
Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
The show has always managed to ground its silliness within a quasi believable reality, but that was entirely too stupid for me to take seriously. Hoping next week reveals it was all a dream or something.


Oct 26, 2017
That was a lot. Good lord. Perfect song usage in the grocery store too; that was spot-on.


Alt Account
Dec 4, 2018
Episode was funny. But completely out of universe. A bottle episode that still pushes the story forward.


Oct 28, 2017
I seriously cant stop chuckling to myself about this episode. Just when they walk in to get his suit case and you start seeing all the karate trophies and medals hes won.

i Wonder if she actually climbed that tree. Best scene
It was actually a poll that they cgi'd a tree over


Oct 25, 2017
When he walks into the tae kwon so trophy room and you realize shit is gonna pop off. Godam so funny


Oct 25, 2017
This is the Barry equivalent of the Pine Barrens Sopranos episode. Amazing. Even more newfound respect for Hader. Actor, writer, and director of this episode.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah I have no idea why this episode wasn't established to be in the reality of whats come before it. In fact in the after episode sessions the writers back in season 1 always spoke about how this show has a dream like quality to it. That felt very true throughout this episode, especially with the blackouts Barry was having.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
And this was bad and not grounded in the reality of the world it has established?

It was amusing in a "what the fuck am I watching" kind of way, but no it wasn't grounded in the established reality at all. That little girl was a feral ninja with supernatural abilities for fuck's sake and her dad was the Terminator.

Donald Draper

Feb 2, 2019
Episode had me laughing until I cried. The girl reminded me of the zombie girl at the beginning of the dawn of the dead remake.


Oct 25, 2017
It was amusing in a "what the fuck am I watching" kind of way, but no it wasn't grounded in the established reality at all. That little girl was a feral ninja with supernatural abilities for fuck's sake and her dad was the Terminator.

And Barry is an unkillable serial hitman that can clear out warehouses of people by himself and never gets caught? That wasn't even the point I was trying to make though. I was trying to say that I think most fans will view this episode of Barry as fondly as Sopranos fans do the Pine Barrens episode when all is said and done.


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
It was amusing in a "what the fuck am I watching" kind of way, but no it wasn't grounded in the established reality at all. That little girl was a feral ninja with supernatural abilities for fuck's sake and her dad was the Terminator.
I think this show started to embrace it's more surrealistic aspects once Barry was dodging sniper shots in his apartment without his girlfriend noticing lol This was a long time coming.


Oct 25, 2017
I think this show started to embrace it's more surrealistic aspects once Barry was dodging sniper shots in his apartment without his girlfriend noticing lol This was a long time coming.
Or just never leaving a trace of himself in any regard in any situation he's been in... his friends car before he pushed his scalp back or when Barry manages to get his car back after the botched heist in the monastery.


Alt Account
Dec 4, 2018
it will be funny if next episode the police try and identify Barry from the video, and start looking for a man with a goatee


Oct 25, 2017
Wtf was that episode lol. Can't wait for the next one. Best show on television right now imo.


Are we human or are we dancer?
Oct 25, 2017
I think this show started to embrace it's more surrealistic aspects once Barry was dodging sniper shots in his apartment without his girlfriend noticing lol This was a long time coming.

You might have a point if he was dodging bullets like Neo, but he wasn't - the guy shooting at him didn't know how to use guns but felt intimidated by Hank to go along with the plan anyway. It was totally believable that someone like that wouldn't be able to shoot someone at long range.


Oct 25, 2017
This is the Barry equivalent of the Pine Barrens Sopranos episode. Amazing. Even more newfound respect for Hader. Actor, writer, and director of this episode.

You're actually right on the money.

NYT said:
Why did you decide go with such a surreal tone for this episode?
It just felt right. A lot of shows do that. My editor, Jeff Buchanan, said, "This kind of reminds me of the 'Pine Barrens' episode of 'The Sopranos.'" "Atlanta" had that great "Teddy Perkins" episode last year where you're just like, "What is this?"

I thought of "Pine Barrens," too. Is Lily going to be like the Russian in the woods, and we'll never see her again?
Maybe. I have no idea. It's kind of a weird thing to let a loose thread happen. When I pitched it, everyone in the writers' room said, "What happens to the little girl?" And I went: "I don't know. She's just out there." They got a little creeped out.

How do you feel now that you've pulled it off?
It was so much fun. I'd always wanted to be a director since I was a kid. And the pilot for "Barry" was the first thing I ever directed. It was cool for me with this episode to at least try to take it up a notch. You're always just trying to make it better.

Anyway, I LOVED this episode.


Oct 26, 2017
Holy... this episode was so good. I started tearing up badly when she hopped on the roof.

I'd watch this movie. Just give me another 45-60m of that.

All I could think of is "Teddy Perkins" throughout it all.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy shit. That episode went places. The kid pretty much being the second coming of X23, Ronnie getting taken out by the cops, the episode really kept me guessing.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wtf, this episode was hilariously weird af, loved it. That it also doubled as a way to kill off the cop that was blackmailing him was a work of art

This episode channeled the Cohen Bros. in the best possible way. Incredible.
All I could think of is "Teddy Perkins" throughout it all.
The kid pretty much being the second coming of X23

I shared similar thoughts while watching this episode lol


Oct 25, 2017
My God this episode was high art. And probably the funniest episode.

Shame on the TV critics saying it should have ended at season 1 because there was nowhere left to go.

Wow. Somebody kill that kid with fire. Or maybe a nuke. The only way to be sure.


Oct 29, 2017
This episode was amazing, one of the best ones imo.

At the part where they were in the store and he ran into Ronnie again, I legit thought for a moment that they were about to totally flip the series and bring in some kind of weird zombie'ish type of element (especially after what happened to him in the store).

Just chock full of great moments and lines, the part where Fuchs is getting his face bitten and then tells Barry he can't move cause he superglued his hands to the steering wheel was hilarious.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
That was INSANE! And amazingly well done. I couldn't stop staring at the tv anticipating what the hell was going to happen next lol


Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
You might have a point if he was dodging bullets like Neo, but he wasn't - the guy shooting at him didn't know how to use guns but felt intimidated by Hank to go along with the plan anyway. It was totally believable that someone like that wouldn't be able to shoot someone at long range.
The absurdity in that scene comes from Sally whom is so out of touch with reality, she didn't even notice her boyfriend running out of the apartment with a handgun not to mention she was on face cam with the laptap facing the door lol

I understand the feral girl was a bit much but this show has already dabbled with dream like sequences and weirdness, especially after the end of S1. This episode felt very much like Twin Peaks Season 3 and I love it for that.
Oct 25, 2017
The best episode of the show so far, and one of the best pieces of television I've seen in months. Front to back fantastic; for whatever reason, the divergence from the show's typical reality landed right in the socket. Took it from a fun black comedy with dramatic leanings up to something working on another layer entirely.


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Oct 25, 2017
i'm with Ratsky. not feeling it at all. i also was reminded of Pine Barrens, but it was like if Pine Barrens somehow got mixed up in the editing room with The Test Dream and wound up being as jarring as that combination sounds.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
This episode was incredible. I wouldn't want every episode to be like this, but as a fun one-off, it was fantastic.


Oct 24, 2017
This was the superior battle episode on HBO last night. Way superior.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt-account
Apr 19, 2018
The show has always managed to ground its silliness within a quasi believable reality, but that was entirely too stupid for me to take seriously. Hoping next week reveals it was all a dream or something.

The trailer for next week showed Fuches with the wound still on his cheek, so that isn't likely.
May 5, 2018
Dang...that was a brilliant episode. Just when you thought Barry was gonna be a cool off episode after GOT, oh boy were we wrong. From the tension and the pacing to the elements of dark comedy it was freaking good. Night King is a chump compared to Lily.