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Oct 25, 2017
I have a feeling by morning he'll be under 800k subscribers. He's currently sitting at 919k and still going down.


Oct 27, 2017
I guess my issue is that to create a channel based around a personality, you've got to be pretty narcissistic already, and getting validation in the way of likes and subscribers and groupies will just make you more of a narcissistic shithead. The only "personality" I've found myself to watch a couple of times was a guy called "Shaun" that I saw linked a few times on era. From the couple I've seen he doesn't show his face at all and his personality and humor comes through his videos, but his gimmick isn't his personality imo. Also I don't subscribe or follow him at all lol I just saw a few times on here. I just am not interested at all in these kinds of people. I know it's likely an "old man yells at cloud" kind of opinion but I feel alright about it, seeing as how every personality that makes the news ends up being a scumbag.

I actually agree with you there, especially since videogaming communities in general, in my opinion anyway, tends to attract the worst kinds of people (like alt-right and GGers).


Oct 25, 2017
Before Holly locked her account, she told her followers to not believe what strangers say online about the current situation, then said something along the lines of "you all know me, I'd never do anything to harm others", which are all immediate read flags after the allegations came up. That's using her influence in an attempt to cover up anything that may come to light.

EDIT: found the screencap from my friend.

This so funny to me because like, people who follow you on twitter have no business whatsoever in attesting to your character. Particularly when you're largely talking about a fan following and their view of a personality that you curate to at least some extent just as a requirement of your industry.

Holly Conrad went from doing decent-ish Mass Effect cosplay to booking hosting gigs for nerd events. I doubt very many of her twitter follows have any valuable insight into who she is beyond that lol

Dee Dee

Nov 2, 2017
I had intended to not really follow this thread but I'm kind of drawn like a moth to a flame I guess.

Anyhow, these recent posts that Holly ratted out underage fans who tried to talk to her about jared in confidence, I hadn't heard those or seen them in the thread until they came up just this last page. Where did those come from. Like there's more twitter posts about this or something I assume?

It's from this tweet in the OP:

Cup O' Tea?

Nov 2, 2017
Hey, remember that time they reviewed Captain Marvel and in the sassy intro joked about people on one side vehemently defending Brie Larson's comments, and on the other the manchildren making countless videos complaining about her. And then they unironically proceeded to complain about her for 15 minutes.
Hey, remember when Era tried to have a thread about a popular youtuber sending dick picks to underage fans but proceeded to quibble over the minor details of a Cpt. Marvel review?


Oct 25, 2017
Good on peebs for coming forward on this.

Seems like a good moment to state this:
The important thing around this issue is to not blast the current members of Normal Boots about this. Since there are legal issues involved, make sense to keep matters private while investigation was in process. Furrest and PBG apologized and realized this was bigger than they thought.

In this cases is never a great idea to go around the people near the acussed pointing fingers and yelling "you were close to him so you must have known and never did/say anything, you enabled this!". That's not how the planet works. Most of the times people are genuinely not in the know about the stuff done by a person in a private space, why should they? Is private after all, like it or not.

So if you want to point your anger, always go for the acussed one. Victim-blaming or shaming the friends of the acussed for something they had no knowledge or control is never what you should do.

Good post.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone should cut holly some slack. She is as bad as Jared is. Coming from someone who had witnessed a similar situation to this around my circle of friends(Yes, married and getting cheated on a close friend), it's a damn tough time and a hard watch for a third party. I am 100% on Heidi's side on this no matter how public she wants it to be. Holly went along with it, knowing full well they were married, Jared knew he can't control his urges and probably controlled some of heidi's life. No forgiveness there and I hope Heidi gets all the support she needs.

Not to dig too much into their past, they were all clearly very close friends and Heidi looked very comfortable around holly. It's kinda scary and gave me goosebumps just thinking about it:



Nov 15, 2017
Good on Furst/PBG for owning up to the L and wanting to do better
I get wanting to defend your bro, but when you see the truth you gotta change


Oct 25, 2017
Sort of been a fan of ProJared ever since he showed up on Screwattack back when they launched Nametags and followed him abit over the years. Really disappointed he's just ended up as someone who I was a fan of but in reality was a massive festering waste of a human.

As an aside, had he just not uploaded anything in the last few months to his main YouTube or has he been taking things down, looks like nothing has been uploaded since last year.


Oct 30, 2017
These non entities certainly gather a lot of attention. All i think is: "What a couple of absolute cunts."


Oct 27, 2017
north east uk
Sort of been a fan of ProJared ever since he showed up on Screwattack back when they launched Nametags and followed him abit over the years. Really disappointed he's just ended up as someone who I was a fan of but in reality was a massive festering waste of a human.

As an aside, had he just not uploaded anything in the last few months to his main YouTube or has he been taking things down, looks like nothing has been uploaded since last year.
hes been uploading to the projared plays channel every day instead
Oct 27, 2017
Still amazed at how quickly can your business go to hell, doesn't matter how big. Dude was expelled and erased from normal boots in a matter of hours after the fact.
I wonder if he would have been expelled because of the cheating only, or if the 'underage pics' allegations were the defining factor.

Either way, Jared and Holly are most likely fucked.


Alt account
Mar 18, 2019
Why did this thread become a wall of bigoted judgy and morally superior comments?

It's like reading a bloody gossip tabloid. Well done Era

Edit: Just to be clear I am not talking about Jared actions , but about the gossip around his lovers and his marriage
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2017
Why did this thread become a wall of bigoted judgy and morally superior comments?

It's like reading a bloody gossip tabloid. Well done Era

It's a thread about a YouTube influencer who used his power to coerce women, some underaged, into sexual acts and sending nudes behind his wife's back.

Ain't like nobody in here calling Holly a turbothot. People are judging because this is objectively morally reprehensible shit.
Feb 3, 2018
I don't think anyone should cut holly some slack. She is as bad as Jared is. Coming from someone who had witnessed a similar situation to this around my circle of friends(Yes, married and getting cheated on a close friend), it's a damn tough time and a hard watch for a third party. I am 100% on Heidi's side on this no matter how public she wants it to be. Holly went along with it, knowing full well they were married, Jared knew he can't control his urges and probably controlled some of heidi's life. No forgiveness there and I hope Heidi gets all the support she needs.

Not to dig too much into their past, they were all clearly very close friends and Heidi looked very comfortable around holly. It's kinda scary and gave me goosebumps just thinking about it:

What's so insane is that after he posted the statement on the divorce (which Heidi could not see because he blocked her) the first response was Holly saying I am here if you need me I mean jeezes.


Alt account
Mar 18, 2019

It's a thread about a YouTube influencer who used his power to coerce women, some underaged, into sexual acts and sending nudes behind his wife's back.

Ain't like nobody in here calling Holly a turbothot. People are judging because this is objectively morally reprehensible shit.
Read the thread again, people are actually judging her as a turbothot ( the hell is that by the way?)

We have no saying in the marriage bit, we do not know a thing about their personal matters. We can judge him for coercing women, but taking side in his marriage with no knowledge of what happened in that couple it's same gossip tabloid shit


Oct 25, 2017
What's so insane is that after he posted the statement on the divorce (which Heidi could not see because he blocked her) the first response was Holly saying I am here if you need me I mean jeezes.

Holly after posting on the tweet



Nov 13, 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark
I am so confused by this.

Did Jared have a fucking blog with nudes of fans, some of whom were underage?

I don't... If you're career is based on the internet, why would you??

I don't understand.


Oct 29, 2017
Read the thread again, people are actually judging her as a turbothot ( the hell is that by the way?)

We have no saying in the marriage bit, we do not know a thing about their personal matters. We can judge him for coercing women, but taking side in his marriage with no knowledge of what happened in that couple it's same gossip tabloid shit

She's the second party in an affair where she came to the defense of the cheater/predator after he got called out.

She's clownshoes.


Oct 27, 2017
Why did this thread become a wall of bigoted judgy and morally superior comments?

It's like reading a bloody gossip tabloid. Well done Era

Do you want us to get down to Jared's moral level in order to be able to talk about this issue? Do you want us to defend or give him the benefit of the doubt for some of the things we have concrete evidence of?

It's hard to not appear "morally superior", as you say, when you are referring to someone that has sunk as far down as Jared did.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think anyone should cut holly some slack. She is as bad as Jared is. Coming from someone who had witnessed a similar situation to this around my circle of friends(Yes, married and getting cheated on a close friend), it's a damn tough time and a hard watch for a third party. I am 100% on Heidi's side on this no matter how public she wants it to be. Holly went along with it, knowing full well they were married, Jared knew he can't control his urges and probably controlled some of heidi's life. No forgiveness there and I hope Heidi gets all the support she needs.

Not to dig too much into their past, they were all clearly very close friends and Heidi looked very comfortable around holly. It's kinda scary and gave me goosebumps just thinking about it:



Alt account
Mar 18, 2019
Do you want us to get down to Jared's moral level in order to be able to talk about this issue? Do you want us to defend or give him the benefit of the doubt for some of the things we have concrete evidence of?

It's hard to not appear "morally superior", as you say, when you are referring to someone that has sunk as far down as Jared did.
Read the post above yours. I am not talking about Jared


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
I wonder if he was always like that, or if fame corrupted him.

Not that it means much coming from a relatively disassociated member of the peanut gallery, but he always seemed like a decent enough guy before this all came to light.

I have to wonder if these Youtube celebs becoming so well known at a young age predisposes them to negative behavior.

Regardless, really bad look. Reading those reports is gross.


Dec 15, 2018
When you're getting meme'd on by DSP you know you really fucked up. This man jacked it on stream too. Honestly DSP is an inspiration for moving forward no matter what has happened to you.


Nov 22, 2017
Read the thread again, people are actually judging her as a turbothot ( the hell is that by the way?)

We have no saying in the marriage bit, we do not know a thing about their personal matters. We can judge him for coercing women, but taking side in his marriage with no knowledge of what happened in that couple it's same gossip tabloid shit

Hell slut shamming is awful, but to suggest that she did nothing wrong like another poster said before you is stupid, she knew the guy was married, she even knew her wife and interacted multiple times with her, in order to do what she did she doesn't seem like a good person, at all.


Oct 30, 2017
The most important thing in all this is: Is he going to be arrested?

Lot of drama going on but fuck that shite. Guys a pedo sex pest.


Oct 28, 2017
I don't think anyone should cut holly some slack. She is as bad as Jared is. Coming from someone who had witnessed a similar situation to this around my circle of friends(Yes, married and getting cheated on a close friend), it's a damn tough time and a hard watch for a third party. I am 100% on Heidi's side on this no matter how public she wants it to be. Holly went along with it, knowing full well they were married, Jared knew he can't control his urges and probably controlled some of heidi's life. No forgiveness there and I hope Heidi gets all the support she needs.

Not to dig too much into their past, they were all clearly very close friends and Heidi looked very comfortable around holly. It's kinda scary and gave me goosebumps just thinking about it:

like, this is important to remember. i find it an incredible stretch to try and paint Holly as having ZERO idea what she was doing in this circumstance. even if she was being manipulated by Jared as well (and according to Heidi's receipts, the opposite is likely true and Holly was an aggressor in pursuing an affair/relationship?) it means that, at best 1) Holly is an actual idiot who carried on a discreet, surreptitious affair with someone she essentially knew NOTHING about deep down or 2) knew exactly what she was doing and who she was doing it with (after all, its not like Heidi wasnt aware of Jared's NSFW tumblrs and Snapchats apparently, so how could Holly be?). which do people want it to be?

in my estimation, which could very well be incorrect, i would be SURPRISED if Holly and Jared werent already talking and growing close while she was in the final months of her marriage to Ross, based on the timeline, which means she was stepping out of her own relationship with someone who was stepping out of theirs.

also, whats the over-under on Jared probably hooking up with a fan or two that he corresponded with via his tumblr or Snapchat WHILE this was all going on? im a betting man and i like a sure thing.
Nov 2, 2017
like, this is important to remember. i find it an incredible stretch to try and paint Holly as having ZERO idea what she was doing in this circumstance. even if she was being manipulated by Jared as well (and according to Heidi's receipts, the opposite is likely true and Holly was an aggressor in pursuing an affair/relationship?) it means that, at best 1) Holly is an actual idiot who carried on a discreet, surreptitious affair with someone she essentially knew NOTHING about deep down or 2) knew exactly what she was doing and who she was doing it with (after all, its not like Heidi wasnt aware of Jared's NSFW tumblrs and Snapchats apparently, so how could Holly be?). which do people want it to be?

in my estimation, which could very well be incorrect, i would be SURPRISED if Holly and Jared werent already talking and growing close while she was in the final months of her marriage to Ross, based on the timeline, which means she was stepping out of her own relationship with someone who was stepping out of theirs.

also, whats the over-under on Jared probably hooking up with a fan or two that he corresponded with via his tumblr or Snapchat WHILE this was all going on? im a betting man and i like a sure thing.

There's already a story on Reddit where he did exactly that, fan was left feeling used and he did the ole lying, predatory guy with a bit of power shtick.

wig split

Nov 1, 2017
User banned (5 days): Misrepresenting concerns + inflammatory drive-by
Does anyone else think these drama threads should be contained to their own dedicated section and not placed in the GAMING section?
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