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OG Direct OP
Oct 25, 2017


After the previous year of speculation about new hardware, debating the existence of various games, wondering what the long-term impact of the pandemic would bring, and almost constant meme-ing - E3 is finally back and we're on the precipice of news.

Today finally marks my return as the OG Direct OP (I promise it hasn't gone to my head). I (we) wanted the original Direct Speculation thread 2 1/2 years ago, in anticipation of big news coming from Nintendo. For sure they'd still announce the heavily rumored Metroid Prime Trilogy to hold us over with the bad news of the Metroid Prime 4 delay. 2019 was the beginning of a long difficult road for me personally, one that I've thankfully overcome and am thankful for providence in my life. As my activity faded a good bit in these threads, you can be sure that I have always lurked. I am thankful to finally be in a place in my life again where I can spare thought to such relatively meaningless things as my love for video games. Here we are, avatar bets and cages of emotion and all, finally seeming to ACTUALLY be on the verge of a new Metroid game (announcement and release). Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be the the OP of this OT series again!

On the subject of the title:

The title is simple (and not intentionally based on the Friends episode titles), and only meant to convey the reality of two years (or way more) of anticipation toward this moment.


As is tradition since OT17 I'd like to say a piece about trans rights. The assertion that "trans rights are human rights" is not a shallow attempt at moral posturing. Instead, this statement represents an issue of genuine importance to this and the wider ResetEra community. Many of this site and thread's best and brightest are transgender, and offering respect and human decency to them is important to us. This point and these members are too important for any tolerance of divergent opinions on the matter: transgender people are valid and deserving of respect. This statement isn't from a sense of moral righteousness or political persecution, but because these people and the challenges they face matter to us.

Briefly on this point there are so many additional causes all of this community has a heart for and should be mentioned in this thread such as Stop Asian Hate and Black Lives Matter. A major driving force with this community is inclusion for everyone and if you don't have that in your heart please do not hang out here. If you do not agree you are not welcome.

On to the purpose of the thread. For the uninitiated this is the place for general speculation on all things Nintendo. Of course there are sister threads that crop up such as the Switch Pro thread and ones for various games, but this is the main community for the entire breadth of speculation. As an aside- this community does more than speculate, so if you want to talk about the future of Xenoblade, what Breath of the Wild 2 is going to be, or just how great your most recent Super Metroid playthrough has been this is the place!

As OP I'd like to comment on a few things that have been a bit of a bummer in more recent threads and how we can improve... Some of you may have noticed I've not been as present in the last thread or two as I have in the past and there are things I think we can all improve on.
  • Leaks and leaker culture: Leaks are a beloved and major part of this community but isn't what should drive this community. There's a thirst from people who just pass by this thread to come in and beg for leaked info from a few of our community members. Obviously the leaks are super fun and we all love to get the teased info drops and speculate on what they mean, but let's not treat that as the heart and soul of this thread. The community should be what drives this place forward.
  • Hostility and harassment towards fellow members: while a violation of site rules in its worst forms, I feel that we ought to aim above the bare minimum of conduct to foster a better and friendlier community.
  • Arrogance: Following on with the statement on leaker culture there's also a perceived arrogance from people "in the know" and people who just come in here from time to time. If people aren't completely spun up on the news help them out and drop some info. Generally be welcoming! Don't treat it as a way to hold an edge over someone. At the end of the day this is all just for fun.
  • Seriousness: There's also a major issue with how seriously this whole thing gets taken. At the end of the day this is all just for fun and to unwind with some pals and chat about Nintendo games. Just generally I think it's better if the whole lot of us took this thing a whole lot less seriously and were just along for the ride. Whether Nintendo decides to announce Star Fox Racing (lol) the world will keep spinning. If you've stuck around to this point and have read all the rules @ me with a "cats look sick af in pajamas, don't they?"
  • Leveraging this thread for clout: Please don't come in here to harvest the thread for news to farm for twitter clout or reddit karma. Internet points mean literally nothing and it goes directly against the general point of this thread. If you're coming here to parse for info how about you stop and instead come in and say hi! You never know. You'll probably love it here!
So just as a summary, let's make this place feel welcoming to all involved and really drive around the community aspect of things. This should be a real fun place to hangout for everyone and not so serious all the time.

Over the course of this thread I'll edit this post with some different things I've enjoyed in the thread so watch this space and thanks to nrvalleytime for the idea of the OP corner.

From there let's all get back to the discussion! Enjoy the hype and have fun! It's a great time of year for news! Hype responsibly!

Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT| - Kevin360
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT2| Reset The Thread - Mina
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT3| Nintendo Direct Speculation Trilogy HD - Raccoon
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT4| The Sequel to OT3 is Now in Development. - Phendrift
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT5| But why? OT4 Was Still Selling... - Meelow
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT6| OT7 Has Been Rated in Korea - skittzo0413
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT7| March Madness - chase beck
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT8| Begun, The Nintendo Has - Hero of Legend
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT9| Black Lives Matter far more than video games - Hero of Legend
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT10| Bakugan with the Wind - Hero of Legend
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT11| Honey, I shrunk the Directs - Plum
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT12| A delayed Direct is eventually good, but a rushed Direct is forever bad - nrvalleytime
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT13| is your lucky number..... and am out - BozPaggs
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT13-2| lighting strikes twice - BozPaggs
Nintendo Direct Speculation |OT15| Available for a limited time only - Raccoon
Nintendo General Discussion |OT16| New Nintendo Direct Speculation - Phendrift
Nintendo General Discussion |OT17| Trans Rights are Human Rights - Phendrift
Nintendo General Discussion |OT18| Is anyone else's thread collecting dust? (Trans Rights are still Human Rights) - Brofield
Nintendo General Discussion |OT19| + Browser's Fury (+ Trans Rights are Human Rights) - MondoMega
Nintendo General Discussion |OT20| Uncharted Territory (trans rights are human rights) - Raccoon
Nintendo General Discussion |OT21| Mario Carted (trans rights will always be human rights) - Meelow
Nintendo General Discussion |OT22| Famicom (Direct)ive Club: The Missing Link (Trans Rights Will Always Be Human Rights | Free Palestine) - nrvalleytime
Super Nintendo General Discussion | OT Twent-E3 | The Friends We Made Along the Way (Trans Rights Will Always be Human Rights | Free Palestine) - wookiee

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Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe I just thought of "Metroid: Thread" as a title after you finally made this.


J->E Localization
Oct 25, 2017
Martin H. from Best Buy here reporting in on the first page to let you all know that the switch pro is coming out this week.


One Winged Slayer
Jun 9, 2019
Nice, now I get to see Manchester Orchestra art every time I notice this thread update on the front page.


Oct 27, 2017
E3 Thread hooray!

Though, I think we should have really given the last OT more of a chance to grow... ;-)


Oct 25, 2017
At any rate the OT for the game definitely needs to be "Metroid: Thread" or else I'll riot.


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 16, 2020
Oh new thread! I thought the previous one was being extended throughout E3?
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