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Oct 25, 2017
Its still hidden. You can only see the patron count. I think the lowest you can give is $1 so thats at least 4K a month I believe. Before it was hidden, the amount was dropping relatively fast though
And the biggest reason it was dropping is because his content was fucking lazy.

Going back to video games doesn't mean it won't be just as lazy.
Oct 27, 2017
oh cool pwease no steppy is gonna come back with his much beloved Ayn Rand lite personality bad at talking about video games again? This guy has literally nothing to say.

The games press has rapidly diversified into a really wide and fun thing in recent years. Waypoint, Polygon, and Kotaku are producing great journalism on the regular. Where does this guy fit in? Maybe him and Ian Miles Cheong can team up to create the world's worst video game website.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
He doesn't mention kinda funny directly nor Greg Miller and company. Was the fall out that bad? He acknowledges "co-founding a youtube company" with some other references but never mentions them.
I'm pretty sure it was amicable enough and he largely stepped down since he knew the shit storm was coming and to pursue his other career. He might be wanting to not directly name it for legal reasons, or possibly as a symbolic gesture to not throw them under a bus.


Oct 25, 2017
And the biggest reason it was dropping is because his content was fucking lazy.

Going back to video games doesn't mean it won't be just as lazy.
I didn't bother to even give that content a watch. I dropped PSILY because of him before he even left. And you're right that him switching focus doesn't mean that there would be any change in effort.

Deleted member 1589

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
After this...?



Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
He doesn't mention kinda funny directly nor Greg Miller and company. Was the fall out that bad? He acknowledges "co-founding a youtube company" with some other references but never mentions them.
Considering how Colin kept purposefully stoking that fire after Greg and KF apologised on his behalf I wouldn't be surprised if the fallout is much worse than what we saw


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
He doesn't mention kinda funny directly nor Greg Miller and company. Was the fall out that bad? He acknowledges "co-founding a youtube company" with some other references but never mentions them.
Yeah. Even though they reference his legacy in good nature almost every day on the morning show, and even though Colin was the one who elected to leave the company in the first place despite Greg asking him to stay. But you know, he hates revisionist history.

Also, I just remembered to up my pledge on KF's patreon.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Kinda Funny never really recovered financially after he left. So many people unsubscribed and their monetary support dipped really hard. He on the other hand is doing amazingly in terms of financial support from patrons and viewers so I was scared he wouldn't come back to gaming but thankfully he did. I don't really care for his views on politics, and haven't watched his videos recently, I just supported him because I really enjoyed his reviews on IGN and Kinda Funny - as a gesture of respect. Now that he will make gaming videos I am going to look out for them. I am sure his viewership will light up even more.

The one thing I disagree with him heavily is his 10/10 for Uncharted 3. Especially after Uncharted 2. I think Greg did the review but he had Colin's backing to push that number against most of IGN's staff.

Colin's Patreon numbers dipped considerably after his first few months. Eventually he made the numbers private. So I doubt he's doing "amazingly" in that regard. As for KF, they seem to be going along just fine without him. Like I said, I think the quality of content improved without him.

He doesn't mention kinda funny directly nor Greg Miller and company. Was the fall out that bad? He acknowledges "co-founding a youtube company" with some other references but never mentions them.

Yeah, it's pretty shameful that he ignores them and the fact that he wouldn't have any Patreon money without it.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait no, there's something I'd read/watch from him, an interview between him and the Wolfenstein PR team where they troll the hell out of him for his views.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
he got a lot of patreon money right after leaving, but that started dwindling

dunno how low it got, i think after a while he hid how much he made on patreon or sommit

He still makes what is probably a decent amount on Patreon. But he's lost like 1/3rd of them over time and his videos struggle to break out past 30k views (you can see a pretty obvious downward trend from his first videos to now, 100kish, to 50kish for a while, to 30kish). He's bleeding interest and knows he has to take a new tack.
Oct 25, 2017
Setting aside his non-gaming opinions, I'm still not very interested in what Colin has to say about games. He seemed completely burned out and disinterested in games long before he stopped talking about them, and this comeback seems less like he actually wants to return to the topic so much as a way to appease his fanbase and staunch the bleeding of his Patreon support. Maybe I'm reading him incorrectly, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I noticed he mentioned IGN and a bunch of other names but not Kinda Funny or Greg Miller. Am I missing something? Is he in bad terms with them or something?

AYF 001

Oct 28, 2017
Never knew who he was until I heard about his politics, so I'm no fan of his. Though the threads on him and the other well known controversial figure showing up at the same time are kinda amusing. If he actually intends to learn something this time around, fine, but I wouldn't put my money on it.


Oct 25, 2017

Really have missed Colin's input this last year in the gaming industry. Ever since his departure from KF I hoped he would return to writing about games. In his post, he seems reflective of the past, but has received a ton of feedback to continue being a thoughtful/different perspective in the gaming community.

Since resetera is a new start for everyone, I would like to welcome Colin back. Looking forward to his content and hope he can do another show like PS I Love You!

No, he does not deserve support from anybody, there are people good people who do. I am also disapointed in this attitude that resetera is an avenue for former sins being washed away. I have alredy seen posters on this board who were in fact banned with good cause on the other site, it is slightly disconcerting.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
Being Asian who has personally faced racism, I can't say I'm happy to see him return. He's free to do what he wants and those who wish to consume his content can as well.

My interest in games got me to follow him on Twitter years ago but it just seemed as though he was less into games over the years and more into politics so I. Unfollowed him awhile ago and don't feel as though I'm missing anything at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Colin's Patreon numbers dipped considerably after his first few months. Eventually he made the numbers private. So I doubt he's doing "amazingly" in that regard. As for KF, they seem to be going along just fine without him. Like I said, I think the quality of content improved without him.

That was entirely expected given the initial artificial enhancement from all the drama that was going on. He even said that multiple times in interviews. Not sure what the count is now but the total number of patrons has been consistent for a while.


Oct 28, 2017
I wonder if he'll have to have his first job interview somehwere now or if another friend of his will get him a job again. But keep on keeping on with that Asian's destroy the notion of racism rhetoric. No white privilege here!


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
All I know about him is he had a terrible segment where he gloats about being right, he was very racist, and often talked about how it's everyone else's faults for being offended at offensive things instead of him dare try and grow an ounce of compassion for others. No thanks.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't really give a shit about his little dad joke, but I find his arrogant attitude pretty obnoxious
Last edited:
Oct 25, 2017
It's hard out there for a Snek Nazi Lite. Enjoy your notoriety and pissing off most creatives whose work you seemingly enjoy and depend upon for your existence.


Oct 25, 2017
Not interested to be honest and I was glad to see him leaving gaming to try new things. It seemed pretty clear to me that he had lost the passion for gaming and it was showing in his work and attitude.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited for this! Don't hate me please.
I don't think people will hate you, as much as be disappointed. I've supported people with horrible views before through a majority of their bullshit because I enjoyed their content until they went multiple steps too far and couldn't anymore. It's not a good place to be in, particularly since there are so many gaming journalists that do what he does.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The thing with that Asian thing is, as stupidly ignorant as it is, it's just nonsensical too. Most racist idiots I can at least understand what they are saying. What is the "fringe left' going to do to Asians? Recruit them? Attack them?


Oct 29, 2017
Remember his "random" thought from yesterday? Not so random anymore.
There's people out there making content worth watching. Stop feeding this guy with the attention he absurdly seeks.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't think anybody is going to hate you outright, but it seems foul play to associate yourself with a known bigot unless you're able to adequately explain your appreciation.
I enjoy listening to what he has to say about games and his knowledge of PlayStation history in particular. Not sure exactly why the hate towards him is this strong though.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder if he'll have to have his first job interview somehwere now or if another friend of his will get him a job again. But keep on keeping on with that Asian's destroy the notion of racism rhetoric. No white privilege here!
It makes me wonder, because looking over his last couple of twitter threads (with boogie -.-) he is going on and on about how there should be more Conservative and Trump voter journalists at places at IGN and the like.

Makes me wonder if he's been shot down by a whole lot of places and finally got sommit somewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
ResetERA may be a "new" thing, but Colin's reputation is not, and is not part of the "deal" as far as I'm concerned.

He's still a white supremacist, and he still has the framed picture of his tweet about a day without women.

He's still a dick.


I'm a fan of the erotic thriller genre
Oct 25, 2017
I enjoy listening to what he has to say about games and his knowledge of PlayStation history in particular. Not sure exactly why the hate towards him is this strong though.

You don't understand why someone who repeatedly makes homophobic, racist, and sexist statements gets hate?

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
Idk why ppl dislike him so much. He doesn't always say what u want to hear and that doesn't sit well with a lot of ppl, cause he says stuff how it is. I respect him for one, and I'm glad to see him return.


Oct 25, 2017
for those "hard passing", does this mean you won't be in the discussion thread about whatever video game topic colin comes up with to discuss for his show?

just curious.
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