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Oct 25, 2017

Pls no!



Oct 26, 2017
It is kinda funny to me though that a $108 million opening weekend these days is considered a disaster. I get the industry is way different, but $108 million even in the 90s would still translate for a $60+ million opening weekend which would probably be a record back then. Of course movies tended to play longer back then.

Jurassic Park (1993) opened to $47 million, which was huge back then, adjusted for inflation that would be about $82 million today.

In the 90s a $100 million budget was crazy talk. Water World bombed and got blasted for having a budget well over $100 million.

Solo's budget apparently is north of $300 million, so bringing in good money for the 90s won't cut it.


Oct 30, 2017
She's also produced the single highest money making Star Wars sequel/prequel in history. And two other billion+ grossing Star Wars films in a four year span.

If we are measuring purely by financials than Colin Trevorrow made a billion dollar blockbuster on his first try why did Kennedy fire such a financially successful director?


Oct 30, 2017
Not everyone vilifies her because she's a woman.

But a lot of people do and it's an issue. This isn't arguable either, as she has been a consistent target of the alt-right segment of the Star Wars "fan" base since before The Force Awakens even released. This isn't new to Solo's release. It was't new to The Last Jedi's divisive release.

There were people blaming her specifically for "forcing diversity" in The Force Awakens with the characters of Rey and Finn, despite those characters being creations of Kasdan and Abrams.

Now her name is used as an example by sexist pigs in completely unrelated topics like the comment section for a Battlefield 5 trailer.

When Iron Man 3 released, an incredibly divisive movie that people still argue about today, not unlike The Last Jedi -- and was then immediately followed up by Thor: The Dark World -- you know what wasn't happening? People weren't calling for Kevin Feige to be fired. No one accused him of "ruining" the MCU after The Avengers was so beloved. There was no "anti-Feige" crowd.

But it happened with Kennedy before Solo, before The Last Jedi, all the way back to when Star Wars dared have a female lead.

I try to tell myself that not every person who dislikes Kennedy does it with sexist undertones. But it's a major problem and it is a larger portion than anyone should feel comfortable with.

I understand what your saying but I'm not going to stop attacking Kennedy because some sexists don't like her either.

I attacked Lucas back in the day for his incompetence why should Kennedy get special treatment just because she's a woman?


Oct 25, 2017
No... No... No... I don't want Rose's death to be off-screen. I want that shit to be on-screen. I want Rian to see his creation die in front of him on opening day. Then I want JJ to walk up to him after the scene, and stare him down to tell him "Mistake erased".
Yeah, these are the sensible musings of a well-adjusted person and not a perfect demonstration of how deranged being too invested in any one thing like SW fanboys get can make someone or anything...


Oct 25, 2017
Could you post this at the top of every page for the rest of the thread?
This really should be in the Forum rules and Terms of Service.

"Arguments about The Last Jedi are to take place in designated areas only. New threads about The Last Jedi will be merged into the existing Last Jedi Sucks/Rules OT"


Oct 27, 2017
There was zero indication that Finn had any romantic interest in Rose. The look on his face when she kisses him tells the whole tale there. He doesn't look surprised and then settle into the kiss.

He has a legit, "She's decided she is gonna kiss me...ok, this is happening" look on his face.

How did you read that from Finn's confused expression after her middle school kiss?


Oct 25, 2017
I understand what your saying but I'm not going to stop attacking Kennedy because some sexists don't like her either.

I attacked Lucas back in the day for his incompetence why should Kennedy get special treatment just because she's a woman?
I, for one, won't disparage your utter display of bravery to willingly admit on a public forum that ... checks notes... you want attack executives and creatives in the film business...

("George Lucas violated my childhood" was dumb then, "Kathleen Kennedy is violating Star Wars" is dumb now. Go outside for a bit, most of it is quite lovely right now. Or watch Killing Eve, it's quite a lovely show)
Great, you had to post those here. I feel dumber by just seeing those caps


Oct 25, 2017
I mentioned it in a prior post, but I feel like the "fans" are the ones giving me Star Wars fatigue more than the movies are.

That kind of mindset is why I barely peruse the gaming side aside from a daily or two check of headlines to see any announcements.

For me it went as far back as 2006 when Okami and Twilight Princess, both of which I loved, became pitted in some fan war where it became impossible for one to be discussed without the other inevitably being brought up, often with vitriolic responses.

Reminds me of taking a graduate course on superhero comics this time last year. Every week we would discuss an aspect of their existence, from their take on masculinity to the business side of things. Among the later topics was fandom. One classmate who had little exposure to comics was surprised to almost all of us in the class carried harsh views on fandom. We had to explain that we'd seen a lot f it's ugly elements, often wrapped up in socioeconomic privilege, and it left us all a little scared and scarred.
Nov 30, 2017
Not everyone vilifies her because she's a woman.

But a lot of people do and it's an issue. This isn't arguable either, as she has been a consistent target of the alt-right segment of the Star Wars "fan" base since before The Force Awakens even released. This isn't new to Solo's release. It was't new to The Last Jedi's divisive release.

There were people blaming her specifically for "forcing diversity" in The Force Awakens with the characters of Rey and Finn, despite those characters being creations of Kasdan and Abrams.

Now her name is used as an example by sexist pigs in completely unrelated topics like the comment section for a Battlefield 5 trailer.

When Iron Man 3 released, an incredibly divisive movie that people still argue about today, not unlike The Last Jedi -- and was then immediately followed up by Thor: The Dark World -- you know what wasn't happening? People weren't calling for Kevin Feige to be fired. No one accused him of "ruining" the MCU after The Avengers was so beloved. There was no "anti-Feige" crowd.

But it happened with Kennedy before Solo, before The Last Jedi, all the way back to when Star Wars dared have a female lead.

I try to tell myself that not every person who dislikes Kennedy does it with sexist undertones. But it's a major problem and it is a larger portion than anyone should feel comfortable with.

Both IM3 and Thor were enjoyed by the GA. There was no divisiveness on those movies at release time. The divisiveness came afterwards even on GAF when the minority on Thor 2 would bring it up in every thread, to the point it became a meme leading to people joining the hate train.

But at the time of release people were way less down on either movie than the current Star Wars.

However if you only live in NeoGAF/ERA then yes you will think that.


Nov 7, 2017
Boxoffice mojo gets more views than we do here on Era (the full site, not this thread), and rotten tomatoes is a top 150 website in the US. So I guess the answer is a lot of people.
BOT (as I'm sure you know) goes crazy over numbers. Makes sense considering the whole place is dedicated to it.
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