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Deleted member 8561

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Oct 26, 2017
Why use the name "Rose"?

Oct 25, 2017
Really? That is why it's called "Rose Twitter"?
🌹 Rose 🌹
Meaning: Democratic Socialist

The rose emoji is the best representation for the symbol of the political group, Democratic Socialists of America, or DSA.

One user, Keith Spencer, who uses the rose in his Twitter handle, knows the long history of the red rose used for labor groups and social democrats. For him the emoji connects him to like-minded people.

"I thought it seemed like a good idea to help us find each other," he said in an email. "It has the added benefit of being subtle enough that you can identify yourself as a socialist without, say, a random stranger noticing and then trolling you for it."

Thomas Moore, a 20-year-old college student and self-proclaimed activist who has since changed his handle emoji from a rose to a red balloon, said he had put the rose in his handle for its meaning beyond DSA, "The fragility of the rose represents the concern for the welfare of the downtrodden, its petals are symbolic of the ever growing following the movement has."

The Democratic Socialists of America have embraced the rose emoji to match the group's logo and identity.


Oct 25, 2017
The entire country needs to emulate MS and WV on vaccination policy.

No joke.
Agreed. How anti-vax stuff ever actually gained traction is something that is just baffling to me.

CA has actually had a similar policy to MS and WV since 2015 but the biggest issue now with vaccination is that there are a few doctors that are just handing out medical exemptions out to parents who ask for them or even charging people to get a medical exemption. A few have been prosecuted so far but it opened the conversation on how to try and get doctors to not to just give out phony exemptions.

Also, can I just say how the fuck can someone be a practicing doctor and also just fall into the anti-vax hole? That seems completely negligent to the point where their license to practice should probably be revoked.


Oct 25, 2017
So it's becoming increasingly obvious that Manafort isn't linked as closely with Trump as previously hoped.

It looks like most of Trump's crimes fall under Michael Cohen's umbrella of typical campaign finance crimes as opposed to giant international conspiracy to be elected president.

Unless there is still a shit load of stuff Mueller hasn't let out of the bag yet.


Not actually the youngest mod — AP Fact Check
Oct 24, 2017
Wait a minute.

I had the flu this week.

When I read a tweet that said something along the lines of Klobuchar eating a salad with her comb and then making an aid clean it, I thought I was in the midst of a fever dream.

...that happened?


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
The statistics don't bare witness to that. California's modified open primary system has knocked more incumbents out.

Feinstein just happens to have her hands down everybody's pants (and vice versa), which is what's required of her in CA's system.
Which incumbents have been ousted in the open primary system. Eric Swalwell is the only one who comes to mind, but 2012 also shifted a ton of the lines so a ton of incumbents weren't running in districts where they had run before in and only represented a fraction of their new districts.

ie: Pete Stark's old district looked pretty different than the new district he lost (he also was dodged by a ton of ethics scandals that makes it different than an ideological primary)



EDIT: So even when Joe Baca lost in 2012, the same thing: yes, Ontario still anchors the district, but it shift the district way to the left by adding Pomona, and 150k new voters that he didn't represent beforehand. Also loses San Bernardino, which was Baca's home base, which is uh, sort of a big deal.
Last edited:


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Wait a minute.

I had the flu this week.

When I read a tweet that said something along the lines of Klobuchar eating a salad with her comb and then making an aid clean it, I thought I was in the midst of a fever dream.

...that happened?
Wait, that was real?


Feb 19, 2018
Wait a minute.

I had the flu this week.

When I read a tweet that said something along the lines of Klobuchar eating a salad with her comb and then making an aid clean it, I thought I was in the midst of a fever dream.

...that happened?

Yeah dude. You didn't dream that nasty shit up. It really happened. What a haze this week must have been for you with the wild shit that has been coming from every corner.

Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
So it's becoming increasingly obvious that Manafort isn't linked as closely with Trump as previously hoped.

It looks like most of Trump's crimes fall under Michael Cohen's umbrella of typical campaign finance crimes as opposed to giant international conspiracy to be elected president.

Unless there is still a shit load of stuff Mueller hasn't let out of the bag yet.

If that's the case then why does Trump keep saying nice things about Manafort and dangling pardons his way? Wouldn't he just completely disown him if they weren't closely linked?


Oct 25, 2017
If that's the case then why does Trump keep saying nice things about Manafort and dangling pardons his way? Wouldn't he just completely disown him if they weren't closely linked?

Yeah, i just find it hard to believe that Manafort was doing this all behind Trumps back.

Trump has been involved financially with the russians for years, We have trump talking about the release of hillary's emails before they were releassed, we have emails of Trump Jr enthusiastically trying to collude with russia, we have cohen in russia trying to work on what would have been by far the biggest deal Trump has ever made and trump publicly lying about it, he could have had picked anyone in the world to be his campaign manager and he picked Manafort and continues to defend manafort. We have the trump inauguration with russian fingerprints all over it, russian friendly administration policies and decisions, and of course Trumps absolute refusal to say anything negative about russia whatsoever even though he knows it hurts him politically and opens him up to scrutiny to people on both ends of the politcal spectrum.
Oct 25, 2017
Why use the name "Rose"?

Bread and Roses
As we come marching, marching, in the beauty of the day,​
A million darkened kitchens, a thousand mill-lofts gray​
Are touched with all the radiance that a sudden sun discloses,​
For the people hear us singing, "Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses."​

As we come marching, marching, we battle, too, for men—​
For they are women's children and we mother them again.​
Our days shall not be sweated from birth until life closes—​
Hearts starve as well as bodies: Give us Bread, but give us Roses.​

As we come marching, marching, unnumbered women dead​
Go crying through our singing their ancient song of Bread;​
Small art and love and beauty their trudging spirits knew—​
Yes, it is Bread we fight for—but we fight for Roses, too.​

As we come marching, marching, we bring the Greater Days—​
The rising of the women means the rising of the race.​
No more the drudge and idler—ten that toil where one reposes—​
But a sharing of life's glories: Bread and Roses, Bread and Roses.​

— James Oppenheim, 1911​

The general idea is that Workers don't just deserve the necessities, but also access to the luxuries of life.
Nov 20, 2017

Why Suburban Swing Voters May Be Less Common Than You Think
A new poll finds that far from being more moderate than urban or rural voters, suburbanites are actually more partisan.

The popular image of America's suburbs as a realm of swing voters, moderates, and independents is wrong, a new poll suggests. In fact, suburban voters are much less likely to be political independents than either urban or rural voters. Only 15 percent of the poll's suburban respondents were independents, lower than the rate among rural or urban residents.

What makes the suburbs politically distinct in America may not be moderation, but rather a more even split between Democrats and Republicans than exists in left-leaning cities or right-leaning rural areas.


Residents of denser suburbs held beliefs more like those of city-dwellers than those of residents of low-density suburbs. (That echoes the Congressional Density Index, which found that districts composed primarily of low-density suburbs were more Republican than districts made up of higher-density suburbs.)

Researchers also looked at suburban residents based on whether they had ever lived in a city. Politically, Americans who moved from cities into the 'burbs voted much more like their former urban neighbors than their new suburban ones. Suburbanites who had never lived in a city were closely divided between Democrats and Republicans in the 2018 election, but ex-city dwellers voted overwhelmingly for Democrats.


But the poll's results suggest that a lot of political differences between rural, urban, and suburban areas have to do with what kinds of people live there, rather than some characteristic of those types of neighborhoods.

For example, rural Americans are 24 percentage points more likely to approve of President Donald Trump than urban residents. But after controlling for the higher share of Republicans in rural areas, they're only 4 points more likely to back Trump—not a statistically significant difference.


Sky Chief

Oct 30, 2017
Yeah, i just find it hard to believe that Manafort was doing this all behind Trumps back.

Trump has been involved financially with the russians for years, We have trump talking about the release of hillary's emails before they were releassed, we have emails of Trump Jr enthusiastically trying to collude with russia, we have cohen in russia trying to work on what would have been by far the biggest deal Trump has ever made and trump publicly lying about it, he could have had picked anyone in the world to be his campaign manager and he picked Manafort and continues to defend manafort. We have the trump inauguration with russian fingerprints all over it, russian friendly administration policies and decisions, and of course Trumps absolute refusal to say anything negative about russia whatsoever even though he knows it hurts him politically and opens him up to scrutiny to people on both ends of the politcal spectrum.

If I were Trump and there was nothing tying me to Manafort's activities with Russians then I would be out there today and ever since he was charged saying "Thank you FBI and Special Council for exposing this spy who made his way into my campaign!! You guys are the best in the world, thank you so much!" Not saying "Paul Manafort is a very good guy and this is so unjust."


Oct 25, 2017

"Manafort fuckin loves crimes" translated to Mueller speak = "[Manafort demonstrates] a hardened adherence to committing crimes"


Oct 25, 2017
If I were Trump and there was nothing tying me to Manafort's activities with Russians then I would be out there today and ever since he was charged saying "Thank you FBI and Special Council for exposing this spy who made his way into my campaign!! You guys are the best in the world, thank you so much!" Not saying "Paul Manafort is a very good guy and this is so unjust."

Yup, he may as well be holding a gigantic sign saying "i'm guilty".

Jupiter IV

Jan 6, 2018
Possibly unanswerable question: Do anti-vaxxers think getting a vaccine can give you autism no matter what the age? Was pondering this hearing about unvaccinated teenagers who want to defy their parents.

There's a few answers, but it's probably not really a unified thing across all anti-vaxxers. A lot of it will come down to vaccines are bad and they'll come up with whatever excuses they can to claim they're bad no matter what.

One of the things anti-vaxxers like to push is that the vaccine schedule has too many vaccines, too rapidly. A teenager getting some vaccines wouldn't go against that. But of course, they have other arguments. There's chemicals. Thimerosal is used as a preservative for vials with multiple doses and contains mercury and it's due to anti-vaxxers that thimerosal free formulations were created. Studies found there isn't any difference in vaccines with or without thimerosal. Thimerosal is still used in vaccines today but every single vaccine is currently available in a thimerosal free formulation which may have to be requested for by the patient. Anti-vaxxers also don't like shedding, a term for viral replication in an infected person and spreading the virus to the environment. This is only relevant to live attenuated vaccines, but in the real world it's actually irrelevant because those attenuated viruses are harmless and do not cause disease except in rare situations, such as an immunocompromised patient.

There's probably more, but that's what I can remember off the top of my head.
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