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Oct 26, 2017
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind Vento Aureo 32
A decent cap to this three-part fight, though I think this was definitely the less interesting of the two fights. I appreciate fights that try to take advantage of the space they are in (or at least have some rough approximation of a confined area), so trying to build tension with both protagonists meandering around underground felt like it lacked a more measured nuance you find in JoJo's better fights. Still, the resolution of the fight was rather fun, and Secco is a fairly fun villain, so it ends up being decent, which is acceptable after such a long string of quality fights. That said, boy this episode looked ROUGH! I think this might be the closest Golden Wind has been in a while to matching some of those terrible moments from near the end of Diamond Is Unbreakable, but this seemed like a good place to cut corners given the finale starts next episode. Here's hoping we don't dip quite to this level again, but seven episodes is still a lot to get through.


May 21, 2018
Sarazanmai 8 Analysis

So this episode was a rapid fire succession of plot progression, culminating in a painful and complex scene that left me shaken.

I have spent the last day trying to decide if I loved or hated this episode (mostly because Enta is my #1). I think in the end I have settled that this may be the best episode of the show. Let me explain, the show follows two thematic groups: 1) Connections and the complexities that come in dealing with/without them. 2) The boundary between desire and love , in particular in how they affect actions and affect connections. My thesis is that this episode pushed the exploration of both themes in all 5 main characters/antagonists and in doing so finally showed us what their flaws truly are. Here is the breakdown:

Reo+Mabu: We have known that Reo is living with the desire for recovering his lost "true" Mabu, while Robo Mabu Is trying to show that he can love Reo. This episode reinforces their status by showing Mabu giving Reo baked goods, a show of love, which Reo finds again to be insufficient for him. The climax of their characterization is that wether love or desire, they are willing to go to the extremes of murdering in cold blood for it. We see this in two cases in the episode. Yet most importantly while Reo is completely without regret, we see that Mabu,who should be emotionless, actually tells Kazuki to seek help. These characters are tragic, but now we can see the full extent of how their tragic situation has left them. Desire or Love? Now we can take that gun and aim it at them and make our judgement. They have been corrupted in their search for either. Ultimately I believe their fate is tied to wether if they can overcome this corruption.

Toi: From an audience point of view, up to this point has had a hole in motivation. He appears to be willing to do things that have no apparent value for his quest to save his brother. He goes and kidnaps Sara, he wants to play soccer, he talks and listens to Enta. In this episode we can finally piece him together: He can connect, He knows he can connect, but his connection with his Brother trumps his desire to connect with others. Toi cares for Kazuki and Enta but he can't let go of his brother. Ultimately his character is a study in conflict, we see that for now he has decided to stick with his brother. I think in the end he has to realize that his brother is not the same guy who used to make Soba, he is a bad influence. I don't know how the show will resolve his internal conflict but I find it compelling! We don't know enough about his brother to know exactly wether even with his pardon from the dishes he would not eventually do something that puts him and his connection with Toi in peril. Toi may be a tale of when we should disconnect and for what reasons

Enta: So I am not going to excuse his actions, he has been driven by jealousy and acted accordingly. Enta is a guy who is capable of connecting (Harukka, Toi, Toi's brother), but he has only one connection that he longs for and that is Kazuki, as a result he neglects all other connections anytime there's a conflict. He is also afraid of putting himself out there and tell his feelings due to the risk it entails, and yet he's also willing to prevent others from getting close to Kazu. This episode finally got Enta to tackle one of his two issues, his wish for Kazuki's connection to be exclusive. See when Enta learns of the ankle bracelet Toi gave Kazu, he realizes Toi has as much a claim to Kazu as he does , more even, destroying the foundation of his obsession with Kazu. He is shaken because he now realizes that Toi is in a situation not unlike himself, where Kazu fails to acknowledge their connection fully. He finally casts aside his jealousy and rushes to Kazu to save BOTH of their connections with Kuji! It is here where he is slain. I actually cried at this realization, because this is his big step and its rendered powerless by both Kazu's reaction and Reo's action. Now we don't know if he will ever get a chance to tackle his second flaw: His fear of confessing to Kazu and jeopardize his connection and his conformity with him. I hope we get to see it because otherwise his arc would not be complete.

Kazuki: So my opinion of this man has been a roller fing coaster. First loved him and rooted for him, then hated him, then proceed to be puzzled, and now I'm actively upset at Kazu. I have been really confused ever since he and Harukka made up. He appeared to be changed and good, but him just saying let's play soccer after everything that had happened without any reflection on his part left me unfulfilled. See, he never addressed Enta's revelation, and he never apologizes to Toi for making him kidnap Sara. I think now I understand why he left me uneasy. After this episode we can finally see that Kazu's problem is that he is loved, and he takes this for granted. He deals with his connections in a one directional way: Harukka gets hurt so he decides to connect as fake Sara on his terms, His best friend confesses his love via creepy shit and he ignores it or passes it as a joke, He has Toi's Micanga but doesn't even realize that's the reason Toi is connected with him and just accepts he's willing to do what he wants him to do. In this episode this is highlited by seing Enta furious because he finally realizes this about Kazu, We see Kazu fail to realize how Toi is connected with him and loses him, and finally the one person who loves him above anything dies in his arms without ever even asking or wondering why he would do such a thing. This is Kazuki's real trial ahead, he has to face that Harukka was not an exemption to how he deals with his connections but the rule. Now, having lost everything, he will have to fight to reconnect and he won't be able to do it on his own terms or call on those he takes for granted. He will have to realize how selfish he has been and have to be fully selfless to build connections that will flourish.

I think seeing each character finally expose the true nature of their faults, and give them all a high toll to pay for them is what makes this episode so powerful. My main hope is that the show does not fall into some silly "and he never got to fix it because sometimes there's nothing that can be done or life just never gives you a chance to fix it" pessimistic endgame. I think such an outlook undermines the themes of connection, desire, and love. We will all experience failures to connect , to achieve desires without being corrupted, and to find and give pure love. Making a tragedy of it gives us nothing that we don't know ourselves as human beings. No, the real test for the audience here is to take us to the darkness and give us a path to the light that asks us to change who we are at fundamental levels, requiring that we tackle our deepply flawed selves. If we are left with darkness we will learn nothing from the show that challenges our perceptions, we will fill potty for these characters and forget their struggles. Only we can define how we connect, what we desire , and who and how we love, figuring out how we do all three requires growth, introspection, suffering, and experimentation. I hope Ikuhara can give us an ending that can drive that home because many of us never get to do the soul-searching needed to achieve the best version of ourselves.
Oct 25, 2017
He has Toi's Micanga but doesn't even realize that's the reason Toi is connected with him and just accepts he's willing to do what he wants him to do. In this episode this is highlited by seing Enta furious because he finally realizes this about Kazu, We see Kazu fail to realize how Toi is connected with him and loses him, and finally the one person who loves him above anything dies in his arms without ever even asking or wondering why he would do such a thing.
disagree. They were kids back then and they never got each others name. Kazu isnt like us who are all seeing and omniscient and get to experience flashbacks. I dont know many if any who can remember people they saw one day at random as a kid and remember them 5-8 year later. Someone would need to give him a hint that he met Toi back then, and Enta only found out this episode anyway.


May 21, 2018
disagree. They were kids back then and they never got each others name. Kazu isnt like us who are all seeing and omniscient and get to experience flashbacks. I dont know many if any who can remember people they saw one day at random as a kid and remember them 5-8 year later. Someone would need to give him a hint that he met Toi back then, and Enta only found out this episode anyway.

I see your point but let me re-state my point. I do not expect Kazuki to remember. We as an an audience are given this bit of information to provide us with the information for why Kuji does try to connect with Kazuki. Toi does know what the bracelet means so we as an audience know how he must feel, and how his real conflict is between his brother and his friends. When Enta realizes the significance of the bracelet he's upset because his claim to Kazu is destroyed, but more importantly he realizes that Kuji seeks to connect with Kazu and sees Kazu overlook something so meaningful, which finally makes him realize how horrible his actions have been. My point about Kazuki is that he takes those who are close to him for granted, this is highlighted by him never clearing the air with Enta, he never seeks to know why Toi does things for him like Kidnap Sara, and how he chooses to deal with his failures of connection on his own terms without talking with those on the other side of his connection. This episode that lack of care for those who love him is what left him with nothing and is what he must confront.


Oct 25, 2017
JoJo Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind 32

A little confused how Bucciratti's plan worked and he exploded the dude's eardrums but okay sure. Nice to see Polnarref again too. Exciting ending though, really wonder if Bucci is making it out of this.


May 21, 2018
Bungo Stray Dogs 33

This was a masterful setup episode. Established factions and motivations. Positioned the stakes and how they lead to conflict. Explored the feelings of all involved. Setup the overarching conflict. So so good. I can't wait for next week.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
Fruits Basket 09

"I'm one year younger than them."



Oct 30, 2017
Hello everyone!

Just a few Crunchyroll codes to share:

WQZX6MRT7AF - Expires tomorrow!


Oct 25, 2017
Ottawa Canada
I have been on vacation for the past few weeks. I've been mainly doing some major spring cleaning around the house and passing out, at the end of the day, on the couch.

On a whim I turned on Knights of Sidonia, on netflix. I am 41, and never watched anime before in my life. Lots of cringe...but I actually liked the show. I binged over the course of 4 nights.

So I'm here looking for recommendations. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone who liked Knights of Sidonia?


Nov 16, 2017
Furuba 9
Aww, this was a lot of fun. Kyo's VA really having a blast. And Haru is always nice to have around.


May 21, 2018
I have been on vacation for the past few weeks. I've been mainly doing some major spring cleaning around the house and passing out, at the end of the day, on the couch.

On a whim I turned on Knights of Sidonia, on netflix. I am 41, and never watched anime before in my life. Lots of cringe...but I actually liked the show. I binged over the course of 4 nights.

So I'm here looking for recommendations. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone who liked Knights of Sidonia?

Did you like it for the mecha fighting or the SciFi space opera?

There are lots of space like Mecha shows. Alnoah Zero is pretty much sort of a Mars vs Earth mech extravaganza, I will caution that it can be pretty poorly written at time.

If you want a Space Odyssey setting. Spaceship Battleship Yamato 2199 is a fantastic remake of the classic.


Oct 25, 2017
Ottawa Canada
Did you like it for the mecha fighting or the SciFi space opera?

There are lots of space like Mecha shows. Alnoah Zero is pretty much sort of a Mars vs Earth mech extravaganza, I will caution that it can be pretty poorly written at time.

If you want a Space Odyssey setting. Spaceship Battleship Yamato 2199 is a fantastic remake of the classic.

I think it was the space opera part that appealed the most. That and the power fantasy of Tanikaze. It was kinda cool to watch him mop the floor. The parts I could do without were the fact that all the girls were crushing on him. I thought that was kinda dopey, but if I were in my teens/twenties it probably would have been right up my alley.

I'm going to checkout Yamato 2199. Thanks!


The Fallen
Nov 17, 2017
Principality of Catalonia
I have been on vacation for the past few weeks. I've been mainly doing some major spring cleaning around the house and passing out, at the end of the day, on the couch.

On a whim I turned on Knights of Sidonia, on netflix. I am 41, and never watched anime before in my life. Lots of cringe...but I actually liked the show. I binged over the course of 4 nights.

So I'm here looking for recommendations. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone who liked Knights of Sidonia?
May I interest you in this franchise called Gundam?
If you happen to like it, there's a sizable amount of it.
Otherwise there's also the remake of Legend of the Galactic Heroes for some space opera goodness although it is drier than mecha series in general.


Nov 16, 2017
Samurai Champloo 1
Oh this is some wow factor. Love the art, love the style, great acting and direction. Think I'm gonna like this one.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
Oh i guess i didn't realise it but they already announced a Takagi-san s2

for my money they should just skip all the teasing and get right to Moto Takagi-san because it's even cuter
Oct 25, 2017
Inazuma Eleven Ares Episode 7 EngDub

Axel BLaze was amazing though felt like he's the only one who is meaningful on Kirkwood guess they have some leveling up to do.

Eddy O'ryan was my favorite on PoleStar this episode and glad he's part of the Death Zone so we should see him more.

Mindblown really at the ending with the girl's whose shut in, like, how does she see both Elliott and Heath and is responsive and all to Heath happily accepting his flowers, and Elliott still gives her bears and sees her and shes all cold and nonresponsive. Cruel plot. lol.


Oct 26, 2017
Sarazanmai 08

Well this certain took a turn.

Enta actions were reprehensible but as Toi said, it was to a degree understandable. Part of Enta's effort for reconciliation stems from learning Toi's past, specifically with football and connection with Kazuki. Would he bother if that was not the case at all but just that Toi earnestly saw him as a friend? Ultimately though, it did not matter. Kazuki was not looking forward to making up with him, nor was Enta ready to confess in words but showed it with action.

What's more interesting is the parallel with what happened to Mabu and Reo. Reo became the very monster that put him in his current situation. It seems like Mabu realizes this and lets them go.

I wonder if the episode title refers to Enta or Toi? it's somewhat evident but surprise me.


Oct 26, 2017
I have been on vacation for the past few weeks. I've been mainly doing some major spring cleaning around the house and passing out, at the end of the day, on the couch.

On a whim I turned on Knights of Sidonia, on netflix. I am 41, and never watched anime before in my life. Lots of cringe...but I actually liked the show. I binged over the course of 4 nights.

So I'm here looking for recommendations. Do you guys have any recommendations for someone who liked Knights of Sidonia?
Toward the Terra?


Oct 25, 2017
Ottawa Canada
Did you like it for the mecha fighting or the SciFi space opera?

There are lots of space like Mecha shows. Alnoah Zero is pretty much sort of a Mars vs Earth mech extravaganza, I will caution that it can be pretty poorly written at time.

If you want a Space Odyssey setting. Spaceship Battleship Yamato 2199 is a fantastic remake of the classic.

I watched two episodes of Star Blazers last night. I was pretty impressed. Thanks for the suggestion.

May I interest you in this franchise called Gundam?
If you happen to like it, there's a sizable amount of it.
Otherwise there's also the remake of Legend of the Galactic Heroes for some space opera goodness although it is drier than mecha series in general.

I've heard of gundam, but don't know much about it. Thanks for the suggestion. I'll check it out.

Going to check this out, too. Thanks.


The Jackrabbit Always Wins
Oct 25, 2017
New York

Wow this was utterly awful. So much reused footage from the previous ep and even the same ep. Animation was meh at best with tons of CGI models during action sequences. This is such a poorly directed series, I expected way better from ufotable than this.


Oct 25, 2017
Fruits Basket 9
Hanajima's antics were amusing. Haru is already a fun addition to the cast.

Stray Dogs 33
Well this escalated quickly. Guess Dazai had to be written out to remove the potential of him just negating the power.


Oct 25, 2017
Gio 32
Good conclusion to some of the most interesting fights and characters of the season. Surprised it's almost over already, but I think this is a good length considering the scope of this part, and I think I'm about ready for things to wrap anyway.

Fruits Basket 9
Another solid episode with what felt like a bit more comedy and slightly less emotional oomph, tho it did play well into the problems with ingrained stereotypes between Haru and Yuki.
Oct 25, 2017
Kimetsu no Yaiba Episode 9

Yashiro is really the only highlight, otherwise the temari were unexciting and the arrows kind of takes me out of things. I cant grasp/accept them being tangible, wheres the invisible string works and is believable..


Oct 25, 2017
Kimetsu no Yaiba 9

Great episode but I think those attacks could have been something other than literal arrows

Lord Arcadio

Oct 27, 2017
Digimon Adventure tri 1-5 (all of Reunion and the first episode of Determination)

Finally getting around to this. Loved Adventure (best isekai!). 02 was hit or miss, but I don't regret watching it.

Reunion was not more disappointing than The Phantom Menace. Although maybe if I had watched Adventure and 02 as a kid instead of being the Pokemon fanboy that I was and had been waiting for a sequel for many years I would hate this. The drama between Tai and Matt is so forced. It feels like fanfiction. Tai and Matt arguing in the original was iconic so they need to argue here too lmao. Tai's dilemma is so stupid. It's the kind of thing I expect out of The Walking Dead. But at least the fights were cool.

They did the 02 kids dirty. No one cares that they are missing. Instead a new girl is added and they made her a waifu.

Episode 5 and we already have a hot springs episode. At least it's the girls that end up in an awkward situation instead of the guys

This show is really weird so far.
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