
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Funny, Sweden just made smoking in general in public areas illegal. And are on track to outright ban smoking in the next decade. Hopefully vaping will also be part of that, and all the other shit that falls in the same bucket of poo.

As for use in home, I couldn't care less if people killed themselves fast, let alone poisoned themselves over many years.

I think characterizing marijuana users like that is problematic


Oct 28, 2017
Or that marijuana is the well-known entry drug for harder drugs like cocaine or meth

I'm sure there's a study out there that shows that 90% of heroin users started with marijuana.

But then another study will show that 95% of heroin users drink beer. Or another that shows that 92% of heroin users drink milk. Or 85% of them have played Super Mario Bros.

Causation =/= correlation.

EDIT: It's the same argument about violent video games and mass shooters. People will say, "Ah! This guy played Doom and that's what made him kill lots of people!"

This type of argument leave out a very important piece of information: how many people total play Doom vs how many of them play Doom and commit violent crimes.


Oct 27, 2017
Sweden is ridiculously paternalistic. The state is trying to ban smoking and has a monopoly on the sale of alcohol through Systembolaget, where they try to make it as inconvenient as possible to purchase alcohol in order to decrease alcohol consumption.

Idiotic myths about the dangers of weed (and other drugs) are still pervasive here, across the political spectrum, and I'm sure we will be among the last countries to legalize cannabis.

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure there's a study out there that shows that 90% of heroin users started with marijuana.

But then another study will show that 95% of heroin users drink beer. Or another that shows that 92% of heroin users drink milk. Or 85% of them have played Super Mario Bros.

Causation =/= correlation.

And 100% breath air. I'm well aware about the difference between causation and correlation but it's pure ignorance to not see the causation at hand here. Because unlike air or milk marijuna is still a straight fucking hallucinogen.


Oct 29, 2017
I'd like to see weed getting legalized here in NL. Sure I can buy it in the coffeeshops but there's a lot of tax money lying on the table and y'all in US get cool products containing weed.

Since it's still illegal here, nobody can produce something like that. The only thing you can buy is weed and whatever the shop themselves cook up, like cake and cookies. But you never know how much is in there, etc.

Also, I'm a former weed addict and alcohol is way fucking worse
Oct 26, 2017
the rooftops.
but cannabis causes dirty thoughts, unnecessary humor, dementia, psychosis, unhealthy eating habits, and laziness.
All of those things are very un-British.
We are so bogged down in the kind of anachronistic reefer madness type of thinking.

Legalizing weed might actually make some people crack some genuine smiles be nice and we can't have that.

Gonna rip a bong this afternoon and think of my fellow countrypeople 🗿🗿🗿


Oct 26, 2017
The way laws are made in the US are totally different than in Europe, which is why it's been slow going.

The EU also has been a big player in making sure weed remains technically illegal. Several EU countries are very much against weed legalization (Sweden, France, etc.), so a country inside the EU fully legalizing weed would be seen as a threat. IIRC the Netherlands tried to make weed legal years ago, but they were stopped by the EU.

I think now that the US has made strides with actual legalization, there will be more of a push in Europe/the EU though.


Oct 31, 2017
Do European countries screen for weed in drug test ran through jobs?

Austrian here, we generally don't, it's seen as a violation of your privacy and has quite a lot of limitations.

With a few exceptions (e.g. pilots) it's actually illegal for companies to force their employees to do a drug test. They can ask you to do a "voluntary" drug test, but if they fire you because you refuse they would be open to a wrongful termination suit.

Even if you voluntarly do a drug test, companies cannot do the test themselves, it has to be done by a doctor outside the company. The doctor will only tell your employer if you are "fit for work" or not.
Oct 27, 2017
The US has more than a million people in prison for drug offenses, there are probably more people in prison for marihuana possession than there are prisoners in the EU at all. Serving ridiculous sentences too. So I think it's only natural it was a higher priority in the US.


Oct 25, 2017
Sollefteå, Sweden
Sweden is ridiculously paternalistic. The state is trying to ban smoking and has a monopoly on the sale of alcohol through Systembolaget, where they try to make it as inconvenient as possible to purchase alcohol in order to decrease alcohol consumption.

Idiotic myths about the dangers of weed (and other drugs) are still pervasive here, across the political spectrum, and I'm sure we will be among the last countries to legalize cannabis.
I hope we one day let Systemet sell marijuana, as I think that would work in the intended way.


Oct 26, 2017
Not that I care much about it ( I mostly dislike the hypocrisy of it when alcool and smoking is legal )from what I can gather ( France ) it mostly come from :
- misinformation, most people think it's some highly addictive drug
- fear it might increase consumption for teens ( that point seems to have actual conflicting reports depending on country where it's legalized, so it might be a fair fear to have )
- and protecting the alcohol market, which apparently is negatively affected by legalization of Marijuana ( which imho is a positive.. )

That being said given how big were are at still consuming it ( biggest in europe I think ), I'd say it still probably only a question of time.


Mar 13, 2019
The UK in particular is currently wrestling with a big public perception problem with drugs that were previously classed as "legal highs," and I think that's going to colour the discourse around legalising weed for quite a while. Right now you can't escape alarmist headlines claiming that Spice vaping is killing our youths, so it's not the ideal time for any politician to seriously bring up legalisation again. We're in full-blown "won't someone think of the children?!| territory.

For what it's worth, I'm in favour of legalisation in a big way. And until recently the government seemed to be softening on the issue a little bit, too. But it's definitely a no-go area for policy discussion right now.
Oct 27, 2017
At least where I'm from there isn't the weed culture and weed isn't really that popular. There isn't a want for legalization. I don't smoke, I tried it once and it gave me nothing really, but I am for legalization either way, it should help with the organized crime here in Sweden since weed is the backbone, the easiest and what they make most money on, and I'd love if they lost that income source.


Oct 25, 2017
Europe will probably follow suit eventually and the US only has a few states so far.

It's true though that there is no great call for it. Seems to be way down the list and we'll wait to see how it plays out in other regions.

Perhaps as well they feel the law here is winning the battle and are afraid to make it more popular culturally. I've noticed the high cost of weed and supply problems with regular drug busts, difficult to import and people who grow usually are found easily. Geography also plays a role, Australia and US has similar vast open spaces where it's hard to police. There's plenty of people in Aus growing and walking around smoking weed. I expect they'll be next to make moves before Europe.

Problem with the clamp down and raising the cost of weed though is people find alternatives that are very dangerous, it should be of interest to Europe to legalize cannabis.
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Dec 6, 2017
You'd be shocked at the stigma around weed in the UK. I don't smoke but i wish it was legal because of the effects it has on the youth (eg. Gang culture)

It's getting spoken about on prime time TV so who knows what the next year or so will hold


Oct 27, 2017
Basque Country
Here in Spain it is already decriminalised and you are free to buy seeds and have your own plants as long as they're only for personal use. There's plenty of cannabis seeds stores and shops everywhere. You can not smoke in public nor carry marijuana in any form other than seeds with you in public, nor sell or buy anything other than seeds.

Also, private smoking clubs are legal.

I don't know if anything else is needed. People who want to smoke it already have the channels to do so.


Oct 25, 2017
It's illegal in France. And I'm glad it is. As for the people saying "people already smoke, so what ?" That's a dumb reasoning. It's not because it's difficult to make people stop that we should give up.

As for the people saying "Eh, alcohol kills more/is more dangerous". It's true. But one wrong doesnt mean we should make two wrongs.


Oct 25, 2017
Funny, Sweden just made smoking in general in public areas illegal. And are on track to outright ban smoking in the next decade. Hopefully vaping will also be part of that, and all the other shit that falls in the same bucket of poo.

As for use in home, I couldn't care less if people killed themselves fast, let alone poisoned themselves over many years.

Good thing. I hope Sweden leads the way for smoking.


Jul 21, 2018
It's illegal in France. And I'm glad it is. As for the people saying "people already smoke, so what ?" That's a dumb reasoning. It's not because it's difficult to make people stop that we should give up.

As for the people saying "Eh, alcohol kills more/is more dangerous". It's true. But one wrong doesnt mean we should make two wrongs.
So what's so wrong with weed and other cannabis related things? I'm genuinely curious.


Oct 25, 2017
So what's so wrong with weed and other cannabis related things? I'm genuinely curious.

I dont think it's a great signal to say "geeee we give up, we let you publicly fry your brain with drugs". Especially when people use dumb arguments like "the state could tax it and make a shiton of money with it !" which is like "hey we can make profits on potential health troubles !".
Althought I'm not against therapeutic usage.


Jul 21, 2018
I dont think it's a great signal to say "geeee we give up, we let you publicly fry your brain with drugs". Especially when people use dumb arguments like "the state could tax it and make a shiton of money with it !" which is like "hey we can make profits on potential health troubles !".
Althought I'm not against therapeutic usage.
LMFAOOOO it's not like these people are taking DMT , it's a stretch to say weed fries your brain. Be honest, Have you smoked or done an edible before?


Mar 16, 2018
we have this saying in germany that we do everything americans do only 10 years later or so. so give it another 10 years and we'll probably have legal weed too. it's ridiculous that it hasn't already happened, that you can go to jail for owning a couple of these plants. maybe if the green party wins the next election we might get legal weed earlier.

It's illegal in France. And I'm glad it is. As for the people saying "people already smoke, so what ?" That's a dumb reasoning. It's not because it's difficult to make people stop that we should give up.

As for the people saying "Eh, alcohol kills more/is more dangerous". It's true. But one wrong doesnt mean we should make two wrongs.

what makes cannabis wrong or dangerous? i'm listening. you know what's really wrong? all those destroyed families and people in jail or people who lose their jobs and livelihoods because they dared to smoke a mostly harmless plant. you shouldn't sell weed to minors, that's the only thing that should be criminalized. man reading posts like this makes so angry. my grandma is having back pains and smoking weed could really help her but because of the huge stigma she rather deals with the pain or drinks alcohol than vaping cannabis and enjoying the rest of her life.


Oct 25, 2017
LMFAOOOO it's not like these people are taking DMT , it's a stretch to say weed fries your brain. Be honest, Have you smoked or done an edible before?

Nah, never drinked either.
Of course it's not "frying your brain". And certainly not after a smoke. But I doubt it's good in the long run. And well, while USA has a shitty health care system, in France (and I'm glad we do) we usually foot the bill for the health problems that follow suit. And I think that for a good health care system to be maintained, maybe it's a good idea to not allow for stuff that might bite back later.

Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
It should be legal most of all to increase science research to understand dosage and drug interactions and side effects, especially therapeutic benefits and risks among different diseased populations.

It shouldn't be legal for minors under 21 though, because the limited official medical sources I've read we have show it may be associated with schizophrenia and mental impairment when used on adolescent/developing brains. It also can be addictive but much less so than most other drugs.


Mar 16, 2018
Funny, Sweden just made smoking in general in public areas illegal. And are on track to outright ban smoking in the next decade. Hopefully vaping will also be part of that, and all the other shit that falls in the same bucket of poo.

As for use in home, I couldn't care less if people killed themselves fast, let alone poisoned themselves over many years.

sounds like a draconian hellscape tbh. what's next? banning sugar or fast food? those things are definitely going to kill you quicker than weed. how about banning coffee, it's definitely an addictive drug. i know people at work who don't eve function if they don't drink like 3 cups early in the morning. that can't be good for your health either, the goverment should definitely step in.


Oct 25, 2017
we have this saying in germany that we do everything americans do only 10 years later or so. so give it another 10 years and we'll probably have legal weed too. it's ridiculous that it hasn't already happened, that you can go to jail for owning a couple of these plants. maybe if the green party wins the next election we might get legal weed earlier.

what makes cannabis wrong or dangerous? i'm listening. you know what's really wrong? all those destroyed families and people in jail or people who lose their jobs and livelihoods because they dared to smoke a mostly harmless plant. you shouldn't sell weed to minors, that's the only thing that should be criminalized. man reading posts like this makes so angry. my grandma is having back pains and smoking weed could really help her but because of the huge stigma she rather deals with the pain or drinks alcohol than vaping cannabis and enjoying the rest of her life.

Should people go to jail for having some ? No. A fine is fine.
Should people go to jail if they sell or drive after smoking ? Totally.
Losing their job because they smoked ? It's the same if you go drunk at your work.

Let's also talk about those destroyed families because a driver was high, will you ?

As for your grandmother, it's good ! I'm all for therapeutic usage !

Deleted member 283

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I dont think it's a great signal to say "geeee we give up, we let you publicly fry your brain with drugs". Especially when people use dumb arguments like "the state could tax it and make a shiton of money with it !" which is like "hey we can make profits on potential health troubles !".
Althought I'm not against therapeutic usage.
But incarcerating people for said potential health troubles instead if doing anything to meaningfully help them does make sense to you? That's rather idd, to bring this point up, to realize the driving force behind much drug use, but then turn around and say they should be illegal and act like incarceration helps with that in any way. Do you care, or don't you?

Because yeah. In many cases, drug use is a sign of bigger problems going on in a person's life. But that's precisely why the approach to drugs should be a medical one, instead of a criminal one. To figure out "why you seeking this stuff out in the first place and putting it in your body, and what can we do to help?"

Because in that case, seeing it as a potential warning sign if other issues, and wanting to check things out and make sure that's not the case at all and if it is reaching out a hand to help and get them to try and seek out other answers to whatever those problems are, I can understand that.

But in the situation that that's not the case, and someone does indeed just want to fry their brain with drugs as you out it, why would you care to begin with and why does that warrant a criminal response of all things and using all the resources required for such an approach for that type of offense? Why do you care do much and how does it actually help anything? Because great, their brain is still fried as you put it, only now you spend the money having police look for these people and having courts prosecute them, and after that because if their sentence it becomes harder for them to get employment increasing the chance they just have to live off government benefits or something due to lack of other options and....

How is anything inproved at any point in the process? Because it sure doesn't seem like anyone wins. Those who do drugs stand a good chance if getting their lives messed up, and those that don't pay more in taxes specifically to mess up the lives of those who do drugs vs say either taxing drug use and making money if that and if in doesn't like that and us determined to spend in then alternatively decriminalizing it but using a medical approach focused in getting to the root issue and making heavy users productive members of society seems a way better use of the money. But the incarceration model, I don't see how anyone wins from that unless the point is just pure raw spite or something because both drug users and taxpayers get a raw deal for no discernable gain, and I don't get why you would nonetheless pick that of all models because nothing is really in it for either side otherwise.

lvl 99 Pixel

Oct 25, 2017
Surprised to see people still peddling the war on drugs mentality on era. Find some empathy for everyone who would benefit from potential treatments and the lives ruined by the illegal drug trade.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also sick of the hypocrisy surrounding it here in Germany. Getting shit drunk (with all its consequences – physical and sexual violence from small incidents to manslaughter and gang rape): lol bois will be bois, IT'S OUR CULTURE, here's our yearly mega event that revolves around getting drunk, molesting others and vomiting everywhere. Smoking weed: omg, what a junkie; Bavarian cops on twitter: "WE RECENTLY BLEW UP A GUY WHO WAS GROWING ONE PLANT, WE REPEAT, ONE PLANT".


I don't endorse/do recreational drugs but an effective regulation of alcohol is never happening so might as well legalize weed and tax all of the shit super high within a complete drug legislation package to hopefully economically regulate consumption / prevent addiction.

Bitch Pudding

Oct 25, 2017
we have this saying in germany that we do everything americans do only 10 years later or so. ..... maybe if the green party wins the next election we might get legal weed earlier.

Fun fact, 55% of Green party voters are in favour of legalising weed, followed by the voters of the Left party and the right AfD.

All that is, of course, driven by young people being in favour of it. But with Germany becoming older and older - in a couple of years the average age of the working population will be above 50 years - I don't think we'll follow America's lead on this.


Mar 16, 2018
Should people go to jail for having some ? No. A fine is fine.

and why should people pay a fine?

Should people go to jail if they sell or drive after smoking ? Totally.

where have i said people shouldn't get punished for DUI? ofc they should go to jail if they drive drunk or high, how does that relate to legalizing weed?

Losing their job because they smoked ? It's the same if you go drunk at your work.

if you go drunk or high to work you might not be able to do your work. that's completly different than smoking a joint in the evening
and going sober to work on the next day but failing a drug test 3 weeks later.

Let's also talk about those destroyed families because a driver was high, will you ?

once again, nobody said make driving while high or driving while drunk legal. alcohol is legal yet driving under the influence of alcohol is illegal.
you see the difference right?

As for your grandmother, it's good ! I'm all for therapeutic usage !

if that's the case you should be for legalization. because my grandma is never going to get a doc and ask her if she gives him the permission to smoke weed.
the only way is legalization and stopping the stigma around it. you know looking at cannabis from a scientific standpoint and not from a standpoint of moral panic.