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Oct 25, 2017
Why are people saying "TLOU, Sony what are you doing?"?

It wasn't "Sony" who commissioned it, a bunch of devs did it under their own steam and Sony didn't even support it.

Second paragraph of the article...
Nobody is reading it...always expect nobody to read any article with more than a headline.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
HOWEVER, I would hope that the studio would instead be working on something else and trying a new IP or resurrect an old one, so are they working on something like that or just being support now I don't get it?

It's in the article and in the first post? One team at Bend is helping out on ND's 'multiplayer game' and another team is is working on a new game of their own (instead of working on Uncharted).


Oct 25, 2017
They are really burring the lead here, this article is mostly about there being a TLOU remake and it has internal struggles like a ton of games. All this they aren't investing in smaller devs is basically commentary but there isn't much in that story. Small studio trying to make a name for themselves probably shouldn't just make a recent remake that no one asked for. Everything that went on with that story seems natural for a game that has that stature.

as for Days Gone 2, I hope Bend gets a chance to work on their own.


Aug 2, 2020
I don't know folks, but The Last of Us & Part II on same disc as fully PS5 edition would be fucking awesome. Two games one whole after all.

Naughty is already developing their own new game also.
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Oct 25, 2017
Whether you agree with this direction or not, fantastic reporting and insight from Jason. Just finished the article and it's interesting to see what types of conversations, decisions, and organizations are happening at these devs internally.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Why are people saying "TLOU, Sony what are you doing?"?

It wasn't "Sony" who commissioned it, a bunch of devs did it under their own steam and Sony didn't even support it.

Second paragraph of the article...
lol if you think people are actually reading the article before commenting.


Oct 25, 2017
I just played through it and was surprised how great it was but the ending doesn't really leave a sequel open from what I took from it. Meta critic being so important nowadays sucks.

I can't see how you came to that conclusion given that we find out
freakers can retain human intelligence and it takes place in the wider Syphon Filter universe

Even if they just did a boilerplate story, the PS5 tech would have expanded the horde gameplay to astronomical levels which alone would make a sequel worth it


Oct 25, 2017
Well, it's the first AAA roguelite isn't it? With bullet hell shooting. Starring a middle-aged woman, which hasn't really been done before either, certainly not in AAA? And it's a new IP, telling its story in a mostly non-cinematic way, which is also at odds witth 95% of Sony's output.
Yeah, for sure. I'm just saying it's biggest risk is justifying the cost, it's going against a genre where you can get literally dozens of quality titles (one of which being almost unanimous goty last year) for like $15-20. Even here on Era you see lots of people who are excited, but need to be really convinced to pay the premium. I'm one of them to be honest. Returnal is $90 CAD. I'm open to the idea of the game being worth the money, but I'm gonna need to hear some impressions of it offering enough content to justify it.

I guess what I'm saying is it's not fair to put that much pressure on Returnal as the thing to buy to support new IP, because honestly it kind of seems like Sony is doing Returnal a little dirty by releasing it at premium price. It's not so much a judgment on the quality of the game, I just think the game isn't being set up to succeed. The onus shouldn't be on the consumer to pay the premium, it should be on Sony to have a smarter release strategy.

But who knows, maybe the game releases and it has a value proposition that completely justifies being a full price game, I don't know!


Oct 25, 2017
TLOU2 can't even get a damn PS5 patch but they got a TLOU remake in the works? Some nonsense. But I imagine they wanna get that out to coincide with the HBO show premiere.


Oct 25, 2017
TLOU campaign was kind of whatever for me, and I haven't really been interested in grabbing the sequel.


If TLOU gets re-released 100 times, I'll buy it 100 times. That multiplayer experience is so goddamn amazing it's worth every penny. Bring it on, a remake with 120fps Factions? I die.


The Shrouded Ghost
Oct 27, 2017
Everybody demanding riskier, fresh IP is gonna buy Returnal, right? :p

Absolutely am but, to be fair, this article is about Sony's own studios and Housemarque aren't a Sony studio.

If Returnal bombs then Sony can't absorb Housemarque into Naughty Dog and put them on helping out TLOU2 multiplayer or whatever.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising. Midway through last gen the focus has shifted to blockbuster games.


Jun 8, 2019
Remaking The Last of Us is a bad idea so I'm not surprised that Sony were lukewarm on it. If you are going to do it it makes sense to ultilise the Naughty Dog employees who developed it initially.


Oct 27, 2017
Surprised to see so much love for Days Gone in here.
Days Gone is garbage, so I won't lose any sleep over a cancelled sequel.
The Naughty Dog news are far more worrying.
At this point I believe everyone was expecting a new IP from them. But nope, too risky.
This gen we're only going to get sequels upon sequels upon sequels. Oh, and moneyhatted timed exclusives, how could I forget those.
Modern Sony is a joke.


Oct 25, 2017
But those growing increasingly unsatisfied with Playstation's current direction were told they were over reacting.

Playstation will ultimately be fine and the PS5 a whopping success, but they're clearly bleeding creativity, charm, and enthusiast trust. What's happening is the cynical read on someone like Herman Hulst taking over WWS from someone with Shu's sensibilities.


Dec 28, 2017
Really interesting read. Don't have much to add but I feel bad for VASG. Not getting to work on something that's definitively yours at the end of the day sucks. Absolutely no chance Sony would've let an unproven team make a whole new IP and using a TLOU remake as a stepping stone to take on further projects down the line wouldn'tve worked out either as the cost of game dev have only just gone up. That's money that could be put into the next blockbuster ND or Guerilla project for example. A project that is guaranteed to print money. Same reasoning why Japan Studio was folded I guess.


Oct 26, 2017
God makes the shuttering of Japan Team more maddening. You know they rather fund these experiences over the unique stuff from Japan. Bitch we need that too.

Starting to think Sony's strategy for having Japanese oriented portfolio is just paying for 1 year exclusivities ala Final Fantasy, Forspoken or Nioh (PC).


Nov 2, 2017
But if Days Gone 2 isn't happening, that makes the upcoming PC port inexplicable because I was told PS games only come to PC to bait PC gamers into buying a console for the sequel to said ported game.
Oct 25, 2017
I hope they remake TLoU and make every character look like the actor in the upcoming HBO show, that would be really cool and everybody would love it.
Nov 2, 2018
Yep, the commom perception of the remaster was that it basically feels like a proper PS4 game.

To remake it to just add the crawling and little better AI from TLOU2 is absurd to me.

It's a little strange but to diminish Last of Us Parts 2 changes to crawling and AI is not something I agree with.

As someone who finished a replay of TLOU the day before Part 2 they feel like night and day to me.


Oct 27, 2017
How do you justify buying PS5 now? It looks like Sony will release a couple of huge AAA games (6-8) during the lifespan of this generation - in that case you just might buy PS5 at the end of the generation and play through all its exclusives.


Jun 8, 2019
The big unwriten takeaway from this article is Era's dream of original Bluepoint IP is dead. The moneymen would never back it for the same reasons hey were uneasy about the Visual Arts Service Group trying to change it's purpose.

K Samedi

Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it's so weird for Sony to focus on their big brands yet they should have studios try out new things too. The balance is important. If they're doubling down on only their big brands and studios I fear they will not be able to sustain their business at the level they're at now. People like PS because of variaty and breath of content. If we'll get less games and mostly block busters, I'm against this approach. Too soon to say how everything will play out though.


Oct 27, 2017
Why are people saying "TLOU, Sony what are you doing?"?

It wasn't "Sony" who commissioned it, a bunch of devs did it under their own steam and Sony didn't even support it.

Second paragraph of the article...
I mean they're now supporting it and are pumping resources into it


Nov 11, 2017
I know Sony's big breadwinners have been prestige cinematic 3rd person games for some time now, but going all in on that seems like a poor decision.

Of course they have stuff like Returnal coming down the pipe, but if it underperforms they might not greenlight something like that again. I can't think of a game that needs a remake less than TLoU but it would admittedly sell gangbusters.

Maybe they shouldn't go all-in (and frankly, with games like Returnal GT7 and R&C, they are not in my eyes), but again, the question is : why wouldn't they? This is not only a breadwinner, this is what makes them different from the competition (from a software point of view). This is market positionning, "Come here for our prestige single-player games, stay for all the third party stuff".

MS took another strategy (which might be paying in the long run), but it doesn't mean Sony or Nintendo should follow it.


Nov 30, 2017
What a non-story. So some people in the studio decided to free ride on a popular IP another studio created, but were declined. What's the novel point here?


Jul 18, 2019
Why are people saying "TLOU, Sony what are you doing?"?

It wasn't "Sony" who commissioned it, a bunch of devs did it under their own steam and Sony didn't even support it.

Second paragraph of the article...
Exactly, people are kind of agreeing with Sony for not supporting this project, which is kind of hilarious. people are missing the point of the article so hard.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
Gotta be honest Days Gone was garbage so hopefully they are working on something new


Jun 9, 2019
Can somebody wake me up? I wanna believe that today is just a dream. Who cares about tlou remake?


Jan 10, 2020
for those who can access Bloomberg, does the article says thant Bend is working on Uncharted on their own, or does it say they are working with Naughty Dog (like TLOU multiplayer)?


Oct 27, 2017
If they're actually remaking games less than 10 years old, why on earth is it TLOU when it's already had a remaster and not Bloodborne? You know, the game fans have been craving a remaster for and could actually use some work.

I'm not quite at "Fuck off Jim Ryan", but I'm real close at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Remember when in 7th gen every publisher, developer and their moms chased after CoD money and nothing else mattered, while Japanese companies outsourced their games to American teams because they thought no one would've bought their games otherwise? That's like everyone's favourite time in gaming, right?

It feels like modern Sony is kind of becoming like a parody of that period. It's not even funny though.
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