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Oct 28, 2017
I'm on your side. I don't have a problem with them releasing it. But I know they only released it because they are an entertainment network.

Well, okay. But if you think Reuters or the AP wouldn't've released that, you're wrong.

Did you know, November 1990 was only 29 years ago, not 30?

I wouldn't've been able to do the math without bernie explaining to me how the flow of time works, no. After all, I'm a woman, and need a man to explain to me how math works.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
You got something to say? Let me here it.
If you don't speak out against the bad one's, are you really a good one?

That's the same logic many of us on the left use against "what about the good cops" defenses. Why whould we use it here against bad sanders supporters? Or bad supporters of anyone left wing/left allied?


Oct 25, 2017
I do listen to people with viewpoints that aren't my own. I'm talking specifically about information pushed to me by the internet algorithms and prominent leftists that I'm supposed to "trust". I try not to take things at face value, and sometimes I fail at that because I'm human. I'm sure you've had a moment like that too where you believed something that was pushed to you by someone you're supposed to trust and it turns out to be a manipulated truth. It's the danger of the internet age. All you can do is try to stay vigilant and try to come to your own conclusions and hope you did a good job.

No, to be clear, I'm talking about exactly that. Sometime in 2015 I went on Twitter and specifically went out of my way to add a bunch of people who I felt were reasonable but totally wrong about everything. On the right I had David Frum, Jennifer Rubin, Ross Douthat, a few other people. On the left, I had the Bruenigs, mostly. I did this very deliberately to ensure that my bubble would include arguments I felt were clearly incorrect, drawing on sources and stories that my normal followers wouldn't include. Otherwise, as you say, the algorithms will only push you information you already agree with. Maybe this is what you meant too and you've already done this, but in general I think everybody needs to do it. Every diet requires a certain amount of roughage. I actually need to do it again pretty soon because I no longer disagree with the people on the left and need to add even more unpleasant leftists to the feed (and a bunch of the right-wingers moved towards me).


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I need cooler head opinions: does this Sanders/Warren squabble actually matter?
Biden is still likely to win regardless. This whole squabble hurts Warren the most despite having a very strong debate performance. Her support is very elastic compared to Sander's.

Overall I am not a fan of this squabble. It distracts from the bigger goals both of them are trying to achieve. I don't think this hurts either of them all that much numbers wise but it helps no one but Biden (and Buttiegeg I guess).
Oct 27, 2017
I need cooler head opinions: does this Sanders/Warren squabble actually matter?
If one of them wins the nomination they'll have to have both very convincingly kissed-and-made-up and one will also very convincingly have to throw all of their weight behind the other. (I think this is possible because they are longtime allies having a bad spat.)

That's if one of them wins. Which they rather likely won't, so, whatever.
Oct 25, 2017
Well I think you and I have some disagreements on what we think is happening.
We do, because I think you fit into both of those groups I mentioned, which is why I suggested you re-read what I wrote especially after you wrote what you did. And that's a hard thing to read, I understand.

The knee-jerk reaction to this statement is that "You should do some self-reflecting too" but that's pointless.

I don't think it is pointless to try and help someone sporting a candidate's avatar that maybe they need some self-reflection on issues pertaining to said candidate.

Instead I'll say that I do self-reflect to the best of my abilities. Because of the space I occupy on the internet, I'm bombarded by information meant to suit my narrative. It's difficult to make good judgment calls on whether or not that information is relevant or informative sometimes. I'm sure you feel the same way in regards to the media you're fed as well.

Which doesn't mean one should be skeptical of all information, but not reflectively parrot or promote opinions that one agrees with. Not just pertaining to you, but the whole "cultist' thing that started this discussion, where the people in those groups do this. I was a Harris supporter before shifting to Warren. We had a very prominent, and a person of authority around here, very much promote and propagate Harris, and at times insinuated some gross things about people who weren't loudly gun-ho for her. Despite being a supporter, I tried to speak out when I thought they stepped over the line of decency and judgement. That's because I'm trying not to be in a cheerleading bubble for one person. If the goal is just my candidate, you can lose sight of good being done in other ways, and, yes, most vile to some, smaller ways.

Being bombarded with information to suit one's narrative is a problem. If it is a problem for you, stop using twitter, facebook, TYT, Chappo, or whatever, and expand your view. Don't just read the things you agree with, and don't just post them. If you read/see something you disagree with, is critical of your views or candidate, try to take a, dreaded, "self-reflective" moment to understand why someone wrote that, what it means, and specific reasons for why they are wrong, other than resorting to racist talking points and conspiracy jargon.

While I don't believe in every piece of information that shows Media Bias, in my mind, there's clear patterns to how the media deals with Bernie Sanders. I don't claim to know the reasoning behind it because it's probably based in a lot of different factors. But the information is still there and I try to be as lucid on that kind of stuff as I can be.

And even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that any and all flaws of Sanders, or his supporters or his phrasing or his demeanor or his staff or his surrogates or his defunct institution's fellows or his boosters, is beyond reproach.

I do think self-reflection is important, and I try to do it. I do it all the time with my politics to make sure if I believe things for the right reasons, if I truly believe them, and how well I believe them. And I try to view them outside of myself. And sometimes I'm hit in the face with something I don't like, and while I recoil or turtle up at times, I also try to face it head on and clear, and listen, and absorb, and hopefully better myself, even if that means admitting I was wrong. That can take time, and it can hurt to realize one is a part of the problem, sometimes majorly, but hopefully if they're honest with themselves, they can improve and do good outside of doing bad to others.

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Wow, not only did Barr speak with Rudy about getting the charges to Firtash dropped but also to DiGenova and Toensing about it as well, "They're all best friends" "Barr had to have know everything."


Oct 25, 2017
But have the people in Iowa not already made up their minds and with this really changed them? Idk seems crazy. Like, I imagine they'll even forget before they go to the polls lol
By most accounts they havent. We had an article on here a few days ago about how Iowa dems were nervous as all hell about picking the right candidate.


Oct 25, 2017
As megaton as it might seem, does any of this Parnas stuff really matter?
Will it move the GOP one inch?
I fear it's just another "boom" that absolutely nothing comes out of.
Prove me wrong!


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Fox news lawyers were in on this shit too!

This is such an incestuous pile of deep seeded abuse and corruption within the GOP.

Fucking Thanos snap these fools out of positions of power already.


Oct 25, 2017
If you don't speak out against the bad one's, are you really a good one?

That's the same logic many of us on the left use against "what about the good cops" defenses. Why whould we use it here against bad sanders supporters? Or bad supporters of anyone left wing/left allied?
To answer your question, I'm doing what I think is necessary to combat trolls. Starve them of oxygen and tell others to do the same.

But what you're doing here is comparing my point to the defense of structural racism that oppresses and enslaves minorities. It's an EXTREMELY inappropriate comparison that I doubt you'd make if you weren't living in privilege. You should reflect on that for a minute.
Oct 27, 2017
We do, because I think you fit into both of those groups I mentioned, which is why I suggested you re-read what I wrote especially after you wrote what you did. And that's a hard thing to read, I understand.

I don't think it is pointless to try and help someone sporting a candidate's avatar that maybe they need some self-reflection on issues pertaining to said candidate.

Which doesn't mean one should be skeptical of all information, but not reflectively parrot or promote opinions that one agrees with. Not just pertaining to you, but the whole "cultist' thing that started this discussion, where the people in those groups do this. I was a Harris supporter before shifting to Warren. We had a very prominent, and a person of authority around here, very much promote and propagate Harris, and at times insinuated some gross things about people who weren't loudly gun-ho for her. Despite being a supporter, I tried to speak out when I thought they stepped over the line of decency and judgement. That's because I'm trying not to be in a cheerleading bubble for one person. If the goal is just my candidate, you can lose sight of good being done in other ways, and, yes, most vile to some, smaller ways.

Being bombarded with information to suit one's narrative is a problem. If it is a problem for you, stop using twitter, facebook, TYT, Chappo, or whatever, and expand your view. Don't just read the things you agree with, and don't just post them. If you read/see something you disagree with, is critical of your views or candidate, try to take a, dreaded, "self-reflective" moment to understand why someone wrote that, what it means, and specific reasons for why they are wrong, other than resorting to racist talking points and conspiracy jargon.

And even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that any and all flaws of Sanders, or his supporters or his phrasing or his demeanor or his staff or his surrogates or his defunct institution's fellows or his boosters, is beyond reproach.

I do think self-reflection is important, and I try to do it. I do it all the time with my politics to make sure if I believe things for the right reasons, if I truly believe them, and how well I believe them. And I try to view them outside of myself. And sometimes I'm hit in the face with something I don't like, and while I recoil or turtle up at times, I also try to face it head on and clear, and listen, and absorb, and hopefully better myself, even if that means admitting I was wrong. That can take time, and it can hurt to realize one is a part of the problem, sometimes majorly, but hopefully if they're honest with themselves, they can improve and do good outside of doing bad to others.

Then again, you just called what might possibly be one of the most important hours of television this decade "trash".

Let's all try to remain cool.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This Parnas stuff sure is something.

Trump and many others should be behind bars for this shit


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017
To answer your question, I'm doing what I think is necessary to combat trolls. Starve them of oxygen and tell others to do the same.

But what you're doing here is comparing my point to the defense of structural racism that oppresses and enslaves minorities. It's an EXTREMELY inappropriate comparison that I doubt you'd make if you weren't living in privilege. You should reflect on that for a minute.

I mean those same bad people for Sanders also happen to think we should stop doing "Identity politics" and other unsavory topics/ideas.

Maybe you should reflect on what's going on. I can't comment on everyone else's stance on this issue but the very thing I warned against months ago in Socialism era is happening. The bad apples are being sexist/racist/some type of ist and the other bernie supporters are latching onto it because they love their guy. To hell if the underlying point is a bad one.

You have Bernie Bros un-ironically linking Warren with Clinton for God's sake. This is the shit I warned against in the first place.

Bernie is not the end of the leftists movement. He can also be wrong. Everything is not some Liberal/Media ratchet job.


Oct 25, 2017
We do, because I think you fit into both of those groups I mentioned, which is why I suggested you re-read what I wrote especially after you wrote what you did. And that's a hard thing to read, I understand.

I don't think it is pointless to try and help someone sporting a candidate's avatar that maybe they need some self-reflection on issues pertaining to said candidate.

Which doesn't mean one should be skeptical of all information, but not reflectively parrot or promote opinions that one agrees with. Not just pertaining to you, but the whole "cultist' thing that started this discussion, where the people in those groups do this. I was a Harris supporter before shifting to Warren. We had a very prominent, and a person of authority around here, very much promote and propagate Harris, and at times insinuated some gross things about people who weren't loudly gun-ho for her. Despite being a supporter, I tried to speak out when I thought they stepped over the line of decency and judgement. That's because I'm trying not to be in a cheerleading bubble for one person. If the goal is just my candidate, you can lose sight of good being done in other ways, and, yes, most vile to some, smaller ways.

Being bombarded with information to suit one's narrative is a problem. If it is a problem for you, stop using twitter, facebook, TYT, Chappo, or whatever, and expand your view. Don't just read the things you agree with, and don't just post them. If you read/see something you disagree with, is critical of your views or candidate, try to take a, dreaded, "self-reflective" moment to understand why someone wrote that, what it means, and specific reasons for why they are wrong, other than resorting to racist talking points and conspiracy jargon.

And even if this is the case, it doesn't mean that any and all flaws of Sanders, or his supporters or his phrasing or his demeanor or his staff or his surrogates or his defunct institution's fellows or his boosters, is beyond reproach.

I do think self-reflection is important, and I try to do it. I do it all the time with my politics to make sure if I believe things for the right reasons, if I truly believe them, and how well I believe them. And I try to view them outside of myself. And sometimes I'm hit in the face with something I don't like, and while I recoil or turtle up at times, I also try to face it head on and clear, and listen, and absorb, and hopefully better myself, even if that means admitting I was wrong. That can take time, and it can hurt to realize one is a part of the problem, sometimes majorly, but hopefully if they're honest with themselves, they can improve and do good outside of doing bad to others.
I think we agree on a lot of this. My sources of information skew towards the left primarily because we're kinda in an information war with a large chunk of centrist thought. It's why I don't take information at face value anymore and I try to analyse information through my own rationality. And, despite my avatar, I am internally critical of Sanders. I don't discount everything said about the guy. I do legitimately try to do my best with the space I'm in.

But hey, we can be friends too despite our ideological differences. I'm a big Monkey Island fan too :)
Oct 25, 2017
Then again, you just called what might possibly be one of the most important hours of television this decade "trash".

Let's all try to remain cool.
This decade started 15 days ago, and it's a cable news program. Cable news is a detriment, and something I will always try and steer people away from since it is actively toxic and a part of the reason why information is isolated and sportsmanlike in excess.
We have currently a built-in allergy to unpleasant or disturbing information. Our mass media reflect this. But unless we get up off our fat surpluses and recognize that television in the main is being used to distract, delude, amuse, and insulate us, then television and those who finance it, those who look at it, and those who work at it, may see a totally different picture too late.

I've posted rather calmly today, and I wish you the same as you let us know what you are watching tonight as always.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 17, 2018
I can't comment on everyone else's stance on this issue but the very thing I warned against months ago in Socialism era is happening.

It is so completely inappropriate to dredge up cross-thread drama - something the staff has been very clear about not doing - while also using it to condescend to leftists. This is gross. You aren't helping to make leftists feel comfortable posting in these discussions like this. It is alienating. You talk about self-reflection in your post, I implore you to do the same.
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