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Oct 25, 2017
Saddest news I seen all week

KOFXIII sent SNK into bankruptcy and irrelevancy for s good few years up until 2016, thanks to mobile + XIV

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Heroines wasn't a one-off cause it fits so easily into SNK's 'two-a-year' operation now.

Literally anything selling more than 200k is by all accounts fantastic for that company


Oct 26, 2017
You're right that she's not bending over, cupping her breasts with her elbow and winking like so many anime designs will today, but she's certainly no better than the Samurai Shodown pirate discussed here earlier. She doesn't even have pants! Outside of just the design, the sprite artist had her thrust her bare ass at the camera during her basic attack.

Anyway, I feel there's got to be a direct line from the "designed to be attractive" character design of the 90s to the "designed to pander to the absolute saddest of otaku" characters of today. Katt was a gateway drug for these designers, we just didn't know it!
I don't think most of the character design of the 90s was actually made this way however. You didn't see "designed to be attractive" as a design mode until the mid-2000s at the earliest. The 90s was far more experimental in its design direction in general, which meant the games themselves covered a wide array of styles visually and visual design direction didn't become unified until the larger corporate merging of the industry (and subsequent homogenization by the industry). This happened as a result of the video game industry believing it had found its demographic, namely, "young, horny, male teenager." The result was the bro culture we still see in video games today, the problems of racism, sexism, and other propaganda still issues we are dealing with today. While in the 90s there might have been a certain edge to marketing (silly though it is, looking back), companies like Nintendo and Sega were still marketing to everyone. Mid-2000s marketing, however, was very much intended to push out people who didn't fit the demographic, who didn't meet the "market" of "young, horny, male teenager." The transition to what we have now didn't happen overnight, but I don't think what we have now is the result of what the game industry was 25 years ago, at least, not directly. Mostly because I don't think I'd really qualify the game industry formally as an industry until the Playstation or Playstation 2 era at the earliest (not necessarily in terms of money made or sales, but in terms of organizational structures and intentionality to cater to certain audiences).


Oct 25, 2017


To be honest though that scene kinda makes her look like a psychotic terminator.


Oct 25, 2017
dammit =/
I am used to big fighting game numbers like SF5 or Tekken or Smash =P
The numbers that mainline Street Fighter, Tekken, and Smash do are far from normal for the genre. Same goes for Mortal Kombat.
Wow here's a character I haven't seen in some time, is this a skin you can get for SFV? I believe that's suppose to be "Katt" (Yes its a dumb name I know) from Breath of Fire II? I think? (Just for reference this was the original art work looked liked from the SNES game)

An outfit that will be unlockable in Extra Battle starting next month, yes (Extra Battle outfits often involving more obscure references and have the player unlock by earning in four separate parts over four weeks, each attempt costing 2500 Fight Money).
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
To be honest though that scene kinda makes her look like a psychotic terminator.

Big spoiler for Shadow of the Tomb Raider

That scene occurs after she thinks her close friend, Jonah, has been killed. So her looking psychotic there is intentional. After she walks out of the water she walks over and stabs a dude that's trying to get a gun. Then you're given a high powered machine gun for the first time and you're basically encouraged to go into Rambo mode.

Deleted member 82

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I just assume that every single gaming channel is nazi trash nowadays. Before I watch a video, I check out the titles of the rest of their work. It usually takes about three seconds to figure out if the people behind the channel are shitlords or not and I've had a 100% success rate thus far.

Here's a good rule of thumb: if the YouTuber has an avatar that seems to conform to traditional visions of masculinity and male elegance, male strength or historical artifacts, there's a good probability that they're flirting with reactionary ideas, if not worse. So, if their avatar has a suit, a fedora, a piece of armor, is a statue... They're probably a bit of an asshole. Also, their avatars often have either a condescending, shitheel expression, or no face at all for some reason. Doesn't work everytime of course, but it's a big trend among those types.
Oct 25, 2017
Here's a good rule of thumb: if the YouTuber has an avatar that seems to conform to traditional visions of masculinity and male elegance, male strength or historical artifacts, there's a good probability that they're flirting with reactionary ideas, if not worse. So, if their avatar has a suit, a fedora, a piece of armor, is a statue... They're probably a bit of an asshole. Also, their avatars often have either a condescending, shitheel expression, or no face at all for some reason. Doesn't work everytime of course, but it's a big trend among those types.
As someone who wears suits almost daily: ouch :(

Then again I guess my avatar doesn't feature one, so I'm good for now! Also I was barely aware that avatars even exist on Youtube, hah. They are so tiny in the comments section at least and most channels just seem to have a letter form logo? I guess that makes it easier to spot the ones you're talking about on the other hand.

Deleted member 82

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
As someone who wears suits almost daily: ouch :(

Then again I guess my avatar doesn't feature one, so I'm good for now! Also I was barely aware that avatars even exist on Youtube, hah. They are so tiny in the comments section at least and most channels just seem to have a letter form logo? I guess that makes it easier to spot the ones you're talking about on the other hand.

Haha, nothing wrong with wearing a suit IRL. Just saying that these YouTubers often have drawn avatars that sport a suit. Kinda like atheist edgelords with fedoras.
Oct 25, 2017
We got 'em!

Haha, nothing wrong with wearing a suit IRL. Just saying that these YouTubers often have drawn avatars that sport a suit. Kinda like atheist edgelords with fedoras.
As an atheist edgelord myself who is also a fan of proper fedoras I fucking hate what sort of people ended up co-opting all of that. I mean, they did it with most of the gaming community as well, ugh. Stop making good things shitty, please. That's actually all I've ever been asking.

At least they outed themselves real quick. As soon as I saw the "atheist movement" shitting on women even slightly I knew it was time to nope right the fuck out of that vicinity. Garbage.

Now now, there are tons of regressive sorts whose idea of "classy" isn't even a suit, but a fedora, t-shirt, and maybe a jacket

The day I see one of those goons actually rocking a stylish suit with a tie-knot that isn't loose AF I'm probably going into shock for a while.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
Now now, there are tons of regressive sorts whose idea of "classy" isn't even a suit, but a fedora, t-shirt, and maybe a jacket


Oct 27, 2017
Okay, so I went on Psnprofiles to check out the MK11 trophies, because I am a psycho who does stuff like that. I'm looking them over and I see a discussion thread called "why does this exist". I assume it is some people having a laugh about the latest fatality or some gross violent move and decide to check it out.

Well I was wrong. The whole thread is just people screaming about the Sony censorship bullshit. Of course they are complaining that that is the reason the women have less sexualized costumes, and wailing that the world is being ruined by SJW snowflakes, and really what's wrong with being sexualized in media?

I want to assume most of these people are just idiotic children, but that's probably not the case. For the life of me I can't understand why these "boner culture" fans are so freaking stupid. I will give Netherrealm all the credit in the world for their course correction after MK9. They have toned down a lot of the costumes, while still giving their female cast a lot of personality. Injustice 2 did a great job at giving dignity to characters whose costumes could often just be fetish fuel.

However, in the case of MK at least, I don't think the costume changes were done for only altruistic reasons. Every game Netherrealm has made since 2013 has had a drastic leap in graphics. MKX looked shockingly upgraded compared to MK9, and the same sort of leap has happened again with MK11. With every graphical leap, the fatalities and gore have to make one as well. The fatalities only work if they are cartoonishly extreme, so they don't feel real or plausible.

Now imagine what the public reaction to those over the top fatalities would be if the women had hypersexualized designs. Would people still be comfortable with the DOA ladies and their fanservice costumes if their torso were ripped in half and a realistic intestine was hanging out?
The combination of ultraviolence and extreme sexualization can be majorly problematic. Fetishizing characters as they are killed would absolutely become a major problem in the west, and would probably have a negative impact on sales.

All these people bemoaning their loss of sexy costumes seem to forget that MK is not an fanservice game. When a character loses they don't pose sexually and moan. Their costumes don't get torn in strategic places for the purpose of titillation, they freaking die. They die in insane and stupid ways, but they still die. It just seems insane to me, that people seem to be looking at this franchise like it is exactly the same as every other sexualized fighter.

Deleted member 82

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017

Nooooooo! Is this the part where I shrink down into a corncob?

As an atheist edgelord myself who is also a fan of proper fedoras I fucking hate what sort of people ended up co-opting all of that. I mean, they did it with most of the gaming community as well, ugh. Stop making good things shitty, please. That's actually all I've ever been asking.

At least they outed themselves real quick. As soon as I saw the "atheist movement" shitting on women even slightly I knew it was time to nope right the fuck out of that vicinity. Garbage.

The day I see one of those goons actually rocking a stylish suit with a tie-knot that isn't loose AF I'm probably going into shock for a while.

Just to be sure, I hope you didn't take my post as an attack on you, your beliefs or your sense of style. My apologies if that's how I came off. I'm strictly talking about people like the ones muteKi describes. Ya know, dudes who think everyone who isn't an atheist is just a gullible sheep and/or put a fedora on and think they can call it a day like nobody is going to notice their unkempt neckbeards or their tacky $200 katana. Fedoras and suit can be super classy when they're not worn as an expression of male insecurity. By all means, keep wearing suits and everything if that's what you enjoy <3. Just know that, unfortunately for you, edgy (alt-)right-leaning YouTubers love incorporating these elements in their online personae. I can definitely empathize with you. It's like being a good person who loves games back when gamergate was at its peak. All of us here probably felt varying degrees of shame and anger at the idea that we shared the same hobby as those despicable sexist trolls.
Oct 25, 2017
Nooooooo! Is this the part where I shrink down into a corncob?

Just to be sure, I hope you didn't take my post as an attack on you, your beliefs or your sense of style. My apologies if that's how I came off. I'm strictly talking about people like the ones muteKi describes. Ya know, dudes who think everyone who isn't an atheist is just a gullible sheep and/or put a fedora on and think they can call it a day like nobody is going to notice their unkempt neckbeards or their tacky $200 katana. Fedoras and suit can be super classy when they're not worn as an expression of male insecurity. By all means, keep wearing suits and everything if that's what you enjoy <3. Just know that, unfortunately for you, edgy (alt-)right-leaning YouTubers love incorporating these elements in their online personae. I can definitely empathize with you. It's like being a good person who loves games back when gamergate was at its peak. All of us here probably felt varying degrees of shame and anger at the idea that we shared the same hobby as those despicable sexist trolls.
No no no, I'm mostly poking fun at myself while expressing frustration over shitty people ruining initially good things. Have nothing against your posts here. I also really love your avatar! :D

I'm gonna try to not hijack this thread with talk about suits but I really love playing with suits in terms of gender expression as well. Men's suiting is so incredibly traditional that it really doesn't take much in order to make it a lot more "feminine" than most other dudes would wear, especially for me since I have an incredibly tapered natural waist. Just dart in the sides in there and voila, zero risk of anyone interpreting ones style as "look how manly I am roaaaaaaarhg!". It's great fun and as someone who loves attention to detail that sort of stuff is half the reason I wear suits in the first place.

The shame around Gamergate being associated with my favorite hobby is also the reason I am so fucking angry about it and take every opportunity I can to tear that shit down. I don't want those sorts of people anywhere near me or anyone I know and I am incredibly aware of how that perception of our community is keeping people I actually do respect and want to be around away from gaming. Kinda the point of this thread, in essence.

Okay, so I went on Psnprofiles to check out the MK11 trophies, because I am a psycho who does stuff like that. I'm looking them over and I see a discussion thread called "why does this exist". I assume it is some people having a laugh about the latest fatality or some gross violent move and decide to check it out.

Well I was wrong. The whole thread is just people screaming about the Sony censorship bullshit. Of course they are complaining that that is the reason the women have less sexualized costumes, and wailing that the world is being ruined by SJW snowflakes, and really what's wrong with being sexualized in media?

I want to assume most of these people are just idiotic children, but that's probably not the case. For the life of me I can't understand why these "boner culture" fans are so freaking stupid. I will give Netherrealm all the credit in the world for their course correction after MK9. They have toned down a lot of the costumes, while still giving their female cast a lot of personality. Injustice 2 did a great job at giving dignity to characters whose costumes could often just be fetish fuel.

However, in the case of MK at least, I don't think the costume changes were done for only altruistic reasons. Every game Netherrealm has made since 2013 has had a drastic leap in graphics. MKX looked shockingly upgraded compared to MK9, and the same sort of leap has happened again with MK11. With every graphical leap, the fatalities and gore have to make one as well. The fatalities only work if they are cartoonishly extreme, so they don't feel real or plausible.

Now imagine what the public reaction to those over the top fatalities would be if the women had hypersexualized designs. Would people still be comfortable with the DOA ladies and their fanservice costumes if their torso were ripped in half and a realistic intestine was hanging out?
The combination of ultraviolence and extreme sexualization can be majorly problematic. Fetishizing characters as they are killed would absolutely become a major problem in the west, and would probably have a negative impact on sales.

All these people bemoaning their loss of sexy costumes seem to forget that MK is not an fanservice game. When a character loses they don't pose sexually and moan. Their costumes don't get torn in strategic places for the purpose of titillation, they freaking die. They die in insane and stupid ways, but they still die. It just seems insane to me, that people seem to be looking at this franchise like it is exactly the same as every other sexualized fighter.

I haven't really followed MK11 all that much personally but from what I gather isn't it pretty obvious the devs themselves made that change in order to have their game simply be less shitty? That makes it even more mind-numbingly hilarious that people are calling it censorship or whatever. Guess what, development teams evolve and learn new things. Sometimes they implement these things into their games. Whoaaaaaaaaaa~


Oct 25, 2017
A bit off-topic, but I'm hoping the writing of women in Amazon's upcoming LoTR series doesn't stick to the lore.

This is a problem with fantasy fiction in general. Part of this is writers regurgitating Tolkiens ideas and the other part is writers constantly looking to medieval Europe for ideas. So what you get is either the braid tugging, skirt adjusting women in Wheel of Time, or the fair maidens who sit on the sidelines in LoTR.

And when male writers to subvert this trope, they almost always go for the Mulan style woman soldier who has something to prove. I don't think this character trope is necessarily bad, but again it's almost always used due to the fact that the writers want to keep the setting a mirror of medieval Europe.

A bit off-topic, but I'm hoping the writing of women in Amazon's upcoming LoTR series doesn't stick to the lore.

This is a problem with fantasy fiction in general. Part of this is writers regurgitating Tolkiens ideas and the other part is writers constantly looking to medieval Europe for ideas. So what you get is either the braid tugging, skirt adjusting women in Wheel of Time, or the fair maidens who sit on the sidelines in LoTR.

And when male writers to subvert this trope, they almost always go for the Mulan style woman soldier who has something to prove. I don't think this character trope is necessarily bad, but again it's almost always used due to the fact that the writers want to keep the setting a mirror of medieval Europe.

I mean the card game manages but after the hobbit movies.....

I got no hope in screen media.


Mar 11, 2019
By the way, does it count as sexist that Splatoon 2 has gendered hairstyles(implying long hair is feminine/short hair is masculine)? It also enforces a gender binary.


Oct 26, 2017
By the way, does it count as sexist that Splatoon 2 has gendered hairstyles(implying long hair is feminine/short hair is masculine)? It also enforces a gender binary.
It would be nice if the hairstyles weren't separated like that. At the very least it would be nice if it presented it as a "choose your style" thing like Pokemon Go does.


Nov 4, 2017
A bit off-topic, but I'm hoping the writing of women in Amazon's upcoming LoTR series doesn't stick to the lore.

This is a problem with fantasy fiction in general. Part of this is writers regurgitating Tolkiens ideas and the other part is writers constantly looking to medieval Europe for ideas. So what you get is either the braid tugging, skirt adjusting women in Wheel of Time, or the fair maidens who sit on the sidelines in LoTR.

And when male writers to subvert this trope, they almost always go for the Mulan style woman soldier who has something to prove. I don't think this character trope is necessarily bad, but again it's almost always used due to the fact that the writers want to keep the setting a mirror of medieval Europe.

It sounds super unlikely because the whole point of making a Lord of the Rings TV show is to make something that looks and feels like the original books. Sure they're going to go much farther with female characters than Tolkien is wont to do but this will be the last place to look for progressive representation.


Dec 30, 2018
I'm not sure where this stands temperature wise on the Take Spectrum, but I'll throw it out there anyways.

I honestly think the long shadow of the Maniac Pixie Dream Girl has done more harm then good in developing better female protagonists. The rush to not make a woman feel like a MPDG feels to, especially in big commercial AAA, Hollywood, Bestseller, etc. contexts, lead to just... this very homogenized, bland ideal of what a Strong Female Protagonist looks like. And look, I get it. Men for decades, no, centuries have had the freedom to be bland templates for self-insert empowerment fantasies, with no obligation to be interesting, unique, any of that crap. But, counterpoint, I don't think any of those male characters are particularly interesting either. Not naming names here, but I feel like a strong majority of male protagonists in AAA gaming are, in the same sense, a bland homogenized platonic ideal of "grizzled manliness", and if the best gaming can do is just take that minimal effort cliche and genderbend it, honestly it feels somewhat dissappointing.

That isn't to say that crazy cool self-insert fiction isn't cool and fun, but a trend I've weirdly enjoyed in a lot of modern entertainment that female characters have been really, obnoxiously absent from is characters who look like they're having as much fun in the moment as the audience is. I know "quips" get a bad rep, and I know they can/have been used really badly, but it feels like there's this minimal expectation for women to either be serious and competent and badass, or to be tragic and suffering and muh audience's paternal instinct to protect delicate flowers. And it feels like it's there, because the alternative, to make female characters a little wacky, a little silly, a little cocky, a little prone to comedic backfiring, hell maybe even a little selfish and childish, feels like it'd be immediately pegged with the dreaded MPDG tier, as if writers should make characters around what things random dudes on the internet will/won't fetishize (pro tip: the internet fetishizes everything). And that makes female characters, specifically female leads, a lot less varied and dramatic.

tl;dr: Give me more total dorks, and clueless muscleheads, and cocky knaves, and hapless fellas, and all those other cool and weird character archetypes that are obnoxiously absent in female leads in gaming.


Nov 4, 2018
dammit =/
I am used to big fighting game numbers like SF5 or Tekken or Smash =P
Yeah 300K for a game that needed to sell a measly 50K to make its money back is a fairly solid result.

Now if only they could tone down the sexual content and have a truck load more non sexualized outfits and customisation options there is a great party game to be had in their. Again for a party game type fighting game it has a solid set of mechanics. And having a an women roster (and rule 63 Terry ) is nice and all . I just would like all women roster without the over sexualisation while still having unlockable costumes through play .


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not sure where this stands temperature wise on the Take Spectrum, but I'll throw it out there anyways.

I honestly think the long shadow of the Maniac Pixie Dream Girl has done more harm then good in developing better female protagonists. The rush to not make a woman feel like a MPDG feels to, especially in big commercial AAA, Hollywood, Bestseller, etc. contexts, lead to just... this very homogenized, bland ideal of what a Strong Female Protagonist looks like. And look, I get it. Men for decades, no, centuries have had the freedom to be bland templates for self-insert empowerment fantasies, with no obligation to be interesting, unique, any of that crap. But, counterpoint, I don't think any of those male characters are particularly interesting either. Not naming names here, but I feel like a strong majority of male protagonists in AAA gaming are, in the same sense, a bland homogenized platonic ideal of "grizzled manliness", and if the best gaming can do is just take that minimal effort cliche and genderbend it, honestly it feels somewhat dissappointing.

That isn't to say that crazy cool self-insert fiction isn't cool and fun, but a trend I've weirdly enjoyed in a lot of modern entertainment that female characters have been really, obnoxiously absent from is characters who look like they're having as much fun in the moment as the audience is. I know "quips" get a bad rep, and I know they can/have been used really badly, but it feels like there's this minimal expectation for women to either be serious and competent and badass, or to be tragic and suffering and muh audience's paternal instinct to protect delicate flowers. And it feels like it's there, because the alternative, to make female characters a little wacky, a little silly, a little cocky, a little prone to comedic backfiring, hell maybe even a little selfish and childish, feels like it'd be immediately pegged with the dreaded MPDG tier, as if writers should make characters around what things random dudes on the internet will/won't fetishize (pro tip: the internet fetishizes everything). And that makes female characters, specifically female leads, a lot less varied and dramatic.

tl;dr: Give me more total dorks, and clueless muscleheads, and cocky knaves, and hapless fellas, and all those other cool and weird character archetypes that are obnoxiously absent in female leads in gaming.
The film critic who coined the term MPDG, Nathan Rabin, wasn't criticizing quirky or non-conventional women characters. He was criticizing 2 dimensional women who's only role in the story is to come in and give the male lead an arc. Instead of acting like real human beings with dreams and wants and a personality of their, they act like life coaches who's only goal is to help the male lead discover some lesson.

Nathan actually regrets using the term nowadays cause people throw it at every non-conventional women character. But I don't think it's his fault. He was criticizing the role a MPDG plays in a story. It was other people who conflated it with a certain type of personality.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so tempted to get into UNIST rn but most of the characters look like such trash. Is the game self-aware at all about its designs in context?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so tempted to get into UNIST rn but most of the characters look like such trash. Is the game self-aware at all about its designs in context?
I'd imagine that crazy rock 'n' roll philosophy that stems from Guilty Gear also applies to whatever Arcs come up with their other games.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd imagine that crazy rock 'n' roll philosophy that stems from Guilty Gear also applies to whatever Arcs come up with their other games.
UNIST = French Bread, not Arc (Arc only ported the home versions of Under Night). Either way, I'd say the aesthetics are still pretty different between Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, and Under Night, the third being closer to Melty Blood than anything else (which French Bread also developed, but don't own).


Nov 4, 2018
It would cut down on a lot of the trolling
How ? This would just displace moderation duties to another outlet. And now splits ERA's moderators attention on two different places. Given lots of them aren't even paid for their service (which shouldn't be the case for fuck sake's pay your mods but that's another subject altogether) how about we don't make their lives more difficult.

Besides, the immediacy of form that discord provides more often than not leads to even more conflict rather than less precisely because it's a live chatroom and good old FOMO leads everybody to behave like a jackass at least once per day . Sooo how about no ?


Mar 10, 2019
How ? This would just displace moderation duties to another outlet. And now splits ERA's moderators attention on two different places. Given lots of them aren't even paid for their service (which shouldn't be the case for fuck sake's pay your mods but that's another subject altogether) how about we don't make their lives more difficult.

Besides, the immediacy of form that discord provides more often than not leads to even more conflict rather than less precisely because it's a live chatroom and good old FOMO leads everybody to behave like a jackass at least once per day . Sooo how about no ?
Why do you assume the moderators from here would have to run it? And if you don't like the idea of using the chat, you don't have to! This thread would continue to exist! It would just be a place for like-minded people to hang.


Nov 4, 2018
Why do you assume the moderators from here would have to run it?
So far nobody mentioned it not being officially runned by ERA . Hence me basing my reasoning on it being an official outlet ...
With no indication of the contrary best to assume that the demand is thrown at ERA staff . Basic simple courtesy and politeness really ...

And if you don't like the idea of using the chat, you don't have to! This thread would continue to exist! It would just be a place for like-minded people to hang.
It's not that I don't like using a chat, but more like that the very nature of how Discord structures itself makes you miss out on the value of a well constructed calmly reflected post.
Every human tends to get cranky around 7:00 PM and with the internet connecting the world permanently it is always 7 PM for someone . That doesn't excuse absolute dickery of course, but it explains a lot of why social networks like twitter and chatrooms like discord have a tendency to be a nightmare to moderate. Because immediacy of flow creates in the user a stronger incentive to let themselves get engulfed by major FOMO effect .
That's why ironically the very structure of a forum is actually more prone to generate meaningful and thoughtful conversations because by its very structure it incentives you to take your time .
Sorry not sorry but being aware of both types of systems pros and cons is not what I call an admission of dislike. It's just baring in mind what each systems should be used for.

TL:DR : I didn't say that I don't like chat rooms just that moderating them is another beast altogether. And also given what subject is at hand in this very thread having that kind of discussion in a live feed way would produce way less meaningful exchanges than here in a forum because a live feed deincetives you from taking your time.
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Oct 25, 2017
TL:DR : I didn't say that I don't like chat rooms just that moderating them is another beast altogether. And also given what subject is at hand in this very thread having that kind of discussion in a live feed way would produce way less meaningful exchanges than here in a forum because a live feed deincetives you from taking your time.

Well, to your concern about moderation: I'm in some other Era discords, and it is usually not the case that Era staff moderate them. (They rarely need any moderation anyway.) Eventually, most of the people who participate are regulars who are comfortable with one another, and normally Discord invites are given out by PM or hidden quote text — so there isn't a huge influx of random trolls.

In the RPG Era discord, we try to still relegate longer thoughts/analysis to forum posts, while still having everyday chat and discussion in Discord. So there can be room for both.


Nov 4, 2018
In the RPG Era discord, we try to still relegate longer thoughts/analysis to forum posts, while still having everyday chat and discussion in Discord. So there can be room for both.
I know I myself am a routine quiet reader of the Game's Professor discord server (very nice place to hangout in)
But saddly the bigger a Discord get the more said Discord turns in "yet another twitter trashfire fest" , and I've seen it on the discord of bigger creators where meaningful discussions is all but gone.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
So Rebel Galaxy Outlaw (2) may not have the same gameplay that RG1 had and charmed me with...

But it does have a 43 year old female protagonist which is...basically unheard of in video games.



Nov 4, 2018
So Rebel Galaxy Outlaw (2) may not have the same gameplay that RG1 had and charmed me with...

But it does have a 43 year old female protagonist which is...basically unheard of in video games.


Sweet !

googles for the game

Aw man Epic Store Exclusive .. fine I guess I'll try to use WINE to make it run on my PC ...

grumbles a little bit


Oct 27, 2017
New York
Really loving some of the costume changes they've made to the female MK cast for 11. Some waaaaay better decisions on how armor should be designed. Still a couple of them wearing heels in combat, but otherwise much better than past incarnations.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know if there are any For Honor fans here, I played it quite a lot at launch. It has some great female character designs imo, they just revealed their new heavy type character Sakura. I think the character will be available as both male and female, but they used the female version for the reveal/marketing. What do people think? There's no in-game footage of her yet to my knowledge, only the CG reveal trailer. I'm a fan, makes me wish the character was there when I was still playing.


Edit: Few earlier female (only) character designs from the game
Edit 2: Forgot to mention, the campaign also has a woman as the main villain.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Don't know if there are any For Honor fans here, I played it quite a lot at launch. It has some great female character designs imo, they just revealed their new heavy type character Sakura. I think the character will be available as both male and female, but they used the female version for the reveal/marketing. What do people think? There's no in-game footage of her yet to my knowledge, only the CG reveal trailer. I'm a fan, makes me wish the character was there when I was still playing.


Edit: Few earlier female (only) character designs from the game

Edit 2: Forgot to mention, the campaign also has a woman as the main villain.

For Honor has always been really good with it's representation of women. While some of the characters in the past have been gender locked all of the new heros coming out this year (of which one is out already) will allow you to pick male or female. Cool.

Just don't go to the reddit for the game. It's full of the type of people that you think of when you hear the word "Gamer".


Oct 25, 2017
For Honor has always been really good with it's representation of women. While some of the characters in the past have been gender locked all of the new heros coming out this year (of which one is out already) will allow you to pick male or female. Cool.

Just don't go to the reddit for the game. It's full of the type of people that you think of when you hear the word "Gamer".
Yeah I won't be going to Reddit at all =P Era has all the gaming discussion I need with strangers.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah I won't be going to Reddit at all =P Era has all the gaming discussion I need with strangers.

What's weird is that in the game I've met and interacted with a ton of cool and diverse people. It's a shame that the only real active place to talk about the game is filled with the sort of people we make fun of in here.
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