Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Are there any mods where I can play the entire game as Prompto? I know there's character swap, but I mean walking around, etc;


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
It's sad funny because she didn't have to change her outfit.


Oct 25, 2017
So those bodies. Who were those people, and why should I be mad about those bodies?


Oct 27, 2017
The way he went on Noct's ass, after Leviathan still bothers me to no end.

I just got to that part over the weekend...good lord, I'm with you. What the hell, man. I'm not too far past that, but
it really seemed like a point of no return for them being "Bros"
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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah i hated Gladio on my first play through, but after going through everything again he was right.


Oct 28, 2017
Gladio was being a huge asshole about it no matter if he was being right or not. He's by far the worst main character in the game and it would be better off without him imho. I was so happy when Aranea replaced him for that short while.


Oct 25, 2017
So those bodies. Who were those people, and why should I be mad about those bodies?
Luna, your father Regis, and Nyx from Kingsglaive.

He single-handedly made me switch to the JP VA for a period of time.
I just got to that part over the weekend...good lord, I'm with you. What the hell, man. I'm not too far past that, but it really seemed like a point of no return for them being "Bros"
Did you play the dlc episodes and watch the anime? Did you ignore what happened to Ignis...
Noctis was acting as a child, Gladio's was in the right all things considered.
he is the worst bro by far

Prompto is the best
Btw, when people datamined the benchmark last month they found unused/cut lines of dialog for that chapter that kinda improve the scene with
Gladio scolding Noctis in the train since it explains a bit better why Gladio is pissed at Noctis not taking his duty seriously especially now that Ignis isn't well.

Goddammit, how long you gonna mope like this? We're not stopping in Tenebrae. You know where we're headed and what we're out to do. So get a goddamn grip already.
I've got a grip. That's why I'm here. Don't give me that crap.
What're'you-- Not when you won't wear the ring, let alone look at it.
She gave her life so you could do your duty, not so you could feel sorry for yourself.
And Ignis, he took one for you. You should be apologizing, not him.
But no, first you drag your feet and put it on him for not being able to drive us.
Then when the Secretary goes out of her way to book the train for us, you make them drag the Regalia on board!?
To be fair, it was Camelia who offered first...(with the Regalia)
Think you got it bad? Take a look around! Your eyes still work.



Oct 26, 2017
Dunno how he was being a huge asshole.
Time was pretty much running out for them during that time with the nights becoming longer, Noct needed to get his act together. And it always irked me how little Noct cared about Ignis, when this dude was basically his mother/older brother. And you didn't see Ignis whining like a baby. Though I'm glad they kinda improved upon it in the dlc episode, and made Noctis look like less of a dick, and you do feel sorry for him then..

Lol not surprised they removed the dialogue. It makes Noctis look like a complete tool.
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Oct 25, 2017
Any idea on how to remove the HUD?

Otherwise, the game is phenomenal. I have so much fun with the Regalia-D and off-road driving. Feels like I'm driving the Warthog from Halo. I'm really happy to play this game again.
Jan 11, 2018
That sucks. They've terminated both the pinball game and this. Hopefully they add some version of King's Knight into FF XV because I want to at least have a chance to play it. I downloaded it but haven't really played it yet (I would like to play it eventually, just not now). Oh well.

Yeah. At least we can play some JMV in the game, even if it's a gimped version of the mobile game.

On Twitter I asked them to add costume DLC like this in the summer, but no answer, lol:

Oh, I'm sure it'd sell like hotcakes. Something tells me they'll only do it if they can find a way to include Aranea and Cindy though.


Oct 25, 2017
Luna, your father Regis, and Nyx from Kingsglaive.

Btw, when people datamined the benchmark last month they found unused/cut lines of dialog for that chapter that kinda improve the scene with
Gladio scolding Noctis in the train since it explains a bit better why Gladio is pissed at Noctis not taking his duty seriously especially now that Ignis isn't well.


But they were 4. Who was the other one?
And lmao, that was basically the only place wher he appeared other than the movie right?


Nov 1, 2017
Don't play half asleep! Chapter Select messed up my completion ride on sidequests. Ugh. I can't be bothered to even play now


Oct 25, 2017
Don't play half asleep! Chapter Select messed up my completion ride on sidequests. Ugh. I can't be bothered to even play now
Did you overwrite your most current save game or what? :O
But they were 4. Who was the other one?
And lmao, that was basically the only place wher he appeared other than the movie right?
Oh, totally forgot about the other one - that's Iedolas (Niflheim's emperor).


Oct 27, 2017
That removed dialogue does make Noctis look worse, for sure. But the way it is in the game, Gladio looks like a complete asshole and as if he doesn't even like Noctis. But on the flip side, Noctis bizzarely doesn't seem concerned at all about Ignis. The whole thing is disjointed.

Noctis just lost his fiance, is still probably trying to cope with the loss of his father, and is under immense pressure as the only one who can save the world or whatever
. He's got the weight of the world on his shoulders, and is still continuing on. I think he deserves to mope a bit overall.

I dunno...the entire train thing is really rubbing me the wrong way. It's sort of sloppily written it seems
Oct 27, 2017
So what exactly does happen to Iedolas?

Was he turned into the Feros demon?

Edit: I'm confused about the Starscourge.

Going by the lore, Demon's clearly existed before the Starscourge, but later on it's stated that all dmeon's are just people who were infected by Ifrit's plague. Is it ever explained somewhere why Ifrit grew to hate Humanity?


Oct 27, 2017
So what exactly does happen to Iedolas?

Was he turned into the Feros demon?

Edit: I'm confused about the Starscourge.

Going by the lore, Demon's clearly existed before the Starscourge, but later on it's stated that all dmeon's are just people who were infected by Ifrit's plague. Is it ever explained somewhere why Ifrit grew to hate Humanity?
Chapter 12 explains ifrit

Deleted member 14377

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I'm only on Chapter 4/5 at the moment, I'm like level 50 tho-- so I got to enjoy a lot of them hanging out and having fun. When I got to
Titan, and Gladio just fucking went OFF out of nowhere! Fuck off dude! Where did this come from!?


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's the same train station that's in the Omen trailer.

The train stations in the Omen trailer are in Insomnia and Cartanica. There's an Insomnian subway station and then Noctis first starts fighting the Imperial troops on a sort of twisted, Escher-esque version of the Cartanica elevated train platform. Different from the one from the Cat Cam video, but some of the lights are the same. So it's likely in the same region.


Oct 27, 2017
There's no realistic way that SE can develop an open world game with numerous unique continents and locations, with a lengthy main story, and excellent cutscenes. That's too many resources. That's why the Open World design is a mistake. The game doesn't benefit from it in any way. Everyone could've experienced everything they loved about the game even if it had a much smaller world size.

And if the game wasn't open world we would've had Noctis and co. as part of the invasion. And a more fleshed-out Tenebrae and Niflheim. And a much more fleshed-out story in general.

An open world game more akin to FF 6 with 15's fidelity? Sure, nobody has those kinds of resources, it's probably a portion of why 7 is being split into multiple parts. But they could probably do the "open zones" that Mass Effect and Dragon Age used in their later editions, but that's not really relevant. 16 will be whatever that team is shooting for and it's unlikely to follow the goals of 15. I however completely disagree that the game doesn't benefit from being open world in anyway. The road trip/camping vibe wouldn't be nearly as strong, which to me was a distinctly unique thing that this game did that sets it apart along with it's homo-social themes.

I get that you as a customer wanted a game that was maybe more like older titles with more cut scenes, more CGI splendor moments, the globe trotting, and tighter story and would gladly give up the open world for all those bullet points. My point is that that wasn't what Tabata's team were trying to do. I get the impression that BD2 are the "new tech guys" in SE and they wanted to make an engine for open world development. That's a difficult endeavor and so 15 has some really messy aspects to it, but that hardly means open world is a mistake. FF13 isn't open world and to me it's a goddamn shit show of terrible characters, poor writing, and rather boring cut scenes. Conversely (though my copy is crash prone so I haven't gotten far in it) Nier: Automata is evidently well written with a great story and is open world.


Oct 25, 2017
So what exactly does happen to Iedolas?

Was he turned into the Feros demon?

Edit: I'm confused about the Starscourge.

Going by the lore, Demon's clearly existed before the Starscourge, but later on it's stated that all dmeon's are just people who were infected by Ifrit's plague. Is it ever explained somewhere why Ifrit grew to hate Humanity?
Iedolas had been turning into a daemon in chapter 13, yeah. Chapter 13 Verse 2 with Gladio shows it more clearly, lol:


About the Starscourge: it's a light-absorbing malarial parasite that appeared roughly 2000 years before the main game's events and turned humans and animals into daemons. Daemons didn't exist before it. The Starscourges origins aren't know either. It wasn't brought on by Ifrit. Actually Ifrit himself was later infected by the scourge by Ardyn who wanted to control Ifrit (you can see his body being infected in the final battle - this was added in last month's patch, btw).

2000 years ago, around the same time the Starscourge appeared, there was the Astral War. Ifrit, who admired the humans - unlike Shiva - gifted them power/wisdom making the Solheim civilization flourish. Humans later got too power-hungry and turned on the gods. Ifrit felt betrayed and wanted to destroy Solheim and the whole of Eos. The other gods had to intervene because each of their task is to protect the planet even from each other if necessary. That's how the Astral War started.

After the Astral War devastated the world and ruined Solheim, even more emphasized by the Starscourge's appearance, the gods started their plan to appoint two people and their bloodline to protecting and freeing the world from the scourge - the Kings and Oracles.

EDIT: Didn't you watch the cutscene in chapter 12 where Shiva explains the gods' history?

If you're really interested check out the Wikia site for more info.

Little if anything is known about the origins of the Starscourge, a situation made more confusing by different inferred origins in various localizations of the game. It appeared at some point in the distant past of Eos; in the German localization, Ardyn Izunia says Starscourge originated from the Meteor of the Six,[1] but it is not stated outright in other versions. The plague emerged 2000 years prior to the events of Final Fantasy XV[2], and massacred the populace by mutating humans and animals alike into daemons, creatures that thrive in darkness who pray on anyone not infected by the Starscourge.

The Astral god Bahamut put his plan to purge the Starscourge into motion by handpicking two people, one whose bloodline would become the Crystal's protectors, and the other the first Oracle. The Oracle has the power to counteract the Starscourge and hold it at bay, and her bloodline became the royalty of Tenebrae. The bloodline that protects the Crystal became the Lucian kings, who are granted power to combat daemons and be empowered by the Crystal, the soul of the star produced by the planet itself that exudes great magical power.

The plague came to inhabit the soul of Ardyn Lucis Caelum, a healer who was to be the first king of Lucis. He had tried to save the world as the Crystal's Chosen by absorbing the plague into himself, but the Crystal rejected him, leading to Ardyn's younger brother, Somnus, taking up the mantle of Eos's savior in Ardyn's stead. The darkness was subdued through Somnus's efforts, who was aided by the first Oracle, the Astrals, and the Crystal, by conjuring a collection of glaives whose light destroyed the Starscourge; the Final Fantasy XV Scenario Ultimaniaposits the power of the royal arms, combined with the power of the Crystal, can destroy the Starscourge.[3] However, the afterlife repels Ardyn's immortal soul, and as long he lingers, the darkness can return. Forced to wander the world for eternity, ostracized by everyone and unable to die, Ardyn took the surname of "Izunia" and vowed to one day have his revenge on the Caelum dynasty and the Crystal. Ardyn cast aside and forgotten, a new era of peace began.

The Astrals' last gift before they fell into a deep sleep in wait for the next Chosen King was the Ring of the Lucii, which would house the souls of the Lucian kings. The Lucian royalty can combine their powers across generations via the bonding of the souls, as the one who wears the Ring can wield the powers of the kings of old. Thus, the power of the Crystal gradually concentrates until the king who wields all of the Crystal's power will be crowned the True King who can purge the Starscourge at the cost of his own life. This became the prophecy: "When darkness veils the world, the King of Light shall come." With the plan to cleanse the world of the Starscourge in motion, Bahamut also disappeared from Eos, and the tales of the Astrals became legends.

It appears the Oracle's healing people of the Starscourge is to also buy time for the Lucian lineage to accumulate enough power for the True King to appear. He is said to be even more powerful than the gods and to have the power to banish the darkness from the world. The Lucian kings are sworn to protect the Crystal until that day arrives, and gain the ability to use various magical powers as facilitated by the Crystal. The Final Fantasy XV Scenario Ultimania describes the Crystal as having immense magical power, but that the kings of Lucis don't wield its full potential; rather, they have the responsibility of protecting it. The Crystal picks the "Chosen King" when disaster comes to the world.[3]

In Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition, Ardyn describes the Starscourge as: "It is from my body the daemon spawn begin. Thence they go and make daemons of men." Earlier, he described it as: "In an age long past, an incurable scourge ravaged mankind. A tiny menace that twisted men into monsters, the likes of which you've seen. In Lucis lived a savior that could cure the afflicted. His body would come to host myriad daemons, that countless lives be spared."

Ardyn bided his time for millennia before establishing himself as chancellor to Iedolas Aldercapt, the emperor of Niflheim. He provided his knowledge to begin his plan for revenge. With Ardyn's coaxing the empire began to use daemons for experiments for creating a magitek infantry, and to deploy as weapons of war. A mysterious "vanishing disease" began to ravage the imperial lands. In his scheme to exact vengeance upon the Lucis Caelum line and the Astrals, Ardyn revived the betrayer Astral Ifrit with the Starscourge. The Japanese and German versions of the bestiary posit that this corrupted the Astral's mind and body.

Although the Starscourge is not a new phenomenon, it is poorly understood. For a time the vanishing phenomenon that has people disappear into thin air was not considered to be a disease. In truth, the people who become afflicted with Starscourge disappear when they fully turn into miasma and become daemons. Lady Lunafreya tirelessly travels the world to heal the afflicted, but the plague spreads faster than she can keep up, and the nights grow longer.

After Ardyn murders Lunafreya, the effects of the Starscourge accelerate. With no heirs, the Oracles' bloodline is extinguished when both Lunafreya and Ravus Nox Fleuret are killed. Ardyn lures Prince Noctis, the last of the Lucian lineage, to Gralea, the capital of Niflheim, where the Crystal is now kept. The Crystal had always kept the Crown City of Insomnia safe from daemons, and Noctis believes he can save the world if he can salvage it. As Noctis touches the Crystal with the Ring of the Lucii however, he is pulled inside it. In an otherworldly dimension that exists on the inside of the Crystal, Noctis meets Bahamut who explains to him that he is the True King.

After Noctis disappears, the world is overtaken by darkness. Over the following decade, the Starscourge overwhelms Eos, covering the world in an eternal night and plaguing it with daemons. After Noctis awakens ten years later, he returns to the ruins of Insomnia with his friends to stop Ardyn and end the Starscourge. Ardyn pits Noctis against various obstacles on his way to the Citadel, including the resurrected Ifrit, but Noctis overcomes them with the help of his friends and the other Astrals before encountering Ardyn in the Citadel's throne room.

Overpowered by Noctis, Ardyn is finally able to rest in peace. His body fades away, and Noctis summons the spirits of his ancestors to sacrifice himself so he can follow Ardyn's soul into the beyond. The kings take up arms with the glaives of light that Noctis had brought into the beyond within his own body, and strike Ardyn to destroy the Starscourge corrupting his soul. The darkness is lifted, daemons disappear, and the sun rises. The prophecy fulfilled, the Ring of the Lucii disintegrates as the Lucian bloodline ends with Noctis's death.

The Astrals:
During the Old Calender Era over 2,000 years ago, the Astrals were active across Eos. When a meteorite fell to Eos, Titan is said to have caught it, and in modern times it is known as the Meteor of the Six*. Humans were created in the Astrals' image, and though most Astrals were indifferent to man's fragile and ephemeral existence, the God of Fire, Ifrit, admired their strength of will. Granting mankind his flame, a civilization flourished: Solheim. Ifrit's benevolence warmed Shiva's heart, who likewise came to love humans and fell in love with Ifrit.

Some Solheimians began to see themselves as superior to the gods and spurned their blessings. Due to the perceived betrayal of the Astrals by Solheim's people, Ifrit declared war on them, triggering the War of the Astrals. The Six are sworn to protect Eos, even from each other, and thus the other Astrals turned against Ifrit. The conflict was magnified by the appearance of the Starscourge, a plague that killed millions and Solheim collapsed. The Great War of Old led to the creation of two major landmarks; Taelpar Crag was created during the battle between Ifrit and Bahamut, while the Rock of Ravatogh was where Ifrit's original body was laid to rest following his death.

Bahamut put in motion a plan to prevent Eos from succumbing to the Starscourge, and chose a pious woman of the Fleuret family from Tenebrae, bestowing upon her the power to commune with the Six. Bahamut also gave her his trident. The Astrals are said to have gifted mankind a magical Crystal born from Eos itself, and chose a line of mortals to protect it, who became the kings of Lucis. The kings wield special powers and combine their strength across generations with the Ring of the Lucii, a royal heirloom said to have been created by the Astrals. A king from the Lucian bloodline purging the world of Starscourge became the prophecy of the True King.

Two thousand years ago Ardyn Lucis Caelum was chosen by the Crystal to save Eos from the Starscourge. He absorbed countless daemons to save thousands across the world, yet was rejected by the Crystal, then denounced by the Astrals and the Lucian Founder King (Ardyn's brother) as unclean. As his transition rendered him immortal, Ardyn took the surname of "Izunia" and vowed to one day have his revenge on the Lucian and Tenebraean bloodlines as well as the Crystal.

Somnus departed on a quest across Eos with the Oracle to forge covenants with the Astrals. Somnus fought alongside the Astrals against the Starscourge, and the Cosmogony claims this prompted the gods to gift the Crystal to him and his ancestors. Trials by which the Six grant their blessings are mentioned in ancient tomes dating back two thousand years. They are said to have left devastation in their wake with entire cities laid to ruin and people saw them as tests of their faith. The trials by which the Six judge the Chosen King's worthiness are known as Revelations. Rather than appearing to mortals in corporeal bodies, the Astrals communicate with mankind via Messengers that they send to the Oracle.

While the other Astrals fell into slumber following the Great War, in wait for the coming of the Chosen King, Bahamut alone maintained an active connection to the world.

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Oct 28, 2017
Did you play the dlc episodes and watch the anime? Did you ignore what happened to Ignis...
Noctis was acting as a child, Gladio's was in the right all things considered.
I did, still came as an asshole, Ignis didn't give a fuck, Prompto didn't, so why suddenly Gladio is all over his ass, and yeah that cut dialogue would make things easier to digest but as it is, nope.
Oct 27, 2017
Iedolas had been turning into a daemon in chapter 13, yeah. Chapter 13 Verse 2 with Gladio shows it more clearly, lol:


About the Starscourge: it's a light-absorbing malarial parasite that appeared roughly 2000 years before the main game's events and turned humans and animals into daemons. Daemons didn't exist before it. The Starscourges origins aren't know either. It wasn't brought on by Ifrit. Actually Ifrit himself was later infected by the scourge by Ardyn who wanted to control Ifrit (you can see his body being infected in the final battle - this was added in last month's patch, btw).

2000 years ago, around the same time the Starscourge appeared, there was the Astral War. Ifrit, who admired the humans - unlike Shiva - gifted them power/wisdom making the Solheim civilization flourish. Humans later got too power-hungry and turned on the gods. Ifrit felt betrayed and wanted to destroy Solheim and the whole of Eos. The other gods had to intervene because each of their task is to protect the planet even from each other if necessary. That's how the Astral War started.

After the Astral War devastated the world and ruined Solheim, even more emphasized by the Starscourge's appearance, the gods started their plan to appoint two people and their bloodline to protecting and freeing the world from the scourge - the Kings and Oracles.

EDIT: Didn't you watch the cutscene in chapter 12 where Shiva explains the gods' history?

If you're really interested check out the Wikia site for more info.


The Astrals:

Thanks for the clarifying answers. I haven't played Verse 2 of Chapter 13. I guess I misunderstood some crucial plot points.


User Permed at their request
Oct 27, 2017
It's nothing exciting. 2 new quest NPCs. One wants you to find some chocobo chicks that are wandering around the train station. The other wants you to take pictures of the construction machine thing in the dungeon with the malboro boss.
Oh shit yes!! I did the chocochick missions! That's on the train part, I never bothered with the photo taking though lol.
I knew it was something knew since I've never seen it before.


Oct 27, 2017
Why does Ardyn stab Luna and then say something to the effect of she'll be coming with him? Why fatally stab her then try and take her?
Oct 25, 2017
That quest where your Glaive joins the party is pretty cool. The quest itself is lame. Just picking a few things up off the ground. I completed it way too fast. Should have kept her in my party for the Omega fight lol. I've never tried, but I doubt they follow you into the citadel though. Is it just a generic Glaive if you never played Comrades, or is the quest even there?

The FFXV Universe truly is expansive.
Oct 26, 2017
Quick question for chapter 14.

I started Comrades and am wondering if you need to beat the whole story to have your character show up in Chapter 14?


Oct 25, 2017
The train stations in the Omen trailer are in Insomnia and Cartanica. There's an Insomnian subway station and then Noctis first starts fighting the Imperial troops on a sort of twisted, Escher-esque version of the Cartanica elevated train platform. Different from the one from the Cat Cam video, but some of the lights are the same. So it's likely in the same region.

Hmmm, after looking closely again, you are right.

If I understood it right, in Aranea's case her name was only tagged in the DLC files, but with Ravus there's actually outright "Episode Ravus" mentioned somewhere in the data.

If it's true, I must say I'm not really interested much in Ravus. Actually, thinking about it, there's nothing regarding the main story that I still feel the need to know more of - pretty much everything's clear now. I don't care about the Niflheim side of things. I'm only still interested in Ardyn's backstory, but only if it's actually about his distant past. If it's set just shortly before and during the main story, then I'm probably gonna skip it.

I agree. I would be very disappointed if Ardyn's Episode takes place during the main game, traveling through the same areas and learning his backstory only by some conversation with the same characters. Sadly, i can't see them creating something completely new, so it will probably be that :(

As for Ravus DLC, again it's the same as Ardyn. If it's during the main game ''yawn''. The ideal scenario would be the DLC taking place during his early days in Niflheim, exploring Tenebrae and Gralea, brand new characters etc. Again, can't see this happening.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Hmmm, after looking closely again, you are right.

I agree. I would be very disappointed if Ardyn's Episode takes place during the main game, traveling through the same areas and learning his backstory only by some conversation with the same characters. Sadly, i can't see them creating something completely new, so it will probably be that :(

As for Ravus DLC, again it's the same as Ardyn. If it's during the main game ''yawn''. The ideal scenario would be the DLC taking place during his early days in Niflheim, exploring Tenebrae and Gralea, brand new characters etc. Again, can't see this happening.

Note: Tabata has said that they think they've done "enough" with the main game regions. From what I've seen, it sounds like the Season 2 DLC is all about expanding the breadth of the world and showing off new locations and story beats rather than filling in plot gaps.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
That's the one. :D

I think I zoned out. I thought his "you first" was gesturing her on board. That entire scene just pisses me off.
Yeah, it was just a back and forth between them. She basically said "you'll die" and he goes "no u."

What irked me about that scene was how... random it was. Why did he need to kill her right there and then? Why did he need to kill her at all? Sometimes Ardyn's plans don't make a whole lot of sense.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it was just a back and forth between them. She basically said "you'll die" and he goes "no u."

What irked me about that scene was how... random it was. Why did he need to kill her right there and then? Why did he need to kill her at all? Sometimes Ardyn's plans don't make a whole lot of sense.

Becasue the Oracle being alive means the Starscourge could still be held back. He wanted to die AND he wanted to fuck the world over in the process, so he had to kill her to make sure the Scourge would progress as planned, forcing Noctis to merge with the crystal and become the True King.


Oct 27, 2017
That's the one. :D

Yeah, it was just a back and forth between them. She basically said "you'll die" and he goes "no u."

What irked me about that scene was how... random it was. Why did he need to kill her right there and then? Why did he need to kill her at all? Sometimes Ardyn's plans don't make a whole lot of sense.
she would have died anyway, noctis however didn't know that.

I guess Ardyn killed her to make Noctis mad and motivate him to come after him