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Nov 22, 2017
2. All players will receive one of each item for sale in this area. However, this will exclude items that have already been purchased.
Example) If you purchased Azimanus Fighter's Dagger, you will receive another item that you did not purchase from Logistics Officer Alexa.

[Logistics Officer Alexa's bargain basement price the Items]
- Cold Look and
- Erikion Carapace
- Mysterious Flash
- the Small Sun Badge
- Azimanus Fighter's Dagger
- Azimanus Fighter's Armor
- Queen Azumashik's Gift Wrapping
- Epic Ring Charm
- Epic Necklace Charm
- Epic Artifact Charm

Mistranslation, or are we really going to receive every item of that list, on top of 2 labyrinth compass?

Do want!


Apr 18, 2018
These maintenance extensions are starting to get irritating. One hour, then 2, then 3. I'd actually like to play the game during daytime (UTC+1 timezone)


Oct 30, 2017
Do the character refunds only work for 5* and not 4* characters? My Tieria is 4*... can I quickly level her to 5* and still get the refund or does it only apply if you did it before the patch?


Oct 26, 2017
Struggling with converting the items the players should have never obtained, and distributing the compensations accordingly, most probably.
Source: I've been working on such games, I know how having to manipulate player's saves can get tricky reaaaal quick. And you really don't want to rush things up and risk deleting any progress. ^^


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
There is a general consensus on Reddit about Kayron being... underwhelming... "A Thief that hit like a Knight".

Either the base stats or the skill coefficients are too low to be worth it. Save your bookmarks for a better one.

Reddit also said Diene sucked when she was released and now she's on the short list for best unit in the game.

Kayron will be good in pvp and I suspect we will see him quite a bit at the higher ranks. He sucks in pve bc his best skill requires him dying to be useful.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm debating recalling Tieria. The nerfbat hit her hard, so instead of someone who speeds up your team + DEF break, she now sort of speeds up your team and maybe does decent damage? Thing is, she's my only fire char. My only other options are CarmineRose and Nemunas. Speedboost + Max HP based damage doesn't sound too bad next to my alternatives.

This is in my opinion the worst part of the nerfs. People pull for either love or power, and then try to construct a team around stuff they have. With how interconnected teams have to be, nerfing one character can cause the team to collapse or not do as well. And it makes the rich (the ones who have been steadily playing since launch) get richer. If you can do golem/wyvern 8-10 before the nerf, and have geared your team well enough to keep doing it afterwards you have no issue. If you are just getting to that level and you were relying on Tieria/Elson/other nerfed characters to get you there, your progress has probably been set back probably a week while you scramble to reshuffle your team and find replacements. This is especially true if replacements need gear to be good (e.g people who want crit 100% like Karin)

Pulled Requiemroar from ML thanks to the 2 transmit stones today. Seems like a drop in replacement for Tieria If I wanna go that way. Destina, Requiemroar, Diene + insert DPS sounds like a passable team. Or maybe I can drop Destina for Armin? To be honest I kind of want to go triple Banshee + Diene just for fun.


Oct 25, 2017
I maybe should've gone all-in for Diene. Oh well. Surely the next limited will be plenty OP and I'm ready to go, there.

While the game's down I've done some research on labyrinth strategies and there might be one or two I can handle - my main problem is the one I fought (counterattack guy in the north) was fire type and Cidd couldn't do shit. Oddly enough one of them looks like he'd be a lot easier if I were to bring Mirsa - maybe working on strange, specialized characters like that could help me a lot in the raid. Since I never get anything from the gacha and I made three 6*, I don't have a lot of roster diversity at 5*. I've already started building some weird specialized characters like Otillie.

I currently use Achates but I'm running into bosses where I feel like I'd do much better with Angelica or Doris. Maybe I should widen my healer lineup a bit - gear is the problem in this case, I could 5-star multiple characters right now if I wanted to.

Speaking of bosses I need Angelica for, I got floor 56 Cecilia to like 3% hp with one turn away from an Arky summon. Nothing I could've done about Cidd being 1-shotted and my entire team being stunned 3 times in a row. I wouldn't care but Abyss enemies have such stupid amounts of HP that's like half an hour wasted.


Oct 25, 2017
Draggyrider I pulled Requiemroar a couple of days ago. I was fast to level her to level 50, and she has replaced Tieria in my team now. They work very similarly, though Requiemroar is more about boosting survivability than she is speed. Imo, you've pulled the best replacement for Tieria there is. Be glad.


Apr 18, 2018
Can you only recall 5* units? I only see the option on Kiris who I think was't even nerfed (or I missed it) but not for Elson or Tieria (both are 4*).


Oct 30, 2017
Draggyrider I pulled Requiemroar a couple of days ago. I was fast to level her to level 50, and she has replaced Tieria in my team now. They work very similarly, though Requiemroar is more about boosting survivability than she is speed. Imo, you've pulled the best replacement for Tieria there is. Be glad.

Thanks for sharing your experience with her! I was pretty surprised to see they had similar skills. Any tips on what to build her? I was thinking speed + hit to land debuffs quicker


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for sharing your experience with her! I was pretty surprised to see they had similar skills. Any tips on what to build her? I was thinking speed + hit to land debuffs quicker

I think you can't go wrong with speed and efficiency. She's not a heavy hitter, and nothing will turn her into one. So ensuring she can apply the def break as often as possible seems like a solid strategy.


Oct 25, 2017
Ravi getting pretty scary again - got decent rolls on her +15 abyss T5 Lifesteal weapon, helmet and chest. She only has a T3 crit ring but she may hit 100% crit anyways depending on what I get on her ring. She has the T4 abyss ring as a placeholder but it got a bunch of effectiveness so I'm looking to replace it instead of level it past 9. I'm 3 floors from the T5 one so I'm saving all my runes for that, I can probably +15 it instantly.

as for Abyss I'm done fucking around and promoted Angelica. Also got her S3 cooldown reduction unlocked. I'm thinking I'll set up Achates for PVP and Angelica for PVE once I have gear for both - but the question is how should I do that? I feel like 6x HP is useful in both modes but I don't have the gear for one healer with that let alone two. Maybe I can build one for speed and use the free ring we got.

In terms of artifacts, I like to have Ravi out front and I have cooldowns upgraded so Prophetic Candlestick isn't quite a no-brainer. I also have all 4* Soul Weaver artifacts available, but none of the 5*. I have two Wondrous Potion Vial - do people put this on Angelica or do they assume that they'll always have immunity up due to soulburn? I guess now's the time to experiment...


Oct 30, 2017
Pulled a Watcher Schuri with the extra transmit stones they sent, is he any good or worth leveling? Haven't really kept up with tier lists or rankings


Oct 25, 2017
We got extra transmit stones? Was that only for people who didnt buy the stuff in the raid shop? Looks like people who didnt buy anything got one of every item and some extra compensation on top?


Oct 25, 2017
We got extra transmit stones? Was that only for people who didnt buy the stuff in the raid shop? Looks like people who didnt buy anything got one of every item and some extra compensation on top?

Huh? Did you get them from the random chest? it can contain stuff like that, in my case I got one (1) galaxy bookmark, lol.


Oct 30, 2017
From what I understand he's extremely good in Arena to go first and one-shot someone. Like how I use Cidd.

I haven't really been following the patch notes or had a chance to do the new content yet, but when I logged in I got 2 gold transmit stones in my mailbox along with a bunch of other stuff.

Are any of you running out of hero space? I'm at 250/250 and I just have too much fodder plus the extra units from the Elson and Tieria recall... I can't even start a new stage now. Is there any way to delete or sell extra units?


Nov 22, 2017
Basar was my first 5* from the gacha aside from the 30 rolls from launch. I didn't use him even once and wound up as promotion fodder.


Nov 22, 2017
Are any of you running out of hero space? I'm at 250/250 and I just have too much fodder plus the extra units from the Elson and Tieria recall... I can't even start a new stage now. Is there any way to delete or sell extra units?

You can use the fodder as experience for your heroes. Only 300 per fodder (450 if same attribute) and it will cost you a bit of gold.


Oct 30, 2017
From what I understand he's extremely good in Arena to go first and one-shot someone. Like how I use Cidd.

Thanks, I may take my time leveling him then since I don't do much PvP, just the 5 rounds each day for the daily quests

You can use the fodder as experience for your heroes. Only 300 per fodder (450 if same attribute) and it will cost you a bit of gold.

Ah that's a good idea, thanks!


Apr 18, 2018
Finally can 6* someone, but can't decide who. Best candidates from the people I have are probably Sez or Lorina as I'm just about done with her specialty change.


Oct 27, 2017
Sez was by far my first choice for 6*.

He just breaks things. Lorina is good too though, so tough choice. Sez and I are in this together though, so he had to be 6* first.


Oct 26, 2017
New armor yeah! 5 star speed chest armor as compensation! good stats...roll roll roll...not a single boost to crit chance. Boooooo. Health and defense % though, I guess Silk will be less squishy now, still okay for general purpose.

I think I want to six star celicia, I demand Dingo refund. Ehhhh I kinda like him teamed up with Tamaron Guard.
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Oct 27, 2017
I really want to use that new chest for Diene, but she has a health piece on right now and I never find good health pieces, so I can't replace something else in her kit to get this new chest piece on her.


Oct 26, 2017
Had enough for a ML summon and ended up getting another 3*... although, it is Doris who I heard is pretty good. Her kit looks amazing so she might take over as my main healer at this point.


Oct 26, 2017
I kinda regret not getting Diene in that I rolled 40 times and they didn't give her to me. It's their fault.


Oct 25, 2017
Woo, beat Cecilia in abyss (floor 56). Angelica was the key and I did it with her at 44. Stole all Achates' gear and put on Wondrous Potion Vial which actually saved me during a very bad streak of RNG - it cleansed the stun off of her before her turn.

Even though I always used soul burn on a cooldown upgraded barrier, there were still plenty of times that Cecilia could attack an unbuffed character (which does a bit over half of an 11.5k HP, high defense Ravi). Because one of her moves is supposedly an AOE with a '35% chance to dispel one buff'. What it actually means is a 95% chance to dispel all buffs. Anyways, I needed Cidd to kill the enemies that come along with Ceci, but of course he just got one-shotted every time I made it past them. It took my entire half-hour lunch break but I eventually got through her 80 billion hp.

Looks like next floor is Yuna, so Cidd should hopefully be useful again. I need to beat this one and the next to get the ring I want. Hopefully one of these is as easy as 55...
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Oct 27, 2017
High level Abyss sounds scary. I didn't even bother to go past Sigret at like floor 35 for quite a few days. Bad memories from the story mode.

I'm only at 40 now.


Oct 25, 2017
Even it was costly I'd love if there was a way to funnel upgrades to specific substats. Seeing every upgrade bypass Crit chance up, Attack and Health for Effictiveness on a character that cant use it is just rough


Oct 25, 2017
The raid is seriously not even considering until you're maxed out. You get way more value out of just running the labyrinth and getting tons of accessory tokens.


Oct 25, 2017
Hahaha I just looked at what floor 58 abyss is, fuck my life.
3 AOE exploding mushrooms and an Elson boss that revives them


Oct 25, 2017
I'm impressed with the devs -- they obviously screwed up in a big way, but were able to fix the issue, applied overly generous compensation to everyone, wrote documentation on what happened, and got everything up and running in a very timely fashion. I know this is "just" a gacha game, but it feels like a AAA studio in terms of content production, speed of updates, and community engagement.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm impressed with the devs -- they obviously screwed up in a big way, but were able to fix the issue, applied overly generous compensation to everyone, wrote documentation on what happened, and got everything up and running in a very timely fashion. I know this is "just" a gacha game, but it feels like a AAA studio in terms of content production, speed of updates, and community engagement.

Explain Ken.

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
I finished the side story, but now I'm confused.
I thoughtt Aither was Diene's son?? No? Then who is he??


Oct 25, 2017
I found a boss that I thought was a treasure chest and lost a tier purple sword from dying to it :/

Loot drops don't change if you yield or die, you can go back and get it again. That's what I did yesterday - I wiped on the bosses I tried, but on the way to each I got a red T5 ring. So I went back in, collected the rings from the mobs that dropped them, and peaced out via the portal.
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