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Oct 31, 2017
Welcome to my second OT of the General Discussion thread! I'm your host Meelow and it is mid March now, not as much of a March Madness as it was last year (that could be a good thing)

Thank you Raccoon for this layout and for being always great!


R.I.P Mario 1981-2021; Super Mario 3D All-Stars gets discontinued at the end of Mario as well as Mario Bros 35th

(I was going to use Wii's Ports for the title but a title referencing Mario now would make more sense, whoever makes the thread by the time Skyward Sword HD releases better use the Wii's Ports title)


First included as the subtitle of OT17, the assertion that "trans rights are human rights" is not a shallow attempt at moral posturing. Instead, this represents an issue that is of genuine importance to this community and ResetEra in general. Many of this site and thread's best and brightest are transgender, and offering respect and human decency to them is important to us. While I sometimes try to combat the thread's dogmas and tendency towards being a so-called "echo chamber," this point and these members are too important for any tolerance of divergent opinions on the matter: transgender people are valid and deserving of respect. You are not welcome here if you do not agree, not out of a sense of moral righteousness or political persecution, but because these people and the challenges they face matter to us.

With that important message out of the way, we can proceed with the thread as normal.

While I value the tradition and history of the thread's origins, many staple texts hold no place under this new paradigm. Nibel's charter is outdated, as is the original statement of intent from OG Direct OP Kevin360. Fortunately, in their place is a simple new purpose: a place for all speculation on upcoming Nintendo products and discussion of existing ones, parallel to the comparable threads for Sony and Microsoft. Scrawnton came up with this thread's subtitle, and accordingly is eligible for kudos.

I'd like to touch on the culture of these threads, with the intent to encourage certain behaviors while discouraging others. These are not intended to serve as moderation, but instead represent my advice for improving the state of the threads.

Behaviors, thought patterns, and thread culture that I think make the threads worse:
  • Rejection of any diversion from the accepted zeitgeist of the thread: let's face it folks, we've been wrong too many times to hold a superiority complex. If someone feels differently than you, be accepting of their perspective, even if it's less informed.
  • Hostility and harassment towards fellow members: while a violation of site rules in its worst forms, I feel that we ought to aim above the bare minimum of conduct to foster a better and friendlier community.
  • Subposting: posting about someone without quoting or otherwise notifying them is low, and worse when they are unnamed. I advise that members simply block other participants who they cannot stand to engage with.
  • Arrogance: the combination of being consistently wrong and dismissive of others is, frankly, an embarrassing look. Let's all avoid dismissive or condescending posts and instead be respectful whenever we engage with fellow members.
  • Harassment of insiders: I'll admit that I have not been entirely receptive to the culture of insider information as of late; under this new paradigm that should be okay. However, even if someone's conduct as a "leaker" upsets or aggravates, insults and rudeness should not occur. Anyone who posts here is a member and participant and should be treated as such.
  • Obsession with info: on the flip side, I think constant solicitation of hints and teases is boring and clogs up the thread, though I recognize this comes down to personal preference. In general, if someone has something they want to share, they will do so subtly and without provocation; acceptance of this is elemental to the preservation of what is left of the insider hint culture.
Thread culture that I think would make the thread better:
  • Longer posts: longer and more thoughtful posts give the thread more substance and in my opinion make it more interesting and fun to engage with fellow members. I understand that not everyone enjoys writing miniature essays for little reward, but I encourage effort in posting if one is able.
  • Actual general discussion: while this thread has its roots in speculation, recall that in what many consider its golden age it was constantly off-topic. Now that the thread is explicitly not a speculation thread, it gives this community the opportunity to discuss existing Nintendo games and systems.
  • Better memes: guys, I'm sorry to say it, but our memes are fucking atrocious. I love you Derachi but Dill Spowser is barely funny anymore. And while I appreciate the effort VorpalNonsense puts into the sacrifice meme, I find that it comes off as mean spirited. Note the category this point is in: I don't think our terrible memes necessarily make the thread worse, but actually funny ones would make it so much better. Go to improv classes if you can, gang.
Beyond those recommendations, I absolutely implore everyone not to publicize any hints made in this thread. In summary, if the people providing these hints trusted them enough to share them as a real scoop, they would do so and reap the benefits. Teases here are intentionally of a less scrupulous standard and provided by insiders strictly for fun. Don't try to exploit this thread to gain Twitter followers or Reddit karma, for example. Of course, ResetEra is a public forum, so none of this is strictly against the rules. It is instead deeply frowned upon by the community.

Here, for everyone's amusement and interest, is a table made by Plum showing the time between various presentations during the lifetime of the Nintendo Switch to date. Note how long it's been since the last Nintendo Direct!


For this thread, I think that will do. Unlike some of my predecessors I will make no effort to keep track of rumors or current talking points, as this is both virtually impossible to obtain and largely without utility; to casual readers I say that if a topic is of importance, rest assured it will remain present in discussions. Also, feel free to ask someone for a recap! Many of our dedicated members will happily oblige.

While I am not the arbiter of conduct for these threads, it is my suggestion that each OP write most of the original post from scratch. The initiative to cycle through OPs regularly, originally with the intent of each thread having a brand new one for each new thread. I wouldn't be upset by anyone reusing any of my contributions or previous ones; indeed, everyone having their own approach is part of the fun. I adore MondoMega, for example, and our approaches to this thread's original post are wildly different. Everyone has their own philosophy, style, and most critically availability for engagement, which I embrace.

In the future, a line of succession will be listed here as it develops.

Join the Nintendo Discord!

Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT| - Kevin360
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT2| Reset The Thread - Mina
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT3| Nintendo Direct Speculation Trilogy HD - Raccoon
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT4| The Sequel to OT3 is Now in Development. - Phendrift
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT5| But why? OT4 Was Still Selling... - Meelow
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT6| OT7 Has Been Rated in Korea - skittzo0413
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT7| March Madness - chase beck
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT8| Begun, The Nintendo Has - Hero of Legend
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT9| Black Lives Matter far more than video games - Hero of Legend
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT10| Bakugan with the Wind - Hero of Legend
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT11| Honey, I shrunk the Directs - Plum
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT12| A delayed Direct is eventually good, but a rushed Direct is forever bad - nrvalleytime
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT13| is your lucky number..... and am out - BozPaggs
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT13-2| lighting strikes twice - BozPaggs
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT15| Available for a limited time only - Raccoon
Nintendo General Discussion |OT16| New Nintendo Direct Speculation - Phendrift
Nintendo General Discussion |OT17| Trans Rights are Human Rights - Phendrift
Nintendo General Discussion |OT18| Is anyone else's thread collecting dust? (Trans Rights are still Human Rights) - Brofield
Nintendo General Discussion |OT19| + Browser's Fury (+ Trans Rights are Human Rights) - MondoMega
Nintendo General Discussion |OT20| Uncharted Territory (trans rights are human rights) - Raccoon
Last edited:


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
New thread smell! Exciting times ahead!

Very excited for Nintendo's 2021 :D

Don't forget Mario dies at the end of this month.

Have any more rumors of Nintendo Switch Online getting a big revamp in April popped up?


Oct 25, 2017
So uh, looks like industry folks expect a lot of big unannounced games this coming FY:

A series of marquee game releases is expected to drive software sales next fiscal year to 250 million units, far more than the record 205 million units forecast for the current year, according to the partners and suppliers, speaking anonymously as the plans are not public.

"Nintendo will need to start the next fiscal year without Animal Crossing and the pandemic, but that will be offset by a much stronger blockbuster software lineup and new hardware," Serkan Toto of game consultancy Kantan Games Inc. said.

Nintendo plans to release a revised version of the Switch in the latter half of this year with a larger and better display as well as upgraded graphics when the hybrid console is plugged into a TV set, Bloomberg News has reported. The company makes some of the biggest blockbuster games on its platform, which contribute significantly to profit and also spur hardware adoption. Much of this year's lineup of new games remains unannounced.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
Trans rights will always be human rights, which is why Captain Rainbow will never be localised (sadly)

Happy new thread, all!


Dec 23, 2017
Mario Carted is the best OT title for an OT covering the dreadful 1st April, when Mario will disappear.


Oct 29, 2017
New York
I mean, something is going to have to fill the conspicuous gap in Nintendo's release schedule. It's basically empty for the second half of the year sans BDSP.
Yeah this is my mindset as well. Reading that quote regarding having being marquee game releases is interesting but I feel like that's also slightly common sense? Considering the second half, as you said, is super empty and E3 is slowly approaching. You'd think Nintendo would have another 1-3 major titles ready to be placed in the fall.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017

Essentially Nintendo is aiming for their highest sales records this year, and the article brings up the Switch Pro and a much bigger lineup for the year, versus last year's. I think the Pro and a strong lineup in the second half will really help, and push it to 100 million units sold easily, and I didn't even consider the Pokemon remakes.
Oct 26, 2017
I'm really thinking they're gonna wanna launch the new Zelda with the Switch Pro. It just seems too perfect not to go with it, especially with the game being developed for a thousand years at this point. I'll be crazy and say that both of them will come out end of this year


Oct 28, 2017
These threads are usually enjoyable to read. I don't post much in them as I don't have anything to contribute, but keep up the good times and good vibes.


Oct 25, 2017
So what are you all doing as your Mario memorial this month?

My main two plans are:

Get two Mario Maker 1 levels out before the upload servers close. One of them is gonna actually use a combination lock, and give out a "secret code" so you can unlock an extra ending in a sister Mario Maker 2 level, and maybe even an eventual Mario Maker 3! Putting in a Mario Maker 2 code may actually unlock a secret room in the Mario Maker 1 level too, but that's not certain yet because Mario Maker 1's lack of scroll lock is a pain...

Get at least 500 wins in Super Mario Bros 35. Im around 470 right now with about a 70% win rate. Orginally I wanted 1985 wins, but a cancer scare earlier this year derailed me for 2 months, so that's not happening sadly. On the bright side, it seems that I don't have cancer!
Jan 26, 2019
New thread, new me.

Bloomberg article is super interesting. I kind of expected the next FY to be stronger than the previous one but 25% bigger? Without Animal Crossing? Something big is coming. I can feel it in my jellies.


Patient hunter
On Break
Oct 27, 2017
Oh hey a new thread! What does it mean to be 'carted', is it an Americanism?
'Carted' means to have been KO'd in Monster Hunter, as your cat companions drag you back to camp on a cart. Get carted three times (or three times between all of you online) and you fail the hunt, so to 'triple cart' can mean 'total fail'. It's even worse online, as if you triple carted, it means you used up the whole teams continues alone.


Oct 25, 2017
'Carted' means to have been KO'd in Monster Hunter, as your cat companions drag you back to camp on a cart. Get carted three times (or three times between all of you online) and you fail the hunt, so to 'triple cart' can mean 'total fail'. It's even worse online, as if you triple carted, it means you used up the whole teams continues alone.
Oh, I see! That makes sense. RIP Mario.


Oct 25, 2017
'Carted' means to have been KO'd in Monster Hunter, as your cat companions drag you back to camp on a cart. Get carted three times (or three times between all of you online) and you fail the hunt, so to 'triple cart' can mean 'total fail'. It's even worse online, as if you triple carted, it means you used up the whole teams continues alone.

So it is a Cat pun, a monster hunter pun, a mario kart pun, a mario will die soon pun and more at the same time ?

so many levels =O

Sander VF

The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Tbilisi, Georgia
If BotW 2 is released in 2021, North America will receive it it in 2022.

Gay Bowser, who runs NoA, will make sure of that. Region-locking will also be reintroduced specifically for this game and only this game.


Oct 27, 2017
New thread already?? Wow!!

The only new announcement I expect from Nintendo for this week is something related to Animal Crossing. This Saturday is New Horizon's 1st anniversary. I wonder if they are releasing some interesting update,...

All the rest will be Monster Hunter Rise.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 25, 2020
So, how do you imagine Mario is going to spend his last day on earth before his execution?
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