
Oct 26, 2017
A few moments from Snake Eater, 13 Sentinels, Bloodborne and Elden Ring come to mind.

Snake Eater rewarded me for things I thought I was coming up with. Love when games do that. I noticed Fear was eating and I had rotten food. Put the two together and my jaw dropped when it went down exactly how I thought it would.

In Bloodborne, parrying was a big moment for me. It was the point that I think everything clicked.

Elden Ring just has many, many moments like this. Pick a direction and go and you will find something. A cave. A catacomb. An entire city!

Can I just say that 13 Sentinels is an amazing game with a well told story. It's a marvel how everything connects.

Are there anime tropes? Yes. Doesn't take away from some of its most poignant moments and reveals.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been playing Elden Ring like many of you. Trying to do so as blindly as possible.

I'm walking through the forest and I stumble on a small building. I approach to find
a descending lift that just keeps going for what seems like an eternity, eventually opening up to a huge beautiful underground area. For all it's many faults, Skyrim did something similar to great effect with Blackreach.

I said holy shit out loud and that moment is going down as one of my gaming favorites.
OP, the first time I saw that place was absolutely incredible. Elden Ring has had a few of these moments for me.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm going with the same answer as OP. It happened the same way for me, and it really showed the scope of ER's world.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
I literally just got to Liurnia of the Lakes and said "Oh you absolute fuckers" out loud. I had OP's moment somewhat spoiled (I knew what, just not where or how).


May 24, 2019
I played through Dark Souls 1, then 2 and halfway through Bloodbourne I found out the series has lock on


Oct 27, 2017
In Dark Souls 3 there's a series of consecutive levels where you go deeper into darkness, first in a creepy forest, then a dark swamp full of monstrosities and finally dark crypts full of skeletons, you spend a good chunk of time in dark oppressive environments and you fight a boss that plunges you into a pitch-black arena. Then you emerge from that fight into a crypt and a staircase leading upwards, into one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen. Everyone who's played Dark Souls 3 experienced this moment.


Not only is it a beautiful environment but it's situated in the perfect spot within the game to bring it to life and fill us with beauty right before we're smashed to the ground by some of the harshest enemies in the game.


Unshakable Resolve
Nov 6, 2017
The moment that OP described, is absolutely one of them for me. But when I think of most recently, it would be the Pyramid ship on Europa from Destiny`s Witch Queen campaign.
The franchise has had some great locations and a lot of breathtaking art in the past, but this area is the one that somewhat stunned me the most, afair. I felt like it contained a certain richness of enviromental storytelling that made me want to wander around and have a closer look at everything after clearing enemies. That combinded with the dark atmosphere, the spine-chilling sound design, the fascinating architecture and the sheer scale made me feel like I´m walking the halls of a sacred place.




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Oct 20, 2019
Hmm let's see what other more small-scale games with "oh shit" moments...

Wario Land 3 had hidden levels that sort of blew my mind in how late they came into play. Here I was thinking I discovered nearly the whole game and nope, there are more levels that left me agape.


Jun 15, 2018
Returnal, the lead-up to and the actual 4th boss fight. Just an absolutely incredible experience, one of the most memorable ever in gaming for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Zelda 3 Dark World


Granted if you use the map while you're a bunny earlier you kind of suspect it, but that's very different from having it actually happen.


Oct 25, 2017
Finding Atlus Plateau after charting through the Ravine blew my fucking mind. It was as if the entire game was waiting to be explored in Elden Ring in the most unexpected ways.

I would also say the "Far Away" moment in Red Dead Redemption remains my favorite, maybe if all time. Again, just a beautiful trek to another piece of the game world.

I also think the transition from Firenze to Monteriggioni and realizing that there were other cities to explore in AC2 really floored me at the time.

Also, and I'm probably just a sucker for good music but that moment when "Asylums for the feeling" comes on just walking about had me blown away in Death Stranding.


Jan 6, 2019
In Destiny, seeing the sheer size and scale of Oryx for the first time.

In God of War 2018, THREE things come to mind (what a game)
the first fight with Baldur, getting the Blades of Chaos, and then the end of the game reveal


Oct 28, 2017
Santa Monica, LA
Had more of these playing Destiny 2 than any other game. Bungie knows what it's doing when it comes to leaving your jaw on the floor. Most recently in the Witch Queen campaign there were are a number of 'oh shit' moments, but maybe my favorite was the
freaking Ahamkara ambush in the Sathona temple
! Like who saw that coming?!

Also obligatory Symphony of the Night topsy-turvy reveal.


Aug 1, 2019
Pokemon GS has two big ones.

Pokemon ORAS has a pretty spectacular one that has ramifications for the entire series, including timelines and games that came before.

Bloodborne has a pretty cool one that Jedi Fallen Order pays homage to.

"We know" in Skyrim.

Ashtray in Control.

Venom Snake in MGS5.

The man on fire in MGS5.

The implications of Ocelot's late game robot arm reveal in MGS4.

Act 4 of MGS4.

Every single story beat in MGS2.

God of War (2018) has like half a dozen.

FF7 Remake has a few, including when you finish the game, look back on the totality of the experience, and figure out what the hell is really going on.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 27, 2017
Final Fantasy 7R Jenova Phase 3…holy fuck when the music kicked in
Oct 25, 2017
I have mixed feelings about the game overall, but from Horizon Forbidden West, walking into Plainsong the first time when the entire town is singing, and walking back out into Dunehollow after you've drained the water and captured POSEIDON.


alt account
Jul 27, 2021
Prey's opening 30 minutes is one of the best openings in any video game. Ever. And that "moment" is just the cherry on top.


Oct 27, 2017
There's so many games I've played during 30 years that have given lots of those moments, but no game has delivered them as consistently as Elden Ring. It's like almost anywhere I go gives me that moment.
Oct 28, 2017
Dragon's Dogma when you beat Grigori and the "post-game" begins.

Definitely an incredible moment. It just rules so hard.


Aug 4, 2021
The entirety of Outer Wilds and its awesome DLC for me. The entire game is exactly that.

Seeing the supernova for the first time, arriving at Giant's Deep, landing on the Quantum Moon, doing THAT jump on the Sun Station and finding out it didn't actually work after all, seeing the Black Hole and falling into it, arriving at the Ash Twin Core, finally finding The Eye, THAT final run once you removed the core, the finale... and that's just the base game. The DLC has just as many of those moments.


Nov 5, 2017
There are different ones…

Some funny, like in Wario Ware Wii where you had to drop the controller quickly (and hope you had the wrist strap on).

"Holy shit"s of scale, like Star Control 2, Pokémon Gold and Breath of the Wild. Maybe GTA V too.

And holy shits of epic moments but they are plenty.


Oct 25, 2017
New Zealand
Seeing the first colossi and climbing on top of it.

Pretty much every single one, but the flying one in particular still puts a big huge grin on my face every time.

I'll also add:
- multiple moments in Xenoblade Chronicles
- the ending of Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- getting the flying module in Xenoblade X
- Asuras Wrath (the finger)
- God of War ps4 (meeting the world serpent)

I could go on and on

Byron Hinson

Nov 14, 2017
Mine was the start of EverQuest 2. Remember how amazing it all looked

Prey is another one the same as others here

Wing Commander 3 years ago. The start of the game. The level of graphic detail

Big Powder

Oct 25, 2017
I know it's probably the one game I post about the most here, but the entirety of the last two hours of The Last of Us Part II, from the point where the protagonists converge all the way to the ending is one of the most jaw dropping experiences I've ever had. My jaw was slack for the entire time, and every time I replay it or watch someone else play it, nothing about this changes. What a mindblowingly tight series of sequences.

The moment the twist hits in the last case of Ace Attorney 2 got me too. I felt so much shock that I actually started to feel furious.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I've been playing Elden Ring like many of you. Trying to do so as blindly as possible.

I'm walking through the forest and I stumble on a small building. I approach to find
a descending lift that just keeps going for what seems like an eternity, eventually opening up to a huge beautiful underground area. For all it's many faults, Skyrim did something similar to great effect with Blackreach.

I said holy shit out loud and that moment is going down as one of my gaming favorites.

Yeah, that got me good. It's still surprising me 100 hours in.


Oct 27, 2017
It might have been because I was young, but the moment it's revealed you're not alone in the elevator in MGS absolutely rocked me as a kid.

Both parts fear and shock lmao.

Great moment.

I played MGS for the first time a couple years back and that moment was fantastic, such a rare 'surprise'