiracy that (b) all conservative politicians are party to. And that is nuts, plain and simple.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Because he likes the idea of money so if kids have to be locked in cages, no regrets.

And sincerely the idea, with no proof the money actually exists for anyone.

Eh, it's kind of a global site, and I don't feel comfortable framing everything in the US-centric political zeitgeist, which I would class as incredibly right wing overall, and incredibly weird and conservative about sex-stuff on both sides.

Overall though, you could be a moderate on the global 1st world western scale, but that would translate into sitting fairly deep into the democrat side of the U.S spectrum. And certainly the whole U.S. political system could do with a lurch to the left in a lot of ways to even itself out.

That said, resetera reflects a lot of principled ideals, and generally I have few complaints. There is still room for the (globally) moderate conservative. People can voice their view, even if it's more to the right of 'ideal', we need this. Sometimes they have a point, occasionally I agree on a small number of things, politics isn't that that homogeneous is it? The middle ground between disagreeing opinions sometimes meshes best with reality. Sometimes idealism clashes too hard with a logical, workable moral framework, or contradicts itself.

And moderation is here is usually strict but with a light touch, warnings, temp bans, it's all very reasonable. The only time I've seen it be unreasonably harsh recently that i remember was that CDPR tweet thread recently where permbans were handed out like candy to anyone daring to not understand how it was a problem. That was poor form. But it seems to be the exception rather than the norm.

Nah, the CDPR thread's bans were absolutely all deserved; lots of folks rushing to defend a shitty transphobic joke with inane arguments that they pushed over the line. Many of those banned were outright trolls too; it's not hard to tell that someone whose account was made in the first week this site opened and has posted 5 times since then popping up just to argue this very specific point might have bad intentions.

If you really want to claim that, go point to some you think we're unreasonable.

It's cowardly to not shut down discussion?

Did you come out of the womb with your opinions fully formed? Did you not come to the views you have through discourse and discussion and hearing all the views and weighing them up?

It's lovely that you've come to the conclusion that your views are so undoubtedly correct and just that even allowing another view to be heard is something you can't stomach, but no one is born racist or trabsphobic or homophobic or bigoted. Everyone who ends up that way does so because of the influences on their life - the things they hear at home or at school, the things they read, or watch or hear. So if they're not born this way but become this way through their outside influences, how do you ever expect them to change their view? Or is having a place where you don't need to be confronted with opposing views more important?
Look at the whole country. Look at where you politics is today, then think about where it was under Obama. And Bush Jr and Clinton, and Bush Sr and Reagan. These changes aren't random. I don't understand how you can possibly think that anyone who votes for th GOP is unable to change their mind. How often does *anyone* every stand up in a thread and say "I have changed my mind"? It's practically unheard of. And yet we do change our minds. It might not happen during a discussion, but if you've never heard a good, reasonable argument in favour of, say, trans rights, how can you *possibly* change your mind? It might not be the thing that pushes them over the edge, but it's certainly a prerequisite.

This forum does not need to be the place where we convert conservatives.

Sure, confronting people works for getting them to realize things they didn't understand, occasionally. But it's tiring. You brought up trans rights specifically, and what being transgender even is and how not to be transphobic has to be explained here all the damn time, largely by trans people, and it's exhausting. And people largely never fucking learn, they just double down, wasting even more time for people who already have to confront this shit in their day to day life, and sometimes they want to talk about things where the discussion can be had with the basic assumption that they're normal people too out of the way.

So fuck the idea that everywhere needs to be a battleground for confronting ignorance. Sometimes they can just be ignorant somewhere else, somewhere else can teach them, and we can enjoy a discussion - not necessarily agreement - from a better starting point. There is so much value in that.

(And, honestly, using trans rights as the example was almost insulting when someone in the discussion is a trans woman who absolutely frequently participates in educating people on here about it, despite the fact that the vast majority of the time I've seen her do it, the people she's talking to refuse to learn.)

Anytime I get annoyed by people on this forum for any political attacks/dog piling or just outright hypocrisy, I always try to remember this is a game forum, equivalent to going to an arcade or a D&D game and asking for political opinions and discussion. I cannot imagine too many people would do that and take it seriously, so I've tried to learn not to. I often agree with the forum's overal views on broad strokes, but the dog piling, hypocracy and echoing here make it hard to even want to align ones self with some of you. Threads like the McCain one really made me feel disgusted with some members of this board.

Games aren't apolitical and it's really more like criticizing a movie you saw than randomly talking politics while playing Pac-man in an arcade but have fun with that I guess.

Ok, well at this point is basically just sounds like you're saying that there's literally no justification at all for voting GOP. Ok, that's fine, I have absolutely no interest in changing your mind on that issue, I don't really care. But as long as there are roughly as many people voting for Trump as for Hilary then I'd say the debate over any given number of issues is far from over. And I think being allowed to discuss them is better than not being allowed to.

There is 0 justification for voting GOP that actually matters given the obvious cost voting for them brings with whatever your justification is, regardless of what your personal reasoning, assuming it's not bad to begin with, is.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I think the dominant political attitudes here reflect the site's vocal youthful core more so than any sort of well thought out, shared political ideology. Like most prior generations, the youth here distrust the establishment, loathe the wealthy, and seek to upend power imbalances. The current youthful core will mature, understand the world is a messy place full of failure and uncomfortable comprises. Soon, they'll become part of the establishment. Attention will be diverted towards starting families, career advancement, creating wealth. A new batch of youthful optimists will displace them.

If your argument is that older/more stable people tend to be selfish, maybe, maybe.

if your argument is leftism is somehow naive, nah.


The Fallen
Jul 28, 2018
Making political viewpoints against the TOS is one of the dumbest things I've heard as a site suggestion. People who are racist and such get slapped immediately anyways, so it isn't an issue.

You also can't change someone's mind if you permaban them immediately for disagreeing on smaller topics or issues.

An entertainment forum I use is a big fan of the 1-week "ban". Everyone who uses it, knows this so the site has become completely overrun with trolls. Any thread about someone who is not male, white and/or straight is now filled with idiots screaming about "The SJWs!" and other garbage. They know anything they say, short of the N-word would just earn them a brief "vacation" so they've run wild. You aren't going to change someone's mind who is only taking part in a conversation in order to troll. It's not about changing minds, it's about maintaining a level of civility. There should be MORE perma-bans, not less.


Nov 13, 2017
Yeah because there are no older Democrats or progressive. Once somebody makes money they turn into a greedy asshole that's perfectly fine with enabling White supremacy. There are no wealthy Democrats like in Hollywood or that play sports. None. Nevermind that the youth doesn't vote so how the fuck do Democrats ever win? Strange shit.

You're argument comes across that Democrats are naive instead of principled and it's insulting.

I never said anything about Democrats, Republicans, white supremacy, Hollywood, or athletes. That's quite a wild ride you went on.

Deleted member 16609

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Harlem, NYC
This is a myth

Follow the line: Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford (he might be the exception), Nixon.

This ides that the GOP used to be humane is nonsense
No party is humane. Look what Obama did to Libya and the continued support from both parties on Israel. And Bill Clinton with his crime bill that affected so many. You have to get your hands dirty to get what you want. Even if some don't like it. They are both scumbags.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
No party is humane. Look what Obama did to Libya and the continued support from both parties on Israel. And Bill Clinton with his crime bill that affected so many. You have to get your hands dirty to get what you want. Even if some don't like it. They are both scumbags.

Never said the Dems are pure but they aren't the party of white supremacy and bigotry.

But I'm glad you think it's all a wash


Oct 25, 2017
Donald Trump is president, Bush was the Republican president before, and we're STILL getting both sides are shit arguments (that's after Obama no less). It's like somebody dabbing a dot of shit on your face vs somebody dumping a whole truck load over your head and saying "aha see both are shit! Can't even tell the difference really".


Oct 25, 2017
That is your point of view not mine. I am more than willing to allow a republican point of view if that makes me equally morally reprehensible in your mind I have no qualms about that. I dont agree though but that another discussion . Morals vary from person to person its not some supreme codified notion. You tread on religion/dogma territory then if you define right and wrong so strongly as to decide half of the US and frankly half of the world is morally wrong.
I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about the people who vote Republican.


Oct 30, 2017
Which reminds me

One of the articles published this week to argue why McCain was one of the good Republicans was they he once said he'd have killed Nazis to save Anne Frank.

Yes someone literally in 2018 wrote an article about McCain being Anti-Nazi as if it was some brave bold meaningful thing.

Again,borrowing from Chris Rock, 'What, you want a cookie?! You're supposed to be [anti-Nazi]!'


Oct 25, 2017
I do not believe that being part of the Republican party nor voting for Republicans inherently makes someone worthy of being banned from this site.


Oct 27, 2017
You presume that (a) there is a secret fascist conspiracy that (b) all conservative politicians are party to. And that is nuts, plain and simple.

It's totally nuts! No way could there be a national party in a country that has grouped together a massive population of people with a common interest to enact policies that are harmful. It's even more crazy to think this could happen in more than one country, and it's even more crazy to think these countries would communicate together.

Completely nuts! Wait, what's this "Republican" party that has had some of its leaders go to Russia? Wait, more party leaders from other parties with similar policies from other countries have met with Russia too? What is going?!


Nov 7, 2017
Ah, we'll see. I was afraid to make this analysis years ago and America has ended up exactly where I thought it would be. I won't let these types of criticism affect my thought process. Posts like yours is what leads to situations we find ourselves in.

The rise and fall of nations, descent into fascism and communism are not conspiracy theory. It has happened numerous times and will continue to happen.

Germany in 20 years is going to be a mess.

That's 'ascent', comrade.


Oct 26, 2017
London, UK
As a pro-LGBT, EU critical, conservative leaning person, I have come to realise that I have zero interest in participating in political/sensitive discussion on Era. This thread quite well demonstrates why.

I feel I would be dogpiled on until I break down, or get banned. Same happened on late days Gaf, when I had the nerve to suggest that unchecked immigration in EU was problematic and would lead to the rise of the far right in EU.

I am happy to leave political/sensitive threads to the leftist majority to discuss among themselves, and merely read them to understand their viewpoints. I much rather participate on benign topics.


Oct 25, 2017
As a pro-LGBT, EU critical, conservative leaning person, I have come to realise that I have zero interest in participating in political/sensitive discussion on Era. This thread quite well demonstrates why.

I feel I would be dogpiled on until I break down, or get banned. Same happened on late days Gaf, when I had the nerve to suggest that unchecked immigration in EU was problematic and would lead to the rise of the far right in EU.

I am happy to leave political/sensitive threads to the leftist majority to discuss among themselves, and merely read them to understand their viewpoints. I much rather participate on benign topics.
How do you justify being pro-LGBT while considering yourself "conservative leaning", though? Have you seen what conservatives have been doing to LGBTQ folks in this era of Trump?


Oct 26, 2017
London, UK
How do you justify being pro-LGBT while considering yourself "conservative leaning", though? Have you seen what conservatives have been doing to LGBTQ folks in this era of Trump?

Conservatives do stuff I don't support, and conservatives have leaders I don't agree with? Kinda like Corbyn's base weathers his anti-semitism scandal.

This slippery slope from "if you support conservatives you are anti-LGBT, thus the only morally viable position is to be a democrat" is the reason why meaningful discussion is difficult.


User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Conservatives do stuff I don't support, and conservatives have leaders I don't agree with? Kinda like Corbyn's base weathers his anti-semitism scandal.

This slippery slope from "if you support conservatives you are anti-LGBT, thus the only morally viable position is to be a democrat" is the reason why meaningful discussion is difficult.

Um...the Republican platform is literally anti-gay marriage and Anti-Transexual. There's no nuance, it's not a "scandal" or grey area here in the US, there's no slippery slope it's exactly what they fight for and vote for. It is literally part of their platform. And it's not some of them, it's part of the parties platform.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
As a pro-LGBT, EU critical, conservative leaning person, I have come to realise that I have zero interest in participating in political/sensitive discussion on Era. This thread quite well demonstrates why.

I feel I would be dogpiled on until I break down, or get banned. Same happened on late days Gaf, when I had the nerve to suggest that unchecked immigration in EU was problematic and would lead to the rise of the far right in EU.

I am happy to leave political/sensitive threads to the leftist majority to discuss among themselves, and merely read them to understand their viewpoints. I much rather participate on benign topics.

Except that immigration numbers have no bearing on anti immigration sentiment. Data shows that it's all about perception and who doesn't want immigrants tends to not want any immigrant at all.

Sorry if I dogpiled on you btw.


Oct 27, 2017
This forum would be a better place if you'd take your disingenuous posting and always looking for something in the middle to some other place on the web. Or Boogies comment section. Just think about how many "I was driven away by the ERA-hivemind!"-posts you could make.
The forum has ppl engaging me in good faith and having disucssions if you dont want to thats your issue not mine.
Oct 31, 2017
As a pro-LGBT, EU critical, conservative leaning person, I have come to realise that I have zero interest in participating in political/sensitive discussion on Era. This thread quite well demonstrates why.

I feel I would be dogpiled on until I break down, or get banned. Same happened on late days Gaf, when I had the nerve to suggest that unchecked immigration in EU was problematic and would lead to the rise of the far right in EU.

I am happy to leave political/sensitive threads to the leftist majority to discuss among themselves, and merely read them to understand their viewpoints. I much rather participate on benign topics.

I'm not republican. Never voted republican. I'm middle of the road and will never vote for party like it's my favorite football team. I sometimes lean right, sometimes lean left and I actually voted for Clinton in 2016. I go issue by issue and see what's at stake. I engaged in some political talk today and honestly it feels like if you are not left in every issue and in line with other posters on the thread you'll get singled out, dogpiled, and get called names. I don't care as I'm not trying to appease anyone here, but this feels like old neogaf lite on its way to becoming full old neogaf when it comes to political threads.


Dec 1, 2017
The Land
I think the dominant political attitudes here reflect the site's vocal youthful core more so than any sort of well thought out, shared political ideology. Like most prior generations, the youth here distrust the establishment, loathe the wealthy, and seek to upend power imbalances. The current youthful core will mature, understand the world is a messy place full of failure and uncomfortable comprises. Soon, they'll become part of the establishment. Attention will be diverted towards starting families, career advancement, creating wealth. A new batch of youthful optimists will displace them.

This community is actually fairly old on average for a videogame forum. I probably represent the kind of member here that you're describing, and I'm 42.
Oct 27, 2017
Really, since conservative social positions are out of the question here, and conservative economic positions are framed as inherently racist, there isn't a place for conservatives/Republicans on Era.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
One of my problems is these people when questioned just leave the threads or dance around shit. It's been happening all day today. That isn't a willingness to participate in good faith or in any kind of am honest discussion, and if someone isn't interested in doing so they don't really have any place on a discussion forum. And that goes for any subject really, not just politics, but it happens with them more often.

If you politely ask someone what their position on something is and you *know* they saw you asked it, and especially if multiple people ask, there should be a reasonable expectation that you are honest and that you at least address it in some way before continuing to participate in a thread.

If someone wants to be conservative, whatever, I disagree with it but you do you, but at least be *honest*, and if you are deliberately being dishonest or obfuscating it is impossible to have a discussion which makes your presence on a discussion forum fairly useless
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Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
There are plenty of conservatives here who aren't as sensitive as those who are ostensibly defending them would make it seem


Oct 31, 2017
And this is why I don't like to post about serious matters. One person asks for an opinion, and then someone else posts an insulting drive by snarky reply.

Again, another example of someone posting something against the grain and being responded to with personal attacks.

The lack of civility is downright depressing.
OMG personal attack. That wasn't a personal attack, pointing out that someone may have terrible beliefs is not a personal attack. If you are bad at math, you don't get to complain when someone points that out.

I am a strong believer in the ass kicking rule "if you feel uncomfortable saying what you feel, then you probably have shit views." People who have views that are acceptable in a specific space don't tend to hide them.

I don't give a fuck about civility when people go out and vote for fascist.

The road to Civility was 20 miles ago. The call for civility only works if both sides are on equal moral plains and as of right now trying to pretend that the right is on the same moral plain is absurd. As they say, you are what you believe in.


Oct 25, 2017
White House
One of my problems is these people when questioned just leave the threads or dance around shit. It's been happening all day today. That isn't a willingness to participate in good faith or in any kind of am honest discussion, and if someone isn't interested in doing so they don't really have any place on a discussion forum. And that goes for any subject really, not just politics, but it happens with them more often.

If you politely ask someone what their position on something is and you *know* they saw you asked it, and especially if multiple people ask, there should be a reasonable expectation that you are honest and that you at least address it in some way before continuing to participate in a thread.

If someone wants to be conservative, whatever, I disagree with it but you do you, but at least be *honest*, and if you are deliberately being dishonest or obfuscating it is impossible to have a discussion which makes your presence on a discussion forum fairly useless

Why should they engage in a discussion that they are not even allowed to have without being ridiculed or even banned? I assume you've seen the economic news thread, which has somehow been declared pro-Trump and thus ok to derail/troll. If you can't even discuss economic or financial issues, how the hell will a gun or immigration discussion go without griefing and derailments and people being reported...


Oct 27, 2017
For someone who doesn't care you've been popping in pretty frequently to cape for conservatives.

You pick one exchange to represent the entirety of the thread so w/e

I didn't "cape" for anyone. I just don't like hypocrites.

See post below for something close to my view and thoughts on the topic at hand.

Angela Merkel's party is conservative. And she allowed millions of refugees into Germany.
From a non-American perspective, there are two right-wing parties in the USA. One that's batshit crazy populist right wing, and one that's more right wing than traditional conservative parties in Europe.
It's too bad that many members of this forum lack a more global perspective. I realize that traveling is expensive and therefore not an option for everyone, but reading international news occasionally to get an impression of the world outside of the USA wouldn't hurt.

Yep, we've officially reached crazy conspiracy theory territory. I'm out...

All Merkel did was initiate phase one of what I call the fascist manifesto. If you don't have a large enough minority population in your country to blame for issues your party will cause to society, then make one. It's hard to apply fascism when you don't have a scapegoat.

Never trust conservatives in power when they say they need more immigrants, they just want cheap labor and a group to condemn when they implement far right policies.

Immigrantion and conservatism are contradictory ideas. When a conservative government wants immigrantion it isn't because of compassion or altruistic ideals. It's because the government is starting the process to become fascist.


Oct 25, 2017
It's funny you get upset we talk of them as evil, yet you talk of them like they're children, you completely infantilize them

What? "Funny how you don't like that we call people evil but you call them childish!" Not really the same ... I don't think I'm infantilizing republicans in any special way that is exclusive to my opinion of their party. I think plenty of liberals are childish too. Im against tribalism and dehumanization in general

You've laid out what you think the issues with liberals are now can you tell us what issues you think Republicans/conservatives have?
Do you talk them about they need to change like you do with liberals?

All I do when i am with republican family and friends is debate them. Are you accusing me of being a republican shill because I'm not being liberal enough at all times or something, based on this single post in which, according to the poster above, I am condescending to conservatives? Not sure what your point is, and this is exactly what I was talking about lol.Funny how to republicans I'm a Hillary shillbot and to liberals I'm a secret republican shill.
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