
Managing Editor ‑ Press Start
Oct 25, 2017
Soooo I may have just found the profile (which looks very legit) and a few others which definitely match timelines of said person and unannounced titles.


Oct 25, 2017
"The guy that led the studio" in this instance wouldn't be a Namco employee. It'd be Tanabe.

Think Smash 4. Sakura and Sora Ltd led development, Namco had the workforce to realize that vision.

I guess part of my curiosity here is that Retro was way more than muscle on MP--it was responsible for all the lead designers as well. And it had experienced FPS developers to fill those roles. Does Namco have designers who have worked on similar kinds of games (or first-person games in general)? And if Namco is not really doing design work, then who is? Tanabe certainly can't do it on his own.


Dec 22, 2017
Strange choice. Why groom an external development studio that is owned by another company? Maybe they had a really talented pitch or something.


Oct 30, 2017
Era: Support small devs

Also Era: Never heard of these guys before... their game is gonna suck lol


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Ugh...remember what happened the last time Metroid was farmed out?
What? Metroid Prime? Samus Returns?

I know you are probably talking about Other M and Federation Force. But that was more the fault of the people at Nintendo (Sakamoto and Tabane) than the team they hired to work on the games.

Deleted member 1839

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Also remember when Bamco said they were gonna reveal 3 exclusives for the Switch in Spring-Summer of this year? Well Ridge Racer could be one of those exclusives announced in the coming months.
Oct 26, 2017
I guess part of my curiosity here is that Retro was way more than muscle on MP--it was responsible for all the lead designers as well. And it had experienced FPS developers to fill those roles. Does Namco have designers who have worked on similar kinds of games (or first-person games in general)? And if Namco is not really doing design work, then who is? Tanabe certainly can't do it on his own.

Namco has had none of these people in the past (they mostly do fighting games...) so Tanabe or Namco would have to hire super talented combat designers and level designers... We'll see if that happens.

Deleted member 29464

Account closed at user request
Nov 1, 2017
I really want a new real Ridge Racer but AC7 is PC, Ps4 and XB1 (yay) so I can't really take this as confirmation.

This is a bit of a stretch but someone at Namco asked and provided polls for which Ace Combat and Ridge Racer they would like to see remade. Now it would make sense for them to think about that kind of stuff with Ace Combat as they will be able to reuse assets post release. My hope is they will do the same for RR too. I'm dreaming at this point though, I just want my RR8 and R4 faithful remake.


Oct 25, 2017
Pretty sure I'm the only person in this thread who don't care about Metroid and wants to know more about Ridge Racer lol


Vault-Tec Seal of Approval
Oct 25, 2017
Ace Combat isn't exclusive though

edit: oh, the VR mode. Carry on.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe it could be due to them not revealing any information about its development or developers? That is a good point though

They mean they are unannounced as the developer. Panic Buttons Linkedin still had wolf 2 listed as unannounced weeks after wolf 2 was announced for switch

You are probably both right.
But I really find this line quite strange, MP4 has been announced since E3 2017.
That might be interesting to check the date of the last update of the linkedln profile - if even possible- that's seem quite a big hole if they still consider MP4 as announced and really working on it (except if, obviously, Nintendo does not want them to reveal this information for some reasons).
I really don't know what to think, I have the feeling that's not MP4.


Dec 9, 2017
I'll wait and see if thr rumours are true. If Metroid Prime 4 turns out to be the next Tales of Samus...I'll be sooooo disappointed :'(

I hope Bamco doesn't pooch this one up. I have faith Nintendo is directing the game with Namco artsyle..

Edit: Riidgggggeeeeee Racccccceeeerrrrr, here's to Kaz Hirai's giddiness and ackwardness at that E3


Oct 27, 2017
I guess part of my curiosity here is that Retro was way more than muscle on MP--it was responsible for all the lead designers as well. And it had experienced FPS developers to fill those roles. Does Namco have designers who have worked on similar kinds of games (or first-person games in general)? And if Namco is not really doing design work, then who is? Tanabe certainly can't do it on his own.

Well, those lead designers all left Nintendo and made... ReCore.

It's not even really about Tanabe here. Nintendo tends to bring out the best of the developer that's doing the work under them (exception to this might be the Star Fox franchise). We can be reasonably sure that more than Tanabe is working on this from Nintendo. If Bandai Namco IS working on it, I'm sure it's a matter of working under Nintendo's direction on most-if not all- matters.

Nintendo probably needs to outsource for the man power.
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Managing Editor ‑ Press Start
Oct 25, 2017
The listing is 100% not fake. The dev that this was pulled from is extremely reputable and has worked for other very reputable publishers. Whether it's Metroid Prime 4 is another thing.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember what happened the last time Nintendo farmed out a major game to Namco?
A fighting game handled by a studio with a long history of developing fighting games being directed by the same very, very hands on director that the series has always had. I don't think they're really comparable situations.


Shamed a mod for a tag
Oct 27, 2017
Aint BN Sing a new branch, no way Nintendo will a litteral no body handle their Franchise revival game
Nintendo did say that a new team was making Metroid Prime 4, which indicated the possibility that it was literally a brand new team and potentially a new studio.

And I mean, Retro was a ragtag mess of nobodies and former Acclaim devs in the days that Metroid Prime 1 was made, so it's not like this is without precedent.
Oct 26, 2017
We will see how this looks probably within 4 months.

Not much reason to get excited as of now, but no reason to be that worried either. If it looks good, then we can get excited. If it doesn't look good, then probably OK to be disappointed.

It definitely is a STRANGE choice, but we'll see soon enough...


Oct 25, 2017
If this turns out to be true I think we should give them the benefit of the doubt, I remember how people overreacted when the Mario+rabbids info was out and the game ended up being a freaking awesome game.


Oct 25, 2017
IDK. I think it would be cool if this were true and pans out well.

I don't really have a developer in my mind that I think should and would do Metroid Prime (Retro/EPD being the should but probably wouldn't) so...I'm wait and see on the product, if it lives up to my hopes and dreams or not and to what extent either way.


Oct 26, 2017
What exactly has led people to believe the next tales of is a switch exclusive now that its even a regular on pc of all things?


Nov 2, 2017
Remember what happened the last time Nintendo farmed out a major game to Namco?

Smash was both Nintendo and namco. Namco did a lot of the grunt work.

However the last time namco managed a Nintendo ip on their own we got that less than stellar starfox game.

Neither Nintendo nor namco have inhouse FPS experience which adds additional concerns but I have a feeling prime 4 won't be first person.