
Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
I look forward to play this game. I bought it day one for ps4, but I will happily wait for the Vita version instead :)


Oct 28, 2017
One of the few Platinum trophies I have. I had much fun with this game, loved the setting, the battle system, the characters, the story, everything.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
I still haven't finished it, but I'm a good 6 or 7 hours into the game and I absolutely love every part of it!

I was doing a let's play of the game, but my channel is on hiatus for the time being because I've been busy with work and life (working a lot of overtime and also recently moved in to a new apartment).


Oct 26, 2017
I've played a few hours so far and I'm liking it, but I'd prefer if enemies adhered to the same system my characters do - meaning repeating most of the attacks would require a turn of cooldown from them.


User requested ban
Oct 26, 2017
Backed the game on Kickstarter, still waiting for Vita. Ganbatte, werezombie.


Oct 25, 2017
Played a bit last saturday. My first impression was good, but there are some bad nitpicks I picked on mostly in the visual spectrum. I went in more detail here at the RPG community

As a fan of trails and smt games, there's plently to like and maybe love later. So I hope the game continues at that pace.


Oct 30, 2017
werezompire said:
Is there enough demand for a dedicated thread now? We're not going to be actually showing off any footage of the game until next year (ideally soon before it comes out for maximum hype) so it'd just be me talking & answers. Might be better to wait until the trailer.
Reminds me of this old conversation
If there's one thing we've def regretted it was announcing CSH so early in dev when things change and are amorphous, and also attention can deflate when it goes on forever before release. (Part of this was necessary since we KS'd it)

We gotta make sure we deliver on all the CSH stuff we promised too obviously.


Unshakable Resolve
Oct 29, 2017
Great game. My fave game this year so far after Zero Dawn. Some annoying bugs here and there but nothing game breaking.


Oct 29, 2017
I bought this on sale a while back, but I just haven't found the time to really play it. I did play up to after you get a third party member and I liked what I was seeing up to that point!


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
There's a tiny chance, but only if it just works without me having to mess with stuff. Honestly, CSH has been so hard to try to get working perfectly on the Vita (RAM issues due to Unity inefficiency & all the uncompressed 2D art & animation we have) that I don't want to go through that again, especially now that a more than adequate replacement has arrived in the form of the Switch.

Cannot wait to play it on Switch, I'm starved for RPGs!


Spear of the Metal Church
Oct 24, 2017
community chose wisely ;)
I was sad that the birdman choice lost, but I admit, Psybe is awesome. Probably my favourite character.


Such a cool design. Bill is really talented.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
This game looks so cool. I really want to get it but I'm holding out for the Switch version. If that ends up taking too long I'll just get it on PS4.


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Alright, that's enough for me tonight.
Just got passed the waterfall/cave section on planet Nuluup and entered what seems like another lab.

I really enjoyed the mini bosses scattered in the area I just completed.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Came up with a cool job system for the next game (Rx Machina) and thought I'd share. Of course, this is all brainstorming & could be changed between now & release.

Unique to each character
Determines base stats, 4 regular abilities (top row), 1 ultimate ability, 1 defend/recharge ability.
Most classes have 4 locked abilities + 3 open slots. All characters eventually unlock a versatile class with 7 open slots (like Freelancer in FF) for late-game customization.

Class LV:
Goes from LV1-10
Each class has a difficulty. Each dungeon has a difficulty. Big XP penalty if dungeon is easier than class. XP bonus if dungeon is harder than class.
As LV goes up, base stats go up too (only while class equipped)
At set LVs, the character (not the class) unlock abilities for use with other classes & new passives.

Total LV:
The combined total LV of all class LVs the character has.
Total LV has no effect by itself (doesn't affect character stats).
At set Total LVs, the character gets bonuses like additional passive & ultimate ability slots.
At set Total Lvs, the character unlocks new classes.

Advantages to this system:
Simple to understand - just select a class, select your extra abilities, and go - while still having plenty of depth & customization options.
Always making progress, no need to respec.
Flexibility - if you get stuck on a boss, you can pull out one of your previous high level classes or try a class you haven't tried yet.
Suits multiple styles of play - grinders can max out everything, everyone else can focus on the key abilities/bonuses they want for rapid progression.
Since class unlocks aren't tied to specific classes, we can save class detail reveals for when they're unlocked making them exciting events without messing up someone's long-term planning.
Job difficulty helps balance things - old classes can be leveled quickly & if you manage to unlock advanced classes early, they're balanced out by being difficult to level.
Since so much is tied to the base class, it's like you're frequently getting brand new characters to play with from a gameplay perspective, but from a story perspective, we get to keep a small cast and better focus on their characters & personalities without getting overwhelmed by too many characters.
Relatively easy to program.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh man there was a sale? Disappointed I missed that.

1) The game was supposedly riddled with bugs, and I held off. Devs seemed insistent on patching. So hows the state of the game now?

2) No DLC or extra content, right?

3) What were some of the shortcomings/complaints? I think I recall some criticism on length or a rushed ending but I cant recall


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of this old conversation
If there's one thing we've def regretted it was announcing CSH so early in dev when things change and are amorphous, and also attention can deflate when it goes on forever before release. (Part of this was necessary since we KS'd it)

We gotta make sure we deliver on all the CSH stuff we promised too obviously.
Oh yeah, I remember initial presentation about plot of CSH being "Alyssa getting in danger due to her identity being accidentally revealed". I assume this was very basic and vague description since one don't really want to give everything away, but even considering that I have to assume there were some noticeable plot changes during the development.


Oct 25, 2017
Job system sounds great for the new game, but I'm not a fan of first person view in combat. Kind of a deal breaker.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Did I read its coming to Switch? If not I'll just go PS4.

It might come out on the Switch at some time in the future, but if it does, it's not any time soon. I don't have a Switch devkit and I haven't done any work on a Switch version. If we do a Switch port, it'll probably be after the next game comes out unless Nintendo changes their policies drastically.


Oct 27, 2017
I kick-started this, but actually didn't make it far in. I lost power one day and lost a good chunk of time on the PS4 version. I decided to just wait and pray for a Switch version. If it happens, I'll buy it again and actually finish it.


Zeboyd Games
Oct 26, 2017
Job system sounds great for the new game, but I'm not a fan of first person view in combat. Kind of a deal breaker.

The single most time consuming aspect of CSH was the on-map battles which is why we're strongly considering a 1st person perspective for the next game. Like it'd be cool if we could do every game like CSH, but CSH took us 4 years to make & hasn't broken even yet. If we can go back to making & releasing games yearly, it will be much more likely that we actually make money.


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Oct 27, 2017
Rip City
It's been so long, wanted to wait till the Vita version but now I just want a Vita physical (or switch ha) not digital before i buy.

Renna Hazel

Oct 27, 2017
It might come out on the Switch at some time in the future, but if it does, it's not any time soon. I don't have a Switch devkit and I haven't done any work on a Switch version. If we do a Switch port, it'll probably be after the next game comes out unless Nintendo changes their policies drastically.
Aww that's pretty disappointing to hear since I was holding out for that version. Oh well, guess I'll resort to PS4.


Oct 25, 2017
The single most time consuming aspect of CSH was the on-map battles which is why we're strongly considering a 1st person perspective for the next game. Like it'd be cool if we could do every game like CSH, but CSH took us 4 years to make & hasn't broken even yet. If we can go back to making & releasing games yearly, it will be much more likely that we actually make money.
Yeah, that's fair enough. Wish you all the best.


Oct 27, 2017
Seattle WA
It might come out on the Switch at some time in the future, but if it does, it's not any time soon. I don't have a Switch devkit and I haven't done any work on a Switch version. If we do a Switch port, it'll probably be after the next game comes out unless Nintendo changes their policies drastically.
Wow a response direct from the dev. Thanks!


What Are Ya' Selling?
Oct 25, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
Alright, had some time to kill after a long session of COD:WW2 lol.

Finally finished the game (and platinumed it too!!).

First can i just say THANK YOU for incorporating a grind-less, straightforward trophy list.
All i had to do was complete everything the game had to offer and the platinum was mine.

Secondly, this game was heaps of fun. Great effort.



Oct 30, 2017
I think Robert considered it. To me Patreon sounds a bit like an ongoing Kickstarter campaign that never ends. Meaning, the pros and cons are, you have this "other funding" for your project but you also have continuous commitments on top of dev itself. So I dunno. Personally I prefer the strategy of focusing on and releasing games, and then also doing what we can to promote the ones that are out while working on the next. Old school I guess haha.

We're gonna do that physical release on PS4/Vita. I think there might be some other physical type stuff down the line too. It's another avenue to generating revenue on top of porting to platforms / participating in promos.

Point is, right now with CSH we have a single PC release and a single console release. With the Vita, XBO, and Mac/Linux, on top of physical releases and some other stuff I'm planning, there's a huge amount of potential for just this game to sell, even before whatever holiday discount sales thingies.

So it's too early to say how well this has succeeded considering it's only been released on a couple of places so far.

Also here's some art for you:


Another update:
Just finished putting together the manual for PS4/Vita. It's 76 pages long. Lots of art, interviews, lyrics, character info etc.
Nov 6, 2017
I have had this since release and have put around 6 hours into it and then I got distracted by Persona 5.

I look forward to finishing it up soon. Great game.


Nov 6, 2017
Really excited to play this, but waiting on the Vita port. Pre-ordered and everything... still waiting...

...but I have a feeling it'll be worth it. Really enjoyed Penny Arcade 3 & 4, and CSH looks much better.