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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Whoa I really wasn't expecting this. Though, I had a feeling if the deal did break, it would be because Disney asked for too much.

Honestly, I'm totally fine with this. While I've been happy to have Spider-man in MCU and have adored their version of the character, I'd prefer for Disney to not have another billion dollar franchise under their belt after buying Fox. And while I love the MCU, I prefer the freedom the Spider-man brand gets from not being forced to be part of the MCU like all their other characters. It's how we got the greatest Spider-man movie ever with Into the Spiderverse. Though, I am still concerned about the future quality of the films given how inconsistent Sony can be.

Oh and I'm also one of the weirdos that will stan for Venom.


Oct 25, 2017
They just want to shit on Disney and the MCU. It validates their saltiness and hate

Let's not act like this entire thread ain't a bunch of people bickering over something none of us have any real context or insight into based mostly on which company they like better. People are shitting on Sony and acting "salty"'just as much as they are with Disney, and in both cases it's probably based on nothing substantial.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

WTF are they thinking


Sep 4, 2018
The signs were there back when Disney shitcanned the Netflix MCU, they don't care as long as they get money.


Nov 2, 2017
If this shit happened with a definiative fate/ending for Spidey ala Captain America and Iron Man in Endgame, this wouldn't be so bad. But the fact that this happened with such a cliffhanger ending for the character is so fucking infuriating.

Here's hoping this gets resolved ala James Gunn and GOTG 3.

Deleted member 33

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Oct 24, 2017
Disney was the reason Far From Home was as successful as it was. 50/50 is more than fair.

The original MCU deal between Disney/Sony was basically:
  • Sony gets 95%-100% of box office revenue from Spider-Man films.
  • In return, Disney gets almost 100% of the revenue from all licensed merchandise based on the Spider-Man films. (Toys, clothing, etc)
This deal was the only way Sony would agree to make Spider-Man part of the MCU.

If Disney wants 50% of the film revenue, then Disney should give Sony a larger percentage of revenue from Spider-Man licensed merchandise (toys, clothing, etc).


Oct 29, 2017
Yep Disney fucked up here.

This hurts them way more than it does Sony. When they inevitability bring back Stark. To not have Peter Parker there would be hilarious especially after all the setting up they've been doing over the last few movies
Marvel Studios is competent though. It'll suck but it'll hurt Sony and Spiderman more


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
This too. This wouldn't have made a difference regarding Sony's box-office take, all it would have done is adjust who absorbs what costs of production. In a sense, it's Disney trying to equalize the cost of making these movies in a way that's more beneficial; Sony would have still gotten as much of the ticket sales as they did before.

Can we somehow threadmark this post please?

Deleted member 2791

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Oct 25, 2017
i'm just mad because far from home had the best spiderman villain EVER in a spidey live action movie and we'll never see something as great again


Oct 27, 2017
How is Sony at fault? Disney got greedy
I'm all for shitting on a corp but how was Disney greedy? The original deal was for Spider-Man: Homecoming, its sequel, Civil War, and the two Avengers. The upcoming MCU slate doesn't have any Avengers movies or films that would make sense for Spidey to cross over in. Disney offering to pay for half the film and for an undisclosed amount of profit makes sense for the amount of leg work they put into the character.

Deleted member 1003

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Oct 25, 2017
I read that too, I guess it's possible that they can resolve the cliffhanger from FFH but will it still be connected to the MCU? Probably not, but the wording is interesting.

So many questions.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
That was just the opening bid. Disney just made Sony a BILLION dollars. Sony didn't even come back to the table to negotiate.
Their garbo Venom movie made almost 900M dollars worldwide. The ASM movies both made over 700M. Where exactly is the sense in giving up 50% of Spider-man's gross to Disney? Or any kind of substantial percentage?

Disney just got greedy as fuck.
"Disney asked that future Spider-Man films be a 50/50 co-financing arrangement between the studios, and there were discussions that this might extend to other films in the Spider-Man universe."

Sounds like Disney was willing to help out Sony outside of Spider-Man as well. Probably with their Morbius and Venom films. Is it really that greedy?
Er, yes, because that's Marvel trying to get more control over the Spider-Man license and the profits from it.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
Hilarious watching all the marvel fanboys blame sony here when disney wanted 50%. That is hilariously insane.

Is it really "hilarious"? I mean, are you genuinely sitting at your computer laughing to the brink of madness because fans of Spider-Man are upset that future films will be trash (this is based on Sony's track record with the IP). I'm really trying to see the punchline here. You know, the "hilarious" part.

Because from where I'm sitting, it looks like Sony desperately holding onto an IP that they continue to mismanage time and time again. It's only a matter of time before Spider-Man ends up like Dark Phoenix if it's left exclusively up to Sony.


Oct 29, 2017
MCU doesn't need Spider-Man, but I think this current iteration of Spider-Man needs the MCU. With that said, Disney is out of their fucking minds asking for 50% co-financing. The math makes zero sense for Sony to entertain that.


Oct 25, 2017
Using Holland's Spider-Man is especially weird because so much of his arc is dependent on Tony... an MCU tie in...


Oct 28, 2017
Let's not act like this entire thread ain't a bunch of people bickering over something none of us have any real context or insight into based mostly on which company they like better. People are shitting on Sony and acting "salty"'just as much as they are with Disney, and in both cases it's probably based on nothing substantial.
Yes but only one company has a history of making shitty Spiderman films and has tom rothman and avi Arad in charge.
People can shit on Disney, that's fair. But to think that spidey will be better with sony? Nah son


Oct 27, 2017
So what are the chances this get a resolved withing the next month due to everyone and stock holders bitching


Aug 13, 2019
Is Feige's secret sauce really worth nearly $300 million? Because that's how much they're giving up if they took this deal from Disney. Besides, Jon Watts was the director, so he mainly oversaw most of the creative portions of the film anyway. I like Feige, but he's not worth giving up that kind of cash for.


Oct 25, 2017
This thread's the closest thing we've had to a Royal Rumble in a while five minutes.

I hope I draw #30.


Oct 29, 2017
Shit, if they piss off half the audience, it might don't do numbers.
Who knows. I expect the general audience isn't hip to the studio politics, so it'll still make bank, but if there's that quality drop off, I feel like people will smarten up when part 4 rolls around.

At the same time, that Marvel Studios name means everything now. Not having that seal of quality might turn some people off.


Oct 27, 2017
Haha how did I forgot the ending to the FFH

Oh my what a mess. Do they continue that story now or ditch it?


Oct 26, 2017
When people start seriously arguing that co-financing a film 50/50 doesn't mean that Sony and Disney would split the profits 50/50 is when I bail out of this thread.


Especially considering that right now Sony is financing 100% of the movies and Disney is still getting 5%.

How much you wanna bet they'll reach an agreement by the end of the year?

Yep. I don't believe for a second that Spider-Man is really leaving the MCU.

With Iron Man and Captain America out, Spider-Man is one of the few remaining, big heroes in the MCU.
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