Lunar Wolf

Nov 6, 2017
Los Angeles
I'm shocked that anyone here would defend Boyega after his comments about Kelly Marie Tran.

They haven't seen it yet. Unless this is going to become the official Boyega thread, someone should go make a thread on it.

Yea, assuming the transcript is accurate, that's def not a good comment from John.

It's on Variety now



Oct 27, 2017
I'm shocked that anyone here would defend Boyega after his comments about Kelly Marie Tran.

The thing is he has been a vocal critic of people that have harassed her, and of social media harassment in general. What this looks like it a completely flubbed answer where he's not thinking at all about the example given (what happened with KMT) and is just responding in general terms to 'vocal angry minority'.

It's still a DUMB way to frame it. But his record on this has been quite clear.

John Boyega Defended 'Star Wars' Actor Kelly Marie Tran Against Online Trolls & Called Out An Important Issue



Oct 29, 2017
You should be disappointed in JJ for not giving you a proper character arc and instead whooping in joy as you kill your fellow brainwashed storm trooper brethren Rian did his best to give you character motivation beyond having the hots for Rey, given the circumstances of the other story arcs.


Oct 27, 2017
you have no idea what you're talking about lmao

Obviously if you define 'mystery box' as the bolded above, you are poisoning the well from the outset.

You are defining 'mystery box' as something that is assumed to have failed from the get-go. This makes no sense, as it's up to whomever completes a story to ensure that any checkov's guns are resolved. Once again, franchise authorship is about "Yes, and" not "No, but"

As I said above,
If a "mystery box" is resolved satisfactorily, it's a fantastic literary technique, as you've successfully roped your audience in and kept them wanting more through the conclusion. This is the foundation of any mystery novel. The risk is the conclusion not living up to audience expectations, and that's a risk in every mystery screenplay

Your definition of "mystery box" as "something that is resolved in an unsatisfying way" is especially wrong, since JJ himself popularized the term. Why would he coin a term about his own work failing?
J.J's description of a "mystery box" is much better than yours. He describes it as "the withholding of information", something which is done to create intrigue for the viewer, which keeps the viewer engaged and wanting more.

The best irony here is if you play his explanation starting from 8:37 he literally uses ANH as his example of how mystery boxes make intriguing stories and starts rattling off a bunch that I didn't even include. By the man who coined the term's own definition, ANH is full of mystery boxes, and that's what has made it a timeless movie. And he's right

It's silly to think Obi-Wan's past with Vader is not a "mystery box" in the same regard. We hear a number of throw-away lines about their relationship in ANH, but we are given no substance. This is by design, it's meant to make us want more information.

The same is the case with Han's background. We are given just enough to wonder what he did, what he owes, and who he owe's it to.

Or Luke's heritage and what make's him special. We are told his father is a "jedi knight". We have no idea what that us, we have no idea how it relates to this mysterious 'force' we've learned very little about.

I'd love to know how these setups are any different than leaving Snoke's history ambiguous (he's even introduced the same way as the Emperor) or leaving Rey's parentage just about as ambiguous as Luke's were. The only real difference with TFA is that it has prior work in the franchise that it's building on, which invariably pushes mysteries like Snoke or Rey's birth to the forefront. In TFA's case, we already have a structure from which we can make inferences about these mysteries, a structure ANH's audience did not have. This is what drives entitled fan theories. This is hardly JJ's fault.

Concerning the criticism of JJ's use of mystery boxes, I know most of this comes from Lost, but as far as I'm aware, JJ was barely involved with Lost beyond the beginning of Season 1. Lost was huge, and it fed on the mystery box hype. JJ's approach was successful in making Lost a big event. It's not JJ's fault the people who were left to continue what he started weren't up to snuff. The same can be said about TFA. Blaming JJ becuase Rain didn't want to properly follow up on the intrigue laid out for him is bizarre. Imagine if ESB was written with the same disregard for the setups in the prior movie

I will not deny that JJ leans heavily on mystery boxes in TFA, and leaves a lot dangling at the end (too much for my tastes even), but JJ knew this was going to be the first of a three part series, so it's hard to fault him for setting things up that the audience could look forward to. ANH did not have the luxury of knowing there would be follow ups. As a result, the unsolved mysteries are not as overt

Props to JJ for actually creating intrigue and a reason to look forward to the next installment; something many feel TLJ lacked
GOAT post. Good job :)
I think that was a very horribly worded way of saying you have to be strong online and ignore all the assholes and not let them get to you when you're a public figure
Yeah, sounds like this. Doesn't seem like he's calling her "mentally weak" but rather that you need to be strong, as you say. The whole answer is a bit rambling, so I wouldn't cancel the dude just yet.


Apr 14, 2018
8 days left. Will a single person survive the press tour?

Daisy is gone. Boyega is finished. JJ is on the edge. The fuck is going on


Oct 27, 2017
Im sure he will clarify, but that is not stopping people already calling him everything but uppity.

Deleted member 42102

User requested account closure
Apr 13, 2018
Being in this position, you just understand the masses, how the masses think, you know. Through social media, we get to engage, we get to have fun. But at the same time, for those who are not mentally strong, you are weak to believe in every single thing that you read. That's, you know, it is what it is. I don't know, for me anyway, when I see that [backlash], I'm like, well, that's actually not true. But no, it is actually not true. So it's kind of like [shrugs] it is what it is. But to engage, to connect with the fans who otherwise wouldn't get a day to day experience, especially during things like the press tour, and behind the scenes stuff, is always good.

Doesn't even sound like he's calling her weak. This just seems like a general statement tbh. Don't see how this would stop anyone from defending him for being disappointed in Finn if they also felt the same way lol.


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, Finn got totally dumped on after a very strong showing in TFA. Luke's arc was interesting, I thought, so I'm cool with that one. Finn (and Poe) though? lol

I'm a Rian Johnson fan because of Breaking Bad episodes Fly and Ozymandias. Those are literally two of the best scripted things I have ever seen and the pinnacle of an already great series, the latter especially. But TLJ is definitely one of his weaker works.

To be clear, Johnson did not write anything for Breaking Bad. He directed those episodes, and did a damned fine job. I think he's a fine director, great even.

Why they thought he would be a good pick to write (and with no co-writer even) is beyond me. Dude's resume was incredibly short, and it shows in the final product


Oct 27, 2017
It's a shame BossAttack is banned right now.

This thread was made for him.



Boy, it hurt being in the shadow realm while this thread popped.

I don't want to make this a race-thing, but I live in a neighborhood full of black kids who saw this trailer - this MOMENT - and couldn't stop talking about it.

I remember that positivity and excitement hearing all about his character. It was here - a major Star Wars movie starring a prominent black hero in a major leading role. While the Rey swerve was still cool, I also remember the hype for Finn after that was... quieter. A lot of the kids were saying they were hoping he'd come back in a big way in the next movie, because they were invested in him since the first trailer shot of the new trilogy.

And instead he just... was kicked to the side.

We have a new Star Wars movie in about 11 days, and nobody is talking about Finn. And why should they? He doesn't matter anymore. He's not important. He's not in a leading role. He's just... there. Along for the ride.

Another token black sidekick.

Those kids who were so eager for a major hero moved on to Black Panther, and I don't blame them.

Nothing else really needs to be said beyond this. What was done to Finn is criminal.

Everyone knows I think TLJ is FAAAAARRRRRR superior to the tired ass TFA, but the one thing that movie did right was setup it's new characters. And Finn, despite some hiccups, had great potential. Rian fucking dropped the ball HARD there. When the opening shot of Finn is a fucking gag, you basically announced that this character was going to be a carny ass nigga. Just imagine, just IMAGINE if what was done to Finn was done to Rey. No fucking body would be calling that shit just some great natural arc, there'd be screams of sexism.

I need to point no further than the difference between Finn in TFA than Finn in TLJ than the gif above. Finn knows he's outmatched by Kylo yet picks up a saber to defend his friend, putting up a valiant fight before being sliced. At no point does he joke during the encounter, there are no words. Just fear, followed by bravery. Now compare that hype moment to Finn fighting Phasma, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING YELLING CHROME DOME?! Is he Will Smith? How does that even fit his character? When did his character become a quip machine? He never did that before, why is he doing that now? Why is he mocking imperial armor he's seen and worn his whole life? The fact that, that made it in but the scene that actually played to the strengths of his character's backstory was cut is just baffling.

JJ fix Finn. Do it.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017


Boy, it hurt being in the shadow realm while this thread popped.

Nothing else really needs to be said beyond this. What was done to Finn is criminal.

Everyone knows I think TLJ is FAAAAARRRRRR superior to the tried ass TFA, but the one thing that movie did right was setup it's new characters. And Finn, despite some hiccups, had great potential. Rian fucking dropped the ball HARD there. When the opening shot of Finn is a fucking gag, you basically announced that this character was going to be a carny ass nigga. Just image, just IMAGINE if what was done to Finn was done to Rey. No fucking body would be calling that shit just some great natural arc, there'd be screams of sexism.

I need to point no further than the difference between Finn in TFA than Finn in TLJ that the gif above. Finn knows he's outmatched by Kylo yet picks up a saber to defend his friend, putting up a valiant fight before being sliced. At no point does he joke during the encounter, there are no words. Just fear, followed by bravery. Now compare that hype moment to Finn fighting Phasma, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING YELLING CHROME DOME?! Is he Will Smith? How does that even fit his character? When did his character become a quip machine? He never did that before, why is he doing that now? Why is he mocking imperial armor he's seen and worn his whole life? The fact that, that made it in but the seen that actually played to the strengths of his character's backstory was cut is just baffling.

JJ fix Finn. Do it.
Well in tfa you had the "Oh yea?! I'm in charge now!" part and he says something similar to chrome dome. "I'll blast that bucket off your head!"


Oct 25, 2017


Boy, it hurt being in the shadow realm while this thread popped.

Nothing else really needs to be said beyond this. What was done to Finn is criminal.

Everyone knows I think TLJ is FAAAAARRRRRR superior to the tried ass TFA, but the one thing that movie did right was setup it's new characters. And Finn, despite some hiccups, had great potential. Rian fucking dropped the ball HARD there. When the opening shot of Finn is a fucking gag, you basically announced that this character was going to be a carny ass nigga. Just image, just IMAGINE if what was done to Finn was done to Rey. No fucking body would be calling that shit just some great natural arc, there'd be screams of sexism.

I need to point no further than the difference between Finn in TFA than Finn in TLJ that the gif above. Finn knows he's outmatched by Kylo yet picks up a saber to defend his friend, putting up a valiant fight before being sliced. At no point does he joke during the encounter, there are no words. Just fear, followed by bravery. Now compare that hype moment to Finn fighting Phasma, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING YELLING CHROME DOME?! Is he Will Smith? How does that even fit his character? When did his character become a quip machine? He never did that before, why is he doing that now? Why is he mocking imperial armor he's seen and worn his whole life? The fact that, that made it in but the seen that actually played to the strengths of his character's backstory was cut is just baffling.

JJ fix Finn. Do it.
I was actually thinking that it was kind of cool that Finn was someone who got to wield a light saber a few times during TFA despite not being a Jedi. I'm thinking, why not continue on with that? The First Order has developed laser weapons that are bascally lightsabers without being actual lightsabers, like with the red guards and even stormtroopers have electrified weaponry. And Finn has the same training storm troopers have and he fights Phasma with that electrified tonfa thing.

I don't know how to work this into a thematic thing, it feels almost like it'd be a gimmick but idk, I feel there is something uniquely cool about a guy who picks up a lightsaber that isn't a force user. He's just a regular guy, using the lightsaber in regular ways, and they could make that his fighting style. Making him succeed in his own unique way this way would also be a cool new thing for the franchise, and it would atleast partially fulfill the promise made by TFA's marketing. He wouldn't be a Jedi, but he'd occupy the Batman-type position of being a non-powered superhero that keeps up with the other space wizards.
Dec 22, 2017
Boy, it hurt being in the shadow realm while this thread popped.

Nothing else really needs to be said beyond this. What was done to Finn is criminal.

Everyone knows I think TLJ is FAAAAARRRRRR superior to the tried ass TFA, but the one thing that movie did right was setup it's new characters. And Finn, despite some hiccups, had great potential. Rian fucking dropped the ball HARD there. When the opening shot of Finn is a fucking gag, you basically announced that this character was going to be a carny ass nigga. Just image, just IMAGINE if what was done to Finn was done to Rey. No fucking body would be calling that shit just some great natural arc, there'd be screams of sexism.

I need to point no further than the difference between Finn in TFA than Finn in TLJ that the gif above. Finn knows he's outmatched by Kylo yet picks up a saber to defend his friend, putting up a valiant fight before being sliced. At no point does he joke during the encounter, there are no words. Just fear, followed by bravery.

JJ fix Finn. Do it.

Welcome back


Oct 26, 2017


Boy, it hurt being in the shadow realm while this thread popped.

Nothing else really needs to be said beyond this. What was done to Finn is criminal.

Everyone knows I think TLJ is FAAAAARRRRRR superior to the tried ass TFA, but the one thing that movie did right was setup it's new characters. And Finn, despite some hiccups, had great potential. Rian fucking dropped the ball HARD there. When the opening shot of Finn is a fucking gag, you basically announced that this character was going to be a carny ass nigga. Just image, just IMAGINE if what was done to Finn was done to Rey. No fucking body would be calling that shit just some great natural arc, there'd be screams of sexism.

I need to point no further than the difference between Finn in TFA than Finn in TLJ that the gif above. Finn knows he's outmatched by Kylo yet picks up a saber to defend his friend, putting up a valiant fight before being sliced. At no point does he joke during the encounter, there are no words. Just fear, followed by bravery. Now compare that hype moment to Finn fighting Phasma, WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE DOING YELLING CHROME DOME?! Is he Will Smith? How does that even fit his character? When did his character become a quip machine? He never did that before, why is he doing that now? Why is he mocking imperial armor he's seen and worn his whole life? The fact that, that made it in but the seen that actually played to the strengths of his character's backstory was cut is just baffling.

JJ fix Finn. Do it.
Yes yes yes.


Oct 25, 2017
the fact Finn was a janitor and dropping his child solider background is when I went "you got to be Finning me..."


Oct 27, 2017
Don't do no more of "this or that" for the next two weeks, minimum.

I need you around in case we all come out of TROS and Finn still ain't shit...cause i will be yappin'.

I'll be a good boy, I promise.

JJ will be graded solely on whether he does Finn right. I know TROS will not break from his traditional mold, so it's the only thing I can hope he can accomplish.

you were having too much of a chit chat?

I may have gone too far in a few places.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be a good boy, I promise.

JJ will be graded solely on whether he does Finn right. I know TROS will not break from his traditional mold, so it's the only thing I can hope he can accomplish.

I may have gone too far in a few places.
Did you see his amazing pants in one of those recent cast photos? I have faith.