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Oct 25, 2017
Was thinking about doing the platinum pull for a dragon, but I can't really justify the price. With 1500 diamantium, I can do daily pulls for 50 days.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Mhmm, it looks like within a couple weeks I'll be able to do HMS, though only as Verica. I haven't done the calculations for HP just yet, but...
  • 448 insignias, 168 royals. Don't need to use any on anything else immediately.
  • Altars are 25/25. I have about 500 flame orbs, so I'd need to get 700 more. This is likely doable in a couple weeks if I prioritize it, though the raid will interrupt that in the next few days.
  • I have 2UB Phoenix.
  • I have enough water to max level the print without thinking about it, if that will help.
  • Staff dojos are 13/13 and will surely be 16/16 by the time I have the orbs.
  • I have enough eldwater for promotion and mana to grab the 5 nodes that are reasonable. Materials-wise I'll just need scales and some T2 orbs, but the latter will be more than covered in the process of getting the T1s for the altars. I should probably switch to doing Brun for my daily dragons to easily have the scales ready for that; I've been doing Jupiters currently for the 4th light character I'll use, or else Zodiark to get more stuff on Nefaria, but neither are vital.
  • I have about a million rupies currently, as the raid not being dark-advantage means I have no immediate need to make a 5* T2 dagger for Orion to use, nor do I have a reason to start on the wand I was also going to make as Amane's is already 4* T3. So I've been doing 0 weapon upgrading/crafting recently. And at a glance, I'm fairly certain I have all the materials I need, such that I could sit down and casually turn Verica's 4* T2 MUB staff into 4* T3 MUB within a couple minutes.
I just... dunno if it'll be worth that investment? HMS is sorta appealing as being able to do endgame content, and it's nice to have a thing to work towards, but do I actually want to commit to that over just starting on better weapons... not sure yet. Especially since I know playing as Verica may not be ideal. But the idea of working on Vanessa, who I find harder to play as and would require a lot more IO of elements that don't even prepare me for other stuff I'd do soon, not to mention way more money... is not as appealing.

I actually just realized after grinding for HMS why everyone goes to Verica.
Unless you have at least a 1UB 5* dragon, you won't be able to reach HP threshold of HMS with 4* adventurer and 5* T3 0UB weapon.
The requirement is very steep, and even my Naveed just barely pass the minimum 1629 HP with lvl 100 MUB Pele, 30/30 Fire Altar and 16/16 Sword Altar.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Quickly draining all my remaining wings as I should have done earlier, so that I'm not even tempted to do any of the event once it starts...

My sleep schedule's terrible currently in general, but the 1 AM reset's dangerous if it's already past midnight, cause I get a bit tempted to - even if falling into doing it is unintentional and just me being distracted - waiting and doing dailies ASAP.


Oct 26, 2017
I actually just realized after grinding for HMS why everyone goes to Verica.
Unless you have at least a 1UB 5* dragon, you won't be able to reach HP threshold of HMS with 4* adventurer and 5* T3 0UB weapon.
The requirement is very steep, and even my Naveed just barely pass the minimum 1629 HP with lvl 100 MUB Pele, 30/30 Fire Altar and 16/16 Sword Altar.

Yeah, pretty much this- Verica's bare minimum is a 0UB Phoenix, at which it's subject to more or less the same grind reqs- 30/30/16/16, a 5* elemental, everything maxed out incl. sane coability nodes since you're really pushing the border on healing through first Tattered/Storm with those numbers. 1UB Phoenix gives a lot more wiggle room and 2UB gives the leeway to go for 4.3 MUB weapon (which actually has a far more useful skill) without dipping under safe HP thresholds.

It's that latter point, cutting out a potential 5.3 grind and the fact that Phoenix was a 1.75% pull which leads to the current overabundance.

(unless you're hilariously SOL and pull 2 Phoenixes total dumping everything into the Cerb banner - then you grind like the DPS does and still end up being less useful than someone casually MUBing thanks cygames)

A very edge case on the flipside: being able to grind clovers to eventually MUB a single Cerb/Agni pull gives a way forward, no matter how impractical, for DPS - aforementioned unlucky 1-2 phoenix accounts can't do this since you can't get Moonstones right now.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Not pulling till the morning but I am awake so I did the intro and uh.

This is easily the best event story by far, holy shit. Mariti rules?


Oct 25, 2017
Did 3 10 pulls and made out with 3 5 star wyrmprints(none of them were the new ones), Vixel, and Lily.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
tired: pulling immediately

wired: being in awe of Mariti immediately

"He enjoys being fashionable, and wears a bell the choir children gave him around his neck with pride."

EDIT: Huh. So there's an event print still, it just doesn't have extra damage against the boss. And it has Last Recovery, which I'm not sure existed before?


Oct 25, 2017
Got Vixel from Wymrite 10 pull. cool

Got Mikoto from the ticket, so now I have Mikoto

Also got Heavenly Holiday x 2 and Worthy Rivals x2

I'm content with this


Oct 25, 2017
Did my 10-pull ticket and 1 more 10-pull with wyrmite. Got both 4-star characters who definitely have places on my wind and light team. I'll continue doing daily summons for the rest of the event and do one last 10-pull on the last day if I don't get a 5* in that time.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
I wasn't going to summon since I have Halloween Elisanne but figured I'd do the free ten pull ticket for a chance at something. Three rainbows, most I've ever gotten in a single multi-pull. Resounding Rendition wyrmprint, Hawk (new) and Lucretia (new)! Needless to say, I'm happy. No dragon, but that's okay. Going to stop here and keep saving for Christmas.

Good luck everyone!


Nov 6, 2017
Damn... I stopped playing a couple weeks ago, decided to log in and use the free Ten-Fold, and got Lucretia... Now I'm tempted to play again, but the grind and extreme requirements for dominant elements is just too much for me, with too little satisfaction resulting from the dedication (and luck) required.

I guess I'll try and at least max her out.

Deleted member 38706

User requested account closure
Jan 19, 2018
EDIT: Huh. So there's an event print still, it just doesn't have extra damage against the boss. And it has Last Recovery, which I'm not sure existed before?

Great to know! Also, this is the first Raid Event where we don't immediately get the welfare character, right? We get Elias in Story Episode 5 instead of the Prologue unlike Celliera and Melsa. They also separated the Boss Battle from the dungeon as well -- making it less of a hassle to farm Otherworld Fragments and Emblems. The OST is great, and it has a kick ass Raid Boss intro. I think this is the best Event so far. It just seems higher quality than previous ones.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Oh, huh, those seem like good changes too.

I haven't done more; I drained my energy and then foolishly have remained awake. Looking forward to digging in when I wake up.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, decided to blow through my single pull tickets (26) and pulled the new 4*'s, the new 5* prints, Agni, and Cupid. Still have 5 more tickets. I am definitely done for this banner.


Dec 1, 2017
When i see rainbow spear dropped, my heart skip a beat.

omg, could it be Julietta?

look at wiki (i know im strange) only to find out Julietta is axe and 5* spear unit are H. Eli and Xainfried. Feel bummed.


Oct 25, 2017
3 ten pulls

Nidhogg (dupe), Melissabel (NEW), CUPID!!, and lily wyrmprint

also got the new 4* light healer who I honestly wanted more than Lucretia so damn good pulls for me!
Oct 26, 2017
Pulled one too many times, always do, and I don't have much to show for it. Got the new healer, and the new wrymprint that has skill damage and critical rate up, and not much else really. Hopefully the daily pulls turn up Pia.
May 1, 2018
I'm gettin' an itch... to do the Daily Deal... and once I get 10 I'd just roll until I get a pity breaker. I'm not compelled by RNG, but I am compelled by efficiency and routine...

But I'm absolutely sure I'm gonna want to roll for the 5* story character on the Christmas banner, and my Diamantium will run out eventually...


Aug 5, 2018
Might be best to build up your pity timer up until the last day, that way there isn't any "waste" pity summons on subsequent days on the same banner from daily pulls, in terms of optimal efficiency. Like, daily pull everyday until the last, use tickets for the next increased pity rate, and THEN do tenfolds until you get a 5*, so you'll get the highest chances for a 5*.


Oct 25, 2017
So this event print seems really good? Perfect fit for an auto battle team. I wonder if/how it stacks with existing Last Recovery skills like on Julietta.


Oct 27, 2017
Did a ten ticket, and 2 ten summons and still no Lucretia and Cupid. Fuck my lucks run out boys


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Did 2 summons and both yielded a 5* Wyrmprint (neither of them from this banner). Got Pia and Vixel too.

I can't believe this raid event is about puberty lol


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
The new music is amazing, I just wish the event character was better, and I don't mean utility-wise. I just really don't like his character, but hopefully the post stories will redeem him a little. I'll still level and complete his bond points so I can keep him, but I doubt I'll ever use him.


Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
The new event music is all pretty good. Don't think I'll use Elias much in my team.


Oct 26, 2017
Minor thing but this is the first event with characters that have multiple dialogue poses.

Wonder if they'll ever go back and do that for older characters. The main cast at least needs a couple different ones to be a little more versatile in dialogue.

I doubt the hilarious lunge+SFX to signify attacks is ever going away though, lol


Oct 30, 2017
Thoughts on new event:

  • Music is great
  • Interesting boss fight mechanics
  • Format is still the same as other raids (1x normal boss, 1x raid boss)

They really need to start switching things up a little


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Thoughts on new event:

  • Music is great
  • Interesting boss fight mechanics
  • Format is still the same as other raids (1x normal boss, 1x raid boss)

They really need to start switching things up a little
This is like the... 5th event in total. If there's still a lack of variety a year in, then complain lol


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
Did anyone else's app crash after the latest update? It started to play the summoning movie and then the app crashed on itself.


Nov 8, 2017
at least they are adding new mechanics. at first they cant spice the battles a lot because we dont even have maxed our faciities/characters. thats the middle target for us right now after getting full elemental teams. (weapons are an ongoing thing)

After the "race to max" ends, we will get new challenges! *;..;* and then we will all suffer! and complain about the old characters being useless... and yadah yadah. The new healer for example is adding a new variable, a light character with inmunity to sleep rather than poison/curse (for current dark IO/dragon) that tells us that things will get messy later on XD


Oct 25, 2017
Loving the music with this new event, it is absolutely fantastic.

Got event CE on my second pull and Maritimus on only my third so in some way I'm already halfway done with it.


Aug 5, 2018
Love the music and fluffy dragon, was not expecting him to have a voice. My first impressions on the story is that I really like the inclusion of the banner characters. While on one hand it's very much advertisement to entice you to pull, on the other hand it really allows a more complete narrative. The Fire and Wind raids were basically just two-man shows of Celery/Pele and Melsa/Sylvia, while this feels better realized, opening avenues of better character development.

In terms of gameplay, I'm pleasantly surprised wyrmprints are still given, just not BiS from a flat +25% raid boss damage bonus like the past ones. They keep their out-of-event usefulness intact while letting people freely use their best wyrmprints they've been saving up for the raid, even if the dragon prep strategy still works.

I also like the fact that the Twinkling Sands is still at 3K, but they also threw a couple less important rewards up to 4.5K. It let's me feel better about continually getting gold emblems without feeling like they're completely useless, while also not being good enough to cause a "rich get richer" scenario. Overall, really enjoying the event so far.


Aug 5, 2018
Is there a word when this will release in Europe?

Not presently, what's the current situation in EU with the lootbox rulings? I imagine any country that bans them like Belgium won't have the game localized. They may be waiting to see what the rulings will be for the other countries, whether or not it's going to lead to an eventual EU-wide ban.


Oct 25, 2017
I got everyone in two ten rolls except Cupid, but my fully unbinded Halloween Silky is pretty good consolation.


Oct 25, 2017
Use my free 10-fold, got the new light healer. Seems good, heals over time. Won't pull again until xmas

Where do we aim first on the new raidboss? I think it's the two hands, tail hasn't done anything to me yet


Oct 25, 2017
I have proceeded with Operation: Sneaky Vanessa, where I hide Vanessa behind some light units then just play as her for the whole raid battle instead.

It does make sense, though. My strongest Light offensive character is H!Elly, who has 1.2k strength. (unfortunately my best Light dragon for offense is H!Silke) My Vanessa is totally set up for HMS clears, so she is sitting at 2.6k strength. So she does more damage even without the elemental advantage.


Oct 30, 2017
EX clear! Only 6 seconds off the epithet, not bad for a first run as I'm still figuring things out.

Also, please be careful of the exploding orbs if the boss dies while they are still up, you can still lose adventurers while waiting for items to pop. Totally sucks to lose a deathless run that way.
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