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Deleted member 4208

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Oct 25, 2017
I'm glad (and thankful) that many here are being reasonable and level-headed about Barr's summary. Taking Barr's word as gospel is like believing that the last person in a game of telephone will say what the first person in the chain said word for word.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Amidst all this hoopla, I'm really pretty annoyed with Rosenstein at the moment. He's once again lending his name to some bullshit (first time being that Comey firing letter) and shielding Barr in a decision that he shouldn't even be a part of in the first place because he was involved in the events surrounding obstruction! What a hack.

To be fair, he showed alot more spine than 99.99% of republicans, Trump throwing Rosenstein under the bus for the firing of comey must have genuinely pissed him off, and we wouldn't have gotten the mueller investigation without him.

But he turned back into your prototype republican last week, said we should expect bar to act in Barr in good faith, all that none sense that's objectively false.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty confident that the US has Assange or someone from wikileaks and will announce it tomorrow at a news conference. No tweets from them since the plane left London


Oct 29, 2017
Yeah, not at all interested in the Barr summary. I want the full report. And I want full details on the following:

- George Nader, who has been cooperating since early 2018 on that infamous meeting between him, Erik Prince, and Kirill Dmitriev :

This of course is the meeting that Erik Prince blatantly lied about and still hasn't been brought back to "clarify". Also if there's Russian collusion, it would be present here despite neither Nader or Prince being officially part of Trump's team (they totally were unofficially).

- Michael Flynn's meeting with Kislyak and subsequent lies about it and how even after being found out about this and all the other high crimes he was involved with, Mueller and co. still gave him a sweetheart deal due to his "substantial assistance" in the Trump-Russian investigation. So, tell us all about this substantial assistance that led to the final decision.

- Manafort and Kilimnik. I mean, this is the mother of them all. As far as I'm concerned, this theory is still a go:
"It's hard to imagine that something so explosive and central to the mission of his investigation wouldn't be addressed either in charges against someone (Manafort or others) or in a report," Mimi Rocah, a former federal prosecutor in the Southern District of New York, wrote in an email. "And the fact that the special counsel hasn't brought it out but it was only revealed inadvertently, reinforces the idea that [Mueller] is saving it for something else."

That "something else" could be anything from a line in Mueller's report to an entire conspiracy charge. "My money is on Mueller including the Manafort efforts as part of the 'case' alleging Trump campaign collaboration with the Russians," Patrick Cotter, a former federal prosecutor who specialized in organized crime, told me in an email. "The question then is, what is the best way to make that case? For myself, I believe a RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act] indictment would be the appropriate vehicle to bring such a case: charge the campaign as the 'racketeering enterprise' and name Trump, Manafort and the rest of the gang as members of the enterprise … straight out of the mob prosecution playbook."

Cotter, who is familiar with Mueller's by-the-book style but has no direct knowledge of his internal plans, said Mueller is more likely to take the "safer route"—laying out all the facts that would support such a case in a report, "but not actually charging the legally plausible but politically nuclear formal criminal case." Any RICO indictment against the campaign for a conspiracy with Russia "would be the new definition of bold and cutting edge." The former federal prosecutor Jeffrey Cramer agreed that Mueller could bring a conspiracy case and name Manafort and others as unindicted co-conspirators—but if the evidence doesn't rise to the level of proof beyond a reasonable doubt, it will likely just be outlined in the report.

Until we get the full report, this is still my assumption as to what is happening given Rick Gates' continuing efforts in ongoing investigations which were affirmed as recently as this past week, and he was the only other person in that meeting between Manafort and Kilimnik. We still know barely anything about how that thread has gone.

- Everything Rick Gates. See above and see also everything to do with the inauguration and beyond.

Since the Mueller investigation is now concluded, shouldn't be any reason to deny congress or the public from these details. And in addition to seeking the full report and subpoenaing Barr and Mueller and Rod, they need to also subpoena a lot of the guys I just mentioned - namely the cooperating witnesses who have been assisting the investigation before Cohen even got raided.


Oct 25, 2017
I really hope one of the big papers like NYT or WaPo are going all out trying to get their hands on the full report in the event that Barr refuses to release it. It would be ultra frustrating if months from now we're still clamouring to see it.


Oct 25, 2017

Good statement. Covers the important beats pretty succinctly - the report does not exonerate trump, Barr can't be trusted, and the full report needs to be disclosed.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I'm talking about the structure of the Senate itself. As time goes on the in the US most of the population will be concentrated in a few large states while a bunch of low populated small states will have most of the Senate. The Senate is already kind of like this but it will just get worse. I remember reading some estimates that say by 2040 30% of the US population will control 70% of the Senate.

In the long term, here's what you're looking at:

Sold Red: Maine, West Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah.
Lean Red: Montana, Idaho, Alaska, Nebraska, Tennessee
Swing states: Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, South Carolina, Florida
Lean Blue: Georgia, Texas, Arizona, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
Solid Blue: all else, VT, MA, RI, CT, NY, NJ, DE, MD, VA, NC, IL, CA, OR, WA, HI, CO, NM

One state from the current lean-blue column will be lost to the GOP, and that's Maine (it's demographics really don't allow for anything else). Some swingy states will go hard red, a la Ohio and Iowa.
A few red states will start to be less-red due to demographic shifts, and that's all of the Lean Red column which are all Solid R now but there's demographic movement under the surface to undermine that.
Swing states will bring in Michigan, who's in population decline but its populace centers are so strongly blue. Wisconsin where the rural areas are swinging harder red but the population centers are anchoring the state blue. Minnesota has the same phenomenon going on. South Carolina's behind the curve on sun-belt urbanization but has enough of it that it will become competitive. Florida has weird demographics because of all of the old people constantly moving there.
The sun-belt urbanization will bring GA, TX, AZ into the tilt blue column. Boston commuters and Vermont overflow keeps NH in the tilt blue column. Pennsylvania's rural areas swing hard red but aren't enough to outweigh Philadelphia given that rural PA is in decline.
The current solid-blue roster stays that way.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a bad head space, friends.

Rationally I know we have a good shot at beating Trump, but today hurt my morale.

All I can think of is laughing at the crushed hearts of Romney supporters on right wing forums during election night in 2012.

They just knew Obama was done for.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Democrats need to keep the pressure on. Every major possible Democratic nominee needs to make a clear statement on the need to issue the full report.


Oct 25, 2017
Democrats in the campaign trail need fo hammer Trump on his terrible handling on PR, Harvey, the environment, regulations, taxes, and healthcare.

Only the stupid ones would try to make Muller's report part of their keystone campaign issues.


Oct 27, 2017
If they where so confident they would have release the full report obviously they not as confident as it appears


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Hopefully a patriot at DOJ leaks the report to someone, but I'm not sure how many actually have access to it


Oct 26, 2017
Reading Twitter. My bad, sure. But there are three main credible theories happening:

1. This is so bad that NatSec stuff is happening behind the scenes and Barr/Rosentein put a good face on it to buy time while it unfolds. There's a lot more to see here.

2. This is the best (worst) possible reading of a really bad report by Republicans being cowardly and the main thing to hang your hat on are the remaining investigations. (Southpaw)

3. Mueller was never going to do an actual investigation and he was only running out the clock while the Russian mob took over the US Government and consolidated power under a fascist puppet. (Kendzior)

I, uh, am going with #1.

Is that really what Sarah Kendzior is going with ???
Oct 27, 2017

Evan Pérez @evanperez

After issuing his summary of Mueller's report, AG Bill Barr went to mass at St Peter's in Capitol Hill.

6:08 PM - Mar 24, 2019

And Pete:

Kyle Griffin @kylegriffin1

Pete Buttigieg calls for the release of the full Mueller report on @MSNBC.

5:35 PM - Mar 24, 2019

His appearance on msnbc was once again on point, and focused how one side wants to have as few people voting as possible, because of hate.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm in a bad head space, friends.

Rationally I know we have a good shot at beating Trump, but today hurt my morale.

All I can think of is laughing at the crushed hearts of Romney supporters on right wing forums during election night in 2012.

They just knew Obama was done for.
I'm really happy because I'm at a music festival this weekend with my wife. It's been a lot easier to disconnect than usual. I've been in a state of dread since Friday, but taking breaks and checking in only when I've got time has helped. My gut instinct would have been to hit refresh all weekend and be in a constant panic. Obviously 'go to a music festival with your wife' isn't actionable advice. But taking a break sure is.


Oct 25, 2017
That's all he thinks it takes to not feel any guilt. Go to mass and ask for forgiveness and that's that. I hate these people.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
I'm really happy because I'm at a music festival this weekend with my wife. It's been a lot easier to disconnect than usual. I've been in a state of dread since Friday, but taking breaks and checking in only when I've got time has helped. My gut instinct would have been to hit refresh all weekend and be in a constant panic. Obviously 'go to a music festival with your wife' isn't actionable advice. But taking a break sure is.
I've been playing Sekiro lol. Was just hoping for better news.

Hope that festival is sick tho ❤️


Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a bad head space, friends.

Rationally I know we have a good shot at beating Trump, but today hurt my morale.

All I can think of is laughing at the crushed hearts of Romney supporters on right wing forums during election night in 2012.

They just knew Obama was done for.

Like someone in here said earlier, in two months we won't even be talking about this. Once the 4th of July hits, this will be three or four news cycles away.


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I'm in a bad head space, friends.

Rationally I know we have a good shot at beating Trump, but today hurt my morale.

All I can think of is laughing at the crushed hearts of Romney supporters on right wing forums during election night in 2012.

They just knew Obama was done for.
I get this, but it's also like, you know that this was never going to be a silver bullet. Even if it was "there was collusion", it wouldn't be a silver bullet. If/when the report gets fully released, it'll probably be a bit more damning than Barr's summary but probably not enough for impeachment. So everyone on both sides will take what they want and not a lot will change and Trump will probably be right back where we started.

Like someone in here said earlier, in two months we won't even be talking about this. Once the 4th of July hits, this will be three or four news cycles away.
twas me.

odd years of politics are for the super fans who buy the collectors' editions, not the masses.


Oct 30, 2017
I've been playing Sekiro lol. Was just hoping for better news.

Hope that festival is sick tho ❤️
I got to play 30 goddamn minutes of Sekiro before we had to leave. I'm almost jealous! It's been a lot of fun. Every year 400+ bands come and take over downtown Boise, and we wander around and get drunk for a few days. It's great!


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I hope that muller gets sopenaed and he presents the report in full there. And I hope it's this week.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
If it was so clear this is what Barr was brought in to do then why did his confirmation come and go without asserting this is what would happen. Why were they so soft during his confirmation

If the situation was reversed the GOP would have smeared someone getting into Barr's position from the get go


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
If it was so clear this is what Barr was brought in to do then why did his confirmation come and go without asserting this is what would happen. Why were they so soft during his confirmation

If the situation was reversed the GOP would have smeared someone getting into Barr's position from the get go
Democrats did ask him about it and he stonewalled them. Dems are powerless to do anything when they don't have a majority in the Senate


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Barr is soooooooo shady.

Mueller didn't exonerate Trump on obstruction but Barr basically did, but he almost doesn't want you to realize. What a troll.


Oct 26, 2017
Some general thoughts after digesting what little we were given...

Can't lie, I'm disappointed there doesn't seem to be a smoking gun on conspiracy with Russia here. Barr was selective in quoting Mueller and I believe there is some evidence for conspiracy from people around Trump, but not enough for an airtight case. I've long held that there was still a possibility Trump could be removed if this aspect was airtight and damning, but I don't think that's possible now without something strong to tie Trump to Russia. But now we all get the satisfaction of voting his ass out in 2020.

It's frustrating and confusing to me that Mueller did not give an opinion on obstruction after nearly 2 years. Jill Wine Banks on MSNBC said perhaps he didn't because he was following the Watergate example that amounted to "here's the evidence, Congress go do something with it" and I could buy that, but Mueller is an important non-partisan voice in the public debate and I think he should be giving his opinion in this case which was a primary objective of the investigation. This dilemma is what I most want to know more about and I hope we can hear from Mueller directly, especially as it seems Barr did not consult with him at all when drafting this public letter. Barr did his job like a good lapdog.

It's important to keep in mind Barr's summary is incredibly narrow. It doesn't even give a single full quotation from Mueller. It only talks about Trump and no one else, but we all know this cake has a lot of ingredients and we still don't know what's happening with those yet. There's a lot still to come out.

As a sidenote, I'd like to see the rules governing the special counsel be changed to require the special counsel themselves to make the initial public statement and no one else. I think this situation highlights why.

Bottom line: We need the report, not a 2 page summary from a partisan asshole like Barr.

To be fair, he showed alot more spine than 99.99% of republicans, Trump throwing Rosenstein under the bus for the firing of comey must have genuinely pissed him off, and we wouldn't have gotten the mueller investigation without him.

But he turned back into your prototype republican last week, said we should expect bar to act in Barr in good faith, all that none sense that's objectively false.
Ya I was giving him the benefit of the doubt for a long time now, but he's shown his true colors. Pretty disappointing.
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Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Democrats did ask him about it and he stonewalled them. Dems are powerless to do anything when they don't have a majority in the Senate
But after being stonewalled it was almost shrugged off

House GOP members were more ready and willing to discredit and smear a nobody who is going to prison like Cohen just to try and control the narrative so that anything that went against them they in those hearings, they were prepared for, than we were prepared to do for someone who is now in control of the justice department and the top cop in the country. They were absolutely not sounding the fire alarms that *the fix is in* during this process, like they should have if this is the narrative they are going to go with now
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Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
But after being stonewalled it was almost shrugged off

House GOP members were more ready and willing to discredit and smear a nobody who is going to prison like Cohen just to try and control the narrative so that anything that went against them they were prepared for.. than we were prepared to do for someone who is now in control of the justice department and the top cop in the country. They were absolutely not sounding the fire alarms that *the fix is in* during this process, like they should have if this is the narrative they are going to go with now
Democrats are really bad at getting the media to buy what they are selling. Republicans can go on TV and act insane every day, but the second a Dem went on TV talking about how Barr is a corrupt pick, the media would be attacking them asking what evidence they had.
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