

QA Architect at Riot Games
Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
Another slew of Hall of FameTM additions, as we ramp down to the final days of the year;

Hopefully not our last update as I anticipate a few more DM's to come in last minute including hopefully my own (currently at 50/52). Hope everyone is having a fantastic holiday period, for whatever you celebrate, and are looking forward to the new year! :D


Nov 16, 2017

(Think this will be my final post, see you all in 2023!)

53) Signalis(XSX) 12/23-12/25

So I just watched a lore video last night about this game so I wanted to give the story some closure and get a better understanding as to what the hell I just played for almost 8 hours but I did finish up Signalis throughout my Christmas weekend. It's a 2022 Survival Horror Indie title that has gotten tons of acclaim from quite a few sites & lists as to being one of the best hidden gems of the year, which instantly caught my attention(Especially with being on XBOX Game Pass).

Lets briefly run down me as a survival horror player. I have played and enjoyed my time with the Resident Evil, Dino Crisis and Silent Hill older games on PS1/PS2 but I can't say this older Survival Horror game is one of my go to genres. So take it from me, this genre isn't really my major cup of tea. It isn't so much the jumpscares or eerie sounds these games often play, it was always the outdated game mechanics, in particular the somewhat cruel inventory system. Signalis much to the chagrin or delight of plenty, does not shy away from these older mechanics. So it's an easy recommended if you at all loved the 3 aforementioned series, particularly the Silent Hill & Resident Evil games because there will be clear nods & gameplay mechanics taken from those games. We're talking similar looking enemies to what Silent Hill had or the save screen being a tip to the cap of Silent Hill 2 or the mechanic of enemies coming back from the dead and needed to be burnt to stay dead, ala Resident Evil 1.

One of the gripes I would say about Signalis is you get a whopping 6 inventory slots. The same amount that RE1 had for Chris. That's all you get. 6. Manage that between ammunition, health items, weapon(s) and puzzle pieces/items that are mandatory to be collected to solve puzzles to progress further. Good luck. It was something I would constantly gripe about that upon arriving to a new room or going to a new spot with necessary items that I didn't have proper inventory management to collect those items and I had to either restart the game(Be prepared to do this loads) or make a quick run back and open 1-2 slots, even at the cost of weapon or ammo or health items, as Areosmith once sang it best, "We're living on the edge!".

But I get it though, it's the concept of dread for your character where you don't want to be fully loaded to the point that you have a solution for everything. That isn't fun to play. It makes you use your noggin as to how you want to play a "run", do you leave your health items away and know your making runs that has you playing with fire where your reliant on your dodging skills or picking up stray health items laying around. Do you leave ammo away and carry a set amount with your weapon and know you have to pick your spots as to when you engage combat? Do you go ballsy and leave your gun on the bench and play pacifistic all the way(That's me BTW, I am the same player who hoards all the items in Soulsbourne games and refuses to burn an item for fear that the run wasn't worth doing so. I hoard ammo all the way till the end and will dodge through enemies and if anything, take a hit over burning a round of bullets because I want to make things difficult for me)

While I don't know why the (borderline mandatory) flashlight needs to take a slot when you get a friggin' radio transmitter that doesn't is a good question, but both are vital towards survival. There will be pitch black rooms that you need the flashlight to navigate through, pick up items that you could not get without light and of course seeing the danger that looms in the unknown. So basically with 5 slots because you don't want to put the flashlight away and run into an aforementioned room and have to backtrack or restart a save in a typical "Trial & Error" moment. Speaking of that, this game unlike games like Resident Evil 1 are extremely kind with the save points, and storage boxes put together. There's a respectable amount and you are practically given ammo and health and save/storage boxes at will prior to a boss so this game isn't being harsh with the QoL aspects that it's predecessors suffer from. No ribbon nonsense, while ammo isn't coming from the skies like raindrops, I can't say there was a time that I ran out of ammo(But again me=pacifist in these type of games) honestly speaking. Going back to the radio transmitter, this game relies quite a bit on puzzles and even combat sequences to have you find the correct radio transmission to either destroy enemies at a given point or to progress further through a puzzle or unlock a door/safe that would not budge otherwise. Really clever game mechanic, can't say I remember many games introducing this!

I will say enemy variation excluding the few bosses you fight is lacking, RE1 and Silent Hill 2 had more enemy variation and they came out 20+ years ago! They are practically all identical excluding one different type of enemy that can actually shoot at you with a Gatling gun, every other enemy is trying to stab you and to the enemies you find throughout the game, they can match your running practically. But again, you aren't playing Signalis for the combat, you are playing this game for the experience & story.

This game does a good job of not relying on mere jumpscares, plenty of people won't find this game very scary or even spooky. It really isn't that type of game, contradictory to the whole Survival HORROR genre that this game is coined. The music while is tense, has elements of German classical music in given points(Which sounds great btw in this game). It's the atmosphere & sense of dread that this game has you thinking twice. Not just with the inventory but different paths to go, and which enemies to burn and forever remove from causing you severe issues. This game throws at you puzzles, as one would expect from a Silent Hill & Resident Evil predecessor and the puzzles are pretty clever. This game hardly ever holds your hand and will not tell you how to figure things out, Signalis is one of those games you learn on the run and with these puzzles, you have to really think a bit obtuse & outside the box to "Get it".

The story I think admittedly is going to go over yours and most of the players heads. It's sort of like Soulsbourne lore, you really, really, really have to go out of your way and look up videos to piece together what the heck is going on. However, once you do, and again the lore video I watched immediately within the day of finishing Signalis really cleared the air for what this game developer(Rose-engine) was attempting to do, and you gotta give credit where it is due because the symbolism and levels of ambition that a TEAM OF TWO DEVELOPERS(Yeah 2 people made the core of this game, insane) attempt with this game, may not stick with a lot of players. But the effort and thinking outside the box is borderline commendable, there are so many notes and pages of the game trying to throw at you along your way of venturing through your surroundings but the piecing together and storytelling done through this, is pretty masterful. There's so many obscene imagery thrown at you in the cutscenes that are very 90's anime inspired that makes sense when you actually read what it's attempting to display. I only got one of the four endings that Signalis offers, and while I am not a fan of putting other endings behind "Play quick & play great without taking much damage or killing" walls to achieve other endings, I will say the storytelling is easily a strong point this game has going for it.

It's even something that I don't feel I can explain well, it's as best to go as blind as possible upon playing Signalis and seeing how much you can catch on a blind run and then if you're like me, you will read upon what the heck you just experienced. It's a really solid game and I think diehard Survival Horror fans will appreciate this game even more than I did. For anybody who likes the Silent Hill 1-4 or Resident Evil 1-3 old games, you will really appreciate a game that tries it's very best to do those type of games justice. Not just from a gameplay perspective but from a storytelling perspective. Very good game.

Overall, 53/52


52 Games. 1 Year. 2022.

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress. How do I take part? Claim a post (you may need two later). Write down each game and your thoughts about each one. In...

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Don't mind me, just catching up on write-ups.


49. Missile Dancer (2021, Switch) ★★☆☆☆
Military themed vertical shooter from Terrarin's tiny team over at MoonGlass. You can't shoot enemies down directly, only their missiles. Taking out the choppers requires you to lock missiles onto them, RayForce style. It's not a bad gimmick, and the enemy patterns force you to, well, dance around their missiles. Unfortunately some projectiles are a little hard to see due to their white outline, especially in the first stage when they may appear over white clouds. Similar visual confusion stems from the brief black & white flash some enemies emit when shot down, which is easy to mistake for your own red & white flash when dying. This game also has a weirdly inverted difficulty curve: I can sail through the last 3 stages unharmed since my first try, but stage 3 keeps giving me grief. It has a strong finale, but it's clear the game kind of runs out of ideas before then.


50. Raging Blasters (2022, Switch) ★★★★☆
Big glow-up for Terrarin & MoonGlass! This is a fully-fledged TurboGrafx/PC-Engine calibre shoot 'em up, not unlike Blazing Lazers or an Aleste game, albeit with a simpler power-up system. The inclusion of a speed toggle seems a bit frivolous given the frenetic pace of the game, which rarely lets up. Power-ups don't have individual power levels, so you're often dodging power-ups to not replace the shot type you prefer. I have similar gripes with games from the era it's imitating, but although Raging Blasters doesn't reinvent the wheel, it's not a perfunctory tribute act either. Recommended!


51. Moon Dancer (2022, Switch) ★★☆☆☆
This Terrarin game (no longer credited as MoonGlass despite identical staff?) revisits the lock-on gameplay of Missile Dancer, but ditches its spartan presentation for one similar to the faster-paced and more colourful style of Raging Blasters. A good idea on paper, but lacking in execution thanks to a single mayor annoyance: a checkpoint system. Every death sets you back, de-powered, to a predetermined spot, rather than respawning in place. This was already annoying in the original R-Type, since it makes it less worth your while to take risks and score points to earn extra lives. As a result, this game becomes much easier if you avoid most enemies, which can't have been the point.


Oct 25, 2017
Manchester, UK
I don't see myself finishing anything else in the next couple of days, so here's my final post for the year, taking me to a total of 94 games.


90. Picross Lord of the Nazarick (Switch) | 4 December 2022 | 7/10
All puzzles completed with no assists. Jupiter picross with an anime theme, *Picross Lord of the Nazarick* does nothing fundamentally new, but the core puzzle gameplay is as solid as ever. There's perhaps a little less content here than the mainline *Picross S* series, with a lot of the puzzle count being within the "Mega Picross" format (where a number of individual puzzles combine to give a larger overall image), but several hundred puzzles still clearly give a good length. I'm also not sure what's led to this particular licence being picked, as it's seemingly really quite niche, but otherwise there's nothing major to fault here and for those who *do* enjoy the anime series around which it's themed, that's certainly going to be an increased appeal.


91. Lunistice (Switch) | 14 December 2022 | 8/10
Completed with S/S ranks in all levels and 'true' ending. Eschewing any attempt at plot, Lunistice is a throwback 3D platformer with gameplay at its core. While embracing a Sonic-inspired sense of speed (though with no formal speedrun objectives), the precision platforming and 'collectathon' fundamentals from the likes of Super Mario 64 are present throughout. The difficulty is generally well-judged and while there are occasional frustrating sequences in the later stages, these are certainly surmountable with a little practice.

With only 14 stages (plus one bonus), each no longer than 10 minutes at the very most, Lunistice is a short game, but chasing after S ranks from all collectibles and no deaths will certainly boost its length (it did for me!) and there's a nice level of variety and gradual introduction of new mechanics as the game progresses.


92. Vampire Survivors | 15 December 2022 | 9/10
100% of achievements, full collection and all secrets unlocked. Dangerously addictive, *Vampire Survivors* absolutely epitomises a "just one more run" mentality. The concept here is very simple - the player moves their character around a 2D map in an attempt to survive in the face of unending hordes of monsters, with attacks triggering automatically; from this basis, though, an incredible amount of depth develops. Defeated monsters drop experience gems and each level-up grants a new or upgraded weapon or passive accessory, with a choice of three offered each time. Certain combinations synergise to provide a further boost, and there's an overarching meta-progression from unlocking new items, abilities and characters, as well as permanent passive power-ups across a wide range of attributes. A 30-minute time limit (more or less, but let's not spoil too much ;)) ensures that each run remains fairly bite-sized and accessible, but it's really the gradual but meaningful advancement that's the real addictive draw - particularly so with the entirely new mechanics that reveal themselves with the collection of specific 'relics' from each stage.

The graphics are certainly quite primitive, comprising primarily simple sprites *heavily* inspired by the *Castlevania* series, but with how chaotic the late-game can become that's probably no bad thing - even as they are, severe slowdown can become an issue at times with the various graphical effects that high-level weapons involve. On the other hand, the music throughout is superb, providing a catchy, pacey accompaniment to the visual action.


93. Super Kiwi 64 (Switch) | 18 December 2022 | 6/10
Complete playthrough, with all 50 gems collected. *Super Kiwi 64* is a serviceable 3D platformer in the classic 'collectathon' style, spread across eight (very short) stages. Each has six gems to collect, from a combination of collecting all 'gear' pickups, pure platforming and some basic puzzle-solving (such as hitting all of a set of switches). What's here is decent enough, but not at all ambitious or novel. That said, for its very low price you could certainly do worse and *Super Kiwi 64* can be an enjoyably mindless way to while away an hour.


94. Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell (PC - Steam) | 27 December 2022 | 9/10
100% of achievements unlocked. A great expansion to the most addictive game of 2022, *Legacy of the Moonspell* adds 8 new characters, 13 new weapons and most notably an expansive new stage to the *Vampire Survivors* experience. Despite the impressive level of variety of weapons in the base game, the majority of the additions here feel meaningfully different and their new effects are definitely fun to use, if perhaps leaning towards being more powerful than the original set. Arguably that's no bad thing, though, as the new stage, Mount Moonspell, ranks next to Cappella Magna as the most challenging in the game - but it's particularly notable with how it's mapped with clearly distinct regions, requiring exploration and navigation rarely seen in the base game.

For the once again very low price, *Legacy of the Moonspell* is an essential addition for anyone who enjoyed the original experience. However, for anyone still making their way through the base game content, I'd recommend making your way through the majority of that first before coming here.
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Chas Hodges

Nov 7, 2017
Did it.

Right at the death, but I did it.

A really challenging year for some reason - I blame the Steam Deck to be honest, because suddenly having access to a thousands-strong library I've been building even before having a PC that could run anything has meant a lot of '5 minutes of this, 5 minutes of that' rather than just getting stuck in with game X or game Y.

Anyway, here's to 2023!


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
I got to 41. 23 of which were in the last 3.5 months thanks to the Steam Deck.

With the Deck I'm pretty confident I'll make 52 next year.


May 2, 2018
Madrid, Spain
14. Horizon Forbidden West (PS5)
15. Hollow Knight (PS5)
16. Stray (PS5)
17. Twelve Minutes (XSX)
18. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection: Uncharted 4 (PS5)
19. Uncharted Legacy of Thieves Collection: Uncharted The Lost Legacy (PS5)
20. Adr1ft (PS5)
21. Resogun (PS5)
22. God of War Ragnarok (PS5)
23. Thomas was Alone (PS5)
24. Last Day of June (PS5)
25. The Last of Us Part 1 (PS5)
Haven't had much time to play this year, but I'm proud of what I've completed


Oct 25, 2017
I should really go back and clean up my original post, but adding all those links to later posts!
Oh and send the PM, there's an idea

Don't think I've got anything to squeeze in as a fully numbered title, so here's the bonus round of games that didn't quite count for whatever reason.

BONUS ROUND (Service games)

Apex Legends
For the first half of the year, Apex returned to being the multiplayer game of choice for me and my friends, it still remains arguably the best battle royale to me, its battle pass and cosmetics are still kinda wank though.
Not much else to say, I held onto all my character moolah and left my friend to splash out on the newcomers at the time of Newcastle and Vantage, the latter worked out quite well for him.
Meanwhile I got the closest thing to a Titanfall 2 fix by picking up Ash who was added in 2021 I think, alongside playing the seemingly divisive 2021 map addition of stormpoint.
So my hot take I guess is that me and my chums love us some stormpoint, I like that it feels like a series of combat arenas that helps focus fights in interesting locales and lessens wide open plains to just get sniped across by crack shot mcgraws.

Era had been making enough of a wave about new no build fortnite this year, so I had to drop back in.
Thanks to the game's little timeline feature, I can confirm I hadn't played since 2019, to say the game has come a long way in that time would be an understatement.
Effectively this is the ideal service game (for better and for worse), so much content, so much FOMO potential, actually good battle passes even on the free track.
Of course all the John Cena skins in the world wouldn't matter if the gameplay was still ehhh.
So to my surprise, even outside the inevitable mammoth improvement thanks to no build being an option, the overall gameplay is just so much more fun, characters are more mobile, numerous gimmicks to traverse the map quicker etc.
After sweating so damn hard in Apex, Fortnite was a perfect breezier antidote to BR, go fishing, ride a boar, do random objectives, never has survival of the fittest been so chill.

Overwatch 2
My absolute motherfudgin' kryptonite returns, and I'm already completely consumed.
A constant fixture in worst/most disappointing sequel listicles, partly because we still don't really have OW2, just a 1.5 multiplayer step which I'll take after a lack of any meaningful updates to the base Overwatch for like 2 damn years.
The battle pass sucks, the monetisation sucks, the match making seems to prioritise stomps, the errors at launch were unbelievable and blizzard's balancing team are still often moronic....
Yet I can't stop playing, I feel like the overall gameplay has improved despite blizz balancing, tanks are actually FUN now, support's passive heal is a game changer for me as a support main, 5 vs 5 is easier to read and allows me and my friends to assemble a full stack, with crossplay no less across 4 platforms, the future is now.
And it being free to play means I can jump about all platforms if needed and not pay for PS plus, winner winner.
My love hate relationship with this game will continue into 2023, especially if the new characters keep up the quality of the 4 additions so far.

Okay so this isn't really a service game, it's a virtual board game which became a frequent mid year dropping in point for me and my far flung friends to get our tabletop fix in.
I'm not sure Armello is a particularly strong game in the sense that if we were playing together with some real ass board games on hand, then Armello would no doubt get overlooked by other fantasy animal games like Root or Everdell to name a couple.
But as a video game take for some 4 player fun? yeah It's good enough, friend actually gifted me this one, nice art, good character variety, easy to understand and the truest win for me being automating dice rolls for combat, gosh do I dislike trying to figure out how much dice I've gotta roll in these sort of games, bless you computer doing the work for me.
I low key appreciate that the game can make use of hiding your character via magic/woodland lurking etc, that's something you can't really pull off in an actual tabletop game for obvious reasons

Bonus Round 2 (the abandoned)

Could some of these games make a 2023 comeback? will they be left on the shelf forever more? here's some stuff I got a decent way into but couldn't quite wrap up.

I think there's a good game in Returnal, very snappy third person shooter gameplay with an arcade bullet hell bend to it, I put in a fair amount of time, eventually reaching the fourth biome and its boss fight against Hyperion I think?
Unfortunately as a rogue lite title, I genuinely don't think Returnal does enough to incentivise me to play just one more run, the repetition sets in fast once you've seen each area's main tilesets, there's no real wackadoodle build variety, it's one of the more prominent examples I can think of where I'm like "I wish this was just a metroidvania instead"
the repetition works more for the story being told than the game itself.

Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright
The one part of the fates trilogy I never played, I got a few chapters in before remembering that Fates is just kinda wack as a collective whole, I was riding high on Fire Emblem at the time from the Three Houses replay/Three Hopes wombo combo, this brought me back down to earth.
With the next mainline game mere weeks away, this probably isn't getting returned to any time soon.

Spirit Tracks
A replay that's still on my to do list, probably more for when Zelda hype gets real in 2023, the one Zelda game I own that I've never replayed, I'm past the hump of the game's opening hours, I think it's solid stuff from dungeon 2 onwards, which I'm at the front door of. Really I just want to play the sand rod dungeon again.
Goddamn though if this game's world theming and "lore" if you can call it that, feels like a parody of Zelda lore tropes, this was not how you follow up on wind wakers ending!

Mega Man Zero Collection
...I don't think I like these games, GBA screen crunch plus some rough arse level design (blind jumps, oh baby!), incredibly dry dialogue to sift through, unusual mission structure format and some kind of unholy grind for cyber elf power ups.
I've tried 1, 2 and ZX, it's all falling flat which is a shame because I'd built up these games as hidden gems I missed for YEARS.
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Oct 1, 2019
Main Post

November update: 49/52

Almost there...


48. November 4th | Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order | PS5 | 25h | ☆(/5)
As a fairly big Star Wars fan, but at the same time someone who really hasn't played a lot of the Star Wars games, I have been trying for the last couple of years to check out at least one every year since a lot of them are also surprisingly acclaimed considering just how frequently they were being released in the past. Played Dark Forces in 2020, Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II last year, and while you would expect me to play Jedi Outcast (which I do own), the one that I was really excited about playing this year was Fallen Order. Not that I can only play one Star Wars game a year really, but time is precious and there are about a million other games I want to play as well while still maintaining a life outside of Gaming™, so I have to prioritize sometimes.

Anyway, this is a very fine game. Not spectacular, not bad, and usually pretty fun while giving off very Star Wars-y vibes with a very "almost John Williams, but still clearly not" soundtrack, planets that sure do look like they could come from any of the films while still feeling mostly original, and at least sometimes letting you use iconic Jedi powers in a pretty fun and satisfying way. Also surprisingly fun to customize your own hilt for the lightsaber with the various parts spread throughout the game. Story's also mostly fine, though not without some strangeness to it, like the colosseum section than ends about as abruptly as it started and is never mentioned again, and also leading into one of the game's most awkward cutscenes where a character the main protagonist, Cal Kestis (somehow one of the dumbest names in all of Star Wars), has barely interacted with says he's one of the most important people in their life. It is mostly focused on just finding a map to potential padawans, and while it focuses on that and maybe some of Cal's struggles as well, it does work as a maybe pretty basic, but still enjoyable and functional little thing despite seemingly forgetting about its really cool main villain for a pretty large chunk of the story. The strange little detours like this aforementioned colosseum section do, sadly, occur here and there, interrupting the narrative flow and never feeling like they were organically inserted into the plot. Like poorly made filler in an anime or something like that.

Likewise, combat is mostly fine, sometimes even great and maybe it's because I played Bloodborne so recently, but damn if Fallen Order can't feel a bit like a very clunky Soulslike at times. It doesn't have the difficulty like one of those games really, but the melee combat and its focus on parrying and dodging the very hard hitting enemies does certainly feel fairly similar to the FromSoft formula, but not close to being as refined and fun to engage with. Like, when you're just fighting waves of Storm Troopers or maybe a lone larger enemy, it works really well and you really get the opportunity to feel like the coolest Jedi around, throwing people into pits (or each other), reflecting missiles back onto your attacker, pulling enemies towards you or into a blast shot you've slowed down, throwing your lightsaber at several troops at once, just bobbing and weaving while a storm trooper is desperatelly trying to hit you with their weird lightbatons, or getting that perfect parry and then just slashing away. Like, at its peak, Fallen Order feels absolutely amazing, and like the most Star Wars thing to have ever Star Wars'd. Sadly, it doesn't work nearly as well when you have to fight the more animalistic enemies and when there are several of them, as most of the force powers don't work, they telegraph most of their attacks very poorly, a lot of them can't be parried, and they just have too much health for how little damage Cal actually does, with his lightsaber feeling more like a lightbaseball bat (and cutting off limbs is relegated to some of the animals and droids, though I get that it's a ratings thing that they couldn't go further). Cal also really wasn't born to fight more enemies than one at the same time, since the dodging mechanic, while fairly generous, has a very hard time dealing with two attacks coming from two different directions, often making you take damage even when you really shouldn't have. The auto lock-on of the attacks also get a bit screwed up here, where Cal can get a perfect parry on one enemy, lowering its guards, but he starts attacking the enemy beside it instead. Sadly, these types of encounters with a few too many foes do occur very often throughout the game, making what is fundamentally a very good combat system feel pretty unpolished and just not as fun as it could be.

That really is the sum of Fallen Order: it just isn't as fun as it could and probably should be. Traversal and its metroidvania aspects does feel good and unlocking new paths and shortcuts is satisfying, but this also feels unpolished at the end of the day, with its lack of any kind of fast travel making back tracking a real chore at times, and the pretty terrible map really doesn't help when you're looking for how to get to a specific place. Also, as much as the planets look like something from the Star Wars universe, they all feel a bit too lifeless for my tastes. Not every planet or part of a planet can be inhabited by non hostile folks or even people at all, but it feels like wildlife is all there is on every planet you visit outside of a few sections in Kashyyyk where the NPCs just disappear if you ever revisit their locations anyway, and I really wish at least some of the worlds could have felt a bit more alive because they do tend to just feel like video game obstacle courses now that they're so stripped of everything but the bare necessities rather than actual places.

Some bizarre set pieces as well. Feels like there are several times where the game wants you to go "wow, that's so cool", or "wow, this is so beautiful", and they are sort of cool and beautiful when they want to, but they also last for way too long every time, and especially the opening part of Kashyyyk is really weird, making you use an attack the game doesn't tell you that you have to shoot down a ship that otherwise won't go down with regular shots like everything else you've faced before it, instead just floating there for all eternity without doing anything. I honestly thought I'd run into a game breaking bug or something after several minutes of just shooting and nothing happening.

Honestly, the foundations for this game are so great that despite the pretty underbaked final product (which I still got the platinum trophy for, so I still obviously liked it well enough), I'm really interested in Jedi: Survivor where I at least hope Respawn have learned from their mistakes and gotten a bit more comfortable with working within this genre that a lot of my issues here have been ironed out there. Most of all, though, I hope that not basically every clothing option is a different color variant of Cal's awful poncho.

Oh, and before I forget: great photo mode!

Soundtrack highlight:
Cal Kestis


49. November 9th | Bayonetta 3 | Switch | 25h | ☆(/5)
Somehow one of the more controversial games of the year, both for that very strange chain of events with Bayo's voice actress and I guess also the story, which is honestly a surprise to me since I didn't think a single soul on this earth cared about the narrative of any of these games. Yeah, it is bad in this game, maybe even worse than in previous games since they were at least a bit more comprehensible and less repetitive, but, like, Bayonetta has always been a franchise where I just find the pacing of the cutscenes, the absolute nonsense going on, and the exaggerated nature of everything to the point where I'm just completely numb to it all after a certain point make for extremely boring stories to experience. All three games have some very high highs when it comes to just cool moments sprinkled throughout the plot, but it's mostly just cutscenes that think they're both a lot funnier and more interesting than they actually are, with characters that were maybe, sort of fun in the first game since they were featured less, but I just can't pretend to care a single bit about by the third game. That's not to say that I think others are wrong in feeling so negatively about this game's story and especially its ending, it's just that I really don't care enough about the whole to really react to how stupid it definitely is, which I guess might be an even more damning verdict of the writing to some.

It's neither here nor there to me though, because despite being someone who really does care a lot about the writing in the various games I play, I really just play the Bayonettas for their fantastic gameplay, and I'm so happy that it at least delivered there big time. There's still nothing more satisfying than activating witch time and seeing the world slow down around you, and the many different types of weapon also lets you shake up your combat style throughout the game if you so please. I personally got pretty attached to the Alruna and Simoon and didn't experiment that much, but all the others are fun to use and distinct enough from each other that I'd imagine you could ask ten different people what weapon combo they used, and you'd get ten different answers. Also introduced with these weapons is the new demon slave system, which did feel a bit overwhelming at first since you have to control a separate entity from Bayonetta herself while still keeping an eye on her so that enemies won't hit her while she's immobile, but after a short period of getting used to it, I'm not sure I really want to ever play another game in the series without it since it adds so much, both in the ways of combos, but also shielding Bayonetta from harm when needed and just plain looking really cool. Sure, the train demon is awful to control, and absolutely everything in this game that has anything do with Gomorrah is 1/10 bad, but all of the others feel faaaantastic to use, and distinct enough from each other both in combat and as different types of traversal abilities outside of battles.

Then we have maybe another controversy of this game, which is Viola and her gameplay. It is, of course, objectively cool to have a character fighting with just a katana, but she does certainly take time getting used to since she's so unlike Bayonetta's gameplay. Her Witch time is also terrible since it's dependent on the timing of her parries, and that window is just so insanely tight that I could never really get it down consistently, but I also spent enough time trying to learn how she plays to understand that it's a waste of time even trying. Viola isn't Bayonetta, so just forget about that witch time. Still parry when possible of course, but I found that just playing more like I imagine something like Astral Chain does without ever having touched that game, i.e. summon out her demon, Cheshire, and since Viola's movements aren't tied to him like Bayonetta and her demons, just fight alongside him. It honestly felt like I was doing something wrong by ignoring the franchise's biggest USP in the witch time, but it also made using Viola really fun. Some bosses can kill your demons so it's obviously not always viable, but it's as if Platinum actually thought of this because every time you face that kind of foe with Viola, it's usually one with much clearer tells for when they're about to attack and a larger parry window. As for the character herself, I like her more than Loki since I'm a sane human being, but she's mostly just comic relief that the game really is trying to make me care about despite barely letting her do anything. Cool design, though. Really good performance from her voice actress too.

The more gimmicky gameplay sections, like Jeanne's Elevator Action stages or the different times you control demons are fairly hit or miss. I do like most of them outside of Gomorra's Godzilla homage which is just the clunkiest thing in the world, and the rail shooter part where the demon takes up basically all of the screen and I could barely see a single obstacle in my way at some points, but even in those cases, I do really appreciate Platinum going so far as to make all of these sections feel so distinct from both each other and the rest of the game. They really weren't needed, but they're here and most of them also surprisingly polished. Jeanne's stages could maybe be a bit more complex, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy them quite a bit, which is saying something since old school arcade games really isn't something I usually like. The demon gameplay in chapter 12, though? Perfection. Honestly, that entire chapter is probably my favorite section out of any game this year outside of Xenoblade Chronicles 3's chapter 5. Both insane, extremely stupid and genius at the same time, plus featuring probably the best boss fight in the entire game.

I do have to say though, for as much as I enjoyed playing Bayonetta 3 (and I did enjoy it very much), it can feel surprisingly cheap at times. Not like the first game's insanely strict quick time events, but in how a lot of enemies seem very eager to attack from off screen, and how difficult the readability of their movements can be sometimes. I'm not really sure why that is since they all clearly telegraph most attacks (though it is extremely annoying that you get that visual cue of enemies briefly shining before some attacks, but not others, making some a lot harder to dodge than they should). Maybe it's just because every enemy is just a mess of white and turquoise? Whatever the case, it can be an issue at times, making it feel like I took damage without really being at blame for it myself. It's not a huge issue, but it can be very annoying when going for higher medals (which isn't really something I did, but still annoying to know I lost that pure platinum because of something I couldn't ever have foreseen).

Outside of combat, I actually enjoyed the level design. It's certainly less linear than the hallway simulator that is Bayonetta 2 and I get that this wider design with more exploration isn't what a lot of people want in their character action games, but despite really enjoying the combat, I also appreciated how much downtime is given to the player that wants it by exploring the stages, doing some minor platforming challenges and the like. It's not super inspired or revolutionary in any way, but a nice breather from all the hectic action and with a surprising amount of secrets hidden throughout every chapter. They look terrible though. Like, this has to be the only franchise ever where all three games have been released during three different console generations and they all basically look like a 2007 7th generation game, right? Maybe parts of 2 looked better than this, which is pretty damning since this was released on stronger hardware and eight years later, but mostly they're pretty bland looking, pretty 2007 all three of them. Not that highly detailed environments and characters really matter all that much in a game like this where gameplay and gameplay alone is king, but still pretty strange when it's Platinum's flagship franchise.

All in all, though, a fun game. Very ugly and really stupid, but so much fun. Also absolutely not actually 25 hours for most people. It's just that I played the first six-seven chapters on normal and then switched it up to expert, replayed the chapters on that difficulty and also later spent way too much time trying to learn Viola and get decent ranks with her on the optional chapters, and finding all the optional verses in each chapter. It's definitely still longer than the previous two games, but I could have been a lot faster as well. Anyway, hope the wait for the fourth game (not that spin-off coming next year, though I'll probably play that as well) isn't as long as it was with this one!

Also got some real Bloodborne vibes during every Strider fight where I saw the blood moon rise while a large, Lovecraftian monster with long, terribly anti-aliased hair attacked me while the frame rate really couldn't handle what the game was throwing at it.

Soundtrack highlight:

Currently Playing:
Return to Monkey Island (Switch)

Pokémon Scarlet (Switch)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion (PS5)
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (PC)


Jun 13, 2019
01. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (Dreamcast) | Jan/02 - 10hrs | ★★★★★
02. Super Mario World (SNES) | Jan/02 - 5hrs | ★★★★★
03. Super Mario 64 (N64) | Jan/08 - 17hrs | ★★★★★
04. Unpacking (PC) | Jan/08 - 4hrs | ★★★★☆
05. Contra III: The Alien Wars (SNES) | Jan/15 - 3hrs | ★★★★☆
06. Panzer Dragoon II Zwei (Sega Saturn) | Jan/16 - 2hrs | ★★★★★
07. Rhythm Heaven Fever (Wii) | Jan/18 - 12hrs | ★★★★★
08. Banjo-Kazooie (XBO) | Jan/24 - 11hrs | ★★★★★
09. Cyber Shadow (XBO) | Jan/28 - 8hrs | ★★★☆☆
10. Destiny 2: Forsaken (PS4) | Jan/29 - 8hrs | ★★★★☆
11. The Medium (PC) | Feb/15 - 9hrs | ★★☆☆☆
12. Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered (PS4) | Feb/16 - 35hrs | ★★★★★
13. Touhou Luna Nights (XBO) | Feb/18 - 6hrs | ★★★★☆
14. ARCADE GAME SERIES: Ms. PAC-MAN (PS4) | Feb/19 - 2hrs | ★★★★☆
15. Taiko no Tatsujin: Drum Session! (PS4) | Mar/01 - 40hrs | ★★★★★
16. Persona 5 (PS4) | Mar/28 - 150hrs | ★★★★★
17. Xeodrifter (PS Vita) | Mar/30 - 2hrs | ★★★☆☆
18. Gorogoa (XBO) | Apr/06 - 1hr | ★★★☆☆
19. Need for Speed (PS4) | Apr/07 - 25hrs | ★★☆☆☆
20. Kero Blaster (PS4) | Apr/10 - 5hrs | ★★★★☆
21. Jak II (PS4) | Apr/17 - 15hrs | ★★☆☆☆
22. OFF (PC) | Apr/19 - 6hrs | ★★★★★
23. Celeste (PS4) | Apr/22 - 14hrs | ★★★★☆
24. The Artful Escape (Xbox) | Apr/23 - 3hrs | ★★☆☆☆
25. Flywrench (PS4) | Apr/27 - 2hrs | ★★★☆☆
26. Streets of Rage 4 (XBO) | Apr/28 - 3hrs | ★★★★☆
27. Save Room - Organization Puzzle (PC) | Apr/29 - 2hrs | ★★★☆☆
28. Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4) | May/13 - 6hrs | ★★★★☆
29. Never Alone (Kisima Inŋitchuŋa) (PS4) | May/15 - 3hrs | ★★★☆☆
30. Transistor (PS4) | May/22 - 16hrs | ★★★★★
31. Resident Evil (PS4) | Jun/05 - 16hrs | ★★★★☆
32. Mega Man 2 (Mega Man Legacy Collection) (PS4) | Jun/08 - 2hrs | ★★★★★
33. Mega Man 3 (Mega Man Legacy Collection) (PS4) | Jun/09 - 3hrs | ★★★★☆
34. Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (PS4) | Jun/15 - 35hrs | ★★★★☆
35. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge (PC) | Jun/18 - 3hrs | ★★★★☆
36. Umurangi Generation (PC) | Jun/19 - 3hrs | ★★★★☆
37. Tetris Effect (PS4) | Jun/21 - 20hrs | ★★★★★
38. Trek to Yomi (XBO) | Jun/23 - 3hrs | ★★☆☆☆
39. Asura's Wrath (XBO) | Jun/25 - 12hrs | ★★★★★
40. Disc Room (PC) | Jun/26 - 4hrs | ★★★★☆
41. Pokémon Legends: Arceus (Switch) | Jul/11 - 54hrs | ★★★★☆
42. Cuphead (PC) | Jul/22 - 7hrs | ★★★★★
43. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course (PC) | Jul/22 - 4hrs | ★★★★★
44. Katamari Damacy REROLL (PC) | Jul/23 - 5hrs | ★★★★☆
45. Tunic (PC) | Jul/25 - 12hrs | ★★★1/2
46. WipEout 2048 (PS Vita) | Aug/10 - 15hrs | ★★★1/2
47. Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled (PS4) | Aug/12 - 10hrs | ★★★★
48. Shovel Knight (PS Vita) | Aug/15 - 4hrs | ★★★★★
49. Strike Vector EX (PS4) | Aug/17 - 4hrs | ★★★1/2
50. The King of Fighters '98 Ultimate Match (PS4) | Aug/17 - 4hrs | ★★★★
51. Sky Force Anniversary (PS Vita) | Aug/19 - 7hrs | ★★1/2
52. Need for Speed: Most Wanted (2012) (PS Vita) | Aug/23 - 7hrs | ★★
53. One Piece: Pirate Warriors 3 (PS Vita) | Sep/12 - 60hrs | ★★★1/2
54. Super Meat Boy (PS Vita) | Sep/12 - 10hrs | ★★★
55. SteamWorld Dig (PS Vita) | Sep/18 - 5hrs | ★★★1/2
56. Burnout Paradise: Remastered (PS4) | Sep/20 - 18hrs | ★★★★1/2
57. Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack (PS Vita) | Oct/02 - 6hrs | ★★★
58. Titan Souls (PS Vita) | Oct/20 - 4hrs | ★★★1/2
59. Elden Ring (PC) | Nov/06 - 105hrs | ★★★★★
60. Vampire Survivors (PC) | Nov/11 - 70hrs | ★★★★1/2
61. Street Fighter V: Champion Edition (PS4) | Nov/14 - 100hrs | ★★★★
62. Immortality (PC) | Nov/15 - 10hrs | ★★★★
63. Sifu (PC) | Nov/20 - 9hrs | ★★★
64. NORCO (PC) | Nov/29 - 9hrs | ★★★★
65. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (PC) | Dec/17 - 28hrs | ★★★1/2
66. Rollerdrome (PC) | Dec/30 - 6hrs | ★★★★

Very well, I think this is my last batch. Didn't expect to beat so many games this year (hell, I look at "The Medium" in February and it looks like I played this like 3 year ago lol), but I guess it can happen since in 2022 I truly needed some escape from real life problems... But hey! Here's the last three games I've beat this year:

64. NORCO (PC) | Nov/29 - 9hrs | ★★★★

Norco is a very well written adventure with beautiful pixel art, being a game full of contrasts. It presents a world familiar enough to be recognizable, but with its own oddities to be interesting. Kay's journey, returning home to decaying New Orleans after her mother's death, is a very personal story about family relationships, memories and beliefs, set in a world collapsed by climate change, extractive exploitation and economic depression. After starting with a heavy and sad narrative, it's curious how much (good) humor there is in this game. Genuinely funny texts and surreal descriptions and situations are separated by investigative puzzles and even a combat system, which is so simple it seems almost contextual. The really fascinating aspect of Norco is that, even with all the apotheotic scenery that the conclusion of your journey presents, the biggest impacts on it are made from small gestures, because deep down, the story told here is strangely human.​

65. Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (PC) | Dec/17 - 28hrs | ★★★1/2

I'm not sure if the idea of a Final Fantasy Action-RPG came before or after the main idea of the story of this game, but the result, for someone who likes both Final Fantasy and Nioh, is quite satisfying. FF Origin has a very similar game design to Nioh, with a mission selector map, weapons and equipment loot by rarity, and generally very linear phases. But the combat system is good, without being too demanding, at least on standard difficulty. There are several different classes and types of weapons to explore the possibilities of combat, which focuses on managing MP used for special skills and recovered with finishers on enemies and some special defense that works like a "parry" for your MP. This management takes a new degree of importance against bosses, who are far more challenging than the other enemies in the game. It is very interesting to see the interpretation of not only classic Final Fantasy creatures, but also the story of the first game in the series. Despite the infamy that the game gained with the somewhat questionable scenes and dialogues, I really like the premise on which these stories are built (I even recommend playing the first FF before this game), even if Stranger of Paradise stumbles here and there in its execution .​

66. Rollerdrome (PC) | Dec/30 - 6hrs | ★★★★

Rollerdrome seems to take a lot of inspiration from two things I really like: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and The Running Man. And it makes a very well-resolved combination of action and sport: In an arena with you and several enemies, perform maneuvers to accumulate points and recharge your ammo while defeating enemies to increase the point multiplier and, well, survive. In addition to weapons and maneuvers, the game also has a dodge and a bullet time system while aiming, which is essential to orient yourself in the midst of chaos. These mechanics are introduced little by little and I find the progress of the game (which is very short) satisfactory, but for those who played OlliOlli (another game from the developers), you should expect some jumps in difficulty here too, Each new enemy introduced is a new layer of difficulty, and sometimes a single new enemy type can make you review your strategy on how to approach that level. There is a very simple story that serves as a backdrop to this violent sport, but there is little information about what is really happening in this dystopian world. Because the real fun of Rollerdrome is in its pure gameplay, focused on perfecting your performance in each level, fulfilling the objectives and looking for better scores, trying new maneuvers while dodging explosions and sniper bullets.​
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
-72.290091, 0.795254
So I completed my last game of the year today (Metro Last Light Redux) so I updated my 2022 post for the last time. A low count this year of only 8! Mostly caused to be fair by the length and breadth of Elden Ring and my multiplayer group still sticking to Call of Duty as our most regular game. Still can't complain, it's been a tough year across the world so me only making 8 of 52 seems pretty low stress.

> Completed Games (8/52)

#01: Elden Ring - From Software - PC - ★★★★★
#02: Little Nightmares - Tarsier Studios - PC - ★★★☆☆
#03: Street Outlaws 2: Winner Takes All - Team6 Game Studios - PC - ★★☆☆☆
#04: Hitman: Absolution - IO Interactive - PC - ★★★☆☆
#05: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (campaign) - Infinity Ward and friends - PC - ★★★☆☆
#06: Call of Duty: Warzone - Infinity Ward and friends - PC - ★★★★☆
#07: Metro 2033 Redux - 4A Games - PC - ★★★☆☆
#08: Metro Last Light Redux - 4A Games - PC - ★★★☆☆
★☆☆☆☆ - Bad | ★★☆☆☆ - OK | ★★★☆☆ - Good | ★★★★☆ - Great | ★★★★★ - Exceptional

Thanks to everyone who has participated in the thread, I love reading all the mini (and quite verbose in some cases) reviews and this thread always ends up leading to additions to the ol' wishlist! Shout out to everyone who posted and special mention to all those cool review formats and designs out there. Top job all. And last but not least, well done to everyone who has got to 52 (and beyond!). Great stuff folks, love to see it.

Have a great 2023 everyone and thank you for sharing your gaming in 2022!


Oct 27, 2017

Made it to 52! I couldn't have done it without the help of my pal NiGHTS.


#45 - Pokémon Sword & Shield: The Crown Tundra DLC (Switch) - ★★★★☆

I told myself I'd finally wrap up the DLC for Sword and Shield before moving on to the latest Pokémon games, so I briefly returned to the Crown Tundra to catch a whole lot of legendary creatures. It's crazy how much more enjoyable this expansion was compared to the main game, with larger, open areas that actually run well and an addictive postgame grind in the Dynamax Adventures mode. What a shame you have to play through the worst Pokémon game first.

#46 - Super Mario 3D Land (3DS) -★★★★☆

Mario's first 3DS adventure was a nice proof of concept for how stereoscopic 3D can enhance a 3D platformer. The extra depth makes it much easier to line up jumps and leads to some clever puzzles as well. 3D Land sticks close to the format of the classic 2D games, which is bad because Small Mario is a weird freak who I hate. It also means the levels are all short courses rather than the larger worlds of the Super Mario 64 or even the Galaxy games. It works well for a handheld game, but it does mean that none of the levels really stick out at all. There's not much challenge to be found in the first eight worlds, but that meant I could still clear it with a busted 3DS circle pad, so I'm not complaining.

#47 - Paperbark (PC) - ★★★☆☆

This is probably the best wombat simulator that will ever be made.

#48 - Nights into Dreams (PC) - ★★★★☆

I'm glad that the HD remaster of Nights also comes with Christmas Nights, but you have to finish the game first. Oh well, it's such an enjoyable (and short) experience that it was worth a replay anyway. Nights is still a fantastic score-attack style game, though I don't like how much of the final score is dependent on quickly clearing janky boss fights.

#49 - Christmas Nights into Dreams (PC) - ★★★★☆

I finally played Christmas Nights this Christmas and it's… fine. No matter which character you choose, they're just flying through a reskin of the game's first level. It's all wonderfully festive, right down to the Nightopians wearing tiny santa hats, but at the end of the day it's still just a demo.

#50 - Asura's Wrath (Xbox 360) - ★★★☆☆

This was a great spectacle, but it's barely a game. I guess Capcom and Cyberconnect2 were aiming for a playable anime with Asura's Wrath, but each chapter often just feels like a series of quick-time-events. Also, I can't complain too much when I bought both the base game and DLC on sale, but such a short game locking the 'true ending' behind DLC is pretty dodgy. Still, I love the world designs and the whole mythology behind the game and I'd love to see the characters show up in more Capcom stuff. It's hard to imagine the company making something as weirdly ambitious as this these days.

#51 - Gorogoa (PC) - ★★★★☆

An enjoyable playable art piece once I figured out the game's strange logic. The way players manipulate the game world by sliding around layers of pictures is unique and makes for some creative, beautifully presented puzzles.

#52 - Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers 2 - ★★★☆☆

After starting the year with the first game, I might as well finish off the year with the sequel.
It's pretty much the same as the original Rescue Rangers game, but with more visually interesting stages, more boss fights and lengthy cutscenes. As an extremely late NES release, it's pushing the console to its limits, as the slowdown can attest to. I wish I could say this was a satisfying end to the year but the game crashed the moment I beat the final boss.


Oct 29, 2017
8th year in a row. 75 games, matching my total from last year.

  1. 0 Seconds to Midnight
  2. 3D Museum Fantastyca
  3. Afterimage
  4. AI: The Somnium Files - Nirvana Initiative
  5. Along the Rift
  6. An American Cathedral
  7. Aperture Desk Job
  8. Apricus Brew
  9. Away
  10. Before I Forget
  11. Black Point Trailhead
  12. Catacombs of Lead
  13. Chaos Rush
  14. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
  15. Daisy
  16. Dog in the Fog
  17. Elden Ring
  18. Elite Beat Agents
  19. Eyes of the Depressed
  20. F-Zero X
  21. Find Love or Die Trying
  22. Froggy Pot
  23. GoldenEye 007
  24. The Golden Tower
  25. Hibernation
  26. Hidden Outpost
  27. Hitman 3
  28. Hitman 3 - Ambrose Island
  29. HyperBoreal
  30. In Your Footsteps
  31. Into the Breach: Advanced Edition
  32. Intrusive Thoughts
  33. Kirby and the Forgotten Land
  34. Lonely Planet
  35. The Longest Walk
  36. Manor Wrecker
  37. Moss Island
  38. Museum of Mediocre Appropriations
  39. Nature Simulator
  40. Neon White
  41. Path
  42. Pokémon LeafGreen
  43. Pokémon Emerald
  44. Pokémon Platinum
  45. Pokémon SoulSilver
  46. Pokémon White
  47. Pokémon White 2
  48. Pokémon Legends: Arceus
  49. PowerWash Simulator
  50. Relighter
  51. Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
  52. Sleeper Service
  53. Solastalgia
  54. The Sunday Museum
  55. SuperStar SMTown
  56. The Sweet Koala
  57. A Taste of the Past
  58. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)
  59. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Arcade)
  60. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II: The Arcade Game
  61. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: The Manhattan Project
  62. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time
  63. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time
  64. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist
  65. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge
  66. Terracotta
  67. VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
  68. Vessel of the Stars
  69. Virtual Hatsumode
  70. Walking in the Park
  71. Walking Simulator
  72. Watch Robots Walk Around
  73. While You Were Away
  74. White Snow of Hope
  75. The World Went On

Lord Fanny

Apr 25, 2020
I won't have any real time to play games for the last day of the year, so I'm wrapping up for December and the year. Main post through here.

December (54/52)
53. The Dark Pictures Anthology: The Devil in Me - Xbox Series X - 6 hours, 44 minutes
54. The Callisto Protocol - Xbox Series X - 10 hours, 56 minutes.

I ended up squeaking by with 52 games even though there was a minute there were I wasn't sure if I'd be able to. Not too shabby.


Teyvat Traveler
Jun 8, 2018
United States
main post
way overdue write ups
I spent almost all my time just hanging out with people and doing stuff in Final Fantasy XIV this year. Next year is looking like a repeat of that but we'll see.


7. Elden Ring
My game of the year, doesn't beat out Bloodborne for me but it's still one of fromsoft's best.

8. 20 Minutes Till Dawn
Neat vampire survivors-like but not as addicting.


9. Paradise Killer

Wasn't a huge fan of the gameplay but it had neat characters and soundtrack.


10. Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition

Coming from Xenoblade 2 to this didn't feel all that great, the combat was noticeable worse. Story was exciting at points and some of the cast is alright.


11. Neon White

Game of the year if Elden Ring hadn't released. Non-stop fun gameplay and a story I actually found entertaining despite people labeling as cringe.


12. Katana Zero

Stylish samurai action found here with an interesting story taking you on a ride.


13. Beat Saber
Got an Oculus Quest 2 this year, last VR headset was an old Oculus Rift that had really bad screendoor effect so upgrading to this felt great. Playing custom songs in this is still great.


Oct 25, 2017
Master Post

Didn't end up finishing that much stuff since I reached 52, mostly played evergreen games like Fall Guys and Vampire Survivors, as well as Assassin's Creed Odyssey, which went on and on. Here's the rest:

53) Vampire Survivors (Steam - October 27th - 5/5)
54) Assassin's Creed Odyssey (Steam - November 3rd - 4/5)
55) Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Legacy of the First Blade (Steam - November 6th - 3/5)
56) Assassin's Creed Odyssey - The Fate of Atlantis (Steam - November 14th - 3/5)
57) Resident Evil Village - Shadows of Rose (Steam - November 16th - 3/5)
58) Pokémon Violet (Switch - December 16th - 3/5)
59) As Dusk Falls (Steam - December 19th - 3/5)
60) River City Girls (Steam - December 28th - 4/5)
61) Emily is Away <3 (Steam - December 29th - 3/5)

Pretty decent improvement over the last couple of years, where I barely managed to reach 52. Currently playing Crisis Core so the first game for 2023 is underway, but for this year this is it.

See you all next thread!


Oct 25, 2017
2022 was a rough year for me, if anyone is thinking "damn that guy played so many games AND rabbited on about them", this really helped get me past a bunch of nagging personal issues (both physically and mentally) that dogged me for the majority of the year, before FINALLY settling down somewhat in late Summer.
Now I'm just back to being sleepy most of the time so...better? no doubt my twitchy legs that hounded me for the first half of the year especially made some games be received more negatively by myself than I'd like.
Appreciate this thread for giving me something to focus on and smell my own video game farts, I don't think I've ever played/replayed so much in one year, hopefully I wont have to distract myself as much in 2023.

Games 1 -5 (and then some before I realised the folly of trying to cram all the writeups into one post)
1. Inscryption
2. Persona 5: Royal
3. Yakuza 4 Remastered
4. Hitman (2016)
5. Timesplitters 2

6. Pokemon Legends: Arceus

Games 7 and 8
7. Mega Man 11
8. Timesplitters: Future Perfect

9. Dark Souls 3

10. Sonic Colours Ultimate

Games 10 (again, whoops) - 13
10-2 because I can't count: Later Alligator
11. Elden Ring
12. Hitman 2

13. Rayman Origins

14. Hitman 3

Games 15 and 16
15. Mario Kart 64
16. Batman Arkham Asylum

Games 17-19
17. Yoshi's Story
18. Kirby's Dreamland 3
19. Kirby and the Forgotten Land

Games 20-22
20. Tunic
21. Batman Arkham City
22. Kirby Triple Deluxe

Games 23 and 24
23: Rayman Legends
24. Kirby Power Paintbrush (aka: Canvas Curse)

Games 25 and 26
25. Kirby's Adventure (3D Classics version)
26. Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing Transformed

Games 27-29
27. Mario Golf 64
28. Demon Turf: Neon Splash
29. Grapple Dog

30. Guardians of the Galaxy

31. Bugsnax

Games 32 and 33
32. Kingdom Hearts: Melody of Memory
33. Metal Gear Solid 2

34. Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Verdant Wind Path)

35. Kirby 64

Games 36 and 37
36. Sonic Unleashed
37. What the Golf?

Games 37.5 and 38
37.5: Street Fighter 3 (arcade run)
38. Demon Turf

39. Ninja Gaiden Sigma

40. Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge

41: Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania

Games 42-44
42. Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes
43. Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course
44. Mega Man 3 (Wily Wars Version)

45 and 46. Klonoa Phantasy Reverie (aka: Klonoa 1 and 2 HD)

47. F-Zero X

48. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak

49. Neon White

50. Panel de Pon and Pokemon Puzzle League (it's the same basic game)

Games 51 and 52 *pops champagne*
51. Starfox 64/Lylat Wars
52. Portal 2 (note that I never did get to play the multiplayer campaign, here's hoping for 2023)

53. Xenoblade Chronicles 3

54. Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

55. Life is Strange: True Colors

56. Wave Race 64

Games 57 and 58 (the PS5 cometh)
57. Astro's Playroom
58. Demon's Souls (PS5 remake)

Games 59 and 60
59. Tinykin
60. Spiderman Miles Morales

61. Stray

Games 62-64
62. Splatoon 3
63. Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time
64. Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX

Games 65-67
65. Freedom Planet
66. Freedom Planet 2
67. Metal Hellsinger

68. Beacon Pines

Games 69 and 70
69. Bayonetta 3
70. Mario & Rabbids: Sparks of Hope

Games 71 and 72
71. Bayonetta 2
72. Bayonetta

Games 73 and 74
73: God of War Ragnarok
74. Pokemon Violet

75. Sonic Frontiers

Games 76 and 77
76. Pentiment
77. Vampire Survivors

Games 78 and 79
78. Immortality
79. Olli Olli World

Bonus Round of Live Service Games
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
Kinda dropped it for a while, so now the second half of the year in rush mode. Managed to play 3 more than last year, making in to 33.


18. Super Mario 3D World (Switch) - 25 hrs - July 25 hrs - ★★★★1/2

Great 3D Mario that feels more like a 2D Mario in 3D. Short but sweet levels.


19. Bowser's Fury (Switch) - July 10 hrs - ★★★★1/2

Super Mario 3D World goes open world. Really nice additional game, certainly an interesting potential direction for the future of the 3D Mario series.


20. As Dusk Falls (PC/GamePass) - August 7 hrs - ★★★★

Interesting choice-based game. There were parts of the story I didn't really like, but overall, a cool and unique experience.


21. Iratus: Lord of the Dead (PC/Steam) - August 22 hrs - ★★★1/2

Solid roguelike with horror theme. More of a game for short bursts but always good to come back to on the laptop when on a trip or hotel room.


22. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life (PC/GamePass) -August 35 hrs - ★★★★

Another great Yakuza game. Had it's weaknesses in the story department but it is always great to be back.


23. The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan (PS5) - September 4 hrs - ★★★

Teenie horror story with lots of atmosphere, but a little bit of a let-down after Until Dawn. Still quite interesting.


24.Little Big Planet 3 (PS4/PS5) - September 7 hrs - ★★1/2

Weakest game I completed in 2022. The platforming feels somewhat unsatisfying, and it just wasn't very fun. If it was any longer, I would have dropped it. The forced co-op levels sucked too. It was not bad per se, but I expected more from my first LBP game.


25. Trials of Mana (Switch) - September 24 hrs - ★★★1/2

Fun and cheerful action RPG brought down a peg by a weak story and horrible voice acting.


26. Immortality (PC/GamePass) - September 7 hrs - ★★★1/2

A remarkable and ingenious game, truly something different. The stuff under the surface was far weaker though and prevented the game from achieving greatness.


27. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel IV (PS4/PS5) - October 160 hrs - ★★★★1/2

The finale of the Cold Steel saga is a tremendous RPG. It is a little bit too long in parts and the overall conclusion to the saga has its weaknesses, making it the weakest Cold Steel game, but that still makes it better than most games.


28. Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales (PS5) -October 8 hrs - ★★★★1/2

Following in Marvel's Spider-Man's footsteps, Miles Morales remains great. A little more focussed although I preferred the baddies from the main game.


29. Pikmin 3 Deluxe (Switch) - November 15hrs - ★★★★

My first Pikmin game, fun and cute. A slightly simplistic but soothing spin on the RTS formula.


30. Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight (PS4/PS5) - November ??? hrs ★★★1/2

Good dancing game that lives from Persona 5's cast's charm.


31. Crusader Kings III (PC/Steam) - November 100 hrs - ★★★★1/2

I played a large part of this game last year on GamePass, but now I can say I have mostly "completed" it. Great and complex game that can be however quite frustrating at times. Nevertheless, there is something that only great Grand Strategy games can deliver, and Crusader Kings 3 is Paradox's best Grand Strategy game since Europa Universalis 4.


32. Expeditions: Rome (PC/Steam) - December 52 hrs - ★★★★1/2

The next step for the Expeditions series. Great combination of army management and tactical RPG goodness, it plays its historical theme very well. In some places a little less filler would have been good.


33. Inscryption – PC(Epic) – 9 hrs – December – ★★★★

Very fun and unique game. Can't say much without spoiling, but it is a wild ride.

Main Post


Oct 1, 2019
Main Post

December update: 53/52

I DID IT! Obviously don't have the time to write some verbose prose (which is probably just for the best) about December's games, so I'll basically just copy + paste from the main page so there's at least something here.


50. December 2nd | God of War: Ragnarök | PS5 | 40h | ☆☆☆(/5)
Both great and a pretty big disappointment at the same time. Final act is awful in almost every way, and the story meanders a bit too much before that while also trying to make me care about Freyr and his gang of clowns, but when it focuses mainly on Kratos and Atreus, it's probably the best written game of the year. Hints are annoying, though mainly during combat (which I enjoyed greatly thanks to some refinements from the last game). Incredible side content and post-game. Looks about as amazing as you'd expect from a game with this budget, and extremely well animated also which really shouldn't be overlooked when talking about the game's achievements. Next game really needs fewer invisible walls and more open level design outside of side quest areas. Still, truly epic (in the old sense of the word, not like I'm from internet in the mid 2000's) experience for the most part and I absolutely loved the super bosses.

Soundtrack highlight:


51. December 9th | God of War HD| PS3 (Streamed) | 8h 38m | ☆☆
Not as juvenile as I've been led to believe, but still a very 2005 game in many respects and pretty much a story that completely hinges on you not knowing Kratos' past (hard not to in 2022). Combat never feels good, enemies sometimes just get stun armor from nowhere and launch attacks out of nothing, while parrying feels terrible and the dodging is stiff and Kratos takes about a million years to get up if he's knocked down. A lot of very good puzzles, though, which are both very varied and often requiring at least some brain effort and knowledge of the games' mechanics. Somehow not completely unlike the new games in how good it is at framing nice shots, though it zooms out a lot more here, making for some really memorable vistas and a grand old time in a pretty literal sense. The Poseidon Skill is all the magic you'll ever need and you're more likely to die from using the super slow sword than actually doing anything effective with it.

Soundtrack highlight:
The Splendor of Athens


52. December 13th | Vampire Survivors | Android | ? | ☆☆☆½
Started the game with a phone game, and getting my 52nd with one. Didn't plan for that at all, but nice either way. Extremely addictive game, this. Probably one of the games of the year, but I think I played too much in too little time, so I burned out pretty hard and struggled to even reach credits. Would probably have been a 4/5 otherwise, because seeing those numbers go up, constantly unlocking new characters and very distinct weapons is a pretty incredible gameplay loop, making just walking around with way too many effects around you still almost always feeling like you'll be rewarded when the time is up. Such a simple and clever game, and also hilarious how many Castlevania sprites are just in here almost completely unaltered from how they looked in their original games. Also pretty sure the numbers font is from Symphony of the Night? Speaking of...

Soundtrack highlight:
Forest Night Fever


53. December 30th | Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | PS4 | 6h 21m | Replay | ☆☆☆☆

Yeah, it's maybe the most unbalanced game of all time, with Alucard becoming basically unstoppable pretty early on in the second castle no matter what you do, but it's also just such a work of art, with maybe still the most beautiful sprite work in the business, incredibly smooth animations and Michiru Yamane (insane, but great composer) being basically at her creative peak when composing the soundtrack. Also just bizarre how many weird secrets there are that even I who's beat the game maybe five or six times still discover new, strange and often completely pointless but still very charming things to this day. Alucard is also objectively the coolest protagonist of all time, despite the PS4 version giving him a much worse voice (and where is I Am the Wind >:( ). Probably in my top 3 of all time and always a pure pleasure to play, both thanks to the super tight controls and just because I like looking at pretty things. Really nice way to finish out my year of video games.

First time getting 200.6% without using a guide!

Soundtrack highlight:
Requiem for the Gods

That's it for me. Happy new year everyone!!!

Currently Playing:
Return to Monkey Island (Switch)

Pokémon Scarlet (Switch)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion (PS5)
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (PC)
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Oct 28, 2017
My updated list, will come back and tidy it up and make it pretty, but still finishing Trek to Yomi and Super Kiwi today.

Edit. With the CFB playoffs decided to swap Yomi with a switch game, so Finished up Cruis'n Blast

1. Unpacking - 7.5
2. Inscryption - 9.0
3. Exo One - 7.0
4. Nex Mechina - 6.0

5. Windjammers 2 - 7.5
6. Among Trees - 5.0
7. SotC Remake - 8.0
8. Gorogoa - 7.5

9. Superliminal - 8.0
10. Doom 2016 - 9.0
11. Sayonara Wild Hearts - 6.5
12. Narita Boy - 7.0

13. Riders Republic - 6.0
14. Madden 22 - 6.5
15. Halo Infinite - 8.5

16. Far Changing Tides -8.0
17. Far Lone Sails - 8.0
18. NBA2K22 - 4.5
19. Peggle 2 - 6.0

20. QUBE - 6.0
21. Turnip Boy - 6.0
22. Airborne Kingdom - 5.0
23. Vampire Survivor - 9.0
24. Golf club wasteland - 6.0

25. GotG - 9.0
26. Carrion - 5.0
27. Hades - 9.0
28. Powerwash Simulator - 8.0

29. Ratchet & Clank PS4 - 8.5
30. I Am Fish - 5.0
31. Last Call BBS - 7.5

32. CoDWW2 - 6.5
33. The Artful Escape - 5.5
34. Kill it with fire - 5.0
35. Multiversus - 7.5
36. Noita - 8.5
37. CoDMW Remastered - 8.5

38. Feeding Frenzy - 2.0
39. Gone Home - 4.0
40. The Forgotten City - 5.5
41. Sable - 6.0

42. Marvel Snap - 8.5
43. Forza Horizon 5 - 9.0
44. Madden 2023 - 5.5

45. Arcade Paradise - 8.5
46. Instruments of Destruction - 8.0
47. Spider-Man Remastered - 7.0
48. Doors Paradox - 6.0
49. CoD MW 2 - 7.5
50. The Room - 7.0
51. Cruis'n Blast - 7.5
52. Super Kiwi 64 - 7.0
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Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
Dec - 52/52 Games

1. Hollow Knight | 3.5/5 | Jan 17th
2. art of rally | 4/5 | Jan 20th
3. Archvale | 4/5 | Jan 26th
4. Elden Ring | 4.5/5 | Mar 8th
5. Torchlight III | 3/5 | Mar 12th
6. Tunic | 4/5 | Mar 19th
7. Bloodborne | 4.5/5 | Mar 27th
8. Picross Touch | 3.5/5 | Mar 28th
9. Ghostwire: Tokyo | 3.5/5 | Apr 4th
10. Code Vein | 3.5/5 | Apr 12th
11. Kirby and the Forgotten Land | 3/5 | Apr 12th
12. Weird West | 3/5 | Apr 13th
13. Trek to Yomi | 3/5 | May 24th
14. Demon's Souls | 4/5 | Jun 6th
15. Astro's Playroom 4/5 | Jun 17th
16. Diablo Immortal | 1.5/5 | Jun 18th
17. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge | 3.5/5 | Jun 19th
18. Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart | 3.5/5 | Jun 20th
19. Chorus | 3.5/5 | Jun 24th
20. Borderlands 3 | 3/5 | Jun 28th
21. Silent Hill | 4/5 | Jul 2nd
22. Gran Turismo 7 | 4/5 | Jul 4th
23. Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams | 4.5/5 | Jul 11th
24. PowerWash Simulator | 4/5 | Jul 18th
25. Stray | 3.5/5 | Jul 23rd
26. The Quarry | 3.5/5 | Jul 24th
27. As Dusk Falls | 2.5/5 | Jul 27th
28. Escape Academy | 2/5 | Jul 29th
29. Warhammer: Chaosbane - Slayer Edition | 3/5 | Aug 8th
30. Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek | 3/5 | Aug 20th
31. Sparkle Unleashed | 3.5/5 | Aug 22nd
32. The Mortuary Assistant | 3.5/5 | Sep 11th
33. Metal: Hellsinger | 4/5 | Sep 18th
34. Moonscars | 3.5/5 | Oct 14th
35. Scorn | 4/5 | Oct 16th
36. The Last of Us Part I | 3/5 | Oct 26th
37. Beacon Pines | 3/5 | Oct 31st
38. Tinykin | 4/5 | Nov 2nd
39. Gotham Knights | 3/5 | Nov 10th
40. A Plague Tale: Requiem | 3/5 | Nov 15th
41. Somerville | 2.5/5 | Nov 15th
42. Horizon Forbidden Wests | 3/5 | Nov 22nd
43. Norco | 4/5 | Nov 26th
44. Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection | 3/5 | Dec 16th
45. Resident Evil Re:Verse | 3/5 | Dec 18th
46. Vampire Survivors | 4.5/5 | Dec 18th
47. Signalis | 3.5/5 | Dec 21st
48. Grounded | 3.5/5 | Dec 24th
49. Pokemon Violet | 4.5/5 | Dec 29th
50. High on Life | 3/5 | Dec 29th
51. Citizen Sleeper | 4.5/5 | Dec 30th
52. The Callisto Protocol | 4.5/5 | Dec 31st

Previous years:
54/52 2018
58/52 2019
56/52 2020
53/52 2021


QA Architect at Riot Games
Oct 26, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
The final flurry of folk going into the Hall of FameTM for the year (if anyone sends a DM after this, I'll get around to it next year! :D)

And yay, I made the cut, just barely lol;

I'll be posting the new thread for 2023 tomorrow, sometime in the morning PST timezone. I'll give a warning when the post is about to drop in the Discord, for those eager to get their main posts on the first page <3

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Final batch to round out the year and squeak past the 52. TL;DR: Citizen Sleeper is my GOTY.


52. Citizen Sleeper (2022, Switch) ★★★★★
Easily the most pressingly relevant game I've played since Umurangi Generation, albeit not as (overtly) furious. Citizen Sleeper mixes elements of a sci-fi thriller with slice-of-life storytelling, which results in it being able to stack scenes of melancholy, light comedy, drama, and outright tension back-to-back with seemingly little effort. Your character is a Sleeper, a corporate-owned robot body operated by some poor, off-world soul's brain in a cryo tank. You've escaped company custody and are stranded on The Eye, a derelict space station held together by duct tape since another intergalactic megacorp went bankrupt. Your company's repo men want their property back, while you struggle to find food, and reliable sources of medicine to keep your mechanical body operational past its rapidly-approaching date of planned obsolescence. It's not difficult to read this as commentary on the realities of managing a chronic illness in a place where the equivalent of insulin is kept artificially expensive.

Gamifying poverty is a dicey proposition, since a game has to give you things before you can lose them, but said attrition needs to be maintained and drawn out before desperation can set in. After all: players die abruptly all the time in games, which ends the tension. I'm reminded of an example Austin Walker recounted in this short Salon interview. Basically a student game project was developed to simulate the balance sheet of a family in poverty. However, rather than furthering empathy, players instead walked away convinced they could "win" the game by balancing the books. Personally I think this might be due to entrenched beliefs about poverty being a result of laziness or bad individual choices, rather than systemic processes.

Citizen Sleeper manages to simulate such processes for a while, by making you manage Energy (i.e.: eating food, which costs money) and Condition (which deteriorates every cycle regardless). Starving means your Condition drops twice as fast, and a declining Condition results in fewer dice rolls you can make during a cycle. When you're spending money to stave off starvation instead of repairing your robot body, and spending your dwindling dice rolls on gig-economy jobs to earn slightly-less-than-dinner, rather than escaping your debt collectors... the downward spiral does begin to feel hopeless.
However, once you start making connections and forging deeper relationship, resources will quickly become a non-issue. I never died, and rarely faced real danger. Initially I felt like the game was letting me min-max my way out of poverty, which runs counter to the seemingly structural conception of poverty it otherwise espouses. On further thought however, this pivot feel authored: a central theme running through Citizen Sleeper is how people in communities will help each other, whereas trying to make it on your own is a pointless doomsday prepper esque fantasy, detached from the realities of quick onset and crushing loneliness.

The writing is easily strong enough to support this pivot away from lone survival towards fostering relationships and communities. The storylines are almost universally compelling, and often touching. Particularly great is how your choices or bad luck may permanently end relationships, and how helping people doesn't necessarily lead to desirable results down the road. There were absolutely people I regret helping, but also know it would run counter my character to leave their fates to chance.
It's not all entirely balanced, you can play the field of alliances more than makes sense. It's entirely possible to become embedded in the Yatagan gang and sell them corporate espionage on Havenage corp, but then run right around to sell intercepted Yatagan comms to said corporation, with neither party ever punishing you for it. In general, much of the game is surprisingly optimistic given its setting.

Citizen Sleeper is an incredible sophomore effort, and feels like a giant leap after the already excellent In Other Waters of two years ago. Sure, it's not very subtle, but keeping that Gundam meme in mind about fans missing the point if a setting is too aesthetically compelling, maybe it's not the worst idea to elevate subtext to just plain text.


53. Citizen Sleeper: Flux (2022, Switch) ★★★★☆
Citizen Sleeper's first (free) DLC expansion injects a much needed mid- to late-game challenge by finally centering the refugee flotilla bobbing along the edges of The Eye. Their (perceived) needs are many, time is short, and there are political forces which do not want to see refugees receiving aid. Perhaps I came in over-prepared or was just lucky, but I would have welcomed a little more pushback. The game has clearly set up a series of potential cascading failures, but if you get some lucky rolls it's pretty easy going if you give the storyline your full attention. A mild downside of the episodic structure is how this chapter feels like a lot of set-up, with only partial pay-offs. There are enticing mysteries, a few difficult to read characters, and if all goes well a thrilling finale, but it's mostly in service of delivering cliffhangers.


54. Citizen Sleeper: Refuge (2022, Switch) ★★★★★
Citizen Sleeper's second DLC expansion (again, free) really runs with the premise of Flux. Now you get to talk to the actual refugees, and the game wastes no time deconstructing the "refugees as a monolith" myth. There are wildly varying interests at play here, and the game sharply contrasts the fate of the Sleeper to those truly deserted in the periphery of yet another periphery. This expansion contains Citizen Sleeper's strongest writing yet, an irresistible mix of harrowing heartbreak, mysteries on top of mysteries, and tense situations with unpredictable outcomes.


Oct 25, 2017
Last minute update to finish off


#56 Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis - PC - 8 hours - 7.0
I liked the story and voice acting and first half of the game was really fun but the second half way had annoying and difficult puzzles that were just frustrating so I ended up using a guide for a lot of them

#57 Prodeus - Xbox - 9 hours - 8.0

The shooting is very satisfying and chaotic and its got good level design and a cool pixelated art style

#58 Dead Space (Replay) - Xbox - 8 hours - 8.5
A classic of the genre at this point and I'm looking forward to eventually playing the remake

#59 Dead Space Mobile - Android - 3 hours - 6.0
Impressed at how it looks and sounds for an older mobile game, feels like lost PS2 Dead Space game. It does lack a bit in level design and the controls while serviceable, can be finnicky

#60 Gears of War: Judgment - Xbox - 6 hours - 8.0
I don't hear people talk about this one much but I really liked it. Looks great for the 360, the arcadey missions with the optional modifiers make for a nice change of pace from a normal gears campaign and they constantly keep you on your toes

#61 Asterigos: Curse of the Stars - PC - 18 hours - 7.5

Combat feels good and levels have that souls type of exploration which is a nice dopamine hit.
The devs clearly enjoyed crafting the world because there is a LOT of dialogue and conversations go on and on and on. I wasn't there for that shit though I just liked exploring and killing

#62 Gregory Horror Show - PS2 - 5 hours - 7.5

After scaring the crap out of me a kid, I finally went back to finish this game. It's a cool game but it could do a little more with the idea, the gameplay is a little one note but its full of character

#63 Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs - Xbox - Xbox - 4 hours - 5.0

Blehh this is not a good follow up to The Dark Descent. Puzzles are reused from the 1st game, pretty much everything was worse. The monsters are more goofy than scary and the story was not interesting and didn't make sense

#64 Crysis 3 Remastered - Xbox - 7 hours - 6.5

I kinda hoped the levels to be a bit more open, like Crysis 1 but its more like the 2nd game. Which is fine it's still fun enough but bigger levels with more player agency suits the crysis gameplay a lot more


Dec 27, 2021
American in Costa Rica
I had an amazing year married my best friend in Jamaica and have my own podcast
I will not make even 40 games for another year
Doesn't matter I played some great games in 2022 shared some time playing with my wife and have some i need to finish before my top 10 here
here's to another great list in 2023 and Happy New Year no matter where you are

2022 List
1. Yakuza Like A Dragon (XSX) JAN 3- 123 HOURS AND 45 MINUTES 9/10
2. The Forgotten City (XSX) JAN 22- 13 HOURS AND 48 MINUTES 9/10
3. Hitman( 2016) (XSX) FEB 4 68 HOURS AND 22 MINUTES 9/10
4. It Takes Two (PS5) FEB 8 14 HOURS 12 MINUTES 4/10
5. Hitman 2 (XSX) MAR 22 45 HOURS AND 38 MINUTES 8/10
6. Unpacking (XSX) APR 7 6 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES 6/10
7. Horizon Zero Dawn (PS5) APR 18 76 HOURS AND 49MINUTES 8/10
8. FarCry 5 (XSX) APR 26 53 HOURS AND 29 MINUTES 8/10
9. FarCry 5 Hours of Darkness (XSX) MAY 1 3 HOURS AND 12 MINUTES 4/10
10.FarCry 5 Lost on Mars (XSX) MAY 6 3 HOURS AND 26 MINUTES 5/10
11.FarCry 5 Dead Living Zombies (XSX) MAY 8 4 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES 3/10
12.Life Is Strange True Colors (XSX) MAY 29 12 HOURS AND 41 MINUTES 4/10
13.Horizon Zero Dawn The Frozen Wilds (PS5) MAY 30 10 HOURS AND 11 MINUTES 6/10
14.Trek To Yomi (XSX) JUNE 18 8 HOURS AND 19 MINUTES 4/10
15.Greedfall (XSX) JUNE 27 49 HOURS AND 50 MINUTES 6/10
16.Assasin's Creed Origins The Hidden Ones (PS5) JULY 6 7 HOURS AND 35 MINUTES 7/10
17.MLB The Show 22 (XSX) JULY 9 80 HOURS And 7 MINUTES 9/10
18.Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Shredder's Revenge (XSX) JULY 10 13 HOURS AND 21 MINTUES 8/10
19.Sonic The Hedgehog (XSX) JULY 10 3HOURS AND 36 MINUTES 4/10
20.Citizen Sleeper (XSX) JULY 23 10 HOURS AND 21 MINUTES 9/10
21.Assassin's Creed Origins Curse Of The Pharoahs (PS5) JULY 25 12 HOURS 8/10
22.The Quarry (XSX) AUG 14 18 HRS AND 29 MINUTES 5/10
23.The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe (PS5) 14 HOURS AND 12 MINUTES 8/10
24.Immortality (XSX) SEP 6 10 HRS AND 4 MINUTES 9/10
25 Tiny Tina Wonderlands (XSX) SEP 12 26 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES 7/10
26.Two Point Campus (XSX) SEP 18 96 HOURS AND1 MINUTE 7/10
27.Assasin's Creed Vahalla (XSX) OCT 11 121 HOURS AND 29 MINUTES 8/10
28.Cult of The Lamb (XSX) OCT 19 38 HOURS AND 48 MINUTES 9/10
29.MADDEN 23 (XSX) OC 21 58 HOURS AND 3 MINUTES 5/10
30.Assasin's Creed Vahalla The Wraith of The Druids (XSX) OCT 30 12 HOURS AND 16 MINUTES 8/10
31.Assasin's Creed Vahalla Siege of Paris (XSX) NOV 23 13 HOURS AND 27 MINTUES 6/10
32. Stray (PS5) NOV 25 8 HOURS AND 17 MINUTES 6/10
33. As Dusk Falls (XSX) NOV 29 7 HOURS AND 59 MINUTES 4/10
34. Lake (XSX) DEC 5 7 HOURS AND 23 MINUTES 6/10
35.Assasin's Creed Dawn of Ragnarok (XSX) DEC 1420 HOURS AND 20 MINUTES 6/10
36.Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales (PS5) DEC 30 14 HOURS AND 31 MINUTES 8/10

Pentiment nearly made it we are on the last act my wife and I maybe an hour left so it will probably lead my 2023 list
Thank You Wozzer
Last edited:


Dec 27, 2021
American in Costa Rica
Final batch to round out the year and squeak past the 52. TL;DR: Citizen Sleeper is my GOTY.


52. Citizen Sleeper (2022, Switch) ★★★★★
Easily the most pressingly relevant game I've played since Umurangi Generation, albeit not as (overtly) furious. Citizen Sleeper mixes elements of a sci-fi thriller with slice-of-life storytelling, which results in it being able to stack scenes of melancholy, light comedy, drama, and outright tension back-to-back with seemingly little effort. Your character is a Sleeper, a corporate-owned robot body operated by some poor, off-world soul's brain in a cryo tank. You've escaped company custody and are stranded on The Eye, a derelict space station held together by duct tape since another intergalactic megacorp went bankrupt. Your company's repo men want their property back, while you struggle to find food, and reliable sources of medicine to keep your mechanical body operational past its rapidly-approaching date of planned obsolescence. It's not difficult to read this as commentary on the realities of managing a chronic illness in a place where the equivalent of insulin is kept artificially expensive.

Gamifying poverty is a dicey proposition, since a game has to give you things before you can lose them, but said attrition needs to be maintained and drawn out before desperation can set in. After all: players die abruptly all the time in games, which ends the tension. I'm reminded of an example Austin Walker recounted in this short Salon interview. Basically a student game project was developed to simulate the balance sheet of a family in poverty. However, rather than furthering empathy, players instead walked away convinced they could "win" the game by balancing the books. Personally I think this might be due to entrenched beliefs about poverty being a result of laziness or bad individual choices, rather than systemic processes.

Citizen Sleeper manages to simulate such processes for a while, by making you manage Energy (i.e.: eating food, which costs money) and Condition (which deteriorates every cycle regardless). Starving means your Condition drops twice as fast, and a declining Condition results in fewer dice rolls you can make during a cycle. When you're spending money to stave off starvation instead of repairing your robot body, and spending your dwindling dice rolls on gig-economy jobs to earn slightly-less-than-dinner, rather than escaping your debt collectors... the downward spiral does begin to feel hopeless.
However, once you start making connections and forging deeper relationship, resources will quickly become a non-issue. I never died, and rarely faced real danger. Initially I felt like the game was letting me min-max my way out of poverty, which runs counter to the seemingly structural conception of poverty it otherwise espouses. On further thought however, this pivot feel authored: a central theme running through Citizen Sleeper is how people in communities will help each other, whereas trying to make it on your own is a pointless doomsday prepper esque fantasy, detached from the realities of quick onset and crushing loneliness.

The writing is easily strong enough to support this pivot away from lone survival towards fostering relationships and communities. The storylines are almost universally compelling, and often touching. Particularly great is how your choices or bad luck may permanently end relationships, and how helping people doesn't necessarily lead to desirable results down the road. There were absolutely people I regret helping, but also know it would run counter my character to leave their fates to chance.
It's not all entirely balanced, you can play the field of alliances more than makes sense. It's entirely possible to become embedded in the Yatagan gang and sell them corporate espionage on Havenage corp, but then run right around to sell intercepted Yatagan comms to said corporation, with neither party ever punishing you for it. In general, much of the game is surprisingly optimistic given its setting.

Citizen Sleeper is an incredible sophomore effort, and feels like a giant leap after the already excellent In Other Waters of two years ago. Sure, it's not very subtle, but keeping that Gundam meme in mind about fans missing the point if a setting is too aesthetically compelling, maybe it's not the worst idea to elevate subtext to just plain text.


53. Citizen Sleeper: Flux (2022, Switch) ★★★★☆
Citizen Sleeper's first (free) DLC expansion injects a much needed mid- to late-game challenge by finally centering the refugee flotilla bobbing along the edges of The Eye. Their (perceived) needs are many, time is short, and there are political forces which do not want to see refugees receiving aid. Perhaps I came in over-prepared or was just lucky, but I would have welcomed a little more pushback. The game has clearly set up a series of potential cascading failures, but if you get some lucky rolls it's pretty easy going if you give the storyline your full attention. A mild downside of the episodic structure is how this chapter feels like a lot of set-up, with only partial pay-offs. There are enticing mysteries, a few difficult to read characters, and if all goes well a thrilling finale, but it's mostly in service of delivering cliffhangers.


54. Citizen Sleeper: Refuge (2022, Switch) ★★★★★
Citizen Sleeper's second DLC expansion (again, free) really runs with the premise of Flux. Now you get to talk to the actual refugees, and the game wastes no time deconstructing the "refugees as a monolith" myth. There are wildly varying interests at play here, and the game sharply contrasts the fate of the Sleeper to those truly deserted in the periphery of yet another periphery. This expansion contains Citizen Sleeper's strongest writing yet, an irresistible mix of harrowing heartbreak, mysteries on top of mysteries, and tense situations with unpredictable outcomes.
Thanks to your post you just reminded me their is Citizen Sleeper DLC
I need to play one of my favorites of the past year


Oct 26, 2017

Quick Update


Should be final update for 22

  • Midnight Suns - Overall a fun game that mixes both tactical rpg elements with card battles. As someone who isn't a massive Marvel fan, I enjoyed this a lot
  • Wild Arms 4 - Not a good Wild Arms game, but still a very decent JRPG. While its story and characters are bland, the gameplay battles are fun
  • Super Mario 3D World - I enjoyed SM3D World, but I did have a number of issues with its abilities (Over-reliance on cat ability for collectibles meant playing mostly as Cat entire game). Bowsers Fury corrects this but unfortunatly that doesn't save the main campaign from its faults.
And thats it for 2022, we do have a Discord FYI to add further discussions around what you are currently playing/beat

May 15, 2019
Main List

Sadly didn't make it. This year had a lot of traumatic events and ups/downs, so I'm happy with what I got. Did I want to complete more? Absolutely - but it's been a bit stressful.

Here's my final completions and a few quick reviews:

14. Sackboy: A Big Adventure (PS5) | 15th Aug - 26hrs | 4/5

This was an absolute blast to play! Highly recommend that you all should check this out! As someone who grew up on platformers, this game was a nice throwback for me!

15. Necromunda: Hired Gun (PS5) | 18th Aug - 2hrs | 1/5

I walked into this thinking this would be like Doom. I gave it a couple of hours - the controls feel uncomfortable, the story was confusing (I'm not familiar with Necromunda/Warhammer at all) and it just felt boring to play. This game kind of disappointed for me, unfortunately.

16. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (PC/Steam Deck) | 12th Nov - 10hrs | 5/5

This game is an absolute blast for me! I've played it once before, but wanted to do a fully play-through before I did MWII. The campaign is packed with excellent scenes, memorable characters and a thrilling narrative. If you're an FPS fan, this is for you. The multiplayer is also so much fun, although for me I just went back to it just for a short nostalgia trip. I think this is my favorite COD since Black Ops II (my all time favorite).

17. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (PC/Steam Deck/PS5) | 30 Dec - 45hrs | 4/5

Pretty much similar feelings as Modern Warfare 2019. The only thing I will mention is that this campaign wasn't as good to me as MW19 and BOCW. Too many stealth missions and the narrative felt weird at times. Definitely lost it's pure action momentum/huge world stakes that MW19 had. The multiplayer is addicting and an absolute blast for me to play though! I'll probably be playing this long into 2023.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Last post of the year:

42. The Entropy Centre (PC, 2022) - 11:13 - December 2
43. Super Golf (Game Gear, 1991) - 0:26 - December 16
44. Deus Ex GO (Android, 2016) - 4:14 + 0:14 in 2017 - December 25
45. Emily Is Away (PC, 2015) - 0:27 - December 25
46. Old Man's Journey (PC, 2017) - 1:13 - December 26
47. Whitewater Wipeout (Playdate, 2022) - 0:11 - December 26
48. Casual Birder (Playdate, 2022) - 2:18 - December 26
49. Spring Falls (PC, 2019) - 1:41 - December 27
50. Planet of the Eyes (PC, 2015) - 1:30 - December 28
51. Puzzle Bots (PC, 2010) - 2:27 - December 29
52. Let Them Come (PC, 2017) - 2:06 - December 29

I realized around Christmas that 8 games was not necessarily an insurmountable obstacle, which leads us to the most improbable outcome: I managed to sneak into the 52-game club just under the wire again this year. Looking back at last year, I did pretty much the same thing then, but at least I spread my 9 games over the entire month of December versus what I did in 2022.

Some end-of-year stats:

Total time played: 1148:40, or about 48 solid days of gameplay. This is about even with last year, but take a look at the top 10:
Top 10 games by playtime:
  1. Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage (Android) - 303:11
  2. Forza Horizon 5 (PC) - 106:05
  3. Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream (PS4) - 71:41
  4. Gran Turismo 7 (PS5) - 47:58
  5. Dysmantle (PC) - 42:58
  6. No Man's Sky (PC) - 41:26
  7. Tametsi (PC) - 33:42
  8. Tales of Arise (PS5) - 32:39
  9. PowerWash Simulator (PC) - 32:05
  10. Blue Reflection (PS4) - 31:22
That's 410 hours of gameplay that led to a single game "completion" in 2022, for Colorful Stage. Hilariously inefficient. I regret nothing, but I'll probably play a whole lot less Colorful Stage next year. Hopefully.

Goals for 2023: I've decided to focus on a bunch of long games that have been languishing in my backlog for a long time, partially because I'd be worried about my progress in the 52-game challenge and prioritizing shorter games. Which means that for 2023, I'm not sticking to any specific number of games I want to play, besides trying to finish at least one or two games with extremely long playthrough times (say, 80 hours or more). Persona 5 Royal, Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Skyrim (maybe), etc.--those are the types of games I'm thinking about.

I'll still be in next year's thread, though, so I'll see y'all there and in the Discord!


Oct 27, 2017
Game 1-Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2(2011)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on January 1
-Starting out the year playing the sequel to the last game I beat in 2021. This game was quite a bit better than the first game but still very average. I am looking to play more older Potter games this year and hopefully will be playing the new Harry Potter game later this year as well. 6/10

Game 2-There Will Be No Turkey This Christmas(2021)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on January 2
-This was a super cheap Christmas themed puzzle game where you have to find keys that will open doors and eventually escape. It is a stealth based game as you have to avoid being caught by people. It was a fun time. 7/10

Game 3-007 Legends(2012)-Xbox 360-Beaten on January 2
-I have been in the mood for games from the PS3/360/Wii generation lately and this one was a lot of fun. After bearing 007 Bloodstone a couple of days ago, I felt like more 007 action and this one fit the bill . A great time! 7/10

Game 4-The Juggler's Tale(2021)-PC via GPad Win Max-Beaten on January 6
-I enjoyed my time with this charming and short side scrolling puzzle game. It's puzzles weee pretty simple to figure out and was a touching story. 7/10

Game 5-Goldeneye 007(2010)-Wii-Beaten on January 8
This is the third Bond game I have beaten I the last ten days or so(Bloodstone and Legends being the other two), and this was my favorite one. Such a good Bond experience. 9/10

Game 6-Higurashi When They Cry Hou Episode 8 Matsurbayashi(2020)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on January 9
-What a finale this was! Great episode! It took me since last March to finish all eight episodes and what a ride this series was. Of course, I do think it could have been much shorter and better for it but I truly do feel like I know the characters very well after all this time. At some point I will read the console arcs but it's time for something different. 10/10

Game 7-Infamous(2009)-PS3-Beaten on January 14
-Continuing my focus on PS/360 generations games and I continue to really enjoy them. This game p, while not nearly as polished as today's game was just a fun game where I build up my posters throughout the game so that by the end, I am a badass. 7/10

Game 8-Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge from Master Collection(2021)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on January 15
-I really enjoyed my time with this game. This game actually came out during the PS3/360 generation so again, I am focusing on playing games from that time. Really good game! 8/10

Game 9-Infamous 2(2011)-PS3-Beaten on January 19
-This game was a vast improvement from the first game except for the change in Cole. Not a fan of the new voice. Not a big deal overall. Had a blast with this game and look forward to Festival of Blood. 9/10

Game 10-Infamous Festival of Blood(2012)-PS3-Beaten on January 21
-So I have now beaten the entire Infamous series and they are a lot of fun. ImcN say that the PS4 games take the series to another level and I really hope this series gets a new game in the future. I don' t know if this game was needed but for what is basically DLC it was a lot of fun for three hours or so. 7/10

Game 11-Dying Light(2015)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on January 24
Wow! I was so impressed by this game and can't wait for the sequel in a couple of weeks. It's hard to believe this game came out almost exactly seven years ago. It holds up so well and it's a ton of fun! 10/10

Game 12-Dying Light The Following(2016)-PC via GPD Win-Beaten on January 27
-I really liked this DLC at first, it was quite different for the main game. It was out inn he country instead of the city and i had a vehicle to drive around. It was a lot of fun for the first couple of hours but then the back and forth across the land got a bit boring. I hope the sequel has fast travel as an option. Still fun and still looking forward to the sequel next week! 7/10

Game 13-Cyberpunk 2077(2020)-PS4-Beaten on February 3
-I know this game get a lot of hate but I loved it. The atmosphere and story were great and having Keanu Reeves as my partner was just awesome. Loved it! I would love a sequel. 9/10

Game 14-Dying Light 2(2022)-PS5-Beaten on February 15
-I recently beat the first game and loved it and the sequel was also a ton of fun. There were some frustrating platforming parts but I pushed through them eventually, I think I like the first one more overall, even though this game had a lot more polish. 9/10

Game 15-Persona 5 Strikers(2021)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on March 2
-What a great sequel! I liked the action combat better that the turn based of the Persona 5. Such a great move and it felt like Persona 5 in ever way outside of combat. 10/10

Game 16-Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on March14
-Outside of FF1 and 2, I have now completed every major Final Fantasy game that isn't online. I really liked this game and can see why it's considered one of the greatest RPG's of all time. 9/10

Game 17 Ghostwire Tokyo Prelude(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on March 18
-This was a visual novel to the upcoming main game. It was below average in my opinion and kind of boring. I still look forward to the main game. 4/10

Game 18-Aperture Desk Job(2022)-Steam Deck-Beaten on March 27
-This was my first game finished on the Steam Deck and it was a great little game that demoed all the controls for the Steam Deck. Great humor! Well done Valve! The only downside is that it was very short but it's a free game that is a tutorial. 10/10

Game 19-Ghostwire Tokyo(2022)-Steam Deck-Beaten on April 9
-I have to say that I was disappointed by this game. While it was ok, it just wasn't as good as I was expecting it to be. Maybe I should have played it on the PS5. 7/10

Game 20-Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin(2022)-Steam Deck—Beaten on April 14
-Really liked this game outside of it running pretty poorly on the Deck. The fighting in this game was a lot of fun even if the story was a bit nonsense. I will need to play FF 1 sometime In the near future. 8/10

Game 21-Enemy Front(2014)-Steam Deck-Beaten on April 16
I loved this game and it reminds me how much I miss games that have linear levels and are mostly focused on single player. The PS3/360 generation had a ton of these types of games but are dying out now. Any way a very solid WWII FPS. 8/10

Game 22-Red Faction Guerrilla Remarstered(2018)-Steam Deck-Beaten on May 10–This game was a lot of fun jsut destroying building and whatnot. A great time! My huge issue with the game is that I got to the second to last chapter and I can not get the new story mission to pop up for me to start. I spent several hours doing side quests think8 g that it would eventually pop up but it hasn't. I have given up and consider the game beaten. 7/10

Game 23-Call of Duty Black Ops 2(2012)-Steam Deck-Beaten on May 25
-A lot of people complain about Call of Duty games but I love them, specifically the single player campaigns. I beat this when it came out ten years ago in 2012, and this game holds up very well, especially on the Deck. What a rollercoaster ride!! 10/10

Game 24-13 Sentinels Aegis Rim(2022)-Switch-Beaten on May 28
-Really enjoyed this visual novel/tactics game. Quite a story but one you have to focus on as it doesn't go in order. Hope for a sequel someday. 9/10

Game 25-Mafia 3 Faster Baby DLC(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on June 12
-I really liked this dlc as it was much different t for the main game. Taking down racists is always fun too. (9/10)

Game 26-Mafia 3 Stones Unturned DLC(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on June 13
-This was a pretty good dlc. I really liked Donovan as a character so it was fine to have more of him.

Game 27-Mafia 3 Sign of the Times DLC(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on June 14
-This was my favorite of the three story dlc's. It was horror based and it was just so much different that the main game. 10/10

Game 28-Mafia 3(2016)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on June 16
-I really thought this was a great game! I loved the time period! I do think the game should have been shorter S a lot of the missions you do pretty me in the same things every time.(8/10)

Game 29-The Quarry(2022)-PS5-Beaten on June 21
-I love these types of games and I wish there were more of them. Not many werewolf games so it was cool to see that, even thought I wish they looked more like werewolves. It was a good horror game and one I could play several times for all the different endings, 8/10

Game 30-Far Cry 5(2018)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on July 3
-This was a great game! I understand why some people don't like Ubisoft games as they all have a very similar formula but I really enjoy them. Now for the add ons. 9/10

Game 31-Far Cry 5 DLC Hours of Darkness(2018)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on July 6
-I really liked this Vietnam War dlc! We just don't see Vietnam war games very often so it was a lot of fun to play. 9/10

Game 32-Mothman 1966(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on July 21
-This was a brief, old school visual novel horror game that had a few puzzles within it as well, it was brief and ok over overall. 6/10

Game 33-As Dusk Fall(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on August 3
-I really liked this adventure games. It's in the same vane as of the Telltale games and I really miss those types of games. 9/10

Game 34-South of the Circle(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on August 18
-I really liked this adventure game. It had great style and also an interesting story. It only lasted about four hours but it all good. 9/10

Game 35-Stray(2022)-PS5-Beaten on September 3
-I loved this game! Playing as a cat was just something you don't do much in video games so it was quite novel. It really felt like a true cat. A great game! 9/10

Game 36-Simulacra(2017)-IOS-Beaten on September 11
-I play games very rarely on my phone but this tuoe of game is perfect for it. As September roles around, in-like playing scary games and this one was lent really scary but did have horror themes. I enjoyed it. 8/10

Game 37-Nex Machina(2017)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on September 17
-This was such an awesome game on the Deck. Just so much fun and gorgeous as well. I wish it did have a save option so I could stop but playing on easy gave me unlimited continues so I beat it in about an hour or so. Great game! 9/10

Game 38-We are OFK Episode 1Hooks(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on September 18
-First episodes of games like this are a bit slow as all the main characters have to be introduced. This one is no different. The music and graphics are gorgeous. Let's see what episode 2 brings. 7/10

Game 39-We are OFK Episode 2 Loops(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on September 18
-The second episode was a bit better than the first. It really is a slice of life visual novel. It's ok so far and I will continue it and see where it goes. 7/10

Game 40-We are OFK Episode 3 Smash(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max-Beaten on September 25
-The third episode in feel like I know the characters better now and it was an emotional episode. 8/10

Game 41-We are OFK Episode 4 Splits(2022)-PC via GPD Win Max,-Beaten on September 29
-This was a boring episode. I just didn't care about the character. 5/10

Game 42-We are OFK Episode 5 Mix(2022)-Switch-Beaten on October 29
-The finale was ok and it wrapped things up pretty well. Was it good?? It really. The entire series is a bit dull. 5/10

Game 43-Resident Evil 8 DLC Shadows of Rose(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on October 30
-Loved this four hour dlc!! It was perfect for Halloween. Watch out for the mannequins-some of the scariest gaming I've ever had. 10/10

Game 44-Frog Detective 2 The Case of the Invisible Wizard(2019)PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 1
-This was a very brief mystery game that was pretty basic and not very good overall. 6/10

Game 45-Frog Detective 3 Corruption at Cowboy County(2022)-Pc via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 2
-I enjoyed this game a lot more than the last one. It was better in every way. 7/10

Game 46-Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2(2022)-PS5-Beaten on November 5
-I enjoy every Call of Duty campaign just as I enjoy summer blockbuster movies. Just fun and entertaining. 9/10

Game 47-11-11 Memories Untold(2018)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 7
-With Veteran's Day a couple of days away, I finally wanted to play and finish this game. The game is a powerful story if a Canadian and German soldier who's lives eventually intermix. Good story and beautiful graphics as well. 10/10

Game 48-New Tales From the Borderlands Episode 1 Start Up(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 15
-First episodes in games like this are all about getting to know the main characters which this one does pretty well. I look forward to episode two. 7/10

Game 49-New Tales From the Borderlands Episode 2 Disruptive Product(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on Novemher 15
-This was a great episode with lots of action-well for an adventure game that is. Really looking forward to episode 3. 9/10

Game 50- New Tales From the Borderlands Episode 3 Capital Pains(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 16
-This episode was not as good as last episode but still interesting and I look forward to the next one. 8/10

Game 51-New Tales from the Borderlands Episode 4. False Advertising (2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 16
-Best episode yet. Lots of action as we approach the end of the game: Can't wait to see what happens in the finale. 9/10

Game 52-New Tales from the Borderlands Episode 5 Divestments(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 17
-52 games!! This was a decent finale but I thought this episode dragged on a bit too long. 8/10

Game 53-Mirror's Edge Catalyst(2016)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on November 20
-After beating the original Mirror's Edge a couple of years ago, I finally got around to the sequel and I absolutely loved it! Such a fun game! 9/10

Game 54-Evil West(2022)-PC via Steam Deck-Beaten on December 5
-What a wonderful throwback to the PS360 era of games. A super fun single player game. Loves it!! 9/10

Game 55-The Dark Pictures Anthology The Devil in Me(PS5)-Beaten on December 30
-This was my favorite in the series. I liked the serial killer angle and there were sone good jump scares. A great addition to the series! 8/10

55 games completed this year.
Game of the year that I finished that came out in 2022: Evil West(So much fun!)

Best Overall Game I completed:
Persona 5 Strikers
-I loved Persona 5 and I loved this even more.

Steam Deck-25
PC via GPD Win Max-16

The Steam Deck took over my gaming life than year and I don't see that changing next year. My Win Max continues to get a lot of love as well. I didn't finish a single Xbox One, XBX, 3DS, Vita, or PSP game this year


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
I took a while to update my list on here - a full year - but hey, I made the challenge deadline for the 6th year in a row!

#1 Pokemon Legends: Arceus – Completed 1/30/2022 Switch – 30 hours
#2 Bowser's Fury – Completed 2/18/2022 Switch – 2 hours
#3 Elden Ring – Completed 3/6/2022 PS5 – 109 hours
#4 Judgment – Completed 3/14/2022 Xbox Series X – 46 hours
#5 Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin – Completed 3/16/2022 Xbox Series X – 29 hours
#6 The Cruel King & the Great Hero – Completed 3/21/2022 PS5 – 25 hours
#7 Tunic – Completed 3/23/2022 PC – 11 hours
#8 Kirby & the Forgotten Land – Completed 3/25/2022 Switch – 10 hours
#9 Lost Judgment – Completed 4/2/2022 Xbox Series X – 28 hours
#10 Lost Judgment: The Kaito Files – Completed 4/3/2022 Xbox Series X – 5 hours
#11 Radical Dreamers – Completed 4/7/2022 Xbox Series X – 3 hours
#12 Um Jammer Lammy – Completed 4/16/2022 Vita – 2 hours
#13 Super Stardust Delta – Completed 4/16/2022 Vita – 2 hours
#14 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night – Completed 4/25/2022 Xbox Series X – 13 hours
#15 Gorogoa – Completed 4/25/2022 Xbox Series X – 1 hour
#16 Turnip Boy Commits Tax Fraud – Completed 4/27/2022 Xbox Series X – 3 hours
#17 Kill It With Fire – Completed 5/1/2022 Xbox Series X – 2 hours
#18 The House of the Dead: Remake – Completed 5/2/2022 PC – 1 hour
#19 Kirby: Canvas Curse – Completed 5/3/2022 DS (Wii U VC) – 4 hours
#20 Trek to Yomi – Completed 5/6/2022 PC – 4 hours
#21 Madworld – Completed 5/7/2022 Wii – 5 hours
#22 Aperture Desk Job – Completed 5/17/2022 Steam Deck – 30 minutes
#23 Monster Hunter: Rise – Completed 5/25/2022 PC/Steam Deck – 41 hours
#24 Drainus – Completed 6/4/2022 Steam Deck – 3 hours
#25 Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time – Completed 6/5/2022 Xbox Series X – 5 hours
#26 Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – Completed 6/12/2022 PC – 90 hours
#27 The Looker – Completed 6/26/2022 PC – 1 hour
#28 AI: The Somnium Files – NirvanA Initiative – Completed 6/28/2022 Steam Deck – 19 hours
#29 Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course – Completed 7/7/2022 PC – 15 hours
#30 Klonoa: Door to Phantomile – Completed 7/8/2022 PC – 3 hours
#31 Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil – Completed 7/9/2022 Steam Deck – 3 hours
#32 Little Noah: Scion of Paradise – Completed 7/17/2022 Steam Deck – 5 hours
#33 Neon White – Completed 7/22/2022 PC – 15 hours
#34 Xenoblade Chronicles 3 – Completed 8/15/2022 Switch – 111 hours
#35 Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna the Golden Country – Completed 8/21/2022 Switch – 25 hours
#36 Tinykin – Completed 9/2/2022 Xbox Series X – 5 hours
#37 Splatoon 3 – Completed 9/9/2022 Nintendo Switch – 11 hours
#38 DJMAX Respect V – Completed 9/11/2022 PC – 43 hours
#39 Sonic Lost World – Completed 9/23/2022 Steam Deck – 7 hours
#40 Immortality – Completed 10/8/2022 PC – 5 hours
#41 Nayuta no Kiseki Kai – Completed 10/14/2022 Steam Deck – 21 hours
#42 Prodeus – Completed 10/20/2022 PC – 8 hours
#43 Beacon Pines – Completed 10/23/2022 Xbox Series X – 4 hours
#44 God of War – Completed 10/26/2022 PS2 (Emulation) – 7 hours
#45 Bayonetta 3 – Completed 10/28/2022 Switch – 11 hours
#46 New Super Lucky's Tale – Completed 10/29/2022 Xbox Series X – 4 hours
#47 Sonic Frontiers – Completed 11/6/2022 Xbox Series X – 14 hours
#48 Pokemon Violet – Completed 11/21/2022 Nintendo Switch – 53 hours
#49 Monochrome Mobius: Rights and Wrongs Forgotten – Completed 12/4/2022 Steam Deck – 54 hours
#50 Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy – Completed 12/21/2022 PC – 13 hours
#51 Lego: Builder's Journey – Completed 12/21/2022 PC – 2 hours
#52 Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance – Completed 12/30/2022 Steam Deck – 4 hours


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
Don't really have time to go over my thoughts of everything, but I didn't do too bad this year, considering my annual average of Rocket League Hours, 400 hours of Xenoblade content, 210 of Elden Ring, and a hundred of Harvestella lol. A lot are listed as incomplete but in progress because they're games my 4 year old likes to play and they're all kind of in a wide rotation. Valkyrie Elysium is the only one I didn't complete I'm planning to go back to soon. There's probably a bunch of hours combined in other games I didn't really put any significant time into but I'm not counting.

1-23 are on the PS5, 24-30 the Switch, and the last handful on my Android phone.

1. Crosscode (Completed)
2. Ara Fell (Completed)
3. Ikenfell (Completed)
4. Rise of the Third Power (Incomplete)
5. Paw Patrol On a Roll (Completed) (lmao)
6. Elden Ring (Completed)
7. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands (Completed)
8. Salt & Sacrifice (Completed)
9. Salt & Sanctuary (Completed)
10. Astalon (Completed)
11. Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers (Completed)
12. Blue Fire (Incomplete)
13. Gravity Rush Remastered (Completed)
14. Roller Champions (30+ hours, "Completed")
15. Ender Lilies (Completed)
16. Valkyrie Elysium (15 hours, incomplete, need to get back to)
17. Unsighted (Completed)
18. Stray (Incomplete, in progress)
19. Astro's Playroom (Completed, continual play with kid lol)
20. Spirit of the North (Incomplete, in progress)
21. Spider-Man Miles Morales (Incomplete, in progress)
22. Cris Tales (Incomplete, in progress)
23. Rocket League (hundreds of hours every year, "Completed)
24. Xenoblade Chronicles (Completed)
25. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Completed)
26. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Completed)
27. Cruis'n Blast ("Completed")
28. Kirby & the Forgotten Land (Incomplete, in progress)
29. Phoenotopia Awakening (Completed)
30. Harvestella (Completed)
31. Dandara (Completed)
32. Dicey Dungeons (Incomplete)
33. Final Fantasy I (Completed)
34. Final Fantasy II (Completed)
35. Tales of Luminaria (I guess incomplete lmao)
36. Romancing Saga Minstrel SaGa (Completed, but I wish I would do more runs)


Dec 26, 2018
I'm not sure if dropping these all at once in the final hour of the year is really in the spirit of the thread. But I always love following this thread every year and seeing people's completions, so I decided to keep track of everything I played in 2022 just to see if I would even get close. To my great surprise, not only did I play 52 games, I blew right past it. Anyway, it was fun keeping tabs on everything I played, excited for 2023!

1. Later Alligator (Switch) - Completed 1/1/2022 - ★★★★½
2. Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy (PS5) - Completed 1/2/2022 - ★★★½
3. Spiritfarer (Switch) - Completed 1/6/2022 - ★★★★
4. Gorogoa (PC) - Completed 1/7/2022 - ★★★½
5. Murder by Numbers - Completed 1/8/2022 - ★★½
6. Death's Door (PC) - Completed 1/11/2022 - ★★★★
7. Toem (PC) - Completed 1/12/2022 - ★★★
8. Chicory: A Colorful Tale (PC) - Completed 1/15/2022 - ★★★★½
9. Psychonauts 2 (PC) - Completed 1/22/2022 - ★★★★
10. Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (PC) - Completed 1/24/2022 - ★★★
11. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Switch) - Completed [Replay] 1/29/2022 - ★★★★½
12. Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker Special Episode (Switch) - Completed 1/29/2022 - ★★★★

13. Pokemon Legends Arceus (Switch) - Completed 2/09/2022 - ★★★
14. The Pedestrian (PC) - Completed 2/11/2022 - ★★★½
15. Titan Souls (PC) - Completed 2/12/2022 - ★★
16. Blasphemous (Switch) - Completed 2/14/2022 - ★★★½
17. Cadence of Hyrule (Switch) - Completed 2/17/2022 - ★★★½

18. Aperture Desk Job (PC) - Completed 3/3/2022 - ★★★★
19. Horizon Forbidden West (PS5) - Completed 3/4/2022 - ★★★★½

20. Elden Ring (PS5) - Completed 4/9/2022 - ★★★★½
21. Tunic (PC) - Completed 4/16/2022 - ★★★★
22. Splatoon 2 (Switch) - Completed 4/22/2022 -★★★
23. Polarium (DS) - Completed 4/23/2022 - ★★½
24. Hades (Switch) - Completed 4/30/2022 - ★★★★

25. Bugsnax (PC) - Completed 5/1/2022 - ★★★
26. Bugsnax Isle of Bigsnax (PC) - Completed 5/3/2022 - ★★★
27. The Stanley Parable (PC) - Completed 5/5/2022 [Replay] - ★★★
28. Star Fox 64 3D (3DS) - Completed 5/25/2022 - ★★★½
29. Sayonara Wild Hearts (Switch) - Completed 5/30/2022 [Replay] - ★★★★½

30. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate (Switch) - Completed 6/2/2022 - ★★★★
31. Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (PC) - Completed 6/5/2022 - ★★½
32. Crash Bandicoot [N. Sane Trilogy] (PS4) - Completed 6/10/2022 - ★★★½
33. Disc Room (PC) - Completed 6/11/2022 - ★★★
34. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back [N. Sane Trilogy] (PS4) - Completed 6/12/2022 - ★★★½
35. Crash Bandicoot Warped [N. Sane Trilogy] (PS4) - Completed 6/15/2022 - ★★★½
36. Kirby and the Forgotten Land (Switch) - Completed 6/16/2022 - ★★★★
37. The Looker (PC) - Completed 6/26/2022 - ★★★½

38. Part Time UFO (Switch) - Completed 7/1/2022 - ★★★★½
39. Poinpy (iOS) - Completed 7/9/2022 - ★★★★
40. Gato Roboto (Switch) - Completed 7/13/2022 - ★★★★
41. Into the Breach (iOS) - Completed 7/31/2022 [Replay] - ★★★★½

42. Universal Paperclips (PC) - Completed 8/8/2022 [Replay] - ★★★★
43. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 (Switch) - Completed 8/30/2022 - ★★★★½

44. AI: The Somnium Files Nirvana Initiative (Switch) - Completed 9/3/2022 - ★★★★½
45. Immortality (PC) - Completed 9/4/2022 - ★★
46. Escape Academy (PC) - Completed 9/7/2022 - ★★★½
48. Tinykin (PC) - Completed 9/10/2022 - ★★★★
49. Lucky Luna (iOS) - Completed 9/12/2022 - ★★½
50. Obduction (PC) - Completed 9/15/2022 [Replay] - ★★★★
51. Toree 3D (Switch) - Completed 9/19/2022 - ★★★
52. Toree 2 (Swich) - Completed 9/20/2022 - ★★★
53. Toree Genesis (PC) - Completed 9/21/2022- ★★
54. Shovel Knight Dig (Switch) - Completed 9/24/2022 - ★★★

55. ElecHead (Switch) - Completed 10/7/2022 - ★★★★
56. Return of the Obra Dinn (Switch) - Completed 10/11/2022 - ★★★½
56. Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope (Switch) - Completed 10/14/2022 - ★★★★½
57. Disco Elysium: The Final Cut (PS5) - ★★★★½

58. God of War (PS4) - Completed 11/8/2022 [Replay] - ★★★★½
59. Lara Croft GO (iOS) - Completed 11/20/2022 [Replay] - ★★★½
60. God of War Ragnarok (PS5) - Completed 11/25/2022 - ★★★★½
61. Deus Ex GO (iOS) - Completed 11/30/2022 [Replay] - ★★

62. Exo One (XSS) - Completed 12/1/2022 - ★★★
63. Vampire Survivors (XSS) - Completed 12/9/2022 - ★★★½
64. Pentiment (XSS) - Completed 12/26/2022 - ★★★★

I guess next year I'll claim a post early and see if I can go for round 2! Happy new year, everyone.


No Fear, Only Math
Oct 25, 2017
got through 58 games in 2022. looking at my remaining backlog, and there's 25 games. most are rpgs. if i average what my playtime was for 2022, then i'm only getting through those by october. and that's without tears of the kingdom and the rest of the 2023 games. but it's still down from several years ago.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
Reserving this post to list my final impressions, I beat the year with 54 games, yay!!

Will update tonight, hopefully this thread won't be closed by then 😬