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Oct 27, 2017
It reminds me of the dumb and dumber part where they get pulled over. It still grosses me out everytime. I got the same feeling reading these.


Is this a test?
Oct 25, 2017
Are the 2 piss confessor from the same person? If so was the guy you hated the same person too? So have you fed the same person your piss twice? Have there been more incidents?


Oct 28, 2017
Warning: NSFW.

About 6 months ago my wife and I stayed at a hotel for a getaway. We have 3 young toddlers so we like to get out every now and again. Our sex life is good we usually go once or twice a week. I have also moved to third shift at work so i don't get as much sleep and sometimes when that does happen I don't deal with stress as well and want to get off or find myself thinking about sex alot more often.

We were drinking a bit and while we were down in the lobby i saw a few of the guys from a soccer team checking out my wife and I just joked about grabbing her butt there in front of them all. And then she joked yeah im good at giving blow jobs. And i joked back yeah you could take them all. And we just got on the elevator and fooled around a bit.

Then once we got ready she was getting her nite time stuff on and i already got ready and was watching porn. Usually i watch milf porn or something and she comes out sometimes we watch together and i give her a massage but tonight i did something different i I did some gang bang and orgy and dp stuff. And I told her when I got out of the shower that yeah i want you to take the whole team. And she dismissed it. But for some reason this thought has stuck in my mind.

So every now and again when we had doing it night and i watched porn before when she got ready at home I would be watching and would say it during sex taking two or something. And like the next night after I really was saying stuff she wanted to talk. So i told her i had been fantasizing maybe going to a city or something and meeting someone and us 2 taking turns with her. Not like a cuck but im involved and making her go. And I've looked about hot wife. And this is the same time when that thread was up on ERA. So kinda crazy coincidence. So she was wet when talking about it i felt her and so she was turned on by it but she said its not safe at all so i asked her what about getting dildos so i can watch her and she can take me and opposite.

So she's been doing that for awhile using dildos/viberators simulating while we have sex and then also kinda talking dirty at times during sex or joking about being a hot wife and all. Like if she's mowing the grass or running outside i joke about her getting checked out or she does like can i wear this outside and im like okay I know im doing you so whatever. I guess i kinda get off at the thought of someone is leering at her but she's doing me.

So finally while using one of these large dildos she finally squirted for me while i licked her clit and did the dildo. It seemed like her best one ever and i felt good about that because i want to please her. But something has happened sometimes not every time only usually when im not drunk. So i get to watching the porn and then im talking dirty to her then we do it and we go really good. Sometimes though when i get done then i want nothing to do with the hot wife idea. And it like desensitizes me where Im not turned on and don't think i would want it. But its crazy when its like that thought during the day and ill just fantasize about it and it turns me on. So im not sure if i want to continue this ride where we might actually have a threesome or some kind of hot wife experience where she and me and another guy are doing her. I don't ever want her to go on dates or anything or do anything without me. Its all about pleasuring her. I like watching her do the dildo against the wall. Its like on the ERA thread she's my own porn star. But i don't know if I want to go down that slope. Its weird i get so turned on but then right like right after i go im like I don't think i want this. Its like a chemical imbalance maybe i don't know. What do you guys think?

Your post-nut clarity is warning you


Oct 30, 2017
That NSFW confessor. I got invited to a couple's room in Vegas once... I didn't partake, but there are couples that definitely go for it.


Nov 3, 2018
"Because Apparently We Have to Spell These Things Out:"

1. No sex with siblings
2. No putting bodily fluids in things other people will consume


Oct 25, 2017
Me and my wife have a little terrier mix dog that likes to hide things (mainly food). For example he will steal a bag of bread off the table and we will find it a few days later behind the couch or he will take a muffin and hide it in a closet underneath some clothes. He even takes mouth fulls of dog food and hides it in shoes.
One of his favorite spots to hide things is in the spare bedroom. My wife uses the full closet in the master bedroom and I just use the smaller closet in the spare. Often times my laundry just gets folded by my wife and set on the spare bed. I'm often too lazy to put it away and the bed just becomes a pile of clean clothes. In this pile the dog will often hide his treasures.

So besides hiding food, the dog also likes to go into the bathroom and dig into the garbage finding my wife's feminine products and hides them mostly in the pile of my clean clothes. This grosses me out, I tell my wife to not leave it where the dog can get it, and she tells me to put away my clothes. A month later and it just happens again. (We have bought a waste can with lid for bathroom since this story).

So anyway one morning I wake up, shower, go to the spare bedroom and put on pants, shirt, and sweater I grab from the bed. and I'm off to the office. So at some point in the day I'm walking through the office area and get hot. I take off my sweater and can feel something sticking between the two layers. I give the sweater a good shake and out comes one of my wife's used feminine pads that the dog had hid probably the night before.

So definitely people in the area but nobody really sees it happen so I just like act like nothing happened and walk away leaving the pad in the hallway between some cubicles as I was kind of freaked out.

Pad was found obviously and I heard the story from like 12 different people that "Joan" a co-worker who is known to be weird as fuck left a bloody pad of hers outside her office. One of the rumors was that it was her way of naturally trying to attract a man. Joan is a real cunt but I still felt slightly bad about it.

Got the man:



Oct 25, 2017
I wish we'd live in a world where men can tell girls 'I want to fuck you' and they take it as a compliment, not an insult :/

That's because


(also just makes the women feel like they are just objects to pleasure men, so uh... only works when the woman wants to fuck you already)


Oct 25, 2017
Right how I'm far from home for school. If I failed I'd have to go back and rather than fail so utterly, I'd rather die.

I'll probably fail though. I'm failing at improving every aspect of my life, I don't remember the last time I did something that wasn't immediately gratifying to improve myself.

I can't make myself do things, I act like a kid, my room is a mess.

Every day I feel that I can believe in myself less and less.

And I'm in an incredibly lucky position to be where I am, and there's nothing else I'd rather be.

In short, I'm the biggest problem in my life, and that's a beautiful thing to be able to say, but my incapability (or worse, unwillingness?) to improve is the second biggest problem in my life, and that's just going to ruin me.

I'm not even stressed out about all this- hell, I'm not even numb. It's there. It feels clear.

I've been sleeping after 3am for the last couple months. Doesn't feel like it'll change.

I've been talking to friends but... it's just not in me to do anything real about it, it feels like.

I'm surrounded by amazing people but I just can't be driven about anything anymore.

I've considered seeing a counselor or something but at the same time I'm terrified I don't actually have anything wrong mental health wise and I'm literally just... looking for a scapegoat to blame who I am on.

To expand on that, I've had days/moments/times when I actually hoped a little that I had depression or ADD or *something*, so that I'd have something that was wrong with me, in the hopes that it wouldn't be *me* who was doing all the stupid decisions and making the familiar mistakes and being irresponsible. I've already internalized this. I'm not seeing someone about it, but if I'm mentally ill somehow I can blame not taking action about the fact that I'm watching my life slip through my fingers without even caring on my illness. I'm not doing anything about my illness because my illness doesn't let me, not because I need to change.

Convenient, innit?

I'd think of writing about this, or researching it or something else, but honestly I can't do anything creative, and haven't been able to for a long ass while, unless it's a forum post or a tweet. I grew up reading and the literal piles of books I have in my room have gone unread for months. Now the only skill I have is whiling the days away on screens. I don't recall developing anything else in so long that the very concept of developing skills (tangible skills that make you feel you know something!) is foreign to me now. That's a sad thing to be saying as a STEM student...

I can't even be assed to sit down and ponder what went wrong. I used to LOVE long showers, and hot tubs-- now they leave me too closely alone with my thoughts and it's no longer relaxing because of that. There was a period when I could listen to a song and get swept away by its emotion, but that's gone now, I'm anchored by some unease and dissatisfaction. My issues are there, nagging. I don't remember the last novel I finished, let alone the last one I adored. My future is a career I'd love but which I am utterly unqualified for in every way possible (in terms of potential).

For now... nothing more to say comes to mind except that perhaps, the only thing that feels more defeating than defeat itself is failing to even try to improve oneself.

Don't give up confessor. You are on a downward spiral! Don't let go! Hold on!


Oct 25, 2017
During our final school trip in high school due to some booking error, one of the students had to share a room with the female teacher. Girls were an even number, so it had to be a boy. Exactly, me. This was our last big hurrah, so the whole trip was one big party over the course of a week. Teacher and us treated each other fairly casual. I knew her from history class, she was a nice, relatively introvert lady. Fat, but not in an off-putting way. Plus a cute face. Must have been the 2nd night or so. Me and several friends were outside where we had a campfire going. And a looot of alcohol. Everybody was having fun. Teacher arrived and told everyone (with adorably shaking voice) that drinking wasn't allowed and we stop and go to bed. Beer must have been speaking, but I grabbed a can, shouted 'hey', threw it towards her and invited her to drink some with us. She gave me a mean stare, but actually aat down next to me and drank the beer. When it was bed time, me and her helped each other to reach our room lol. She was leaning against me hard as I opened the room's door, and once inside I had no more energy and collapsed onto my bed. With her all over me. Her face was close to mine and she just said sorry, which is when I, in all my drunk horniness, just kissed her. She didn't fight back at all and I banged her so hard as if she was my own sister (this is a joke, you guys). That was pure primal lust. Wow. No questions or discussion the next day. But came evening, we both vanished in our room and did it again. Best week of my life. Saw her never again after we got back home and I graduated. Kinda want to reconnect, but it's been over 10 years since then. Still, wow. Tbh even sex with my wife has never been as good.

1. I assume you were 18 due to being the final school trip.

I know you were fishing for this


Oct 28, 2017
1. I assume you were 18 due to being the final school trip.

I know you were fishing for this

Got the man:

Just learn to close doors around your house?
Don't give up confessor. You are on a downward spiral! Don't let go! Hold on!
Did I write this? Why does this describe me so well lol

That's because


(also just makes the women feel like they are just objects to pleasure men, so uh... only works when the woman wants to fuck you already)
Isn't this incel talking point number 3?


Oct 27, 2017
Don't give up confessor. You are on a downward spiral! Don't let go! Hold on!
Honestly a lot of this post could've been written by me. Having no motivation for anything despite knowing you're actually very lucky with what you have. I just have kind of accepted ill come out of it eventually..
1. I assume you were 18 due to being the final school trip.

I know you were fishing for this
I don't believe this one, it sounds like it's true up to getting back to the room, and then the rest is made up


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, you absolutely can say to someone you want to fuck them... Just maybe don't lead with it, kinda gotta be some sort of previous relationship there.

I thought that was common sense but there we are.

Deleted member 8561

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Oct 26, 2017
1. I assume you were 18 due to being the final school trip.

I know you were fishing for this

I'm guessing this is in some country where drinking at 18 is fine?

Or where a teacher getting caught drinking by a bunch of students totally wouldn't get her fired.

Or where nobody realizes that the only guy sleeping with a women is glowing and basking day after day like he just fucked.


Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
It's legal here at 18 (UK)

ok? It doesn't say anywhere in the confession where it takes place, I'm well aware different countries have different drinking ages....

That I'll give you (though never underestimate the students that would sneak both on stuff like this)

Dude did you write this confession or something? You're like completely misreading what I'm posting. Kids doing stupid things is normal, adults openly doing stupid things with kids is not.

Teacher drinking with kids on a school trip in public in front of other kids? That's like, career threatening. Fucking a high schooler, of which you were just seen drinking with? lol k

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
ok? It doesn't say anywhere in the confession where it takes place, I'm well aware different countries have different drinking ages....

Dude did you write this confession or something? You're like completely misreading what I'm posting. Kids doing stupid things is normal, adults openly doing stupid things with kids is not.

Teacher drinking with kids on a school trip in public in front of other kids? That's like, career threatening. Fucking a high schooler, of which you were just seen drinking with? lol k
It happens.


Oct 25, 2017
ok? It doesn't say anywhere in the confession where it takes place, I'm well aware different countries have different drinking ages....

And? I was responding to your original post that was written as if a country having a legal age of 18 was impossible or something lol.

And no, I didn't write it. Nothing that exciting ever happens to me :(

Deleted member 27246

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Teacher drinking with kids on a school trip in public in front of other kids? That's like, career threatening. Fucking a high schooler, of which you were just seen drinking with? lol k

When we were 16, we went on a school trip to Rome, and the students and teachers did drink with each other. The wine during lunch and in the restaurant was actually paid for by school. This was the Netherlands, 1995 though. I am pretty sure such a thing is no longer possible.

There was no fucking though.

Deleted member 26394

user requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
Uhhh, if it's a school trip

1) Drinking under the legal age is... illegal and no teacher would even allow that
2) School trips are always no alcohol/drugs even if the legal age is 18

Which is why a teacher sitting down and drinking with a bunch of kids is bullshit
During one of my school trips the teacher got that drunk and fucked up we had to lock him in a closet till another teacher got around to carting him away. We had a very unsupervised very drunk night. None of us were 18, none of it was illegal.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm probably an incel, not sure. I suffer from severe depression, in large part because I'm morbidly obese and have no chance at the kind of girls I'm interested in (nor any girl, frankly), which causes me to value myself purely by how attractive girls see me. As long as I'm fat, I'm worthless. I'm in the process of losing weight, but it's a slow process, starting from 200kg (no, that's not a joke ...). I've talked about it with my therapist, friends, and I've read other people's stories online. It always comes downt to 'you have to love yourself, don't listen to what other people think about you'. And most importantly 'a girlfriend wouldn't change anything'. But I disagree here. If right now I could have sex with a cute girl of my liking, literally everything would change. I can so vividly imagine how happy my entire outlook on life would be. No matter what happens in the future, I'd always have the memories of that one fantastic night. I believe that would really make a big, positive, lasting change in my life. But it won't happen, because no attractive girl would want to go near me. Whenever I'm outside, women stare at me with disgust in their eyes. I make sure to keep a big distance to any good-looking girls, because I feel like my mere existence is harassment to them and I don't want that. I don't know what else to add here. Shit sucks.

No, you aren't an incel.

incel: aka "involuntarily celibate", a person (usually male) who has a horrible personality and treats women like sexual objects and thinks his lack of a sex life comes from being "ugly" when its really just his blatant sexism and terrible attitude... they believe that women owe them sex...

You, my friend, first have to work on yourself. It is a slow process, but don't give up!


Oct 25, 2017
The Police are a force for good or should be. I'm a ex-marine who after doing my time became a Cop. Always wanted to be one. That got me well and beat up for being a "snitch". My family practically disowned me when I became one. Still I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to be the good cop and fuck I did what I could and still do but, it's hard and I'm too beat down to fight the system anymore.

Cops get fired all the time but, almost always rehired at another department. Why? MONEY. That's all the higher ups care for. MONEY. They don't want to solve crime, they want to get paid. They don't want to actually get to the root of why black communities are fucking warzones. No, no, no why would they care? Just arrest'em and let the Prison folks handle it. Community outreach programs? Oh no that's too much time and too costly. Just do an extra patrol and rough up a few brothers. Who cares? I've tired talkin, getting to know my community and what did I get in exchange? Demoted to desk job for poor work ethic. All the higher ups care for is lining their fucking pockets. People wonder why the Police never hold each other accountable? MONEY.

lets not get into how fucking reckless many of the grunts are. Riding up like you're fucking John Wayne with your guns out, safetys off. Pulling gun on someone who isn't a threat and they wonder why the community hates them. Good cops who speak out are bullied or fired or just eventually buy into the double think "Split second choices. Will you be going home or going to the morgue?" fear mongering. Fuck I've been in actual combat and even I knew not to wildly fire my gun and how to deescalate. yet these boys are acting as though they're in a fucking warzone. Treating the people as the enemy never works out. But, they don't care and probably never will so long as money is involved.

Truth is I can only send this in a confession. I want to speak out and protest but, what good am I going to do? I have a family, kids and I struggle still with PTSD. All I can do is simply make do with what I have. I know I've made some positive difference in peoples lives here and I can live with that.

Confessor: Even little acts help. Don't stop trying to make a difference. You will be the difference in someone else's life, becase of your badge and how you treated them with respect and as a human being.

Don't give up confessor, we need more like you: those who know that with great power, comes great responsibility. Yes, I quoted Spiderman, but man, you know what guns are and how to respect them.


Oct 25, 2017
let me preface by saying I do like to stream and enjoy my community but, streaming will wear you down eventually. I started off as a youtuber LPer mostly for friends who always told me I was amusing. Eventually after I got big I switched to Twitch thinking livestreaming would be more fun and less work. Really streaming was ideal for a shift worker like me as I could make my own schedule and wouldn't have to worry about editing. Eventually I got big and my streaming became my job. I moved out of my shitty apartment and quit my job. For awhile life was good. I was making near 6 figures playing video games all day.

All good things come to an end and eventually this "hobby" became a job that I absolutely hated. Sure the money was good but, I had no benefits, no support network. I was attached to my chair 8-12 hours a day and I couldn't take a vacation or break because, I lived off donations. really I began to loathe logging in and having to entertain people for 8-12 hours a day. I wanted to play what I wanted when I wanted too but, I had to follow the crowd and play big games and that left me with no time to play my own stuff. With Lets Playing I could do whatever the hell I wanted and people would watch. I had freedom and wasn't tied to an unstable income.You think you do but, you don't.

Don't get me wrong, I love my community but, years of streaming and forcing your good health to ensure your community lives drains you. Then theirs the lack of privacy you're not allowed to have as a streamer. The bigger you are the more weirdos you attract and the bigger you are the more your mistakes and things you say get taken out of context. I have all the fame of a celebrity but, none of the power, none of the benefits. I just started streaming for fun and to help supplement my income. I never wanted to be famous. Now I can't even go to the goddamn grocery store without sometimes into people who recognize me. I've had people SWAT Me before, I've had people break into my home because, they saw my stream. Do you realize how uncomfortable it is when I see people talking about me and making threats> Very fucking unconformable.

Do I regret streaming? Yes, yes, I do. The money is good but, what happens when I quit or my streams dry out-which they are starting too? I'll be fucked. I moved into an expensive area that was beyond my means to live. Honest all I want was to have a job I loved was passionate about.

Note: I'm not in the top 10 streamers but, I am decently known. I'm not ninja making millions. I'm barely making 6 figures. Also I am not known for being a racist fuckhead. Most my my controversies are because I'm an outspoken liberal and anti-Trumper.

Unfortunately I do not have much to say confessor. You got into the role of being the entertainment of others, and unfortunately people feel entitled because of the 5 bucks a month sub.

It sucks man, and I hope you find a solution.


Oct 25, 2017
Whilst we're on the topic of incest. I figured since everyone is doing it wont be so weird if I do this.

I fucked my step sister and cousin. I've also watched my aunt shower and my second cousin once removed masturbate. We have a very weird family. My dad fucked his sister and my mom was my dad's step cousin and my uncle got arrested after molesting a dog at a park. My parents are very open about their sex life and really we have no privacy here.

Gotta be honest incest is not uncommon in rural Mississippi. Meth and incest are really the only thing to do around here. If everyones doing it does that make it weird or wrong? If given the chance who wouldn't?

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