
Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused too. I thought people said he was let go for a good reason due to tweets. Did I miss something that people want him back?

To a number of people, because the tweets were outed by alt right, the content of those tweets doesn't matter but who produced them and made it public matters


Oct 26, 2017
The guy's a white male in Hollywood.

He'll be fine and find work soon enough.

Why do you guys want him back at Disney? Why not hope he lands somewhere his employer will back him against alt-right propaganda and not throw him under the bus?

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
How is it still unfathomable to believe that people can't honestly change for the better?
People can change but society as a whole has a hard time accepting. There's a reason why the death penalty has such following. People don't care about these sorts of stuff and some acts or sayings are worse than others to people. Pedophila and rape combined don't sit well with large swathes of people. Even convicted criminals seemingly have little respect for those who do that to children. Society and especially America isn't ready to forgive pedophilia, so when someone makes these types of jokes, you will have a hard time explaining it.

I can't fault Disney for not wanting to lead this cause.


Oct 25, 2017
Did I miss something? I thought he just got fired for all the dumb rape and pedo jokes.

Yes, you missed a lot. This bullshit was orchestrated by one of the Pizza-gate Alt-reichers, Cernovich. Gunn did that shit a decade ago, apologized publicly and had been on good behavior for years, even talking about how bad posting stuff like he did was and changed himself.

It's extremely shameful that anyone on the left is still taking this bait and buying right into the bullshit campaign.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm confused too. I thought people said he was let go for a good reason due to tweets. Did I miss something that people want him back?
People liked guardians and people also think that just because some alt right dude wanted to get james gunn fired that it must be morally superior to defend him no matter what he said, even in his full grown ass adulthood.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
Yes, you missed a lot. This bullshit was orchestrated by one of the Pizza-gate Alt-reichers, Cernovich. Gunn did that shit a decade ago, apologized publicly and had been on good behavior for years, even talking about how bad posting stuff like he did was and changed himself.

It's extremely shameful that anyone on the left is still taking this bait and buying right into the bullshit campaign.

Pin this post.

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
How about you protest by not going to see the next Avengers and other MCU movies instead?

Android 18

Jun 26, 2018
Signed. It's complete bull shit what happened to him. They knew who they were hiring when they took him on for the first GotG. Hell, I find Tromeo and Juliet more shocking than any of those tweets, and that's something they had to have known about.

He made 2 of the best Marvel movies, and made them shit tons of money. It's bull shit that they just throw him aside because of potentially bad PR. I think the firing is a worse look for them than the tweets.


Oct 25, 2017
You very simply do not understand that everyonehas something, somewhere. Everyone. You. Me. And comedians who often make their money with telling offensive jokes (Gunn was a Troma writer for heaven's sake) more than anyone else. If this is the standard you want, then you are just as guilty as Gunn. Patton Is. Silverman is. They are retweeting decade old tweets of them right now, in this very moment.
I very much doubt everyone, everywhere was foolish enough to be some sort of Twitter edgelord.

One can recognise that this is the outcome alt right dickwads wanted.
And that James Gunn did something stupid.
And that James Gunn apologised for it, before it was mainstream.
And that something going mainstream, when you helm a major franchise is different for it being a thing when you're a relative nobody.
And that Disney has a corporate reputation to maintain.
And that Disney is hypocritical in the maintenance of this reputation...

Without thinking this is some sort of slippery slope and we've all been hoodwinked by alt right geniuses (oxymoron).

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
No one's asking about society. There are individuals who have declared Gunn irredeemable despite his acknowledgement of the problem tweets, efforts to change, and apologies why they've labeled him irredeemable despite paying lip service to redemption here and elsewhere


Oct 26, 2017
Gunn got fired because unlike when he first wrote and then apologized, his tweets went mainstream NOW unlike before. People keep missing the point. Look at era's own thread when the tweets were made public, probably 5% of folks knew about the tweets and apology already. Gunn didn't get a lesson then because he became big. He got his lesson NOW. It's not that hard to understand

It's cringeworthy to see people only wanting him back because they like a movie. Words don't matter when you like things or someone apparently

So why do old tweets matter again? I'm just trying to understand what the actual gain here was. All I see is a bunch of self righteous back patting because an actual rapist dug up a bunch of old tweets that mean literally nothing next to harassment and racism. They've existed for years and now...what? What was actually fixed? Disney's family image?

What's the lesson here? I don't actually see the lesson here. Maybe don't ever do bad stuff, ever? Twitter sucks? Don't ever apologize since the people asking for it don't actually care? I don't know.

I guess, we can all sleep soundly knowing a person that tweeted bad jokes several years fired? Go team? Thankfully the internet had a piece of shit rapist there to show...everyone...the gross jokes...we didn't see...huh.

It's not stopping a predator, but it's a win for...someone? Ohh! Decency!! Decency was totally won, whew. A rapist scored a win for decency. Fucking WOW.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
People can change but society as a whole has a hard time accepting. There's a reason why the death penalty has such following. People don't care about these sorts of stuff and some acts or sayings are worse than others to people. Pedophila and rape combined don't sit well with large swathes of people. Even convicted criminals seemingly have little respect for those who do that to children. Society and especially America isn't ready to forgive pedophilia, so when someone makes these types of jokes, you will have a hard time explaining it.

I can't fault Disney for not wanting to lead this cause.

Honestly, I'm not angry at Disney for this. I signed the petition and I hope they realize he has grown since then but I completely understand why they did this.


Oct 25, 2017
'Dumb kiddy movies.'

From the dude with an anime avatar on a video game forum.

Sometimes we need to chill with the holier than thou, don't you think? You can question his conviction without posting some dumb shit.

Hey man I don't go around calling MHA the best fiction ever created like certain people talk about the MCU. I know it's a kid's show. I watch it with my 10 year old every weekend. We even read the manga together.

Marvel movies are dumb kiddy shit. It's okay to admit that. I like some of them too but I am not going to act like they're actually good. It's okay to like brain dead entertainment.


Oct 27, 2017
He was, but because hes not alt-right, everyone is banding behind him.

Its sad i should say this, im anti alt-right, but this site seems to have double standards

We've said this to death but show us somebody who did something ~10 years ago on the right, apologized, changed, and was still taken down.

Weinstein was still doing it. Roseanne was still doing it. Bill O'Reilly was still doing it. Laura Ingraham was still doing it. Matt Lauer was still doing it. Al Franken had hidden it.

There is a huge difference between current behavior and past, changed behavior. This is not hard.


Oct 28, 2017
Do me a favor. Please. Read this post:

And then explain to me how this is a double standard. Seriously. Please. Because all I see y'all doing is ignoring every argument people are making for why this is different and why this sets a terrible, absolutely dangerious precedent and instead just go with "double standards, they have no idea why they would defend Gunn but attack others!11!!"

I dont know, i have seen people on this very site defend other people for worse shit that what Gunn said.

If disney knew about these tweets back in the day and only fired him because of the outrage now, then ya thats shady, but i dont blame them. a company that markets toward families cannot allow that kind of negative publicity out, regardless of who outed them.

We've said this to death but show us somebody who did something ~10 years ago on the right, apologized, changed, and was still taken down.

Weinstein was still doing it. Roseanne was still doing it. Bill O'Reilly was still doing it. Laura Ingraham was still doing it. Matt Lauer was still doing it. Al Franken had hidden it.

There is a huge difference between current behavior and past, changed behavior. This is not hard.

Come on now, Weinstein was outed and went to jail, people were to scared to say anything because they thought their careers would be ruined. Bill O'Reilly lost his job, Lauer lost his job. Its very disingenuous to compare rapists to a guy who made very very bad jokes
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The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Portland, OR
I'm not a big fan of the double standard here. So many people are defending behavior that we have (rightly) criticized lots of other people for, just because you want to see his next movie. Sometimes being principled means making sacrifices, and it's not like the movie isn't going to be made one way or the other.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm not a big fan of the double standard here. So many people are defending behavior that we have (rightly) criticized lots of other people for, just because you want to see his next movie. Sometimes being principled means making sacrifices, and it's not like the movie isn't going to be made one way or the other.
Context matters. There's a double standard if you falsely equate two different circumstances.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey man I don't go around calling MHA the best fiction ever created like certain people talk about the MCU. I know it's a kid's show. I watch it with my 10 year old every weekend. We even read the manga together.

Marvel movies are dumb kiddy shit. It's okay to admit that. I like some of them too but I am not going to act like they're actually good. It's okay to like brain dead entertainment.
Yeah, it truly is okay to be a herald of bad taste once in while.

Chuck Noblet

Oct 27, 2017
The speed of the firing was insane. That was some old school Hollywood ruthless shit. No hesitation, just blamo fired. I don't think this petition is going to work, especially on Disney. The speed that this happened makes me think this is finale. Godspeed and good luck tho, if ya are gonna take on the mouse you are gonna need it.

My own personal conspiracy theory about this. I think Iger still has desires to run in 2020. Since it was political pundits/GOP bros on Twitter that kicked this up Iger just brought the hammer down hard so it wouldn't come back to bite him with the GOP base. He doesn't want a repeat of trump but is willing to use those vile people to win and run as a moderate Republican.

No facts to back up my crazy theory/speculation. Just a gut feeling.


Oct 25, 2017
People liked guardians and people also think that just because some alt right dude wanted to get james gunn fired that it must be morally superior to defend him no matter what he said, even in his full grown ass adulthood.

+1. We don't normally forgive people for hateful racist jokes here, but horrendous pedophiliac rape jokes are ok as long as the 40+ year old man "learned from them" and finally "matured".

With that said, I despise the alt-right, I don't want them to feel like they have any victory at all, but I can't see why anyone would defend heinous rape jokes. It's not funny, it doesn't matter if comedians make the same jokes on stage, they're trashy for using the same jokes too. This dude wasn't some edgy teen looking for attention he was a grown man.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, is Larry David tweeting how he wants to rape the boy next to him in the theatre? Tweets are different than work.
So, let me ask you: Do you believe Gunn was serious or that he made a distasteful, shocking and unfunny joke? Do you believe there was actually a little boy in the theatre with Gunn that he wanted to rape? Or do you think he was just an unfunny dude whose joke landed with an awkward cringe of anybody who had to read it?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not a big fan of the double standard here. So many people are defending behavior that we have (rightly) criticized lots of other people for, just because you want to see his next movie. Sometimes being principled means making sacrifices, and it's not like the movie isn't going to be made one way or the other.
Shit is ridiculous. We better see this same defense force for every other actor or director that says vile shit moving forward.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
+1. We don't normally forgive people for hateful racist jokes here, but horrendous pedophiliac rape jokes are ok as long as the 40+ year old man "learned from them" and finally "matured".

With that said, I despise the alt-right, I don't want them to feel like they have any victory at all, but I can't see why anyone would defend heinous rape jokes. It's not funny, it doesn't matter if comedians make the same jokes on stage, they're trashy for using the same jokes too. This dude wasn't some edgy teen looking for attention he was a grown man.
Why the quotes around things that are true

Salty Rice

Oct 25, 2017
Pancake City
I'm not a big fan of the double standard here. So many people are defending behavior that we have (rightly) criticized lots of other people for, just because you want to see his next movie. Sometimes being principled means making sacrifices, and it's not like the movie isn't going to be made one way or the other.
There is no double standard. People should stop with this bullshit.

Couldnt care about the movie. Fact is the already publicly apologised for it 6 years ago and Disney still hired him.

Thats like a mod saying "Nah i wont ban you" but in 10 weeks changes his/her mind.

Shit is ridiculous. We better see this same defense force for every other actor or director that says vile shit moving forward.
Comparing this with stuff happening right now is indeed ridiculous.


Oct 27, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Well I signed it. I was hoping to finally see Rocket's origin stories and the further stuff James was saying he had planned for him and Groot.

Hopefully things like this and the positions that many of the cast I hope are taking end up bringing him back.
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subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
So, let me ask you: Do you believe Gunn was serious or that he made a distasteful, shocking and unfunny joke? Do you believe there was actually a little boy in the theatre with Gunn that he wanted to rape? Or do you think he was just an unfunny dude whose joke landed with an awkward cringe of anybody who had to read it?
Nope. Doesn't take away he joked about raping a boy on Twitter. Jokes aren't protected. They are usually if in a work or on stage, but Twitter is neither of those.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not a big fan of the double standard here. So many people are defending behavior that we have (rightly) criticized lots of other people for, just because you want to see his next movie. Sometimes being principled means making sacrifices, and it's not like the movie isn't going to be made one way or the other.

What's the double standard? Gunn posted these tweets years ago, has admitted they were gross, has admitted he was gross, apologized for his behavior, and demonstrated that he had grown and changed. That's what we should be striving for.


Oct 28, 2017
So, let me ask you: Do you believe Gunn was serious or that he made a distasteful, shocking and unfunny joke? Do you believe there was actually a little boy in the theatre with Gunn that he wanted to rape? Or do you think he was just an unfunny dude whose joke landed with an awkward cringe of anybody who had to read it?

Its easier for disney to can the dude than try and defend on if he was serious or not


Oct 26, 2017
Disney bent to the alt-right's will.

So you'll ensure you'll continue to give Disney money as it will show defiance to the alt-right?



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Because we don't see the tweets as problematic enough for firing when Gunn has clearly been working to improve himself and done so successfully. That the alt-right are making this to be something more than it is (actual admission of being a pedophile) is a less complicated way to explain their motivation for fighting it.


Oct 27, 2017
He's not going to be directing gotg3 unless the stars of the movie (pratt/saldana/bautista/vin/cooper/gillan) band together and say they are not making it without him. Everything else, including online petitions etc are worthless in this matter.


Oct 25, 2017
Because we don't see the tweets as problematic enough for firing when Gunn has clearly been working to improve himself and done so successfully. That the alt-right are making this to be something more than it is (actual admission of being a pedophile) is a less complicated way to explain their motivation for fighting it.

I wonder though, have the same people defending Gunn forgiven, say, Mel Gibson?
Certainly Rosanne is a no no, but what about in 2 years? That's the time gap for some of James' tweets and his work being shot into the mainstream.