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Aug 22, 2018
Houston, Texas
So Syria is going to recognize these new independent states in support of Russia. I wonder if we will see some kind of anti-west alliance come out of this?

North Korea

Some kind of trade and business agreements to counter sanctions?

I have no idea but Putin didn't sound rational and I'm not sure he is stopping at Ukraine
I really wouldn't add Syria's recognition as anything that matters in the big picture, everyone knows our government are Russian slaves with a very weak economy and army.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, it's time for a new thread. Debating whether the threshold for invasion is at "merely invading eastern Ukraine" vs moving into Western Ukraine means you're playing precisely by the Kremlin's playbook.

Russia has invaded Ukraine. There's no two ways about it.

Russian forces have always been there, this is only official confirmation and they haven't invaded Ukraine again yet per the West definition since they haven't taken new territories for sanctions to apply.

So far nothing changed on the map regarding who's controlling what.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account.
Oct 31, 2017
How does economic sanctions to Donetsk and Lugansk help in any way? These are already fragile, war torn regions, and the sanctions will fuck the remaining population even more. Putin must be dying of laughter.

those regions have incoming puppet governments who sat with Putin and signed off on the invasion. This is about legitimizing those governments or not

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
If we get a new thread can we get a staff post talking about how WW3 and similar end of the world talk is discouraged B-Dubs ?

Because as soon as that new thread hits the front page there's going to be a lot of people who haven't been paying attention only just skim the title and not actually look into it first and they are going to immediately start doom posting. And that doesn't really help anyone.


Oct 27, 2017
That's why I don't understand how come we are not cutting SWIFT or some other sanction already.

Because nothing changed on the map yet, Russian forces have always been in the occupied territories, Russia hasn't announced intentions to conquer new territories or to engage the Ukrainian army directly YET.

Those sanctions have to wait until then, if they apply them now any ounce of doubt Putin has would be gone, any leverage the West has on the negotiations table will be gone.

Biden is on the record saying an incursion won't be treated like an invasion.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm offering an explanation actually originally put forward by a professor from the University of Chicago. I'm not trying to derail. Ukraine pivoting towards the west whether that means joining NATO or otherwise is resulting in this war of words and escalation which could lead to a horrible real ground war. Putin is an absolute monstrous dictator and his speech is very worrying. What I'm saying is the militaristic language used by some on our side has not been helpful. Diplomacy can still win out here although its fading fast.
Short of throwing several countries under the bus to appease Putin there's nothing that can be done diplomatically at this point. Putin wanted things that were completely unreasonable and now he's essentially begun the invasion steps because he didn't get them. He "negotiated" as if it was early 1980s USSR rather than a failed state Russia which is declining year over year.


Oct 25, 2017
Short of throwing several countries under the bus to appease Putin there's nothing that can be done diplomatically at this point. Putin wanted things that were completely unreasonable and now he's essentially begun the invasion steps because he didn't get them. He "negotiated" as if it was early 1980s USSR rather than a failed state Russia which is declining year over year.

Yeah at this stage it is starting to look that way tbh. Innocent people will suffer as usual.
Oct 27, 2017
If we get a new thread can we get a staff post talking about how WW3 and similar end of the world talk is discouraged B-Dubs ?

Because as soon as that new thread hits the front page there's going to be a lot of people who haven't been paying attention only just skim the title and not actually look into it first and they are going to immediately start doom posting. And that doesn't really help anyone.

Yeah definitely need some staff rules. Also would be helpful to not talk about the azov battalion concern


Nov 1, 2018
Yeah to anyone who thinks China is joining Russia in this, China needs us a hell of a lot more then Russia. We talk tough and don't get along but China and US are built because of each other
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