
Oct 25, 2017
Read some of the replies... the very first response to their thread was "Heil Hitler!" Now ask yourself, if you were representing your company, brand, or even yourself in a place where your greeting was Heil Hitler... would you stick around?

Well, I'm not a PR professional, but the first thing I'd probably suggest is having an AMA on, I duuno, let's think


how about reddit

where all the rest of them do it


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days

This comic does not apply to this story in any fashion


Oct 25, 2017
This stunt won't sink the company. Watch the usual stream of non-apologies, and the news cycle move on before the end of the week.

You can call me cynical, but this is our terrible terrible world we live in.

I am thinking we get a house-cleaning and full public apology for this. Google "THQ Nordic" and tell me you'd want your international corporation doing business with a company who's Google search frontpage is that.


Oct 26, 2017
I(now regretfully) decided to actually look at that thread. Who the fuck do they think they're fooling by saying they had no idea about the site and condone child pornography? Beyond the previous mentioned comment on the "big tittie lolis" post, there's a picture of an effectively nude prepubescent girl in one of the first replys and one of the THQN people was having a waifu coversation about the underage NGE characters.

Obviously more of a jokey comment, but they very clearly knew what they were doing.
Who is this Fabian guy?


Nov 2, 2017
Blackpool, UK
I find the vitriol in this topic directed agienst THQ Nordic slightly unsavory.

It's not that I want to defend them at all, it's just... it was a very stupid decision, and very possibly malevolently on their part. But all the calls for boycotts, calls for everyone involved to be fired, banned from the industry? And this happens so often. It was just a few weeks ago that people were calling for a boycott on all of Activision for their behavior in their conference call.

It just seems like resetera becomes an engine for this righteous fury that we all get caught up in. It was a monumentally bad PR decision, but my reaction to that is to just laugh at the abusrity, not call for heads.
I find normalising child porn and bigotry unsavoury.

These cunts deserve to be fired, and they would have been by now in literally any other company in any other industry in the world. "It's not that I want to defend them at all"...yet you did, then tried to actively run defence for them by deflecting onto the 'real bad guys' of Era who don't like high ranking people in games companies cosying up to bigots. But no, WE'RE the bad guys.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs

I'm not sure that comic accurately describes this situation.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Ok, time for real talk.

If anyone thinks this was just a "stupid mistake", then you're getting had.

This was 100% an attempt to signal boost to a specific audience in order to gain a loyal following that sees "a company who openly admits to rejecting SJW censorship".

They can backpedal, but just like when Trump back peddled after a nazi rammed his car into a crowd, the white nationalists saw what he said and openly admitted that the back pedal was just to cover his tracks, while embracing his "both sides" speech as an open invitation and admission he was on their side.


Nov 3, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs
Maybe read the thread a bit more than you have buddy. Spend less time accusing people of overreacting to child porn, cause they knew what they were doing.


Oct 26, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs

Maybe read the thread before posting this inane shit.


Nov 2, 2017
Update: In the aftermath of this story, it was not shocking to hear from understandably angry developers.

"It feels horrible to be associated with this company in any capacity," said one developer currently working for a studio under THQ Nordic, who requested anonymity to protect their job.

"I definitely worry about the affect it'll have on our audience," they continued. "The mainstream game audience is arguably already leaning right, and this (implicit or explicit) approval of this awful group is only going to drive sales in their direction and away from the kind of progressive people that I would love to reach. The comment on 'continuing to avoid making games for SocJus audiences' fills me with the most dread."

If you work at THQ Nordic and want to reach out, please do.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs
Are you saying that THQ Nordic's 8chan posts (which are available for public viewing even without the need for screenshots) are fake and not "accurate"? Because unless you are for some reason, that comic does not apply here. Can't even say they're presented without context— the context is there for each one, and it's bad.
Oct 27, 2017
I find the vitriol in this topic directed agienst THQ Nordic slightly unsavory.

It's not that I want to defend them at all, it's just... it was a very stupid decision, and very possibly malevolently on their part. But all the calls for boycotts, calls for everyone involved to be fired, banned from the industry? And this happens so often. It was just a few weeks ago that people were calling for a boycott on all of Activision for their behavior in their conference call.

It just seems like resetera becomes an engine for this righteous fury that we all get caught up in. It was a monumentally bad PR decision, but my reaction to that is to just laugh at the abusrity, not call for heads.

I would have been sympathetic to your post had they agreed to the AMA ignorantly but then pulled out of it upon seeing what they had agreed to. However, they answered a number of questions and gave some horrible 8chan esque answers. This is not a matter of a pr blunder, the people behind it knew exactly what they were getting into.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
I find the vitriol in this topic directed agienst THQ Nordic slightly unsavory.

It's not that I want to defend them at all, it's just... it was a very stupid decision, and very possibly malevolently on their part. But all the calls for boycotts, calls for everyone involved to be fired, banned from the industry? And this happens so often. It was just a few weeks ago that people were calling for a boycott on all of Activision for their behavior in their conference call.

It just seems like resetera becomes an engine for this righteous fury that we all get caught up in. It was a monumentally bad PR decision, but my reaction to that is to just laugh at the abusrity, not call for heads.

lmao you're deranged.

Palette Swap

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs
I swear, you guys would break your backs carrying all that water for Nazis and pedophiles if you weren't spineless in the first place.


Oct 25, 2017
So apparently, the PR guy was reached out to "politely" by 8chan to do this AMA and he accepted without knowing what 8chan was. Do we believe him? I mean, why would a company knowingly do this? It would be SO bad for them in so many ways......

THQ: "Why yes! I would love to an AMA on a website that is not indexed by Google! That is good E-Marketing and SEO, not being found on the largest search engine in the world."


Oct 25, 2017
Suddenly THQ and Darksiders has been on all of my social medias. That's PR and Marketing for you, and outrage works wonders. I really don't think for a second that this was just a lack of "due diligence".
When googling "THQ Nordic" the first result is

"THQ Nordic Held Q&A on a Website Banned for Suspected Child Pornography"

This is not the kind of outrage they want to be associated with.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I find the vitriol in this topic directed agienst THQ Nordic slightly unsavory.

It's not that I want to defend them at all, it's just... it was a very stupid decision, and very possibly malevolently on their part. But all the calls for boycotts, calls for everyone involved to be fired, banned from the industry? And this happens so often. It was just a few weeks ago that people were calling for a boycott on all of Activision for their behavior in their conference call.

It just seems like resetera becomes an engine for this righteous fury that we all get caught up in. It was a monumentally bad PR decision, but my reaction to that is to just laugh at the abusrity, not call for heads.


Kaz Mk II

Oct 27, 2017
Wow, I expected more out of this for how many hottakes I've seen.

I wonder if this would have blown up as much if they went to 4chan rather than 8chan. Because the comments I've seen posted are no worse than ones I've seen in 4chan and I kinda expected worse. Now I didn't really know about the history of that place which seems even more lawless than 4chan. Still I found the apology to be adequate compared to some other PR apologies I've seen.

Maybe that particular guy should loose his job title (I'm the ones involved are going to be disciplined in some way internally), but for some of the takes I've seen and the calls for boycotts from others I expected much worse than an AMA taken in a shitty setting trying to walk about/appease pretty scummy individuals. Maybe twitter comments and Era page #'s paint a skewed picture of how large a controversy actually is.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs
I mean, it takes literally 1 google search and about 3 minutes to find out everything you need to know about 8chan, if the PR didn't know then they still deserve to be fired, maybe not for moral reasons but because they're quite simply awful at their jobs.


Oct 25, 2017
I find the vitriol in this topic directed agienst THQ Nordic slightly unsavory.

It's not that I want to defend them at all, it's just... it was a very stupid decision, and very possibly malevolently on their part. But all the calls for boycotts, calls for everyone involved to be fired, banned from the industry? And this happens so often. It was just a few weeks ago that people were calling for a boycott on all of Activision for their behavior in their conference call.

It just seems like resetera becomes an engine for this righteous fury that we all get caught up in. It was a monumentally bad PR decision, but my reaction to that is to just laugh at the abusrity, not call for heads.
Nice alt bro.


Oct 27, 2017
Worth repeating: This was not done only by PR. One of the two people taking part in this AMA, the one who answered to a "Cease this faggotry"-meme with "That could be from one of our games..." is part of THQ Nordics 7-member Board and Management. His is one of the highest positioned people in the whole company.

Am still not over this, what in the hell ?!


Nov 7, 2017
I am thinking we get a house-cleaning and full public apology for this. Google "THQ Nordic" and tell me you'd want your international corporation doing business with a company who's Google search frontpage is that.

You know as well as I that the moment the announce the next Saints Row all this will be buried instantly.

They know how to game seo, I am sure the apology articles will be the only things to surface in a a few days.


Oct 25, 2017
"It feels horrible to be associated with this company in any capacity," said one developer currently working for a studio under THQ Nordic, who requested anonymity to protect their job.

"I definitely worry about the affect it'll have on our audience," they continued. "The mainstream game audience is arguably already leaning right, and this (implicit or explicit) approval of this awful group is only going to drive sales in their direction and away from the kind of progressive people that I would love to reach. The comment on 'continuing to avoid making games for SocJus audiences' fills me with the most dread."

Yeah, this isn't going to end well on either side, publisher or developers.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
"4chan? Nah, they villainize child porn. We shouldn't host an AMA there."

"Gab? I mean, they're cool with Nazis, but they just don't have enough of a reputation as child porn advocates yet."

"8chan? Yes, that is where we should host our AMA, let's set it up."

It's not a question of whether anyone will be fired for this, but how many.

Deleted member 9857

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
Are you saying that THQ Nordic's 8chan posts (which are available for public viewing even without the need for screenshots) are fake and not "accurate"? Because unless you are for some reason, that comic does not apply here. Can't even say they're presented without context— the context is there for each one, and it's bad.

the comic wasn't about this specifically as how it applies to society at large

I accidentally hit post before I had finished my post since I'm on mobile but edited it right away to make clear I'm in no way defending the vile place that is 8chan nor the decision to host an AMA there


Into the Woods
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Parts Unknown
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


8chan is awful and deserves to be burned down but they aren't well known so it's entirely plausible that PR didn't realize

now if they did know then they deserve to be fired and frankly companies should just stick to Reddit for AMAs
This comic isn't relevant

Also, do you really think googling "8chan" and reading a Wikipedia article is too high of a bar for THQNordic PR?

THQNordic, if you're looking for a new PR person, here's my resume:
  • Will not associate your brand with child pornography
  • Will google a brand/platform and read the controversies section of the Wikipedia article before associating with it


Comics Council 2020 & Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Wow, I expected more out of this for how many hottakes I've seen.

I wonder if this would have blown up as much if they went to 4chan rather than 8chan. Because the comments I've seen posted are no worse than ones I've seen in 4chan and I kinda expected worse. Now I didn't really know about the history of that place which seems even more lawless than 4chan. Still I found the apology to be adequate compared to some other PR apologies I've seen.

Maybe that particular guy should loose his job title (I'm the ones involved are going to be disciplined in some way internally), but for some of the takes I've seen and the calls for boycotts from others I expected much worse than an AMA taken in a shitty setting trying to walk about/appease pretty scummy individuals. Maybe twitter comments and Era page #'s paint a skewed picture of how large a controversy actually is.

Work them like an alien prostitute.

Mass Effect

One Winged Slayer
Oct 31, 2017
If they're willing to associate with THQ, they deserve neither my time nor my money.
It's ok, I'll be fine there's a thousand other games to try and they have plenty other customers willing to overlook their moral failings.

That's a fair point, but it's been only a few hours since this incident occurred. How was Microsoft (or whoever) to know beforehand that THQ was run by awful people if they never aired these sentiments before publically?
Oct 25, 2017
Do some of you in this thread just have a reflexive impulse to defend assholes. Like everyone is here like yo my dude is fucking with some sketchy x1000 motherfuckers and y'all immediately go "bu-bu-but".

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
it's not just here on ResetERA, that's pretty much what happens over most anything in society these days


NOTE, I did not read the thread, nor did I read the OP. But let me stan for a company associating with a website that's literally blacklisted by google, if I had read the thread or the OP I wouldn't have missed the part where the thread starts with heil hitler, is filled with slurs, and that the people doing the AMA involved themselves in that behavior by directly responding to it..
Thank you for your honesty.


Nov 15, 2017
Ok, time for real talk.

If anyone thinks this was just a "stupid mistake", then you're getting had.

This was 100% an attempt to signal boost to a specific audience in order to gain a loyal following that sees "a company who openly admits to rejecting SJW censorship".

They can backpedal, but just like when Trump back peddled after a nazi rammed his car into a crowd, the white nationalists saw what he said and openly admitted that the back pedal was just to cover his tracks, while embracing his "both sides" speech as an open invitation and admission he was on their side.

Well fucking said.


Oct 25, 2017
Man I never want to ever hear another white privilege doesn't exist argument ever again. Knowingly associating an entire company with a white supremacist and child porno website and still not fired is some kind is some craaaaaaazy shit.