
Jan 9, 2018
I got mine in October 2014. It's the original one. I've thought about upgrading to the slim but there's nothing wrong with this one. I open it up 2-3 times a year to clean for dust.
Oct 27, 2017
I do think heat has something to do with it. I started doing full shutdowns instead of rest mode, and it at least stopped whirring and beeping when there's no disc in the drive. Still too temperamental to play discs, though. I even opened it up and messed with the manual eject screw to see if it was too tight / loose, but it didn't help.
I unplug my ps4 every time I power down out of habit anymore. When the problem first started I would wake up or come home from work to see the ps4 fired up and an ejected disc sticking out. It'll only happen very sporadically anymore but when it does, it's warm outside.


Dec 23, 2017
Mine was holding up fine, it was a launch console. Amazon had a crazy deal for a Pro and I jumped on it. Pro for $350 + $50 off for trading something in plus $151 in trade in credit for the original system.

All told I got a Pro for essentially $149.

Cosmo Kramer

Prophet of Regret - Chicken Chaser
Oct 28, 2017
Other than the eject button malfunction it works great, had to remove the eject button cause it kept ejecting discs at will, it can get pretty noisy but that's expected.


Oct 26, 2017
Mine works just fine and it got it April 2014. The only problem I've had with it starting this week is I can't see game invitations anymore and I have to rebuild the database to fix the problem, everytime.


Oct 25, 2017
the Netherlands
Got mine in January 2015. It's doing just fine.

HDD space is getting problematic, though. 405 GB isn't a whole lot in this day and age and I need to remove some games every now and then. Even if I have them on disk, games like Horizon, FFXII and Dragon Age Inquisition still eat up abour 50 GB each. I probably need to get an external HDD soon, but those cost money and I don't have a lot to spare currently.

So that's a thing. Other than that and the sound it makes (which it did from the start), no complaints.


Oct 27, 2017
I've had mine since December 2013 and everything is A-OK so far. Buttons work properly, runs quiet, etc. I did have an issue with the system constantly spitting discs out a year ago but turns out it was due to static buildup and was an easy fix. I try to rebuild the database every few months as well to keep the UI running smoothly.
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
Launch PS4 reporting in

Actually had to send mine in because of the disc eject issue.

Still have a disc eject issue but not as sproadic
Other than that, doing pretty well. Upgraded memory to 2TB, use regularly almost everyday


Oct 25, 2017
Garden Grove, CA
I've had mine since March of 2014. Only issue I have had is somehow my MGS V disc got scratched up. The controllers have held up fine dispite having two boys who play as well. I want the Pro but I'm waiting for it to hit $299. I missed out on the deals last holiday.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
I got mine in October 2014. It's the original one. I've thought about upgrading to the slim but there's nothing wrong with this one. I open it up 2-3 times a year to clean for dust.
Based on this thread I am realizing I really need to clean mine out. I got it a month before MGSV Phantom Pain launched and haven't cleaned it once. Do you just use compressed air?


Oct 27, 2017
OG PS4 here - I'm sure the thermal paste is pretty much gone, but it's chugging along well enough considering.


Remember when the PS4 launched and people were setting them up on uneven surfaces which would occasionally trigger the disc eject button because of its odd placement?
That happens occasionally now for me, on a perfectly flat surface, maybe 15 to 30 minutes after I stop playing on it and 'power off'.
I don't know if it is something warping as it cools down or something, but it is really annoying to stop playing, start doing something else or maybe go to bed, and then have the PS4 start beeping that disc eject noise, eject the disc in it, and turn the TV on because of the HDMI connection. Really annoying.

Yeah, this started happening to me awhile back - it's like if anyone walked past the PS4 with a really heavy tread (work boots made it happen without fail!), the vibrations would cause the PS4 to either turn on and spit on the disc, or spit out the disc whilst the PS4 was running. I now have my PS4 set up so the very edge of the console overhanging the cabinet, so the eject button/sensitive bit of plastic underneath can't get triggered by any vibrations. It hasn't been an issue since, but it's frustrating that I have to do it in the first place.

Cap G

Oct 27, 2017
Everything still working great, save for the jet engine noises. Clearing the fridge is a regular and annoying prospect when every game has a mandatory install of 30-60gb.


Oct 27, 2017
Had an og I bought in December 2013 , was working fine except it was extremely loud cause I never cleaned the fan inside. Traded it to gamestop for 225 back when they had destiny 2 ps4 pro bundle, they had a 50$ extra trade in for console. Plus I had about 250$ GameStop credits I got from taking advantage of GameStop 70% game trade in sale during the summer. So pretty much got my white pro bundle with GameStop credits saved about 100$ cause I was going to buy the destiny 2 99$ version anyway but the pro came with it.

The Argus

Oct 28, 2017
I gave my friend my launch PS4 after I got my launch Pro. Still kicking ass. He has never mentioned noise, but I did clean/dust that baby up before I handed it over.

My Pro is loud. Bothers me a little now that it sits next to the silent Xbox One X. Keep her clean and expect at least another 2.5 years of cool runnings before the 5.


Oct 25, 2017
Launch PS4 works like a charm only issue is discs are louder than they used to be for some reason. Fans don't really get that loud thankfully.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
My original 2013 PS4 got loud as fuck. Sold it and bought a Pro at launch which is somehow consistently louder than the original.

If I knew I could buy another new Pro now and it would be silent I would


Oct 27, 2017
B.C., Mexico
Launch machine is fine. I had a bug in the OS that was fixed with the last update (I couldn't enter the Communities), but otherwise working as intended.

My controllers in other hand...


Oct 25, 2017
Got my PS4 in's still hanging tough. It does sound like a rocketship playing FFXV or whatever though, and I know I should disassemble it/blow out dust/put new thermal paste or something like that, but I'm kinda scared to open it and have it break.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Bought mine September 2014, still going strong after over 20 games and hundreds of hours in Destiny, main movie player and streaming device. Controller is still holding up great too.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Launch ps4 had a damaged hdmi port I managed to get fixed. Eventually the disk drive started having trouble ejecting disks but this was around when I traded it in for a pro. Pro is doing ok but I havnt been using it mush in favor of Pc, switch, 3ds, and so on. The pro controller (which I use on my pc) is fine too and hasnt shown any signs of stick damage like the one for my old ps4 did.


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
It started doing that thing where it beeped incessantly even though the rubber guard is already off so I had to stick a stack of quarters on either corner of the front end. Kind of annoying, but I guess with my luck with the 360 (still have one of the few working consoles from the first wave upon release in '05) I was due for a problem.
Not really, Sony's build quality is untenable

Other than that, it's fine.


Oct 26, 2017
Portland, Oregon
My launch PS4 died on me like a week after I bought it and Sony replaced it with another launch PS4, which is still going strong with no issues.


Oct 25, 2017
Launch PS4, I had to open it up once to put tape over the eject button so it doesn't puke out the discs. Other than that it still works like a champ.


The Fallen
Oct 29, 2017
Syracuse, NY
Bought the GTA5 and Last of Us bundle in November 2014 and haven't had an issue yet, other than the analog stick falling apart.


Oct 25, 2017
Still got my launch PS4. Seems to be doing fine, but it does gets very loud with certain games.

Will eventually get a pro.


Nov 16, 2017
Launch PS 4 here.
Had the "beep and eject" problem twice.
Solved both times by opening the console and cleaning the inside part of the eject button.
Used to live in a fuckin hot place until November 2016 so I got used the crazy vents, since I moved to another city it stopped.
So I could say thar my PS4 is better than ever lol


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 27, 2017
I think I've noticed some (minor) artifacts in my 2015 Ps4 while moving the camera in LiS and Nier automata. I'm slightly worried about it getting worse but aside from that and some random disc being vomited it still works just fine.


Nov 4, 2017
Slim PS4 here - if thats allowed!

Mine nice an like completely silent! When I did a test recently I found my controllers last close to 12 hours before giving that low battery message. I dunno what the fuss is over their battery life, do they arbitrairily go bad at some point? I like how they turn on just abount instantly unlike PS3 controllers.

OS is kinda awful in places. The whole messaging system is a totally confusing mess. Then theres Sonys dumb decision ta couple patches with game installs. If I ever need to make space on mine and delete something I'll have to live with the knowledge that when I wanna replay it I'll first have to sit through redownloading whatever patches it has waiting. An who's bright idea was it to bury save files under like 80 different sub-menus?? PS3 was soooooo much better in all of these aspects its not even funny!


Oct 27, 2017
Mines loud af. Kind of stupid since pc is my main platform so my ps4 is reserved strictly for exclusives so it gets MINIMAL use.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally sold my launch console last month. It had some slight HDMI issues, and the OS was starting to slow up. Was otherwise very reliable, and I got a decent amount for it since I sold it with the 1 TB hard drive that came with my Pro.


I'm Your Favorite Poster's Favorite Poster
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Day one owner and everything still running smooth. It might help that my system is moreso for Playstation Vue than gaming these days


Oct 29, 2017
SF Bay Area
Got mine back in 2015 and it gets heavy use from games and apps nearly all day long between myself and my gf.
It occasionally has problems waking up from rest mode, but that's about it.

I did have an HDMI crap out a few months back though and had to replace it. Not sure if that was the HDMI's fault or the console though.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
And just like that, my ps4 shut off on is own while playing the Monster Hunter Beta tonight. I'm going to have to check out some vids about taking it apart to clean it. I'm thinking it possibly overheated. It's warmish. But regardless it's better this happened now with the beta than when the actual game is out. If it happened next weekend I would've probably ran out and bought a new system.


Oct 27, 2017
November 2013 day 1.

HDMI port has some issues, but if i use a cable that is 'firm' and has really good slack, it still holds up.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I've had mine since 2014, only issue I have is that the beeping when the PS4 turns on doesn't work.
Oct 26, 2017
I have been having a problem where I go to wake up the console and it looks like its going fine (console light strip is blue) but then my DS4 just lights up white and there is no output to the TV.
I've been having a similar problem for a year or two now. DS4 light goes white and I have to restart the system. My system wakes up and outputs through HDMI, but it just refuses to acknowledge any wireless connections eg controllers or vita remote play. Happens probably once a week and kind of kills the point of standby for me since it's so frequently actually taking me more time than if I had just turned the console off from the start and I can't trust any standby gamestates so still a slave to save points.


Oct 25, 2017
Festering Swamp, USA
My PS4 is a little more on the younger side. Picked it up in 2015 and haven't had any major issues with it. Aside from my original PS1 dying many years ago, I haven't had any problems with Sony consoles. watch my PS4 brick in a week because I said that.


Nov 11, 2017
I picked up an original PS4 in like February of 2014 and it worked perfectly fine until I sold it to help pay for my Pro. The Pro is still holding up fine, except that the controller that came with it now has a stutter when I try to use the left analog stick along with sounding like a jet engine when I'm playing more graphically intensive games.


Oct 27, 2017
Got mine maybe 2 months after launch.

Sounds like an F-18 getting ready for takeoff when I play a game. Other than that, running just fine.


use of an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Angola / Zaire border region.
I've been having a similar problem for a year or two now. DS4 light goes white and I have to restart the system. My system wakes up and outputs through HDMI, but it just refuses to acknowledge any wireless connections eg controllers or vita remote play. Happens probably once a week and kind of kills the point of standby for me since it's so frequently actually taking me more time than if I had just turned the console off from the start and I can't trust any standby gamestates so still a slave to save points.
Yep that describes my situation, except my PS4 doesn't even output to HDMI. It's just sitting their, clearly fully powered on, except not outputting and not recognizing my controller. Yesterday it was in that state for like 20 mins, and even restarting the console didn't have any effect. I felt totally helpless lol, which is why I started this thread. And my PS4 isn't even that old, I got it when MGSV launched.

Side note, playing the Last Guardian last night I experienced five crashes in about three hours :(