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Oct 30, 2017
i haven't had any issues with melatonin, especially compared to NyQuil/ZZZQuil/other Diphendydramine Containing Bullshit, which gives me nightmares. but then i also have like hypnagogic hallucinations fairly routinely so it's like maybe my experience is not universal

I should check if these are OTC, I tend to have serious sleeping difficulties whenever things get stressful (and I have anxiety so that's all the time!)


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
I thought both endorsements were well reasoned and strong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 27, 2017
It felt so stupid at the time, but, hey, of all the POTYs they've picked, holy shit this one has fucked up the planet more than any other in decades.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Ok i have several pie graphs going but endorsing Amy and Liz is a double Liz endorsement because Amy siphons votes from Joe and Liz is already Liz! She is Liz and shes slithering to the top!


Tens across the board!
Oct 25, 2017
yeah honestly Amy rising risks syphoning Biden's grip on moderate and conservative white Dems, which are still a substantial part of his electorate. might not be an issue in Iowa when she doesn't cross 15% in most places but certainly might be an issue in other states.


Oct 25, 2017
Not sure which is more hilarious, The NYT Ed board endorsing two people, or several pages of people on pins and needles waiting for the announcement

Tiger Priest

Oct 24, 2017
New York, NY
IIRC the personal tax rate is like 8%? Wonder where they're getting the money from, financial transaction taxes?

17% is the top rate. Mostly they let many public firms operate essentially as corporations (especially the MTR, which owns a ton of real estate/malls including the largest skyscrapers in the city) which collect a ton of revenue on their own from rent, etc. But the govt is engaged in development/investment at pretty much all times.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh please, I've never heard anyone talk about watching that show before, but when they have this endorsement there are PAGES waiting for it.

okay buddy, sure, it's not that it was an hour long stream that people were watching and posting annoying posts throughout that I have explicitly been instructed to stop reporting because there is, and I quote, "no rule against livetweeting the television," it must be that poliera posters are completely obsessed with who the New York Times endorses

somebody is definitely unhealthily obsessed with what somebody else is doing here, I agree


Oct 27, 2017
Not sure which is more hilarious, The NYT Ed board endorsing two people, or several pages of people on pins and needles waiting for the announcement
Oh please, I've never heard anyone talk about watching that show before, but when they have this endorsement there are PAGES waiting for it.
Ahem, I'll have you know a lot of us have NO lives whatsoever and that garbage Sanders v Warren drama is a new type of fuel that we require for heating our homes in winter.
Oct 25, 2017
It isn't. If someone says you did something you didn't do, how are you supposed to meaningfully refute it but to say, "I didn't say that."?

Anything less would have been taken as hedging and a tacit admission to something of which he was accused.

Yes it is and I already explained how he should have handled it initial post you quoted. You are also assuming he didn't say what Warren says he did.

Deleted member 28564

User-requested account closure
Oct 31, 2017
Concurrent desalination and power generation? I'll have to look into this for interest's sake. If efficient, that's two birds with one stone.


Oct 25, 2017
i haven't had any issues with melatonin, especially compared to NyQuil/ZZZQuil/other Diphendydramine Containing Bullshit, which gives me nightmares. but then i also have like hypnagogic hallucinations fairly routinely so it's like maybe my experience is not universal
Those give me nightmares too! My last one had me being chased down a highway by nemesis from re3 lol. They're so vivid.
Dec 14, 2017
Yes it is and I already explained how he should have handled it initial post you quoted. You are also assuming he didn't say what Warren says he did.
And had he done that, it would have ended his candidacy. It would have been taken as a tacit admission that he'd said something he clearly denies saying.

Which is why he needed to strongly deny it. What that implies about her is not his problem.


Dec 26, 2018
It isn't an every state game yet, but I believe both Ilhan Omar and AOC are on record as being at least in part inspired by Sanders in their decision to run. On top of that, his campaign has a large grassroots following and polls miraculously well with young voters that are underrepresented in politics, so he certainly appears further along on building political momentum beyond his presidential bid than the other candidates. He's campaigned since the last election on an effective presidency requiring a politically activated populace that won't just check out once their candidate is in the Oval. So I can't take very seriously a post that implies this isn't already known, especially with the implication that other candidates wouldn't need similar ongoing post election activist support from the people in order to push helpful legislation

You're giving Bernie too much credit for the Justice Democrats, he may have inspired them but he had fuck all to do with leading them or getting them the logistical and media support their campaigns needed to win. Cenk Uygur had more to do with them winning than Bernie Sanders. The political group associated with Bernie, Our Revolution, did terribly and he had nothing to do with them on the ground, either. The strategy to get socialist politicians embedded all over the country has hit a huge barrier in that they're only able to achieve victories in safe blue seats and they still lose the majority of the time to moderates.

Young voters are great but they are a weakness when they are one of the main voting blocs since they are notoriously unreliable, as shown in 2016 and 2019. Of course this is a worldwide phenomena, not simply America. This is why calling this "political momentum" while ignoring he has huge issues appealing to older voters across all demographics isn't as impressive as presented.

Bernie's idea that he's going to force congress to buckle from pressure from activists is a fantasy, he's not demonstrated he has this ability ever. Why should I trust that he's going to make this miracle were he to be president when he can't beat Hillary Clinton in the primaries, and this force is nowhere to be seen in congress right now. Because we sure need them at the moment.

Bernie's not known for pushing legislation, that's more Warren's and Klob's wheelhouse, he's known for amendments in bills.
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Oct 25, 2017
The bill Bernie DID pass is one that Trump keeps taking credit for and one which Bernie won't correct the record on because it's the VA choice plan, allowing for vets to use private providers in lieu of government ones.

You have one guess why he won't bring up this super popular bill that Trump keeps falsely claiming credit for.


Nov 14, 2017
Remember that rumor about the Trump admin who got honeypotted then they did nothing about his security clearance? Welp:

Rumor inside NSC is that Peek 'had relations with Russian hookers and could not locate his government cell phone,' insider source tells me.

He's not even fired, he's on administrative leave lol


Oct 25, 2017
Remember that rumor about the Trump admin who got honeypotted then they did nothing about his security clearance? Welp:

Rumor inside NSC is that Peek 'had relations with Russian hookers and could not locate his government cell phone,' insider source tells me.

He's not even fired, he's on administrative leave lol

Defeated by the russian government... With Facebook memes and hookers

Good Job America
Oct 25, 2017
And had he done that, it would have ended his candidacy. It would have been taken as a tacit admission that he'd said something he clearly denies saying.

Which is why he needed to strongly deny it. What that implies about her is not his problem.

No it wouldn't have. "It was a misunderstanding and I apologize if she felt I said that but that was not my intention" would not have ended anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Warren is a threat to the establishment and Wall Street so why did NYT endorsed her?

And Amy is Amy.

1. Because a lot, most really, people vote/endorse based on a nebulous and ever-changing set of criteria that don't boil down so simply into an "establishment or non-establishment" binary that lacks nuance.

2. Perhaps their reasoning is detailed further elsewhere, such as in writing or on a weekly TV show.


Oct 27, 2017
Remember that rumor about the Trump admin who got honeypotted then they did nothing about his security clearance? Welp:

Rumor inside NSC is that Peek 'had relations with Russian hookers and could not locate his government cell phone,' insider source tells me.

He's not even fired, he's on administrative leave lol

This is way too on-brand for the Trump admin. Both under "the best people" and "Russian hookers." I can't believe this is coming out of the AP.
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