Who's Going to Win South Carolina?

  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 585 39.2%
  • Bernie Sanders

    Votes: 853 57.2%
  • Elizabeth Warren

    Votes: 24 1.6%
  • Pete Buttigieg

    Votes: 7 0.5%

    Votes: 16 1.1%
  • Tom Steyer

    Votes: 6 0.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Oct 25, 2017
bernie winning the first 3 contests going into south carolina and super tuesday is gonna freak more people out. and i'm here for all of it.


Oct 29, 2017
Early voting ended Tuesday- and there's really no way to know how how many people will participate Saturday. Given how strong turnout was in the early voting period, there are likely still a lot of votes coming.

Turnout for the actual caucus might be down as well though since a lot of people early voted.

Personally I'd much rather fill out a ballot with my choices marked down than bother to go out and caucus.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't trust Bernie to pick someone that works, but I'm also not overly concerned with VP. I'm way more concerned about political appointees. Like, please pick someone normal for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the OMB Director, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs... to say nothing of something like Attorney General.

Please, let the party help you out by identifying qualified candidates, Bernie.


Aug 18, 2018
This is interesting.



volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
I don't trust Bernie to pick someone that works, but I'm also not overly concerned with VP. I'm way more concerned about political appointees. Like, please pick someone normal for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the OMB Director, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs... to say nothing of something like Attorney General.

Please, let the party help you out by identifying qualified candidates, Bernie.

You'll get press secretary Rogan and you'll like it.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't trust Bernie to pick someone that works, but I'm also not overly concerned with VP. I'm way more concerned about political appointees. Like, please pick someone normal for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the OMB Director, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs... to say nothing of something like Attorney General.

Please, let the party help you out by identifying qualified candidates, Bernie.

Can we get killer mike for white house press secretary?

Those briefings gonna be lit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm most excited about Bernie's cabinet.
I'm not. But I'm not terrified. Still, nothing Bernie's done gives me confidence in this, but I admit, it's not a sexy debate topic or on any candidate's website. Has Bernie talked about who a notional SecDef would be?

That said, while important, I care less about Cabinet-level positions.

Rather, I care about people doing the actual work, because the federal government has been eviscerated due to shitty political appointees that have pushed out career folks.

And I simply don't believe (and I'm happy to be proved wrong) that Bernie would take binders full of candidates from the Democratic Party for nominees to fill low-level but still important political positions, like... I don't know, the Special Counsel at the Office of Special Counsel, which prosecutes Hatch Act violations and helps service members with Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act violations.


Aug 13, 2019
I'm not. But I'm not terrified. Still, nothing Bernie's done gives me confidence in this, but I admit, it's not a sexy debate topic or on any candidate's website. Has Bernie talked about who a notional SecDef would be?

That said, while important, I care less about Cabinet-level positions.

Rather, I care about people doing the actual work, because the federal government has been eviscerated due to shitty political appointees that have pushed out career folks.

And I simply don't believe (and I'm happy to be proved wrong) that Bernie would take binders full of candidates from the Democratic Party for nominees to fill low-level but still important political positions, like... I don't know, the Special Counsel at the Office of Special Counsel, which prosecutes Hatch Act violations and helps service members with Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act violations.

I don't see why not. It sounds like a big pain if he picked them personally. If they're not infringing on his core goals, why not appease some of the moderates? One of the big things I hope comes out of a Democratic win is that government can be boring again. Paying attention to the constant scandals coming out of this administration has been exhausting.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't see why not. It sounds like a big pain if he picked them personally. If they're not infringing on his core goals, why not appease some of the moderates? One of the big things I hope comes out of a Democratic win is that government can be boring again. Paying attention to the constant scandals coming out of this administration has been exhausting.
I fully admit that, while this is my personal cause célèbre, it's not important to a ton of folks. But, this is something I have a personal stake in. I also sincerely hope you're correct: I want the orderly, day-to-day administration of government to be boring and relatively scandal-free again.

(That said, I do want to hear names for SecDef and SecState.)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Looking at his campaign co chairs I'd guess Ro Khanna?
You know, I wouldn't hate it. I'm not as non-interventionist as Khanna, but I'm firm supporter in returning the decision on the use of armed force to Congress. And hey, no need to mitigate conflicts of interests due to ties to defense contractors.


May 10, 2018
I don't trust Bernie to pick someone that works, but I'm also not overly concerned with VP. I'm way more concerned about political appointees. Like, please pick someone normal for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the OMB Director, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs... to say nothing of something like Attorney General.

Please, let the party help you out by identifying qualified candidates, Bernie.
VP isn't unimportant. I maintain that if Hillary picked Warren as her VP, she'd be president today.


Aug 13, 2019
Just get fucking Ajit Pai OUT on his ass. Please.

You want to win young people forever? Give them cheap internet.


Oct 29, 2017
You know, I wouldn't hate it. I'm not as non-interventionist as Khanna, but I'm firm supporter in returning the decision on the use of armed force to Congress. And hey, no need to mitigate conflicts of interests due to ties to defense contractors.

Giving Congress more power over military authorization would be a really good development yeah. I'm guessing Trump has permanently shattered the idea the executive should have broad unilateral powers over this.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
VP isn't unimportant. I maintain that if Hillary picked Warren as her VP, she'd be president today.
I agree it's important, but it's mostly a "pure" political position.

I'm over here in the corner actually wanting to have a safe, boring pick for General Counsel of the Department of Education or Principal Deputy Administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration, to say nothing of Director of National Intelligence or DCIA.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Would 100% support Bernie shattering that giant fucking Reese's cup on the sidewalk outside the FCC and telling Pai to hit the road.

I am generally opposed to the government seizure of private property save for those compensated under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, but I'd make a special exception for Bernie to do this personally.


One Winged Slayer
Would 100% support Bernie shattering that giant fucking Reese's cup on the sidewalk outside the FCC and telling Pai to hit the road.

I am generally opposed to the government seizure of private property outside of takings compensated under the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment, but I'd make a special exception for Bernie to do this personally.
Nov 14, 2017
I don't trust Bernie to pick someone that works, but I'm also not overly concerned with VP. I'm way more concerned about political appointees. Like, please pick someone normal for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the OMB Director, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs... to say nothing of something like Attorney General.

Please, let the party help you out by identifying qualified candidates, Bernie.
Sanders is an independent but he has been a mayor, a congressman and a senator for decades. The odds that he maintains Trump's hollowing out of government are pretty low.

However, "normal" people for positions like the Federal Reserve, Treasury etc is something that he shouldn't do and hopefully wouldn't.


Oct 27, 2017
With regard to the question about superdelegates in the debate last night, I don't understand how anyone (Elizabeth Warren) could be for abolishing the Electoral College, since it doesn't reflect the will of the people, but is super cool with super delegates deciding the DNC presidential nominee instead of the will of the people...

Does anyone have a logical ideological answer to this quandary that isn't the obvious: "fuck Bernie, I want to be the nominee!"?

Deleted member 13628

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

Elizabeth Warren Is First Democratic Hopeful To Release Medical Records

The Massachusetts senator and presidential candidate is in “excellent health,” Warren’s physician attested.

That's literally 5 basic tests: CBC, BMP, LFT, lipid Panel, thyroid function. You get this in your yearly checkup. It just looks like it's a lot because it's multiple pages. A 2nd year medical student can go through that data in 2 minutes.

The 3 letters from the physicians would have taken MUCH MORE data into account to analyze Bernie's cardiovascular function post-MI and stenting; including analysis of EKG's, echocardiograms, angiograms among many other tests (the 5 above would have likely been drawn multiple times on Bernie during his hospital stay). Those letters are much more comprehensive in answering the pertinent question regarding his health; just because they don't release the granular numbers of his lab results does not mean that Warren's here are more useful.

The ignorance behind this is astounding; Warren actually thinks that she has released more with that document is now attacking Bernie on it, but any clinician knows that this is just pure health illiteracy at play. What are people actually expecting here, to go through each lab value themselves in Bernie's case?

For the record, this is more than enough data to gauge Warren's general health; I would never demand her lifelong medical records.

You definitely can't say because you're speaking out of your league.

This one statement in Bernie's letter "underwent a successful graded exercise treadmill examination...was able to exercise to a level that is approximately 50% higher than other men his age with a similar diagnosis...his level of fitness would be suggestive of favorable outcomes, from a cardiovascular perspective, going forward" provides more relevant information towards medical assessment than the 4 pages of labs that Warren released.
It really is sad at this point. The people who keep "disagreeing" (with no medical basis whatsoever) that Bernie has released his full records are no different from anti-vaxxers or climate deniers, who are always just "asking questions" or being "skeptical" while refusing to learn anything. Their only point is to spin a narrative that he is not being transparent and hiding his "true" health status.

When they brought this up in the debate last night I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Pete or Amy said "Oh, I didn't just release my records, unlike Bernie I also had a PHYSICAL!". Oh wow, a physical exam, good for you! Guess what, Bernie also had a physical. He had a coronary angiogram. He's had follow up echocardiograms and stress testing. Heart exams don't get more "physical" than that.

The stupidest thing is you don't even need to see his echo or stress test results, or any damn part of his medical record to know Bernie is fit for the job, you only have to look at him. You don't run an intense presidential campaign like his if your heart is not up for it. You physically cannot do it. I'm not joking. This is literally the most important part of examining a patient. Just the overall eyeball assessment. Not putting a stethoscope on somebody.
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Nothing Loud

Literally Cinderella
Oct 25, 2017
LGBTQ Latinos here. We voted for Bernie today as soon as our mail ballots got in. Go Bernie! Everyone vote!


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
I don't trust Bernie to pick someone that works, but I'm also not overly concerned with VP. I'm way more concerned about political appointees. Like, please pick someone normal for the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, the OMB Director, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, and the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs... to say nothing of something like Attorney General.

Please, let the party help you out by identifying qualified candidates, Bernie.

this fear that he's gonna go trumpian with those nominees and just put up his friends is overblown fearmongering nonsense.


Nov 3, 2018
Wow, what a 180 from what people had been suggesting for months
It's becoming pretty clear that Sanders is here to stay and is a clear frontrunner. Even talking heads on CNN and MSNBC have been saying that he's the favorite for the nomination. Freaking Chris Matthews has been saying that as well.

Looks like people are coming around to the idea of a Sanders presidency.
Dec 31, 2017
It really is sad at this point. The people who keep "disagreeing" (with no medical basis whatsoever) that Bernie has released his full records are no different from anti-vaxxers or climate deniers, who are always just "asking questions" or being "skeptical" while refusing to learn anything. Their only point is to spin a narrative that he is not being transparent and his "true" health status.

When they brought this up in the debate last night I couldn't help but roll my eyes when Pete or Amy said "Oh, I didn't just release my records, unlike Bernie I also had a PHYSICAL!". Oh wow, a physical exam, good for you! Guess what, Bernie also had a physical. He had a coronary angiogram. He's had follow up echocardiograms and stress testing. Heart exams don't get more "physical" than that.

The stupidest thing is you don't even need to see his echo or stress test results to know Bernie is fit for the job, you only have to look at him. You don't run an intense presidential campaign like his if your heart is not up for it. You physically cannot do it.

Yes but have you seen Warren's BMP spread out over 2 pages? It seems like it's more information. Bernie should release the results of his sebaceous cyst removal and images from his previous colonoscopies to prove the skeptics wrong.


Oct 25, 2017
With regard to the question about superdelegates in the debate last night, I don't understand how anyone (Elizabeth Warren) could be for abolishing the Electoral College, since it doesn't reflect the will of the people, but is super cool with super delegates deciding the DNC presidential nominee instead of the will of the people...

Does anyone have a logical ideological answer to this quandary that isn't the obvious: "fuck Bernie, I want to be the nominee!"?

The short answer is "no."

The slightly longer answer is handwringing concern-trolling about """electability""" when Sanders beats Trump in hypotheticals on average by more than every other candidate than Joe (who won't lead in that metric for much longer). But still ultimately yeah it's "I want to win by subverting the popular vote."

Jesus Christ why does the latest 538 FL poll have Bloomberg in 1st, Biden in 2nd, and Sanders I'm 3rd? His "buy all the media" approach can't be working can it...

Florida is a bit of a hell hole electorally. The bright side is that it doesn't really reflect anything about other parts of the country.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
warren really did murder this man, had him doing his own version of the delaney except delaney was low key impressed while getting skewered bloomfucker could only be stupefied



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
this fear that he's gonna go trumpian with those nominees and just put up his friends is overblown fearmongering nonsense.
It's still something I want to hear. It's also something I want to hear from all candidates -- just focusing on Bernie because he's the most likely nominee.

Bernie does not inspire the most confidence with hiring decisions, and his brand is doing his own thing. That's his appeal. I also believe that he means to do the right thing (to be fair, I also think Amy thinks she's doing the right thing, etc.), but I'm looking for the nominee to chart a course on a return to normalcy.

And no, I don't mean not pushing for what's right, but we don't need a revolution everywhere. For much of government (which is large and does a lot of important, but boring, work), we simply need a return to competence and efficiency.


Oct 25, 2017
With regard to the question about superdelegates in the debate last night, I don't understand how anyone (Elizabeth Warren) could be for abolishing the Electoral College, since it doesn't reflect the will of the people, but is super cool with super delegates deciding the DNC presidential nominee instead of the will of the people...

Does anyone have a logical ideological answer to this quandary that isn't the obvious: "fuck Bernie, I want to be the nominee!"?
Bernie backed abolishing the electoral college and also in 2016 literally advocated the super delegates could/should vote for him rather than Clinton who would have the majority. So ask him?

That is not what Warren and others were advocating either. They were speaking of a scenario where someone gets a plurality and not a majority (even less "will of the people" than sanders scenario above). Then a coalition could be formed according to the rules (that Sanders agreed to and helped put in place) and that coalition happens before super delegates would even vote.

Regardless I do think the person with most votes should in most cases get to be the nominee but possibly with concessions depending on what vote count we're talking here. It's hard to say someone with day 22% is more will of the voters than someone with 21% for example.

But in any case everyone is just holding their cards and leverage same as Bernie did in 2016. He got concessions in the platform because of it. If they all pledge now then there can't be concessions later and we might be facing a scenario like I outlined above with like 22% or something. Concessions are fine because they help heal the party and unite them rather than having the whole thing end with "well fuck the literal majority of voters that didn't vote for this person."


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Right. Bernie wants an extremely functional central government. That's, like, fundamentally critical to his entire thing.

they base it on the fact he had some people with like, questionable twitter timelines working for him at some point. because campaign staffing or endorsements are on the same level as cabinet positions requiring congressional approval, apparently.
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