
Dec 10, 2017
Tacoma, Wa
Yo. Peep those follows from John Alvarado.
Jordan Peterson.
Crazy anti vax folks.
Anti Feminist crazy people.

Sheeeeit. Am I surprised?


Oct 30, 2017
But he has an ostentatious mustache!

Serious yikes at those follows. He doesn't even have the "I follow three leftists" argument that Tommy was trying. There's Seth Abramson, I guess, but 1) He's an unreliable nut, and 2) It's probably just because Seth has expressed a bunch of weird, uninformed interest in the Amico.

Anyone who follows Andrew Sullivan and Scott Adams on purpose is super sus.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
I was gonna throw some shade your way at first cause it was all collectable statues and shit..... But then they showed his Egyptian shit and a tiger rug and I was like "Slays right"
I grew up watching Peewee's playhouse and I was trying to think did they have an Egypt room. insanity

Deleted member 10384

User-requested account closure
Oct 7, 2021
If this were any sort of real thing, they would shut the fuck up, get off the internet, and get their product out the door.

then again I said that about Paprium


Oct 27, 2017
Ugh. I was hoping that guy was secretly cool, despite working for Tommy and being involved with the Amico. I guess I was wrong.
I think the rot at Intellivision is probably all the way through. Anyone who's been working there for a long time has been vetted and approved by Tallarico and has worked alongside him and his other chosen employees for years. Anyone who was secretly cool probably left somewhere along the way after realising they'd made a mistake.

It's weird, because most of the more prolific Amico "haters" on YouTube seem to err on the right-leaning side of things.
I'm not watching a whole lot of Amico stuff on YouTube so I'm kind of guessing here, but maybe that could be because the console got publicised by a relatively right-wing set of people, resulting in discussion about it in general - critical and favourable - having a right-wing lean.


Oct 26, 2017
Fuck this is so Sad Tommy had a good thing with Video games live... wonder how much money he will lose on this.

They duped the Bavarian government to give more than half of their entire video game media fond budget of that year to Tallarico and his ex German gaming press buddy so that they develop bad Pong clones in Germany for their badly thought out retro console. They'll be fine.


Oct 30, 2017
Blaze has announced that the Evercade VS should be released on January 31st in the US. So, that's basically another two months out, with the systems already completed and ready to go.

No way they're getting a proper run of Amicos into people's hands anytime soon.


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
They duped the Bavarian government to give more than half of their entire video game media fond budget of that year to Tallarico and his ex German gaming press buddy so that they develop bad Pong clones in Germany for their badly thought out retro console. They'll be fine.
Tommy most likely isn't going to lose anything no matter how sideways this goes. Between that government grant, millions of investor dollars through THREE different crowd funding services (Fig, Republic, and Fundable), not to mention pre-orders, he's burning through everyone else's money but his own.
Amico forum removed on Atari Age


Jul 15, 2018
Tommy's audience and reach has now gone from tiny to minuscule



Oct 30, 2017
Tommy's given his side of the story in the Facebook group.

Yo friends from Atari Age! Just wanted to let you know that Albert & I were planning on shutting down the "Amico Fun Conversations" thread months ago when the Amico forum was moved to NEW CONSOLES (from the original Intellivision area). But he decided to keep it open while Intellivision and friends started building up this group and moving interested folks over to here. My original thread was getting too big and massive. About 1.5 MILLION VIEWS when Albert finally closed it! Pretty amazing! Not only was it getting too big (as he preferred people to make separate threads for each topic... which totally makes sense), but the thread (and entire Amico forum area) was also attracting a lot of unwanted "drama" from the bad hombres and phony concern trollers. This wasn't fair to Atari Age, Albert and all the mods who constantly had to monitor the place because of drama and "jerks". Atari Age ended up shutting down the entire Amico area and will more than likely start a new area/section when Amico comes out.

Anyway, just wanted to give some context to anyone who may have come from Atari Age to this group and noticed that my Amico Fun Conversations thread was closed and the Amico area is gone.

Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions about my time on Atari Age and I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

They were "planning on shutting it down" because of "bad hombres and phony concern trollers". 🤔

I wonder where I've heard "bad hombres" recently..


Jul 15, 2018
lol Jesus, Tommy has to make out that every single thing that goes wrong is either not actually something that went wrong at all, or that he somehow did it on purpose. His ego is so big yet fragile.


Amico fun conversationalist
Nov 4, 2017
Seattle, WA
Tommy's given his side of the story in the Facebook group.

They were "planning on shutting it down" because of "bad hombres and phony concern trollers". 🤔

I wonder where I've heard "bad hombres" recently..

he went on to edit out "bad hombres" from that post. which... I mean, what better way to draw attention to a weird phrase than to quietly try and remove it?

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
Ugh. I was hoping that guy was secretly cool, despite working for Tommy and being involved with the Amico. I guess I was wrong.
This seems very common — people want to treat him like Melania, giving him the benefit of the doubt because he's cute. Nope, he's fully complicit. His name is on the ridiculous patent application, the document where they say some Amico consoles will have smell modules, and the Karma Engine (mistakenly identified as "patented" in their marketing material) contains online profiles for a handicapping system.
It's more and more likely the OAN shopping channel console.
Tommy: "They love my charisma!"

“They love my charisma” 🙄

“They love my charisma” 🙄

It's weird, because most of the more prolific Amico "haters" on YouTube seem to err on the right-leaning side of things.
I don't see much evidence for this. But people seem to want to draw politics into it.

It feels like a Producers kind of thing where shipping was never part of the plan.
Tommy and his friends get a paycheck whether this sinks or floats. They seem to be riding it so long as the money holds out.

he went on to edit out "bad hombres" from that post. which... I mean, what better way to draw attention to a weird phrase than to quietly try and remove it?
Are you sure? The edits I've seen didn't touch "bad hombres" but changed around several other things. Tommy is pretty tone deaf for supposedly being such a great musician.

Amico Games For You

@tommytallarico edited his blurb about his recent disgrace at AtariAge. Is it all over, or will the investors demand a piece of him?


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
Wait, smell modules?

Edit - wtf

[ 0063 ] In some embodiments , the gaming controllers can include the capability of generating digital scents to enhance a movie , game , or other entertainment venue digitally and quickly ( e.g. , generating the smell of smoke , then the smell of a rain forest , and having the player notice this change in smell at the right times ) . In some embodiments , this digital scent capability in the gaming controller can be used to provide a more immersive gaming and entertainment expe rience by providing an opportunity to provide the players a chance to suspend disbelief . In some embodiments , there could be a number of available smells ( e.g. , 1 , 5 , 10 , 15 , 20 , or more smells ) . In some embodiments , the gaming control ler can execute using piezo vaporization to generate scents in games . In some embodiments , smells can also be gener ating from the gaming console .

Turd Ferguson

Jan 13, 2020
Yup, Amico is far stranger than fiction. You can tell Intellivision will never implement this, because they didn't attempt to trademark InSmelliVision.

In fact, the domain names and are both available to purchase. Maybe they should redirect to this discussion.

I tip my very large foam hat to whoever already grabbed and
Last edited:


Jul 7, 2021
The Amico might have a chance of succeeding if they spent more time and research making it have some, any standout features. Maybe with normal controllers, a bigger cut for developers to attract them to the platform and actual curated games instead of the failed shit from Windows Phone or baggage of old shitty Intellivision games and the name.
It also would need to be run not by an inept loser egomaniac like Tommy and exist in a world without Nintendo.