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Oct 27, 2017
Out of all the valid criticisms of Game of Thrones, the narrative that "D&D don't give a fuck anymore because Disney money" is by far the most persistently untrue, and is quite frankly offensive to me and people in creative industries.

It completely neglects the collaborative nature of television production, the logistics of scheduling, and the struggles of limited money and time. But most importantly it ignores the fact that these two people are industry professionals, and like any professional, would put their best effort in to try to make whatever creative project they are working on a success, not just for the project itself but for their own sake and reputation.

I've worked as an actor on some bad projects. But I still put my all in because doing a good job matters. D&D wouldn't be in the position they are in today if they just half-assed their way through their work. They are doing the best they can.

I don't think it's untrue at all. Money talks, prestige talks, one can deny it all they want, but I see a lot more people are starting to question this too all over the internet now after all those "don't worry, they'll explain what Bran was doing during the Winterfell battle and it'll be a genius explanation, so it's not rushed at all" ... yeah ... nope.

Lets be honest D&D career wise have gotten all there was to get from GoT. And I don't fault them for wanting to do something else after 10 years. I take offence though that they didn't do right by the story and let someone else finish the show with a proper 9th season to give all the nuance the show needed to end properly.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
You've got this wrong, I think. It's not that they didn't have time, it's that they chose not to use the time they had. If they followed the books more closely it should have been pretty obvious by like... season 6, but instead they chose to ignore it until the last 6 episodes. Whether that's because they wanted it to be a surprise or because they were afraid people would stop watching if they realized their favorite was slowly becoming a mass murderer is the real question.
They were offered more time by HBO and said no
That poster had it right
This is just lame writing. "Well she's a Targ, so she's a crazy bitch cuz bloodline". Does that mean Jon will also snap one day too?

If that's GRRM's endgame, thematically the story is just garbage. "Well you're a nut cause of your blood line".
its a toss of a coin


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah like I said I can see their attempts to justify her turn. But I'm assuming Dany turning mad and burning Kings Landing is part of the ending GRRM told them years ago and they could have done a much better job of building her character to sell the idea that she'd massacre a city that has surrendered. I'd believe her doing anything to win. I'd believe her killing bad people or an army even if they surrender. But thousands of women and children after she's won? The show hasn't done the work with her character to make that feel fully authentic, and her being wary of a trap after the bells have rung is too loose of a justification to do much for me.

I actually disagree with not earning the turn. She's lost everyone she cares about and she's always been kind of a megalomaniac. She doesn't listen to advisers. She's been killing people buy burning them to death since season 3. She feels she did all of these things to get to King's Landing and no one loves her. And the person she went to fight the night king for won't touch her because she's his aunt. She wanted people to love her and when she didn't get that she said "Fine, fear it is". That's why she burned the city because she realizes these people won't love her but they will fear her. She's crazy and she always has been.


Oct 27, 2017
The whole thing that people didn't believe HBO wouldn't want more seasons was so incredibly stupid too. Yeah, TV network doesn't want their most successful show not just currently but in the history of the network to have an extra season ... yeah right.

It was always D&D and their explanation is hilariously lame too ... "we always felt it should be 73 hours, that's all". Why? What's so special about the number 73?

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
This is a show where everyone has done evil shit. The "cute heroine" (Arya) literally baked men into meat pies and served them to other people to eat, and she's a "hero". Jon Snow executed a child. Ned Stark beheaded a man for telling the truth even though he probably could've him a pardon. Sister-fucking attempted child-murderer Jamie had a redemption arc going.

In the grand scheme of the "world" GRRM has created, Dany's "conquest" from Essos to King's Landing is likely probably the most peaceful one with the least civilian casualties until she decides "fuck it, the last episodes needs a new villain now that Cersei is dead, time to go bat shit insane".
For me the difference is Dany was given 3 nukes compared to those characters, led to believe she is a dragon throughout her life and there was always more potential for her to get 'carried away' with them :)


Oct 26, 2017
Well, at least I got this out of this episode


"It's over Sandor, I have the high ground!"

Deleted member 7572

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think any stupid thing Dany does can be justified with the fact that she's the product of inbreeding and has a god-complex.

It's not good story telling, but...🤷‍♂️


Oct 25, 2017
If she wanted people to fear her she could have done something like round up all the remaining soldiers and burn them alive in front of the KL citizens, warning this is what happens to her enemies.

Nothing required her to literally try to kill everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh god, I'm thinking of their last encounter, forgot that the knighting scene is now soured for me too...

I was so pissed! I knew they were going to fuck it up. I just didn't know how bad, lol.
Ugh, this whole season is just filled with out of character moments for the sake of moving the plot along. It's all so rushed.

Maybe now people won't shit on LOST. That ending was at least setup pretty well.
Sep 28, 2018
I originally had this thread ignored because despite my own major grievances with the show I don't really like engaging with the ResetEra GoT community, but I unblocked so I could, and it will say this; I liked the episode and I had fun.

Nothing will ever undo the disappointing character trajectories (namely Jamie) and the rushed narrative arcs. Nor the sloppy writing. But, and I said this a couple of episodes back, I long reconciled with these issues literally like...two or three seasons ago. And even with some of those disappointments still seeping through, I'm having plenty of fun enjoying the show for what it is.

Miguel Sapochnik is an absolutely outstanding director and every episode he touches is beautifully shot, paced, and cut in ways that almost if not no other director on the series has captured. But I'm also firmly in the park that Episode 3 was excellent too. Everything he has touched in Game of Thrones is just remarkably distinct and beautiful.

So yeah. That's how I feel. Enjoyed the shit out of it, goofy warts and all, and rushed arcs. I didn't consider it a straight up bad episode in the same way that Episode 4 was, because despite rushing to conclusion of character arcs that should have been paced across a few episodes even if they were telegraphed, I didn't feel the episode was rushed in its story. Not like Episode 4, which was a fucking mess.

Dany stans have been fucking cooked in the head for a long time now and even though her character arc has been disappointingly rushed in the endgame, I get some sick satisfaction seeing people pissed off at her being her. Narratively needed a lot more justification, but people putting their chips on a power hungry quasi tyrant who oozed entitlement from day one just because she's the soft chosen one who frees slaves are out of their fucking mind. The most basic, cliche lesson this entire series has beat across the head for a long, long, long time now including from GRRMs older work is that power corrupts, the throne is a bastard, entitlement is poison, and those truly lost to the allure of ruling will do whatever they feel they need to do, irrational or otherwise, to make it their claim. Dany has routinely demonstrated a lack of patience for insubordination, and an isolated delusion of entitlement and grandeur. There's a lot of good in her. She's also a tyrant, because monarchies, of which she is quite comfortable reinstalling, are inherently built on grotesque entitlement.

But yes. Really enjoyed the episode. Had a lot of fun. Will stop being a sook and keep this thread unblocked..

Well, this isn't toxic at all. Maybe you should keep this thread blocked.

Except she didn't ooze any entitlement day one. She said in the first episode of season one "I don't want to be his queen. I want to go home."

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
This is just lame writing. "Well she's a Targ, so she's a crazy bitch cuz bloodline". Does that mean Jon will also snap one day too?

If that's GRRM's endgame, thematically the story is just garbage. "Well you're a nut cause of your blood line".

Targaryen madness is very much a thing and has been talked about multiple times on the show


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think it's untrue at all. Money talks, prestige talks, one can deny it all they want, but I see a lot more people are starting to question this too all over the internet now after all those "don't worry, they'll explain what Bran was doing during the Winterfell battle and it'll be a genius explanation, so it's not rushed at all" ... yeah ... nope.

Lets be honest D&D career wise have gotten all there was to get from GoT. And I don't fault them for wanting to do something else after 10 years. I take offence though that they didn't do right by the story and let someone else finish the show with a proper 9th season to give all the nuance the show needed to end properly.

You think the actors wanted to stick around for another season too or this was all just D&D wanting to shut things down? This entire production has been going 10 years. Martin never finished the books so they have to write an ending knowing that everyone will be pissed at them even though they are doing the ending Martin told them. It's gotta be hard as fuck to be the villains to a fan base that's convinced you're fucking up their favorite story when the author didn't finish his own work. I'd want to move on too but that doesn't mean people are phoning it in. Cmon. That's nonsense.


Oct 27, 2017
You think the actors wanted to stick around for another season too or this was all just D&D wanting to shut things down? This entire production has been going 10 years. Martin never finished the books so they have to write an ending knowing that everyone will be pissed at them even though they are doing the ending Martin told them. It's gotta be hard as duck to be the villains to a fan base that's convinced you're fucking up their favorite story when the author didn't finish his own work. I'd want to move on too but that doesn't mean people are phoning it in. Cmon. That's nonsense.

How many of these actors really have massive movie careers? Pretty much none. A lot of them will never see the paycheques they were getting for season 8 and likely would've got for season 9 ever again.

A Michael J. Fox-Family Ties or Will Smith-Fresh Prince situation this ain't.

If you're going to do it, then do it right, hand off the story and let someone else take over the show for the proper extra season the story needed. Wanting to end the show, but do so on a schedule that allowed for Star Wars movies was selfish on D&D's part, make a fucking choice, don't compromise the show because you can't let go of the show but also want to move on.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
It's not that her turn can't work ... it's that how the SHOW protrays it is monumentally stupid.
Yes I know that you think that :) I feel like it might happen in the books but because it's told from different POVs the scene might not come across as Dany just being a villian, this would definitely be an interesting POV for her.


Dec 3, 2018
I guess I should look into watching the show again huh ? I stopped at the end of season 1 . This looks like Dexter repeat to me with these reactions


You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Man, this show was so good. Season 1. Season 2.

What the heck happened to this show?


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Why the fuck would they do this to Jaime. Are you fucking kidding me?

I'm not even sure why I felt he was going to fight against Cersei when he left Winterfell. Like holy. shit.

And Euron being at the beach the exact same moment Jaime gets there...ffs.
Feb 16, 2018
I haven't been as critical as many of you when it come to this season hell I really liked episode 3, but Dany's turn did not feel earned and the paranoia about Jon getting the throne didn't feel like a good enough reason for her to lose her mind. Really made no damn sense for what she did. I enjoyed the The Hound vs The Mountain fight at least.


Oct 29, 2017
The show's ending was butchered for Star Wars. Lets just be real.

Disney announced 3 Star Wars movies for 2022, 2024, and 2026.

These are likely D&D's Star Wars projects.

They had to bail out on GoT by 2018/early 2019 no way two ways around it.

It's crazy that two guys are going to get the chance to utterly destroy two of the most loved and endeared franchises in modern American culture.

HBO I can sort of get because the idea was Martin would get done by the time we got to this point. Disney has had time to see this train wreck building and they gave them a cannon trilogy.


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Well, this isn't toxic at all. Maybe you should keep this thread blocked.

Except she didn't ooze any entitlement day one. She said in the first episode of season one "I don't want to be his queen. I want to go home."

I'm speaking in obviously exaggerated terms rather than literally the first bloody episode. She's been fed entitlement since day one, if by proxy of the inherently absurd concept of leadership as birthright and entitlement, and how it was robbed from her family. It's what fed her character. She's not cartoonishly evil like Cersei arguably became within the writing, but she has regularly demonstrated the allure of dictating the value of life from a position of unquestionable power. She's been chasing her "birthright" for several seasons now. It's always been unhealthy, just as it's unhealthy for anybody to do that.


Oct 27, 2017
Jamie and Cersei probably would've fucked butt ass naked in the ending D&D wanted with bricks falling on them, but Lena Heady doesn't want to do any more nude scenes.


Oct 27, 2017
Basque Country
Lol what a stupid episode.

What the fuck was the point of Jaimie as a character, at all?

He's supposed to be someone who at face value is a total piece of shit, and is so many times, but underneath is someone who secretly believes in his oaths and struggles to do good.

So he goes through his entire arc, and comes face to face with reality, that the White Walkers are the true threat. He sees Cersei is blind to this and leaves in spite of her, presumably moving on. He fights for the living, redeeming himself and finally giving in to the woman who shows him he's a good man, Brienne.

But fuck all that, he goes back to Kings Landing to get stabbed by Euron for reasons, and then die hugging the woman who threw him to the wind.

What a mess.

Also, why didn't Dany just go straight for Cersei? Why did she burns the entire city to ashes?

Also, when did dragon fire become so fucking powerful? Would have been nice if it was that effective against the Wights at Winterfell, who are also impervious to fire. Oh yeah, she was just flying around in the clouds for the majority of that episode.

The death of Rhaegal was completely pointless as Dany had the same outcome, she just marched in and blew the city to shreds. I don't have a problem with that, but it makes the death of the dragon so pointless. And it makes the previous few episodes point of "our armies are even now" moot.

There's just so much that is poorly written here.

Actually, Jaime's actions are not too far removed from something GRRM said once, that one of the topics he wanted to touch in his books was redemption, and whether or not true redemption was ever possible for everyone. Jaime going back to Cersei, if anything, shows that things are not just either good or evil, but there's a nuance to it. His whole arc proves that.

That being said, I doubt his death in the books will be the same, although it will almost definitely involve Cersei as well.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I bet.....Euron is still fucking alive because the writers are shit and give him all the damn plot armor.

Plus Harry Strickland.....what was the point.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why people keep clinging to the notion that D&D are following GRRM's vision/ending. Until either D&D or GRRM say so, it's not real. The only thing we have is GRRM assuming their endings would arrive at the same points but he said this without having read the scripts to S8 or any advanced knowledge. Dude didn't even visit the set on the last day of shooting.

Actually, Jaime's actions are not too far removed from something GRRM said once, that one of the topics he wanted to touch in his books was redemption, and whether or not true redemption was ever possible for everyone. Jaime going back to Cersei, if anything, shows that things are not just either good or evil, but there's a nuance to it. His whole arc proves that.

That being said, I doubt his death in the books will be the same, although it will almost definitely involve Cersei as well.

Bro, that's not what he means.

He's not referring to Jaime backsliding and throwing away all character growth. He's talking about us and the people victim to his prior actions, is such a character redeemable in our eyes. Look at Theon and all the horrible shit he did. In the end, he fought and died for the Starks. Did his final actions redeem all the horrible shit he did in the past? That's for each and everyone of us to decide, but there is no right answer.

Jaime pushed a child out a window and done some other scummy shit, does his later actions make up for that? That's one of the key tenets of the series. Is one always damned for their prior actions or can those actions be forgiven? Does a good act wash out a bad or vice versa?


Oct 27, 2017
Actually, Jaime's actions are not too far removed from something GRRM said once, that one of the topics he wanted to touch in his books was redemption, and whether or not true redemption was ever possible for everyone. Jaime going back to Cersei, if anything, shows that things are not just either good or evil, but there's a nuance to it. His whole arc proves that.

That being said, I doubt his death in the books will be the same, although it will almost definitely involve Cersei as well.

Well I hope GRRM's reason for Dany going crazy is more nuanced than "she's a crazy bitch because of her bloodline".


Oct 25, 2017
Out of all the valid criticisms of Game of Thrones, the narrative that "D&D don't give a fuck anymore because Disney money" is by far the most persistently untrue, and is quite frankly offensive to me and people in creative industries.

It completely neglects the collaborative nature of television production, the logistics of scheduling, and the struggles of limited money and time. But most importantly it ignores the fact that these two people are industry professionals, and like any professional, would put their best effort in to try to make whatever creative project they are working on a success, not just for the project itself but for their own sake and reputation.

I've worked as an actor on some bad projects. But I still put my all in because doing a good job matters. D&D wouldn't be in the position they are in today if they just half-assed their way through their work. They are doing the best they can.
It's a fact HBO offered D&D more time and episodes to finish the show, but they wanted to get it done quicker.

Could the Star Wars deal and money have some truth in it? Sure, but they're also on record as being completely and utterly exhausted. The first 4-5 years where they had more episodes, a smaller budget, a strict air-date schedule, and a production machine that wasn't as well-oiled as it is today did a number on them and their health.

With hindsight I wouldn't be surprised if HBO would have opted for more time between seasons, or even taken a break and found new showrunners. You can tell the lessons from GoT have changed HBO's production style and major shows like Westworld are now alternating years.


Jul 24, 2018
I guess I should look into watching the show again huh ? I stopped at the end of season 1 . This looks like Dexter repeat to me with these reactions

This is not even close to the climax of Dexter or Lost. It's just some very sloppy and contrived writing that rushed us to plot beats that actually work on their own.


Completely non-threatening
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
S5 caused me to stop buying the Blu-ray sets. S8 is causing me to consider never watching S1-4 that I own ever again. lol


Oct 29, 2017
The whole thing that people didn't believe HBO wouldn't want more seasons was so incredibly stupid too. Yeah, TV network doesn't want their most successful show not just currently but in the history of the network to have an extra season ... yeah right.

It was always D&D and their explanation is hilariously lame too ... "we always felt it should be 73 hours, that's all". Why? What's so special about the number 73?
Wait that's a real thing?

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
That's fine but it basically robs the characters of much depth and if that's really all there is to GRRM's story, then really its overrated. Nice twists but yeah whatever, it's not worth looking that deeply into.
we know it's not because in the books she's already had experiences that convincingly lead her to believe that violence is the best way
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