Jan 19, 2020
My expectations for the visuals were DS3/Sekiro level, was expecting a bit worse due to it being open world.

Visuals went far beyond my expectations, It looks gorgeous. Things are always moving in the environment, making the scenes feel even more alive. The new lighting system Omni was talking about adds so much to the overall presentation. Fromsoftware just keeps getting better and better.



Gah, I can't wait to play this and explore with all you fellow Tarnished. I can summon you into my game world, only to be halfway through my death animation as you load in, lol.


User requested ban
Feb 28, 2021
Theres a cool detail in the trailer that I haven't seen anyone mention yet, it shows up a couple times, something people have been asking for in these games for a long time ;)

Archduke Kong

Feb 2, 2019
Thanks! Sounds like it's well worth playing on there as a Switch only gamer. Honestly if it gives me the same feeling I had when playing Demon's Souls over 10 years ago I'll be happy.

Another question, is it good enough with the joycons or needs to be played with a Pro Controller?
I only used my joy cons but only because I didn't have a pro controller while I was playing it haha if you're using the grip or playing handheld the joy cons are more than usable though, imo. Pro Controller would probably be better but use whatever you feel like pulling out that day


Oct 26, 2017
I'm glad that they added a jump button like in sekiro or at least it looks like it since in Dark Souls you could only jump while running, it will be interesting if they add different jump attacks which should make combat even more varied as it is.




Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad that they added a jump button like in sekiro (or at least it looks like it), it will be interesting if they add different jump attacks which should make combat even more varied as it is.



I think its all but confirmed at this point

There was actually clips of jumps and ledge climbing traversal back when the OLD developer trailer leaked (which hell wasn't too far off from what we are seeing now minus the obvious extra years of development and polish)

Jumping is in and more. I am sure some people on this site still have access to the gifs showing the player grabbing ledges and platform in early dev builds of the game


Oct 26, 2017
I think its all but confirmed at this point

There was actually clips of jumps and ledge climbing traversal back when the OLD developer trailer leaked (which hell wasn't too far off from what we are seeing now minus the obvious extra years of development and polish)

Jumping is in and more. I am sure some people on this site still have access to the gifs showing the player grabbing ledges and platform in early dev builds of the game

Oh I don't remember the ledge climbing in that leaked trailer, but with this, horse riding and jumping plus let's also not forget the ability to sneak should make combat and traversal even more exciting. So much good and new stuff in this game and that's the things we know of.


May 29, 2020
Big brain speculation ahead:


Look at this dude, look at how big it is, now look at the top, it has a building on it, presumable one we might want to climb into. What if, bear with me, this is actually the hub of the game. What if, to make up for it being an open world, the hub friggin moves around the world. Warping isn't warping, it's just hitching a ride on the big bell turtle and I don't know, taking a nap while it moves to the destination ( do the dead nap in Elden Ring? ).

I'm excited.

Anyone got a cool picture of Elden Ring to use as desktop background?


I'm not sure where they got it, but this user on Twitter has a version that seems to be higher quality than the others:


Oct 28, 2017
Dunno if this has already been speculated, but I'm wondering if the Lands Between are literally Land Between realities, and the big tree is actually akin to the Berserk tree in more than just image, but in the sense that it represents the crossing over of planes of reality. The Golden Order was the state of affairs of order between realities, order in the Lands Between, which was created by the Elden Ring (symbolized by the crossing circles and the line through them), but with the Shattering the realities are becoming distorted like in Fantasia Arc in Berserk. I'm also wondering if the red sky is actually a phase of reality warping, since it appeared in the first trailer as a thing that burned the guy who looked at it, and we saw the Valkyrie suiting up for battle, as well as a spear being driven into a big opponent. We then see it in this trailer with a giant dragon wielding lightning. Maybe the red sky indicates a particular type of reality distortion, a particular plane of existence taking dominance in the game world. But there could be other planes of existence indicated by other open world changes. Like the blue light deer boss may be an expression of a different realm crossing over. The fact it was incredibly dark and all these other little light deer were walking around beneath it may be expressing that this realm is one of darkness and blue light type magic creatures. Whereas of course the red plane of reality is one of fire and lightning.

Edit: or maybe instead of being total changes to the game world that happen cyclically it only appears from each area that things like the sky turning red consume all the other areas, because the shattering of the Golden Order just made the physical locations correspond to different realities. So you cross over into the "red sky" kingdom and it appears as if the sky over the whole of the Lands Between is red, but it only looks that way when you're in the "red sky" kingdom.
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Oct 27, 2017
I hope they didn't show too much stuff. Was super varied so kinda worried they've shown a lot. Compare with Bloodborne where they really only trailed the first hour and it still looked incredz


Oct 25, 2017
It's kind of crazy to see how far things have come since the leaked trailer but also...

You can probably expect some of the content here to be present in the final game in some form

You can find it with a simple youtube search. I don't know if I would be breaking the rules posting it


May 29, 2020
I hope they didn't show too much stuff. Was super varied so kinda worried they've shown a lot. Compare with Bloodborne where they really only trailed the first hour and it still looked incredz
We've only really seen stuff from like one of the different kingdoms, and then at the end a few sparse shots of the other ones. We probably have only seen the tip of the iceberg. I do recommend abstaining from further trailers and info though. It's only going to get more spoilery from here.


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
My expectations for the visuals were DS3/Sekiro level, was even expecting a bit worse due to it being open world.

Visuals went far beyond my expectations, It looks gorgeous. Things are always moving in the environment, making the world feel even more alive. The new dynamic lighting system Omni was talking about adds so much to the overall presentation. Fromsoftware just keeps getting better and better.



Same here. This game is stunning. I'm almost fearful of downgrades lol. But I'm hoping they learned their lessons there...


Oct 27, 2017
My put down for the collectors edition if there is one. I've not that before but I am stupidly excited for this.


May 29, 2020
I'm modding the game as soon as it's possible to make myself a werewolf



Look at how bright this hood is. This game is going to let you be so pretty


May 31, 2019
My expectations for the visuals were DS3/Sekiro level, was even expecting a bit worse due to it being open world.

Visuals went far beyond my expectations, It looks gorgeous. Things are always moving in the environment, making the world feel even more alive. The new dynamic lighting system Omni was talking about adds so much to the overall presentation. Fromsoftware just keeps getting better and better.




Damn, From's art direction is among the best in the industry.

That trailer thread


So many weird takes and people hung up about it not having next gen visuals. FROM was never pushing graphics, instead they are going for a creative world and level design with some crazy and beautiful aesthetic style, which I prefer.

I just don't get those people at all. Some of the most popular games nowadays like WARZONE, LoL, Valorant, and WoW are also not a looker either but a lot of people still play them to death. Are they just going to dismiss all AA and indie games due to poor graphical fidelity then?

I just baffles me why Elden Ring gameplay reveal thread got bombard with so much negativity than normal compared to other game announcement thread.
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Oct 19, 2020
Omnipotent can you give us a rough percentage out of the total bosses/areas/weapons/enemies/general content that we've seen thus far from the 2 trailers?
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User requested ban
Feb 28, 2021
I just don't get those people at all. Some of the most popular games nowadays like WARZONE, LoL, Valorant, and WoW are also not a looker either but a lot of people still play them to death. Are they just going to dismiss all AA and indie games then?

I just baffle me why Elden Ring gameplay reveal thread got bombard with so much negativity than normal compared to other game announment thread.
Ignore them, just be happy that it wont be long before you have the definitive Fromsoft experience in your hands. As hype as the trailer was, I think once people start hearing more detailed stuff about the systems, design and direction of the game then hype will start to reach fever pitch. It's so much more than just Dark Souls 4, or just another Souls or Fromsoft game. It's THE Souls or Fromsoft game. Lots of people missing the forest for the trees.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
May 15, 2018
I think its all but confirmed at this point

There was actually clips of jumps and ledge climbing traversal back when the OLD developer trailer leaked (which hell wasn't too far off from what we are seeing now minus the obvious extra years of development and polish)

Jumping is in and more. I am sure some people on this site still have access to the gifs showing the player grabbing ledges and platform in early dev builds of the game
I wonder if these are class or equipment-specific abilities though. Teleportation being unique to stealth or mage classes for example. I took this as a new dodge mechanic for heavy armor / melee builds that might come at the expense of mp but am prepared to be totally wrong.
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Mar 4, 2019
God what a phenomenal trailer. I got into the from soft wagon very recently and i feel i couldnt have done so at a better time. This trailer was glorious


Oct 27, 2017
So if we can shealth our weapons, does that mean there is an unsheathe attack?

Kind of a like the Iai quickdraw in Nioh?

I am really anxious to read some interviews. Any predictions on when we might get some? the 15th? Also, is there a possibility of ER showing up at Bamcos conference?

gahh, i want more.


Nov 1, 2017
so if the pandemic didn't happen Elden Ring would have been released in March/April 2021?...is the game complete now and could be released if From wanted to but they are moving it to January 2022 because it's a less competitive time for big releases?


Oct 27, 2017
so if the pandemic didn't happen Elden Ring would have been released in March/April 2021?...is the game complete now and could be released if From wanted to but they are moving it to January 2022 because it's a less competitive time for big releases?

Either that or its just a massive cushion for the team in-case things get worse with COVID or something goes wrong in the polishing phases. I think the game is damn near finished.

I could be completely off here, but thats what I think.


Master of the Wind
Oct 27, 2017

Awesome, I actually thought of that seeing how different weapons seemingly have sheaths in different styles/positions (some in waist, others in the back) while wearing the same armour (if I'm not mistaken)

Damn and I still have to watch the trailer in a screen other than my 1080p phone. 😳


Feb 8, 2020
Hearing that weapon sheating is a thing brings me great joy. I've messed with sheathing data in DS3 while modding a lot, and always wondered if there was a way to implement passive sheathing somehow.

Elden Ring modding is going to be rad as hell once we get there. But I know for a fact I'll be playing this game au naturel for years.


May 31, 2019
Ignore them, just be happy that it wont be long before you have the definitive Fromsoft experience in your hands. As hype as the trailer was, I think once people start hearing more detailed stuff about the systems, design and direction of the game then hype will start to reach fever pitch. It's so much more than just Dark Souls 4, or just another Souls or Fromsoft game. It's THE Souls or Fromsoft game. Lots of people missing the forest for the trees.

THE Souls?! I can't even imagine anymore, these six months are going to be a long wait.


Jan 27, 2018
so if the pandemic didn't happen Elden Ring would have been released in March/April 2021?...is the game complete now and could be released if From wanted to but they are moving it to January 2022 because it's a less competitive time for big releases?
Very much doubt it, I still think they have work left to do and that they are working really hard to even hit Jan 2022. Jan is a smart date cause they can delay it for another month and still release this fiscal year if they needed some more time.


Oct 25, 2017
To be fair some people don't actually see anything but an oppertunity to say that they are not interested in a game they hear a lot of buzz about and the only feelings they can come up with is annoyance of seeing enthusiasm.
Dec 1, 2017
My expectations for the visuals were DS3/Sekiro level, was even expecting a bit worse due to it being open world.

Visuals went far beyond my expectations, It looks gorgeous. Things are always moving in the environment, making the world feel even more alive. The new dynamic lighting system Omni was talking about adds so much to the overall presentation. Fromsoftware just keeps getting better and better.




My thoughts exactly. Game looks incredible and will look even better during gameplay.

Unfortunately, the close-ups and shot selections in From trailers sometimes under-sell how good the graphics actually are from a technical standpoint. For example, Sekiro looks much better while playing than it did in any of its trailers IMO.


▲ Legend ▲
Sep 18, 2020
If one looks at the posistion of the sun, shadows and time of day I think you can estimate the relative posisiton of various places shown in the trailer (assuming the sun works like it does in our world).
Like I'm pretty sure the castle is west of the tree and most of the trailer takes part south of the tree.