
Oct 28, 2017
Just improve on GTA5, no need bring the shitty slow walk and other gunk from rdr2.
I mean, gta5 has the slow walk/input delay/animation priority thing too so..

I never had a problem with it though, better temper your expectations if you think it's suddenly going to be gone in the next installment, it's likely here to stay.


Oct 27, 2017
I love GTA, but the mission structure is looking pretty dated nowadays. I think it would get a much more critical reception if a whole bunch of invisible walls and rules manifest the second you embark on a mission beat. They've got to start embracing freedom and flair, the unpredictability of players. I often found it pretty sucky when I've hit a mission, wanted to tackle it in a certain fashion and the game says "nope". Or when you're doing something like a chase, and the NPC behaviour has been clearly designed to only allow you to catch or "win" at a predefined point. There is only so much the thrall of how well a world is realised can carry a game. Astounded at first, it fades.


Dec 6, 2018
I doubt I'll be that hyped when it's announced tbh.....It will have incredible production values of course and I'll play it,but there are a lot more games that I get excited about these days than Rockstar ones.....I'm way more interested in the second installments of Horizon Zero Dawn,Spider-Man and GOW than GTAVI.


Oct 30, 2017
Not feeling GTA as a single player franchise anymore, and we all know where they the big money now.
VI will be even more MP focused
Oct 25, 2017
It will if they can just fix the controls.

I love RDR2 and their attention to detail with animations and the like, but please just allow the future games to have tighter controls.
Surely there is a balance between the two?


Oct 27, 2017
Max Payne 3 movement + red dead's gfx and random events / interaction + gtas city and multiple characters + next gen = it will be glorious


Oct 28, 2017
It's 50/50 really.
GTA IV was mostly terrible then GTA V was indeed glorious. Unlimited budget (there's no such thing) does not make a good game. It takes a certain production flair to pull all these resources in a synergetic way to produce something special. Rockstar don't have some magic recipe to this. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.


Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
I'm worried the gameplay won't have evolved.

GTA V still had mission failure if you stepped slightly off the scripted path.


Moments that would have been great in real time but were instead nothing but interactive cutscenes.

Games like Phantom Pain and Breath of the Wild give the player full control of how you want to approach an objective and anything else feels old hat to me now.


Jul 16, 2019
It's still gonna be a Rockstar game, though. Pretty graphics, good animations and attention to detail, mostly boring gameplay. Not sure if that qualifies as "glorious" for me, but to each their own.


Nov 15, 2017
Rockstar have become the parody they used to criticize in GTA. Not sure it makes much sense, from an artistic perspective, for them to keep working on the franchise. Of course they will, they are the parody now.


Sep 3, 2019
Rockstar have become the parody they used to criticize in GTA. Not sure it makes much sense, from an artistic perspective, for them to keep working on the franchise. Of course they will, they are the parody now.
GTA V was critically acclaimed and has sold 110 million copies

makes no sense to keep working on the franchise? what the hell am i reading


Oct 27, 2017
Just like with 5, I'm going to be pissed if movement and shooting isn't as fluid as Max Payne 3.

Still not sure how Rockstar managed to fuck that up.


Oct 25, 2017
Will it be big? No doubt. But I'm personally still waiting for them to recapture my personal peak of the franchise, San Andreas. After that it was just more of the same and sometimes with less scope.

I want to say it wouldn't hurt them to have more interesting mission structure/pacing but you can't really argue with success.


Sep 3, 2019
the fact is it will be the biggest game of all time, and possibly the biggest entertainment product of all time

no other developer can mess with Rockstar, they are in a league of their own


Dec 7, 2018
It will be the biggest launch ever. Rockstar knows they can take their time with it. They've released the highest rated best selling games for the past three generations. The downside is the wait will suck for this one. Feels like any official announcement from Rockstar is at least a year or more away. Moreover, both GTAV (689 days) and RDR2 (739 days) took two years from being officially announced and the release.


Dec 9, 2017
It's gotta be. They squeezed so much out of consoles from last gen; they should be able to do so much with the power of next-gen.

Deleted member 224

Oct 25, 2017
It'll probably be the most technically impressive game ever made when it releases mid/late next gen.
I'm worried the gameplay won't have evolved.

GTA V still had mission failure if you stepped slightly off the scripted path.


Moments that would have been great in real time but were instead nothing but interactive cutscenes.

Games like Phantom Pain and Breath of the Wild give the player full control of how you want to approach an objective and anything else feels old hat to me now.
games like Phantom Pain and BOTW are so open that their stories and often mission variety (when compared to something like GTAV) greatly suffer.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
I'm really curious as to how they'll handle GTA Online and if you'll be able to carry over stuff from GTA 5. With how many hours and money people have invested into that I can imagine quite some people would be pissed if they had to start from scratch again.
And I only have 1 request for the game: Rockstar, for the love of everything that's holy, please develop a game with shooting mechanics which are actually playable with a controller without the need of some extreme aim assist.


Oct 30, 2017
Im hyped for it. Anyone else hope they ditch the 3 protagonist thing and focus on 1 char again?

Deleted member 49611

Nov 14, 2018
eh....if they focus mostly on the Online part then they can go whistle for my money.

GTA V came out in 2013.


i'm not sure Rockstar has what it takes anymore to make a good open world game. The bar has been seriously raised.

i'm not saying GTA VI will bomb. it sure as hell won't. it'll probably dethrone GTA V. but when a game like Watch Dogs 2 puts you off playing GTA V ever again then well shit that's not good.

I don't hold much hope for GTA VI especially after playing the atrocity that is RDR2.


Oct 25, 2017
It's probably still years away right? Can't be bothered thinking about it yet. It does few quite strange that my son will probably grow from a baby into almost a teenager between one GTA to the next. Makes me wonder how many GTAs we'vr Got left in our lifetime. The world has changed completely since the last one. How do you even do satire on that kind of timescale?


Oct 27, 2017
Shit's gonna be no less than 200GB so I'm definitely Stadia'ing the next GTA. So I'm open for them making it multpile times bigger than GTA5's map size.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Honestly haven't got the foggiest how they're going to make the series any 'bigger'.

I mean RDR 2 took 7 years, around 1000 people and probably over $150m to create and in terms of actual size it's smaller than GTA5. How ridiculously hard would it be to make cities that perform anywhere near the level of the small towns in RDR2? Obviously I'm not expecting every building to be modelled inside and visitable but it's obviously got to be a big step up from what is basically a game that came out on what's now 12 year old hardware.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved GTAV for having one of the best, if not best, realized 3D virtual spaces out there. I loved just driving around, taking it all in, all the little details. So my wish for next one, aside from increased fidelity, is city simulation having more depth - I don't want to drive around glorified window dressings, I wanna feel like I'm driving around a living virtual world. Aside from that, I'm not the biggest fan of GTAV's mission design, shooting mechanics or the writing - so I don't have much hopes on that front and it's not something that thinking about gets me excited about as I don't think the studio is capable of the gargantuan leap forward in the design department that'd be required for any meaningful advancement.


Oct 27, 2017
The North, England
It'll probably be the most technically impressive game ever made when it releases mid/late next gen.

games like Phantom Pain and BOTW are so open that their stories and often mission variety (when compared to something like GTAV) greatly suffer.

I'm not so sure.

In GTAV I was excited for the mission of robbing the jewellery (iirc) store early on.

I got there and it was a case of going to each counter and pressing X to trigger a mini cut scene of my character smashing the counter open and pulling out the goods.

All could easily have been done in real time and made me feel in control of what was happening.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't wait for it. Really enjoyed V, was definitely a different style of game to IV and the PS2 trilogy but I like them all in their individual ways.

Just hope it isn't 3+years away, while I understand the reasons for it I miss the days when GTA games came out every couple of years rather than (at current pace) a couple of times a decade.


Sep 3, 2019


Oct 28, 2017
Depending on the install base next gen it will likely surpass V's records as the biggest entertainment product launch ever. Given Rockstar's pedigree, 95+ metacritic is pretty much a given as well.

If they manage to incorporate some of the interaction systems from RDR2, sim elements from IV, and mission variety from V, it will easily take the throne as my GOAT. Hope they also go deeper with some ideas from past GTA games, like letting you recruit and manage a crew and pick who you socialize with or take on missions.

The big question of course is where and when GTA VI will take place. A reimagining of Vice City seems like a safe bet, though I'd love for there to be a second city to travel to (given that RDR2 recycled old areas, perhaps Liberty City could return). After V/Online though, it's hard not to feel as though Rockstar has exhausted the potential of the contemporary era. IV's flip phone, in-game television and internet cafes were a mindblowing leap forward for immersion in the franchise, and V's smartphone and in-game internet/social media were a nice evolution of that, but has much really changed since 2013 as far as telecommunications or social media? VI set in the 2020s would undoubtedly feel like V 2.0, which makes me think going back to the twentieth century is a distinct possibility. Perhaps we'll have to use a combination of an in-game pager and pay phones to run our criminal empire?


Oct 26, 2017
But if the mission structure remains the same as every rockstar game the past two decades... ima give it a miss.

RDR2 was so shallow under all the smoke and mirrors.


Mar 9, 2018
I love GTA, but the mission structure is looking pretty dated nowadays. I think it would get a much more critical reception if a whole bunch of invisible walls and rules manifest the second you embark on a mission beat. They've got to start embracing freedom and flair, the unpredictability of players.
The mission structure was already dated back in 2013. It's astonishing how little they've changed since GTA 3. These games are just so incredibly shallow and after almost 2 decades the novelty of a game where you can drive a car and shoot people has seriously worn off.


Oct 27, 2017
The mission structure was already dated back in 2013. It's astonishing how little they've changed since GTA 3. These games are just so incredibly shallow and after almost 2 decades the novelty of a game where you can drive a car and shoot people has seriously worn off.

It is very Bethesda, where you can feel the influence of the first game you played over a decade ago still existing in the very latest version. Becomes jarring when competitors start to drastically pull away in elements where they previously played second fiddle.


Sep 3, 2019
It is very Bethesda, where you can feel the influence of the first game you played over a decade ago still existing in the very latest version. Becomes jarring when competitors start to drastically pull away in elements where they previously played second fiddle.
GTA V sold 110 million copies, it's the third highest selling game ever, and one of the most profitable entertainment products of all time. They don't change their mission structure because frankly they don't have too and there is still crazy demand for the product they offer. GTA 6 will be the biggest entertainment launch ever


Oct 27, 2017
games like Phantom Pain and BOTW are so open that their stories and often mission variety (when compared to something like GTAV) greatly suffer.

Suffer, different. I personally had no qualms with the way BOTW executed its story, it gives enough to flesh out the "why" in terms of your situation, but then leaves you to your own devices, never constraining you to particular story beats. Lore, selected exposition is there for you if you go looking for it, but it never holds you back.

Whether GTA could adapt to this is another question. It certainly needs to start providing you with more than just one way to attack a mission. Or even remove the linearity of presenting missions to the player.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm looking forward to PC players cracking the shits because the PC release won't get announced until later


Oct 26, 2017
I just hope it comes to PC at launch. I don't want to double-dip on a PC version down the road. I'll buy the console version at launch if I have to, but I won't touch the online part unless it's for the PC version.


Oct 27, 2017
GTA V sold 110 million copies, it's the third highest selling game ever, and one of the most profitable entertainment products of all time. They don't change their mission structure because frankly they don't have too and there is still crazy demand for the product they offer. GTA 6 will be the biggest entertainment launch ever

You can have the biggest entertainment launch ever and still be criticised for having a stale gameplay structure. Which takes the shine off "glorious".