
Mar 10, 2019
From 4chan

xQc making close to 800k is crazy lol
Streamer: ok guys thank you for the support.

A fan sent 10$ donation for the streamer.

Streamer: Oh! thank you Rayn for donation 10$ I know it's 10% from your monthly salary I really appreciate it I know it's hard for you guys working out there that is why I am here to watch me play those games for you.

Twitch payment notification (10$ been added to your account your total balance is 800,010$)


Oct 27, 2017
I was looking through some of the payout data just now and it was actually really reassuring to see. I always kind of wonder if the lower end streamers I liked, people with only 500 viewers average, were making a living on twitch or if they were spending 8 hours a day entertaining hundreds of people and still needed a second job, you know? Some lowerend streamers are still doing pretty good though.
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Oct 25, 2017
Streamer: ok guys thank you for the support.

A fan sent 10$ donation for the streamer.

Streamer: Oh! thank you Rayn for donation 10$ I know it's 10% from your monthly salary I really appreciate it I know it's hard for you guys working out there that is why I am here to watch me play those games for you.

Twitch payment notification (10$ been added to your account your total balance is 800,010$)

It's crazy that people want to keep earning money even after they already earned money.


Jul 25, 2021
some of y'all up in here acting like streamers don't have to do literal live video production on the fly for hours at a time while simultaneously having good business sense and being entertaining enough to gather an audience.

if you think that's "easier" or requires less work than any other gig then that's your opinion. direct your anger at the government and society that have allowed life for the average worker to become so depressingly shit in the first place, not the ones who have put in the work and found a method that allows them to stay out of the traditional workforce.

Come on now. Lot of criticism is just how disproportionately highly these streamers are paid. We're talking salaries well in the upper percentiles, well above essential workers, and well above some doctors and lawyers, engineers, scientists, economists etc.

Like the income gap is a real thing, and while the answer isn't obviously to make everyone equal by paying them shit, the expectation should be a narrowing of the gap at both ends, not just dismissing criticism of extremely affluent individuals, especially when they still encourage subs and other donations.

Said differently, it is straight up whataboutism to tell people to be angry at the government and 'society' for enabling this kind of behaviour. The root cause of most workers being paid like shit is not that some are being compensated absurdly highly. Both things can be criticized simultaneously.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Come on now. Lot of criticism is just how disproportionately highly these streamers are paid. We're talking salaries well in the upper percentiles, well above essential workers, and well above some doctors and lawyers, engineers, scientists, economists etc.

Like the income gap is a real thing, and while the answer isn't obviously to make everyone equal by paying them shit, the expectation should be a narrowing of the gap at both ends, not just dismissing criticism of extremely affluent individuals, especially when they still encourage subs and other donations.
To be honest, the same argument could be said about soccer players or other entertainment careers. You will always have 99% of the workforce in such career struggling to pay bills while 0.01% are millionaires. This should be more a discussion of how entertainment is rewarded versus just complaining X streamers makes so much money at the end of the day.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 25, 2017
Streamer: ok guys thank you for the support.

A fan sent 10$ donation for the streamer.

Streamer: Oh! thank you Rayn for donation 10$ I know it's 10% from your monthly salary I really appreciate it I know it's hard for you guys working out there that is why I am here to watch me play those games for you.

Twitch payment notification (10$ been added to your account your total balance is 800,010$)
lol I know, right? It's ridiculous. I mean, if you want to continue being a sucker and handing your money to these people that are already filthy rich then that's your choice. A lot of the streamers on that list though...I'd feel a little guilty accepting people's money when I'm already making a shitload of money regardless.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the heads up, I have 2FA but I went and updated my password just to be safe.

Dang some of these streamers are loaded lol. Clearly that's not every streamer as it's notoriously difficult to find success in these days but geez.


Oct 25, 2017
Well guess it's time to change the account info.
From the looks of things this has to be an inside job. No way this much data/code was in the open somewhere.

For folks thinking making money stream is easy, it's not. I gave it a decent shot, made affiliate then largely quit because I didn't have the time to devote to a full time job and the stream. The amount of self-promotion and negativity you need to deal with just to break into a game is ridiculous, then you need to be online for a huge amount of time so you're maximizing your discoverability. Then you need to grab VODs and cut them into shorter (~20-30 minute) YouTube videos you can put out to help funnel viewers into your stream while also being religious in keeping to that extremely loaded schedule. YouTube ad payments are traaaaaaash for anyone not pulling in 100's of thousands of views.

That's on top of either being incredibly entertaining, near top level skilled, or both just to generate the content people want to watch. The folks making bank are doing so because they entertain enough people that they hit a critical mass of discoverability. The vaaaaast majority of streamers will not hit that threshold.
Nov 19, 2019
To be honest, the same argument could be said about soccer players or other entertainment careers. You will always have 99% of the workforce in such career struggling to pay bills while 0.01% are millionaires. This should be more a discussion of how entertainment is rewarded versus just complaining X streamers makes so much money at the end of the day.
There's still a big difference in how this money is paid out though.

World famous football players (or whatever other mega-earning job) aren't passing the plate around the church asking you to give from the heart.


Oct 27, 2017
Twitch and Amazon are the ones that benefit the most from this, so why shouldnt the people that make them hundreds of millions get paid for it? theres a reason Amazon spent a billion on Twitch


Unshakable Resolve
Sep 27, 2019
Thats true and fine, its still not labor intensive relative to a lot worse jobs that pay much much much much less and does not require learning a difficult skill that learned professions require such as being a doctor or a CPA.

Pretending otherwise is something else.

I would argue that skilled, really skilled video editing and production is definitely a hurdle for most streamers to make it big. It takes time that a lot of people don't have.


Jul 25, 2021
To be honest, the same argument could be said about soccer players or other entertainment careers. You will always have 99% of the workforce in such career struggling to pay bills while 0.01% are millionaires. This should be more a discussion of how entertainment is rewarded versus just complaining X streamers makes so much money at the end of the day.

Yep this is true, entertainment, finance executives etc. The answer is extreme taxation and redistribution. Because of the marginal propensity to spend falling off so greatly at higher income thresholds, you could get better aggregate output outcomes through more thoughtful taxation legislation.


Oct 26, 2017
Also on the topic of accepting donos, despite being extremely well off, it's better for engagement too, people want to give them money, not allowing it leads to worst engagement for them on top of less money. Twitch is weird.
Someme of the big streamers give their donation money to their mods which is always great to see.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
Thank god I deleted my account a few years ago.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
To be honest, the same argument could be said about soccer players or other entertainment careers. You will always have 99% of the workforce in such career struggling to pay bills while 0.01% are millionaires. This should be more a discussion of how entertainment is rewarded versus just complaining X streamers makes so much money at the end of the day.
How about Bobby Kotick? Is it ok to complain about him at least? ;)


Prophet of Truth
Oct 30, 2017
This may be the case with other streamers too, but I found at least respectable that Lirik has many times said he doesn't need donations - and the subs are enough.

And he actively discourages it, but not generally reading message from donations.

Nothing worse than the millionaires who spend hours just reading donations.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
How about Bobby Kotick? Is it ok to complain about him at least? ;)
If you wish, by all means. I'm not saying you shouldn't complain about wage disparity or distribution, just that this issue is not new and it's just another facet of the bigger issues we have in how society is organized.


Oct 28, 2017
2 year timeframe is pretty interesting. Anyone else have information to assert this is true? Because if so I have to keep donating to my favorite streamers.

One person here confirmed it, and a few others on Twitter. So it seems real.

The posted revenue (the fixed list anyway) is accurate and 100% identical with the final payout. At least for our channel it does match our payouts from August 2019 until September 2021 pretty much exactly. Ofc the big streamers easily rake in even more from sponsorship deals, direct donations and other side channels like YT. Probably another 30%-50% or so on top.


Oct 30, 2017
So the girl who screamed at her community and tried to shame dono's with the whole "What, you guys don't have five dollars?!!!" thing made $176,000 over the last two years?

Congrats to the good folks making bank on Twitch but... ugh... not her.


Jul 25, 2021
asking the wrong questions. not going to humor it, sorry.

I mean you can continue to criticize grossly paid streamers as well as grossly paid politicians etc. The two aren't mutually exclusive. To act like we shouldn't call stuff like this out because it will distract from important issues literally can be applied to any socially progressive moment (e.g. don't advocate for a minimum wage increase, it will distract us from the bigger goal of how the bourgeoisie continues to own the means of production).

Your response is also just needlessly dismissive.


Oct 29, 2017
Chat logs and comment histories is kinda icky but The drama hound in me wants to know those creator payouts if not to show people how only the top 0.5% of twitch can do it as a day job

Does it include chat logs and comments? I think when it says "comment history" it means the comment history on the source code.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean you can continue to criticize grossly paid streamers as well as grossly paid politicians etc. The two aren't mutually exclusive. To act like we shouldn't call stuff like this out because it will distract from important issues literally can be applied to any socially progressive moment (e.g. don't advocate for a minimum wage increase, it will distract us from the bigger goal of how the bourgeoisie continues to own the means of production).

Your response is also just needlessly dismissive.
that poster implied anyone making over 100k is mega-rich. that notion deserves to be dismissed because it doesn't consider anything other than "more money than me = bad". on top of that streamers mostly make money from their own labor. people are freely giving them money. be mad at twitch staff who do nothing for the product of the company or streamers who are big and don't pay their team.


Oct 27, 2017
To the people who are complaining about streamer money: have you ever tried streaming? Try putting yourself out there for 8-10 hours a day straight and tell me how you feel. It's not as simple as turning a game on and playing, as much as you want to believe that's how easy it is.


Jul 25, 2021
that poster implied anyone making over 100k is mega-rich. that notion deserves to be dismissed because it doesn't consider anything other than "more money than me = bad". on top of that streamers mostly make money from their own labor. people are freely giving them money. be mad at twitch staff who do nothing for the product of the company or streamers who are big and don't pay their team.

$100k per month jesus christ. $1.2m in annual salary is like 99th percentile. If that isn't super rich I don't know what is.

And again you can be mad at all those things simultaneously because they're all problems. Twitch could be paying less to streamers and more to its lower paid staff or something.

To the people who are complaining about streamer money: have you ever tried streaming? Try putting yourself out there for 8-10 hours a day straight and tell me how you feel. It's not as simple as turning a game on and playing, as much as you want to believe that's how easy it is.

Again the criticism is around the compensation relative to the job, not that the job isn't hard. In the same way I'm sure Bobby Kotick or Jamie Dimon work long hours but are also excessively compensated relatively.
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Oct 28, 2017
Los Angeles
User banned (1 day): Trolling
Let me get this right: millionaires are mining the attention span and wallets of broke, socially maladjusted men on the virtue of their charisma.

And it has a defense force?


Oct 27, 2017
Asmongold making over a million a year (just from Twitch, probably doubled if you count everything else) is just down right depressing given how toxic he is. It really does pay to be a total pos doesn't it.

Also imagine claiming you hacked Twitch cos "their community is a disgusting toxic cesspool" while posting to 4chan lol. Jesus.


Oct 25, 2017
Let me get this right: millionaires are mining the attention span and wallets of broke, socially maladjusted men on the virtue of their charisma.

And it has a defense force?
do you never pay for entertainment ever? are you ever surprised when athletes get paid the amount they do? like what's the argument here? you guys are complaining about the symptoms, not the actual disease.

Deleted member 93062

Account closed at user request
Mar 4, 2021
that poster implied anyone making over 100k is mega-rich. that notion deserves to be dismissed because it doesn't consider anything other than "more money than me = bad". on top of that streamers mostly make money from their own labor. people are freely giving them money. be mad at twitch staff who do nothing for the product of the company or streamers who are big and don't pay their team.
"from their own labor" - ah yes all the streamers that run and manage their own live streaming services. They also profit off of the backs of engineers and developers that make much less than they do. But either way probably off topic.


Oct 28, 2017
Los Angeles
do you never pay for entertainment ever? are you ever surprised when athletes get paid the amount they do? like what's the argument here? you guys are complaining about the symptoms, not the actual disease.

Oh course I do, G. But when I buy a book I get a massive return on my investment in the form of new cognitive tools, emotional understanding and perspective. The same could be said of many other aesthetic pursuits.

What does one get in return for their $10 donation? 3 seconds of notice-me-senpai? Foh.

Don't we already have an OT for professional wrestling on this forum?



May 29, 2020
Holy shit, I don't know any single one, but good for them, they saw the chance and took it, I would have done the same.


Oct 25, 2017
max over $1 million

mango ~$900k

fgc lets gooooooooooo


Ripley eatin good, god bless.

And now I'm watching Twitch streams of people talking about their placement on THE LIST comparing themselves to others and I'm just.....idk man. That's some content skull hyper-capitalist shit right there because if that's their main takeaway from such a cyber security threat like this one, then DUDE.

Happy for Max tho lol