
Oct 25, 2017
It would be best to start preparing now and lower expectations of the Mueller report. The hype train may leave many disappointed for those expecting to see Trump in handcuffs. It will most likely be a mixed bag, but without any direct link Trump and GOP will probably claim victory.

The only link the GOP would even entertain acting on is if it was implied that if he wasn't President, Trump would be indicted. And obviously, as no report is going to straight up say "he's not an innocent man and should be charged if he were a layperson" they ain't doing shit.

Trump could literally be recorded committing murder or rape and the GOP would defend him.


Oct 25, 2017
All the reactions in this thread are exactly the problem. Its already an inferno. Almost all of Trumps campaign is indicted or plead out. And every action Trump takes is the completely wrong one in the face of problems with Russia. Yet people are still discussing if potentially 'there's nothing there' in the report if it doesn't say Trump did treason or something. We're already dead.
Oct 27, 2017
The hopeful me says that he is extending an olive branch to repubs before they go in and continue defending a traitor.

The realistic me tells me that Mueller's report was never going to get trump. It's always been about the money. SDNY is where trump and co get got.


Oct 25, 2017
What leverage? Trump's worse case scenario is impeachment. But they don't have enough votes complete to process in the Senate. The GOP can just stall this and possibly get another SCOTUS seat.
That the crimes are so blatant and well-documented that conservatives couldn't possibly ignore them. Maybe it's naive for me to suspect that such a thing is possible.


Lead Designer, Iridium Studios
Oct 25, 2017
All the reactions in this thread are exactly the problem. Its already an inferno. Almost all of Trumps campaign is indicted or plead out. And every action Trump takes is the completely wrong one in the face of problems with Russia. Yet people are still discussing if potentially 'there's nothing there' in the report if it doesn't say Trump did treason or something. We're already dead.
Tons of Trump's associates are going down and that's super great, but the reality is it's unlikely that Republicans will ever abandon him for *any reason*, because doing so means the destruction of the GOP.

The report will be great for 2020, and for justice being served to many individuals. But as far as Trump himself, we're gonna have to get rid of him the old fashioned way.

If we succeed, of course, then the myriad criminal suits can begin.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
All the reactions in this thread are exactly the problem. Its already an inferno. Almost all of Trumps campaign is indicted or plead out. And every action Trump takes is the completely wrong one in the face of problems with Russia. Yet people are still discussing if potentially 'there's nothing there' in the report if it doesn't say Trump did treason or something. We're already dead.

We are. Because this shit isn't ending until Republicans actually start to care about anyone but themselves.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Tomorrow's Friday.



Oct 29, 2017
All the reactions in this thread are exactly the problem. Its already an inferno. Almost all of Trumps campaign is indicted or plead out. And every action Trump takes is the completely wrong one in the face of problems with Russia. Yet people are still discussing if potentially 'there's nothing there' in the report if it doesn't say Trump did treason or something. We're already dead.

People mean there's nothing there that will turn the Congressional Republicans against him.


Oct 30, 2017
If only we could have seen this coming! Alas, who could have predicted that this candidate would be nothing but trouble? Who could have imagined he would stoke division?


Oct 25, 2017
People mean there's nothing there that will turn the Congressional Republicans against him.

We should be honest and what, if anything, would make them turn?

It's not defrauding NYC out of money. Or paying porn stars. Or siding with dictators and people who tampered in our elections.

Does he have to be pro-choice for them to turn?


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
That the crimes are so blatant and well-documented that conservatives couldn't possibly ignore them. Maybe it's naive for me to suspect that such a thing is possible.
The biggest protection that Trump has is that he is President. There's debate if a sitting can be charged with crimes while in office.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
We should be honest and what, if anything, would make them turn?

It's not defrauding NYC out of money. Or paying porn stars. Or siding with dictators and people who tampered in our elections.

Does he have to be pro-choice for them to turn?

I legitimately think he could wipe his ass on a Bible on national TV and they wouldn't care. There's nothing you can do to make a Republican grow a conscience. The entire party is lost.


Nov 7, 2017
I was skeptical that the Mueller report was coming out next week, now I am convinced it is.

Schiff is planting his "hate to say I told you so" seeds in advance.

I legitimately think he could wipe his ass on a Bible on national TV and they wouldn't care. There's nothing you can do to make a Republican grow a conscience. The entire party is lost.

Agreed. There is no going back now.


Oct 29, 2017
We should be honest and what, if anything, would make them turn?

It's not defrauding NYC out of money. Or paying porn stars. Or siding with dictators and people who tampered in our elections.

Does he have to be pro-choice for them to turn?

It's not about principles it's about power.

They want him to appoint the judges they want, and sign the bills they want passed, and veto the ones they don't.

It's a very simple power calculation. He advances their interests and so is useful, and they won't betray him until he doesn't or can't.


Oct 27, 2017
I think its saying the oposite actually. i think the report may just be that damning, and the republicans are going to have to come to grips with ether doing the right thing and being loyal to the country and joining up with the democrats to impeach, or double down and fully commit to drinking the trump koolaid 1000%. the way schiff is wording things is like he's seen some shit, and none of its good. the real telling line in that op-ed is the "Depending on what is in that report and what we find in our own investigations, our nation may face an even greater challenge. While I am alarmed at what we have already seen and found of the president's conduct and that of his campaign, I continue to reserve judgment about what consequences should flow from our eventual findings. I ask you to do the same." i read that as we are entering pretty uncharted territory here, and the possibility of a straight up legit constitutional crisis is at hand.

If the evidence were that strong... He wouldn't have to say anything.

I'm becoming increasingly convinced that Trump is going to escape this largely unscathed.


Oct 25, 2017
We should be honest and what, if anything, would make them turn?

It's not defrauding NYC out of money. Or paying porn stars. Or siding with dictators and people who tampered in our elections.

Does he have to be pro-choice for them to turn?

The only thing that would make them turn is a threat to their elected offices.
Oct 25, 2017
Christ, I hope you Americans sort your shit out soon. I'm feeling more and more anxious about our federal election up north (especially since Trudeau couldn't keep his shit in line) and the thought of a conservative US and Canada both makes me queasy.


Oct 25, 2017
The only thing that would make them turn is a threat to their elected offices.

I would have assumed a historical midterm election, at least in regards to the House, should show the GOP that they have a lot to worry about.

Their agenda isn't popular with the public. Then again, neither was the conservative wishes in Germany and they used Hitler as the pawn that broke loose...sooner or later Mitch is going to realize a person with no agenda doesn't need a leash anymore.


Jun 9, 2018
I think Schiff wrote this because he knows that if the Mueller report does not say in concrete words that Trump is a criminal, Republicans will look the other way and keep on allowing trump to do what he does. i think schiff knows the Mueller findings might just say that
I have this uneasy feeling as well.


Oct 25, 2017
An open letter to my Republican colleagues

Methinks the dude knows something. He is extending a hand and giving GOP members an "out" before something big drops and the Republican party goes beyond the point of no return with Trump.
Of course he knows something. He's been on the house intelligence committee for years. He's seen and heard every classified document that's come through the comittee.


Nov 2, 2017
That article says they met with Senat intel in prep for his testimony next week. What does that have to do with Mueller's report dropping?
Oct 27, 2017
That tells me there's not something big in the report about Trump but lots of circumstantial shit that should lead to an impeachment...if the Republicans weren't currently committed to getting Trump re-elected no matter what the cost.


Oct 27, 2017
No matter what the report says, Republicans will spin it as exculpatory. The message will be amplified by Fox News and right wing radio.


Oct 29, 2017
I would have assumed a historical midterm election, at least in regards to the House, should show the GOP that they have a lot to worry about.

Their agenda isn't popular with the public. Then again, neither was the conservative wishes in Germany and they used Hitler as the pawn that broke loose...sooner or later Mitch is going to realize a person with no agenda doesn't need a leash anymore.

How many GOP Senators are up in 2020 in vulnerable states? Some I'm sure, but probably not enough to get your 2/3ths of the Senate.

The nature of the Senate really innoculates you from a lot public sentiment.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I think its saying the oposite actually. i think the report may just be that damning, and the republicans are going to have to come to grips with ether doing the right thing and being loyal to the country and joining up with the democrats to impeach, or double down and fully commit to drinking the trump koolaid 1000%. the way schiff is wording things is like he's seen some shit, and none of its good. the real telling line in that op-ed is the "Depending on what is in that report and what we find in our own investigations, our nation may face an even greater challenge. While I am alarmed at what we have already seen and found of the president's conduct and that of his campaign, I continue to reserve judgment about what consequences should flow from our eventual findings. I ask you to do the same." i read that as we are entering pretty uncharted territory here, and the possibility of a straight up legit constitutional crisis is at hand.

The report is going to be short and go into detail of mistakes, ignorance and dangerous activity, but nothing illegal. The best we got probably is an obstruction case, anf they may give Trump a slap on the wrist for it at most.


Oct 25, 2017
Im actually just amazed there might actually be a report right now because there are a bunch of dangling threads still out there. But i guess it is possible all those threads are now shored up by other DoJ lawyers and Mueller's core is 'done'. Although havent heard a peep about Obstruction stuff...


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Nixon was served an article of impeachment for obstruction of justice alone.

Ideally, the same standards of judgement should be applied to the current POTUS.


Nov 11, 2017
Nixon was served an article of impeachment for obstruction of justice alone.

Ideally, the same standards of judgement should be applied to the current POTUS.

Nixon didn't sell out to Russia, nor was the GOP a sellout to Russia. The report is going no where, the State crime shit will be fun. Hopefully it gets his kids. Trump is a useless president, everything he tries gets stopped in court. So worst case scenario is hes just annoying for a bit longer.

I dont' see the REpublicans doing anything at all. Why would they? They've gone this far with him.


Oct 26, 2017
The only way Republicans will get on board is when they start getting purged from their cushy congressional seats.

Deleted member 24149

Oct 29, 2017
Will laugh at Erick Erickson if this drop is damning because he finally got on board.