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Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
I don't know why some of this board and people like you in particular are arguing for game streaming. It's a worse experience, IQ and input lag wise than native solutions. Not to mention the problems inherent with having to be adherent to the speed of light for data transmission, MS could put data centers in everyone's backyard and it would still be a worse experience. Basically, why are people like you in a rush for a worse experience?
Because for me it's not a "this or that" it's "let me have both options"

Let me experience the best possible version on a beast PC, Let me relax and get a great version up on the TV on my Xbox One X and when I'm sick or just tired (or out of town!) let me lay in bed with a Switch or Laptop and let me play all my favourite games.

Until it's actually released (and I mean proper not just the testing they plan to do later this year) no one will know how it will actually preform.

But maybe it's just me but I'd put more faith into MS doing this than Sony. Just seems to fit them more /shrug


Feb 5, 2018
If nothing about Nintendo is announced at GDC or E3, it's gonna be an absolute kii.

I can't wait for the meltdowns and speculation that it's psnow the service that will come to switch and how Xbox is doomed because of that.


Oct 27, 2017
That's not how it works apparently. Xbox had record revenue last year. How much money do they have to make exactly?

Not sure if this is an ironic post. In case you're serious, then it means you missed the news about all the new studios in 2018. We are already seeing increased investments in the gaming space from MS.

We don't really know if the native ports will be XPA or not.

For me, the silver lining would be that games like Ori and Cuphead are XPA enabled. So that if I buy it on Xbox One, I own it on Switch as well. And vice versa, of course. I'd be fully on board if some Nintendo games came to Xbox, but not holding my breath on that one. I'd definitely pay for the Nintendo Online subscription to gain access to NES on my XBO though.

I was talking about the rumor on the entirety of Game Pass coming to Switch via xCloud. Heck, people really care if an indie-like game natively goes to switch? They're both already available on Steam, after all.
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Apr 2, 2018
Microsoft/Xbox plan is to deliver high quality content on as many devices as possible via xClound and on hardware as well. Xbox as a console is not going anywhere and going forwards it is going to set a bar in terms of power (anaconda) and value (lockhart). GamePass is more likely to become a core part or even the streaming service itself where for 10$ you can play instantly all games in the catalog. Also all digital purchases from Xbox Store should work same way.

It does make sens to put such service on as many devices as possible - mobile phones/tablets, smart TVs, Switch and even Playstation. If you are subscribed to the GP and play games via the service it is a win for MS and Xbox cuz you spend money and time on Xbox platform. More money spent = bigger investment in games = more games to play for us. What's more, you will be able to play those games on most powerful console on your 77 inch Oled as well as on the go on your mobile phone or Switch. GP + Switch is a sick combo for me and it can benefit both Nintendo (network) and Microsoft (user base).

Also in the all digital future i can see Xbox and Nintendo partnership to go even further (Nintendo games on GP playable via the cloud? i can see it).

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017
I was talking about the rumor on the entirety of Game Pass coming to Switch via xCloud. Heck, people really care if an indie-like game natively goes to switch? They're both already available on Steam, after all.
If some of the rumours are to be believed, more substantial games are coming over as well.

I don't expect them to be XPA enabled, but I think they should be. That's one of the things that would make porting 1st party Xbox games to the Switch worth it. Both from Microsoft and an Xbox gamer's perspective.

Deleted member 53021

User requested account closure
Feb 3, 2019
If nothing about Nintendo is announced at GDC or E3, it's gonna be an absolute kii.

I can't wait for the meltdowns and speculation that it's psnow the service that will come to switch and how Xbox is doomed because of that.
This yeah let it be psnow on Nintendo same people moaning will tell you how Microsoft has lost next gen already like how Microsoft list next gen already due to crackdown 3 and bad reviews according to the's ridiculous and had to watch and read people tumble around what th their telling you if it was psnow going Nintendo,this thread would have be like a doomsday prediction..I just think some people just let what Sony or whatever fanboys say affect them too far majority of Xbox consumers atleast per my Internet analysis don't care about's mostly people who claim allegiance to different platforms other than Microsoft making cacophonies about how it's doom and bad for Microsoft to pursue makes it hard to have enlightening conversation about stuff like this if people who dont like,follow or own Xbox are ready to jump onto a bandwagon of something they can fathom..

Deleted member 53021

User requested account closure
Feb 3, 2019
Lol Where is Klobrille when you need him?...people have pulled out their pens and papers waiting for a response to questions..Klobrille seems shocked,never seen that in his previous tweets so safe to say this is actually a big one...maybe just maybe Microsoft all acquiring Nintendo,Sega and EA all combined..
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Jan 31, 2018
Are all first party PlayStation games on PS Now? Is Sony giving it away for as low as $1 a month? Are those first party games arriving day 1 on PS Now?

It's not an equal comparison at all. And no I don't care. If people want to pay $20 a month for the opportunity to stream games that are either already on PC or have been given away on PS Plus or have been out for three years, lol be my guest.

You guys keep skipping over my question about what Nintendo is giving Xbox owners in return. "Microsoft gets more money" is not a benefit for people who care about games. You have to go down some rabbit hole to justify how some extra revenue will possibly lead to more investment in things MS are already making. And cheerleading for some giant corporation's bottom line hardly seems like it'll effect my enjoyment of the games.

It will allow the Xbox Platform into new markets, the Asian Market is a strong contender here. People in Japan are increasingly mobile, so having Japanese Developers develop on Xbox to get to that Switch and Mobile market is a great way to benefit Xbox Owners, including those on XCloud and Consoles.


Apr 5, 2018
I think whatever MS is doing, they must have had extensive negotiations with both Nintendo and thirds (especially Ubisoft, EA, Activision, THQ Nordic) first. Some of them could pull a Disney and decide to start their own streaming service as well, or partner with Google or Amazon. We have seen in the whole Steam/Epic debate that platform holders have their fair share of $$$ gained from having their games in their service, and Epic's conditions are so different that I'm sure got many thirds thinking about the size of their own piece of the cake. Seeing many people believe you will have to rent servers from either Microsoft, Amazon, Google anyways, it might seem as if Microsoft just wants to be early and become the natural partner for Nintendo as well as thirds. It also seems to be a technical challenge to get streaming done right in acceptable quality, so this might be Microsoft's big advantage. Also, as stated, Xbox Live integration is a must. I don't think we will see another port without integration of Xbox Live as a basic requirement, maybe not even Minecraft on PS5.


Jan 31, 2018
I think whatever MS is doing, they must have had extensive negotiations with both Nintendo and thirds (especially Ubisoft, EA, Activision, THQ Nordic) first. Some of them could pull a Disney and decide to start their own streaming service as well, or partner with Google or Amazon. We have seen in the whole Steam/Epic debate that platform holders have their fair share of $$$ gained from having their games in their service, and Epic's conditions are so different that I'm sure got many thirds thinking about the size of their own piece of the cake. Seeing many people believe you will have to rent servers from either Microsoft, Amazon, Google anyways, it might seem as if Microsoft just wants to be early and become the natural partner for Nintendo as well as thirds. It also seems to be a technical challenge to get streaming done right in acceptable quality, so this might be Microsoft's big advantage. Also, as stated, Xbox Live integration is a must. I don't think we will see another port without integration of Xbox Live as a basic requirement, maybe not even Minecraft on PS5.

Agreed, I think third parties realise that they cannot make a streaming service without the infrastructure of Google, Amazon and Microsoft.

As mentioned before I can see Microsoft being typical Microsoft, license XCloud Servers to Third party publishers to host their own Streaming Services but still need to publish their games onto the Xbox Store and streamable via XCloud. This is a similar situation to EA Access. This would avoid Third Parties leaving the Xbox Platform. However this will make third parties seperate from Xbox Platform/XCloud pretty much impossible since it will involve porting a whole service of games to other servers that don't match Xbox Specs.
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Nov 6, 2017
Not sure if this is an ironic post. In case you're serious, then it means you missed the news about all the new studios in 2018. We are already seeing increased investments in the gaming space from MS.

I was talking about the rumor on the entirety of Game Pass coming to Switch via xCloud. Heck, people really care if an indie-like game natively goes to switch? They're both already available on Steam, after all.

Meaningless, sadly. What I now see are the games and Crackdown 3 feels more like a AA game, and for a reason.


Prophet of Regret
Feb 22, 2019
Meaningless, sadly. What I now see are the games and Crackdown 3 feels more like a AA game, and for a reason.

CD3 is the product of a long, troubled time, both its own development and for Xbox as a whole. I don't think it's fair to use that as a gauge for the future, given the changes made since it was announced way back.


Oct 27, 2017
Meaningless, sadly. What I now see are the games and Crackdown 3 feels more like a AA game, and for a reason.
What? We were talking about an increase in investments in 2018, not about the games coming out now, which are obviously due to previous investments/choices. However, if you want to see a proper AAA game this year, I'd wait for Gears 5. But yet, this isn't what we were talking about.


Oct 27, 2017
Insulting Peter 'Pinocchio' Molyneux? You better believe it!
He deserves his fair dose of criticism, but I wouldn't call him a liar. He's always been very ambitious and definitely overpromised/underdelivered, but I'm sure he did it out of enthusiasm for his own ideas despite them being easily doable or not. I'm pretty sure he's never lied just for the sake of doing it.


Aug 14, 2018
He deserves his fair dose of criticism, but I wouldn't call him a liar. He's always been very ambitious and definitely overpromised/underdelivered, but I'm sure he did it out of enthusiasm for his own ideas despite them being easily doable or not. I'm pretty sure he's never lied just for the sake of doing it.
If it was anyone else, I'd give them a pass, but Molyneux has done it so much, and can't seem to stop. After awhile the lines between lying and over promising become blurred.
Playground working on a new F Zero for Xbox and Switch ; )
Just don't tell Shigeru Miyamoto about it. "F-Zero by Playground proves that gamers will put up with mediocre gameplay as long as it looks pretty".


Aug 14, 2018
Come now, we're better than this. This is worse than "Crapdown".
Unlike 'Crapdown', Liarhead actually comes with a bit of justification. Plus it's more of a dig at Molyneux than the rest of the staff. Given your avatar I suspect you have a bias! :p But I'll stop.

glad you feel like also taking down the shit ton of people that worked there and lost their jobs because of bad managment.
Not insulting the staff, just Pete. He deserves every last bit of it.

Deleted member 43077

User requested account closure
May 9, 2018
Unlike 'Crapdown', Liarhead actually comes with a bit of justification. Plus it's more of a dig at Molyneux than the rest of the staff. Given your avatar I suspect you have a bias! :p But I'll stop.

Not insulting the staff, just Pete. He deserves every last bit of it.
Huh. Didn't know lionhead was ran by 1 single dude. That's one incredible talent.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't know why some of this board and people like you in particular are arguing for game streaming. It's a worse experience, IQ and input lag wise than native solutions. Not to mention the problems inherent with having to be adherent to the speed of light for data transmission, MS could put data centers in everyone's backyard and it would still be a worse experience. Basically, why are people like you in a rush for a worse experience?
I don't know why some of this board and people like you in particular are arguing against game streaming. It only lets me continue my gaming experience where ever I want. I can still and will have a console for that native experience. Why are you arguing for me to limit myself to how you want to play video games? Why should I always need that native experience if I don't care as much as you do? Why should I be limited to where I can play my games and ease of use of playing it on other devices? You talk so highly of one experience...that's it, one experience, in one place, paying more money for which I may not have or want to use on a game console on something that I may not care about as much as you. That's why I argue for streaming.

Oh and btw, the input lag that you talk about...wireless controllers introduced more input lag last was just that it was acceptable lag for users because they tested it. I believe in researchers who have already shown that they can mediate the lag for it to be acceptable for users with the introduction of streaming. So as much as you want to talk about the speed of light and input...we already do it with online games every day. Sure the image has local processing...but there's reasons why MS already has ways around that issue, research that's been out for some years. So you can keep your simple argument...I believe in research, especially being a researcher myself when I was in college (actually worked on automated game white box testing with Microsoft) and the people who work on this stuff are the smartest people you'll ever meet. But anyways, carry on.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why some of this board and people like you in particular are arguing against game streaming. It only lets me continue my gaming experience where ever I want. I can still and will have a console for that native experience. Why are you arguing for me to limit myself to how you want to play video games? Why should I always need that native experience if I don't care as much as you do? Why should I be limited to where I can play my games and ease of use of playing it on other devices? You talk so highly of one experience...that's it, one experience, in one place, paying more money for which I may not have or want to use on a game console on something that I may not care about as much as you. That's why I argue for streaming.

Because the thing is, once enough people buy into game streaming, and the market is big enough, you will see companies, including Sony and Microsoft move away from native experiences. And frankly, I don't want that at all. It's a worse experience as I talked about. I don't see how that's worth it.

Oh and btw, the input lag that you talk about...wireless controllers introduced more input lag last was just that it was acceptable lag for users because they tested it. I believe in researchers who have already shown that they can mediate the lag for it to be acceptable for users with the introduction of streaming. So as much as you want to talk about the speed of light and input...we already do it with online games every day. Sure the image has local processing...but there's reasons why MS already has ways around that issue, research that's been out for some years. So you can keep your simple argument...I believe in research, especially being a researcher myself when I was in college (actually worked on automated game white box testing with Microsoft) and the people who work on this stuff are the smartest people you'll ever meet. But anyways, carry on.

See this is where I am going to take issue. You can have your opinions obviously but when you're spouting that wireless controllers introduced more input lag than a potential game streaming solution I have to call bullshit. You don't know and I don't know. I do know that Xbox One's controller lag is around 16-17 ms so I guess we'll see when Microsoft reveals this tech in a way that can be measured.

My argument isn't simple, and frankly what you're doing is talking a bunch of irrelevant nonsense. There is no way in hell that the smartest people are looking to eliminate the issues with game streaming. If they are, our society is fucked.


Oct 27, 2017
The Milky Way
Because the thing is, once enough people buy into game streaming, and the market is big enough, you will see companies, including Sony and Microsoft move away from native experiences. And frankly, I don't want that at all. It's a worse experience as I talked about. I don't see how that's worth it.
That's a big assumption. Whilst native hardware offers an advantage - and tbh I can't imagine any future where it doesn't - then there will be a market for it. And PCs won't be going anywhere in a worst case scenario where consoles became a thing of the past.

Bear and bird

Oct 27, 2017
I'm not against streaming... as an option. I'm sure a lot of people will find it useful. For me, it's never going to replace native games though. And if I want to play games on the go, I'd rather use my 3DS. Or a Switch if I buy one eventually.

Aside from the latency part, I don't like the idea of single player games requiring an Internet connection to be playable. But it's nice to have options, of course.


Literally a train safety expert
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know why some of this board and people like you in particular are arguing for game streaming. It's a worse experience, IQ and input lag wise than native solutions. Not to mention the problems inherent with having to be adherent to the speed of light for data transmission, MS could put data centers in everyone's backyard and it would still be a worse experience. Basically, why are people like you in a rush for a worse experience?

It's a convenient experience. It's a nice way to suppliment the gaming experience when native isn't a viable option (because you're hardware isn't powerful enough, or isn't running the right operating system, or because a family member is hogging the TV).

I'm not sure why anyone WOULDN'T want this to come to market ASAP.

Because the thing is, once enough people buy into game streaming, and the market is big enough, you will see companies, including Sony and Microsoft move away from native experiences. And frankly, I don't want that at all. It's a worse experience as I talked about. I don't see how that's worth it.

This is a 100% baseless argument. Literally, there is zero evidence or industry precedence to support this claim. Look at how popular streaming has become for Movies and Music. Still, consumers can buy files directly and play them locally. Why would it be any different for gaming? A company would have to be anti-profit to completely ignore massive market segment like that.
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Aug 14, 2018
It's a convenient experience. It's a nice way to suppliment the gaming experience when native isn't a viable option (because you're hardware isn't powerful enough, or isn't running the right operating system, or because a family member is hogging the TV).

I'm not sure why anyone WOULDN'T want this to come to market ASAP.

This is a 100% baseless argument. Literally, there is zero evidence or industry precedence to support this claim. Look at how popular streaming has become for Movies and Music. Still, consumers can buy files directly and play them locally. Why would it be any different for gaming? A company would have to be anti-profit to completely ignore massive market segment like that.
If it's not ready, I sure don't want a botched attempt coming out and possibly ruining the whole initiative. Happens too many times.

Also his fear is that it won't be a mass market segment anymore. Sure Cds and movies are still around physically, but they've been becoming more and more niche with the rise of file sharing and streaming. That's a genuine fear to have, that in your thirst for ambition you're ignorant of or don't care for those who are forced to either change or get left behind. Some want ground-breaking new technology, others are happy the way things are and don't want rapid change.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
It's a convenient experience. It's a nice way to suppliment the gaming experience when native isn't a viable option (because you're hardware isn't powerful enough, or isn't running the right operating system, or because a family member is hogging the TV).

I'm not sure why anyone WOULDN'T want this to come to market ASAP.

None of your reasons really matter to me at all.

This is a 100% baseless argument. Literally, there is zero evidence or industry precedence to support this claim. Look at how popular streaming has become for Movies and Music. Still, consumers can buy files directly and play them locally. Why would it be any different for gaming? A company would have to be anti-profit to completely ignore massive market segment like that.

Once the market gets enough traction that will change. Also I will say, buying compressed versions of music and movie files is not exactly a selling point to me. Also also it's worth mentioning listening to music and watching movies are both passive experiences. They are not comparable to playing games.
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