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Dec 12, 2018
I hope Gears 5 is a mix of open ended wider areas and more traditional claustrophobic stuff. I love the idea of like a God of War style hub or exploration area, but I also love the horror roots that gears wears proudly. Kait is a great character too, so some quiet moments and development with her will be awesome, peppered with some tense moments and a few good scares


Jan 18, 2019
Definitely expecting a Scarlett tease. I don't think they're going to be coy about it at all. They're going to be very transparent about what it is and when it's coming.
That's what Phil said. Be as transparent as possible without misleading people. They don't want to tell you x and then do y.

Deleted member 36493

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Dec 19, 2017
Maybe if we're lucky we'll get a peek at what Halo Infinite looks like running on Scarlett. And then a full reveal with new games next year.

Deleted member 268

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Oct 25, 2017
Phil just briefly mentioned that he likes the fact inXile has two studios in Newport Beach and New Orleans because it allows them to draw more talent from more places. He's not opposed to remote employees either because he's interested in the talent first and foremost and not that bothered by all the travel involved.

Very interesting bit of info.
Oct 26, 2017
If hmqgg states something, then it's true.
You can believe that.
He is verified, he isn't getting the verified tag on his profile because that's for known industry people, not someone leaking Microsoft plans lol
It's pretty obvious that Gears 5 is going to be the God Of War version of Gears. That is not to say Gears is just mimicking god of war or blah blah fanboy blah blah, but just from the trailers it looks open worldish

Holy shit!

So that means we'll be seeing huge ass maps in the campaign, I mean 20x the size is crazy. Hopefully they mix that up with some more smaller, linear parts too. But again, a much longer campaign.

Hell yes!

Deleted member 268

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Oct 25, 2017
A choice quote.

Phil Spencer said:
The real goal with the studios for me is to get a large enough studio bases where we can delight and surprise ourselves and our fans with games and it's on a regular cadence, so we're not always pinched to say 'okay, what can we announce' now we can say 'what do we have to announce and which of these things do we actually want to announce and what do we actually want to let sit and percolate a little longer?' ... It's been a while since we were in that position with our internal studios and I feel really good about that as Matt Booty and I are sitting down and look at all the different things that the teams are working on, the kind of capability we have now as a first party organisation - I do think it will continue to get bigger - what we have right now is just so different than the position we have been in the last 5 years, which is awesome.
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Deleted member 268

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Oct 25, 2017
On E3.
Phil Spencer said:
This is gonna be a fun E3 for us. There obviously was some news about E3 in the fall and we had a discussion internally of 'should we go big, should we save some money?' - what does that mean? We decided 'no, we're going to do our thing.' We're going to go and be as big at E3 as we've ever been.
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Nov 1, 2017
Interesting how Phil describes his feedback for unreleased games. "Some games I have history with"

Some unannounced sequels?

Deleted member 268

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Oct 25, 2017
On the growth of the Xbox organisation and going where the talent is

Phil Spencer & Major Nelson said:
Major: [...] When I joined the teams it was like 300 people, and now I don't even know I don't know many people are in the Xbox org around the world.

Phil: It's thousands.

Major: It's thousands, and they're around the world!

Phil: That's right.

Major: It's just growing and growing and growing. And as you just alluded to earlier there is tremendous aspirations to go beyond the console.

Phil: There is, and the growth is part of it. I think on the percentage bases, we're one of the fastest growing groups around, obviously the acquisitions [are] a large part of that - I also, gowing aorund the world, I love the fact we no longer try to push everybody to live in the upper North-West corner of the United States. We can go and do an acquisition or hire people once you have a footprint in different places - even remote employees. I had a good lunch with with one of our strong Xbox LIVE devs who lives in Southern California and works from his home and he has for years, and I think you want to find the best talent, you want them to be comfortable with where they live. I was down with Brian Fargo at inXile, they're in [...] New Port and they got another part of their studio that's over in Louisiana, the Silicon Bayou. I think it's great we can actually have footprints [and] offices in different places, it lets us hire more different kind of people.

Major: The talent pool is much bigger.

Phil: That's right, we're not always competing with ourselves. It means a little more travel, but I just think the community and the culture we have inside our team, it's such a great addition.


Oct 27, 2017
Phil just briefly mentioned that he likes the fact inXile has two studios in Newport Beach and New Orleans because it allows them to draw more talent from more places. He's not opposed to remote employees either because he's interested in the talent first and foremost and not that bothered by all the travel involved.

Very interesting bit of info.

It's interesting that the exact same infrastructure they're using to service their games and provide things like XBL and xCloud could be used to develop the games themselves. Remote VDI is something a lot of businesses are using to allow remote yet highly secure working (no files local, no screenshots etc.) and they could use Azure to do the same.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
Am I in the minority that too many game modes hurts multuplayer?

It can, if the developer isnt careful enough curate the experience and limit the number of playlists.

Some Gamemodes will be popular enough to warrant their own playlists. Some gamemodes will share a Playlist with other gamemodes. And others will be relegated to private games only.

Another thing that devs are doing lately is "mixtape matchmaking". This saved the MCC for me. To avoid the MP fragmentation that comes with having too many gamemodes, devs allow players to search multiple playlists at once. This keeps wait times low, but still allows players to experience all the gamemodes they are interested in.


Dec 3, 2018
sounds like they could possibly buy or build studios beyond the current Canada, US and England structure they have now. Also E3 HYPE !!!!!!


Oct 25, 2017
sounds like they could possibly buy or build studios beyond the current Canada, US and England structure they have now. Also E3 HYPE !!!!!!

I say buy or build something in Japan.

Not only would a Japanese developer bring even more diversity to their first party slate, they will have caught up to Sony and Nintendo in having a first party presence in NA, EU, and JP.


Dec 3, 2018
Can someone do a FULL recap of what Phil said in the podcast?
Main points

- Phil is happy about last year
- Tried out XCloud on vacation in Hawaii
- All Studios announced to be aquired have finished the paperwork
- MS CFO likes division (lol)
- Had to make decisions about how to go about E3 since Sony won't be there decided to go bigger than ever. some changes to E3 still at MS theatre
- expect expansion of first party to continue and possibly not just in US, Canada and England.
Think that is it.

I say buy or build something in Japan.

Not only would a Japanese developer bring even more diversity to their first party slate, they will have caught up to Sony and Nintendo in having a first party presence in NA, EU, and JP.
Not ready to even think about that until I see Spencer or Booty on stage and Japanese studio logo pops up next the Microsoft studios logo.

Deleted member 268

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Oct 25, 2017
Phil Spencer said:
Major: Did you see that article on Kotaku last week?

Phil: Yeah, [...] the one about the kudos to 343?

Major: Yeah, [because] they kept working on it over the years, frankly, making it better.

Phil: I think it's awesome when we stay on things. I will say the quality of the launch wasn't where it should be, so it's a little bit of two sides of the coin, I mean you can't rewind time. [sic] I love the fact 343 didn't lean back, they leaned in, they rolled up their sleeves, they learned from what happened, and then they stayed committed to the franchise and the fans, which I think is awesome. Obviously we need to learn [...] how to not get ourselves in that situation again, which I think would be fundamental.

2018 vs 2019
Phil Spencer said:
Phil: What I loved about 2018, and you know this, it's not something we've talked about in the press a ton, this time last year we did a really big reorg where we brought in a couple new leaders because we had a real good vision on where we wanted to go, or at least we had solidified that-

Major: We came up with the idea, now you have to put everybody in place to execute that plan.

Phil: That's exactly right, and what I would say what I loved the most about 2018, is I feel that we got the right teams together, and I mean that teams in the kind of plural - some of those were added, as you said. Six news teams and adding a seventh with The Initiative, and they're doing a great job hiring. I think now we're in execution mode. I look at 2019 and where we're going with future console, xCloud, coming to PC I think in a much bigger way this year, doing some things that we've been talking about for a while for real on PC this year, and this is a year where it's not strategery, we're going to roll up our sleeves and show. I love that, I love the studio acquisitions as part of that, I love the team as it's set up right now and our leadership team and how they're showing up, the different leaders, some new, some that have been around for a long time. I think everybody sees it now, this is going to be the year - now it's go time.
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Dec 12, 2018
I say buy or build something in Japan.

Not only would a Japanese developer bring even more diversity to their first party slate, they will have caught up to Sony and Nintendo in having a first party presence in NA, EU, and JP.

Microsoft is already building an Asian division in Tokyo, they've been hiring a mix of engineers and liaison types. So it looks like their goal is to establish and grow relationships with existing Japanese studios, as well as provide support to encourage them to make Xbox games. It's not likely that we'll see any acquisitions or full on studios materialize from that any time soon, but it is a foothold and could lead somewhere eventually

Deleted member 47654

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Sep 10, 2018
Phil Spencer said:
This is gonna be a fun E3 for us. There obviously was some news about E3 in the fall and we had a discussion internally of 'should we go big, should we save some money?' - what does that mean? We decided 'no, we're going to do our thing.' We're going to go and be as big at E3 as we've ever been.


Also, Phil Spencer Should do ASMR
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