
Oct 31, 2017
He also said he hates console games frm the start and he is mostly PC gamer, he gonna sell his PS4 Pro after this game. I don't think this should be taken seriously tbh.
I don't see how this should be relevant. If he didn't like the game that much and has explained why, who cares if he plays mostly on PC tbh. I can make the opposite and disregard all the opinions from posters with DS /PS avatars as they are also biased.

I mean, the important thing here is that none of the "leaked" reviews tackles the main fear I (and lots of players) have with this game: too much walking and not enough interesting gameplay activities.
Oct 27, 2017
There is gonna be a shitty dissonance between the actual quality of this game and the way the industry and especially Geoff Keighley have been making Kojima out to be a demigod. Some people will just fanboy regardless of it's quality and the other half who actually review based on the actual merits of the product will hate on them. It will be bad. Opinions will be all over the place I assure you of that!


Oct 26, 2017
I don't see how this should be relevant. If he didn't like the game that much and has explained why, who cares if he plays mostly on PC tbh. I can make the opposite and disregard all the opinions from posters with DS /PS avatars as they are also biased.

I mean, the important thing here is that none of the "leaked" reviews tackles the main fear I (and lots of players) have with this game: too much walking and not enough interesting gameplay activities.

I'll wait to see the overall reviews and how they tend to describe the whole experience tbh. I can't judge the whole game from just one (non confirmed) person like that supposed early review of GOW that gave it 7 and the person bashed the game that much and look how things turned to be.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
from just one person like that suppsoed ealry reveiw of GOW that gave it 7 and the person bashed the game that much and look how things turned to be.

I forgot who it was (it's not an official reviewer though), but his God of War 2018 review score 8.5 out of 10 I think...?

And yeah, the final MC score for that game is way much better.


Oct 31, 2017
I'll wait to see the overall reveiws and how they tend to describe the whole experience tbh. I can't judge the whole game from just one person like that suppsoed ealry reveiw of GOW that gave it 7 and the person bashed the game that much and look how things turned to be.
IIIRC the person didn't even finish the game (something like the reviewer confirming only 1 weapon and other details that were wrong), if you're talking about the review that I remember (from a really small niche website, rushed review from an early copy). I don't know how much I can trust this DS leaker of course, and obviously opinions will differ between reviewers. But I don't think we should start disregarding opinions either, as you've said we will see in a few weeks.


Oct 26, 2017
I forgot who it was (it's not an official reviewer though), but his God of War 2018 review score 8.5 out of 10 I think...?

And yeah, the final MC score for that game is way much better.

Was it a 8.5? I forgot tbh. I remember that he bashed gameplay and especially the story that he thought was so shallow. Some could differ in opinions about gameplay but everyone agrees GOW story was its strongest point though.


Living the Dreams
Oct 29, 2017
Was it a 8.5? I forgot tbh. I remember that he bashed gameplay and especially the story that he thought was so shallow. Some could differ in opinions about gameplay but everyone agrees GOW story was its strongest point though.

I recall the 8.5 guy was the one gave his leaked videos with watermark after some, even Cory himself, doubted him.

I think it's called WTFGaming or WTFGamer?

Anyway, he's not an official reviewer and the game got MC & OC scores it deserves, in my humble opinion.


Nov 27, 2017
Meh im ok with it being a 7/10 game...am just in for the kojima ride, we still got shenmue 2, TLOU2 , FF7R and Cyberpunk 2077 in the next few months.


Oct 31, 2017
It seems a Discord admin has deleted all the leak messages from the 2 confirmed leakers, so maybe Sony pushed them to delete all the leaked content.

Overall, they seem to imply that the game has not many narrative surprises and is quite straitghforward, that the cutscenes/music tracks are geat and that some plot points are unresolved.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems a Discord admin has deleted all the leak messages from the 2 confirmed leakers, so maybe Sony pushed them to delete all the leaked content.

Overall, they seem to imply that the game has not many narrative surprises and is quite straitghforward, that the cutscenes/music tracks are geat and that some plot points are unresolved.

The person who gave the info and screenshots asked the admin to delete his stuff.
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 31, 2017
From Discord:

"im going to bed. the story up to chapter 4, Higgs is painted as the villian, Amelia wants you to connect the world so you travel node to node activating them. Great Music, awesome cutscenes, story interesting. Gameplay boring. If something gonna hold it it'll be everything else outside of gameplay"

From the same user:
" i apogize to everyone, it wasn't to spread "oh this game is bad" if i like the game i will post it, but so far I just dont know what they were thinking with this gameplay and trying to pass it off as a new genre to excuse it "
" i really did want to like this game. They could have trimmed a ton of fat "


Banned for misusing pronouns feature
Oct 30, 2017
From 4chan:

First impressions from an Arabic media/journalist

1- The game feels alot like PT
2- The game is amazing but not for everyone
3- After a few hours the game changes dramatically
4- The cutscenes are as long as the ones in MGS4

This shit is all over the place, I guess we just have to wait until November 1st.


Dec 6, 2017
From Discord:

"im going to bed. the story up to chapter 4, Higgs is painted as the villian, Amelia wants you to connect the world so you travel node to node activating them. Great Music, awesome cutscenes, story interesting. Gameplay boring. If something gonna hold it it'll be everything else outside of gameplay"

From the same user:
" i apogize to everyone, it wasn't to spread "oh this game is bad" if i like the game i will post it, but so far I just dont know what they were thinking with this gameplay and trying to pass it off as a new genre to excuse it "
" i really did want to like this game. They could have trimmed a ton of fat "

This plus Ryckerts cryptic impressions have me skeptical if I'll enjoy the game at all.


Dec 8, 2017
I just can't believe Kojima would put a game with bad gameplay of all things. So much is riding on this game for him and his team.


Self-Requested Ban
Apr 1, 2018
From 4chan:

First impressions from an Arabic media/journalist

1- The game feels alot like PT
2- The game is amazing but not for everyone
3- After a few hours the game changes dramatically
4- The cutscenes are as long as the ones in MGS4

This shit is all over the place, I guess we just have to wait until November 1st.
i know this one he is not a journalist at all what he right on this twitter was

First impressions for the Game (he was referring to what was written here)

only 3 Arab journalist have the game 2 of the on MC and OC


Banned for misusing pronouns feature
Oct 30, 2017
Sony must be sweating right now. I wonder how much cash they spent in the game.

i know this one he is not a journalist at all what he right on this twitter was

First impressions for the Game (he was referring to what was written here)

only 3 Arab journalist have to game 2 of the on MC and OC

Okay, thank you.


Oct 31, 2017
This shit is all over the place, I guess we just have to wait until November 1st.
In my case, I will need to wait until 8th because there's no way I'm trusting professional critics at this point.

From the 3-4 leakes in Discord, all of them are unhappy with the gameplay and all of them are happy with the music/cutscenes, so I can see a trend from the little info we have. One of the leakers said tha the plot has some unresolved lines and that there's a lack of big surprises , but this is only 1 user at the moment.


Oct 31, 2017
I just can't believe Kojima would put a game with bad gameplay of all things. So much is riding on this game for him and his team.
Considering how many hours of cutscenes there are (about 10 if leakers are accurate), all the big name actors and the open world focus, it wouldn't surprise me if Kojima burned all the money and didn't have time/resources to polish the gameplay and make it interesting.


Nov 2, 2017
There is gonna be a shitty dissonance between the actual quality of this game and the way the industry and especially Geoff Keighley have been making Kojima out to be a demigod. Some people will just fanboy regardless of it's quality and the other half who actually review based on the actual merits of the product will hate on them. It will be bad. Opinions will be all over the place I assure you of that!
And with this I'll disregard everything he says, it's clear the narrative he's trying to push.
In my case, I will need to wait until 8th because there's no way I'm trusting professional critics at this point.

From the 3-4 leakes in Discord, all of them are unhappy with the gameplay and all of them are happy with the music/cutscenes, so I can see a trend from the little info we have. One of the leakers said tha the plot has some unresolved lines and that there's a lack of big surprises , but this is only 1 user at the moment.
Enlighten us why you don't trust critics but random people on the internet? And hopefully this is for every game.


self-requested temp ban
Oct 27, 2017
Gameplay is why I play Kojima games...worried about these impressions, hope this aint a good story tied up in boring gameplay. I'll just YouTube it if that's the case.

Hope it turns out good, but If these hot takes aren't legit they certainly did research into how to make it believable.


Jul 22, 2019
There is gonna be a shitty dissonance between the actual quality of this game and the way the industry and especially Geoff Keighley have been making Kojima out to be a demigod. Some people will just fanboy regardless of it's quality and the other half who actually review based on the actual merits of the product will hate on them. It will be bad. Opinions will be all over the place I assure you of that!
Oh look another one of those "Kojima games are actually bad, but get good reviews because the media is full of Kojima fanboys. People who hate his games are the real unbiased gamers who tell the truth!"

If I had a dime every time I see a post like that I would be very rich.


Oct 31, 2017
And with this I'll disregard everything he says, it's clear the narrative he's trying to push.

Enlighten us why you don't trust critics but random people on the internet? And hopefully this is for every game.
I don't trust most critics because I've read too many reviews, too many lies in those reviews and too many shallow reviews that are clearly rushed to be ready for day one. It's not that I trust the random Discord posters more than any review, is that this it the only info we have right now and it matches what I felt watching the long gameplay session. Until I play the game I won't know how I feel about it obviously.

So far we have some people who is unsure about the game, some people that seems to be leaning towards negativity and some people towards positivity. All of them have no idea about how the full experience is, while some random guys on Discord have already played some chapters and can serve to dissipate some doubts. No more no less.

Obviously I respect more that opinion than some fanboy who thinks that the game will be the best thing ever and tries to convince all the people that Kojima can't do wrong, sadly the discord is filled with people with this mindset that are already disregarding opinions as "they won't count for the Metacritic score" which is the saddest thing ever.


Banned for misusing pronouns feature
Oct 30, 2017
I have a hard time believing the gameplay is bad. I mean this guy did MGS V, which is amazing in therms of gameplay.

What I think it's happening is that people aren't enjoying the gameplay because it's not focused on shooting things and more on managing stuff like balance, cargo weight, planning trips, etc.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't trust most critics because I've read too many reviews, too many lies in those reviews and too many shallow reviews that are clearly rushed to be ready for day one. It's not that I trust the random Discord posters more than any review, is that this it the only info we have right now and it matches what I felt watching the long gameplay session. Until I play the game I won't know how I feel about it obviously.

So far we have some people who is unsure about the game, some people that seems to be leaning towards negativity and some people towards positivity. All of them have no idea about how the full experience is, while some random guys on Discord have already played some chapters and can serve to dissipate some doubts. No more no less.

Obviously I respect more that opinion than some fanboy who thinks that the game will be the best thing ever and tries to convince all the people that Kojima can't do wrong, sadly the discord is filled with people with this mindset that are already disregarding opinions as "they won't count for the Metacritic score" which is the saddest thing ever.
I'm not sure what reviews you're reading that are lying about their feelings, are you confusing people who like things that you don't like as lying? Taking the words of people here or discord but not reviewers doesn't really make sense since they are all opinions.
Oct 27, 2017
Discord summary
"Amelie turns out to be the big bad, she's something called an EXTINCTION ENTITY or some shit, Sam talks her out of that dumb nonsense, Die Hardman cries like a bitch and apologizes for his major screwup, and Sam hugs the baby (who is actually you, the player) Roll credits"

in the end, the chiral version of bridget want to engulf the world into a singularity, ending all suffering. Once everyone is connected, you can make everything explode at once. But you convince her otherwise.

Yes, several. Very "gamey" battles in a fantasy landscape. But when he comes back to his senses he gets really emotionnal. The baby dolls are a way for him to cope with the loss of the first BB. There are no swords. Weapons were already shown. the giant Behemoth is the chiral form of Higgs (the one with the golden hands for face. Like his mask). Homo demens embrace the fact that humanity is doomed, and wish to make one with the BT's hive mind. There is a godzilla monster in the end meant to represent Amelie's rage channeled by the BTs. Higgs and Amelie are both leaders.



Oct 25, 2017
I have a hard time believing the gameplay is bad. I mean this guy did MGS V, which is amazing in therms of gameplay.

What I think it's happening is that people aren't enjoying the gameplay because it's not focused on shooting things and more on managing stuff like balance, cargo weight, planning trips, etc.

This is my take too. It's literally a AAA courier/walking simulator and seems some people went in expecting there to be aspects to a strong combat focus when that was never promised or even hinted towards. Even when we did see combat, it didn't look particularly impressive, that should have been enough to let everyone know where the focus was.

It's a courier sim, literally the first of its kind. It's a brand new genre, so Kojima wasn't lying. Some just weren't paying attention and expected the game to be something it never claimed to ever be.


Oct 28, 2017
Isn't this game going to be by default much more interesting when millions of people are playing it (online features)?
Oct 27, 2017
-Cliff is your father, and you're the BB he was talking to in the trailer. The woman in the photo (Lisa) is Cliffs wife. Amelie and Bridget are the same person. She aged in the real world (Bridget) but not in the other one (Amelie). Cliff is just a sad father who's kid got taken and turned into an experiment. He wanted it back but Bridget and Die Hardman killed him. He now walks the beaches and wants his baby/bb back.

The game was fun but i rushed it. Will play it with the proper pace given the occasion. You will never go to the moon but i guess that was a plan for humanity before the incident. No you're not sure that i am legit. There is a really high chance that i'm not.

Mama dies trying to reconnect with her baby by bringing her to the beach. Sad. Heartmen let go of his family and supports you till the end of the game.

fragile learns to get touched. There is almost a love story between her and Sam, but in the end, she doesn't want to join UCA and goes on her way, discovering the world.
Oct 27, 2017
the soundtrack is great, however it's too bad that Ludvig Forsell thread on the same theme for the entirety of the game, with variations; The ending tracks are dope, though. 35-40h to finish it.
Yes the BT's are terryifying at times. Die-Harman wears a ludens mask to remember his time in the luden squad. He's quite supersticious.

you never really die

There are not a lot of encounter with homo demens, mostly mules.

You get to have it inside your belly, but only on the beach world. No titties. No easter egg found except some Guerilla nods.

the america is destroyed because like prometheus, we played with fire and higgs lit the match. Reconnection is a great way to gather humanity, but make the ennemies be able to wipe it all at the same time.

Amelie thinks that by nuking the world through the chiral network, humanity will pay her debts and BT's will go away, setting the world for the next stage. Homo Demens are late game encounters, they try to void out the area constantly.

no because they are crazy and nihilistic. Like in Dayz gone, they see the BT's as punishing gods. They sometimes void out by jumping into a Behemot. That's how Higgs turn into his final form.

Not one MGS reference, but i'm sure there will be in the side quests and documents
Oct 27, 2017
hades is basically a shooting gallery. You don't have any lethal weapon during the game besides that, only riot / energy guns.

Ludens squad was basically policenauts. Humanity was huge on being pioneer before the incident, but forgot everything and went underground. The game is also about hope and future. You only fight cliff in hades yes. You cant shit but your shit is used to make grenades. Cliff control soldiers in Hades because he tried to link himself to his baby. It didn't work, but he could control some death stranded on the beach world.

cliff fight is really gamey. Like an arena fight, he throws ranks of soldiers at you, not only four. Sam is cliff son, yes, he's the first BB. Sam was a little boy 10 years earlier, not an adult.

You can keep playing after the story ends, it's just open-world content. It litteraly becomes BOTW. Cliff makes amends by destroying his part of the beach.

Sam is not the BB that you carry around. Sam is the first BB created. The worlds doesnt change after the end but there is a lot more sun.

Yes you go to Edge knot city about 10hours in.

No, Sam is very real. The fact that he is the first bb created before the death stranding makes him impermeable to death.

the shinkawa figure is not in the game. No you can't explore edge not city except somes ruins and empty streets. You do go to the demens HQ. BB dont live long because they are made that way. Sam was the first, he's like Blade, best of both words. The longest cutscenes last about 30 minutes or so.

Why else would he tease the moon? Just a thematic bit, i guess. Amelie is not really the leader of the homo demens, she plays her owns game, double crossing all ennemies from the other side pursuing her own agenda.

there are 30ish side quest i'd say, but maybe more. The map felt huuuuuuge compared to MGSV, but it's the pacing of the game that makes you feel that. Yes, Higgs is the leader, in a group that claims having no leaders except the BTS.
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