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Oct 26, 2017
If Beto fell off a car or table at one of these would it end his campaign hopes like a Dukakis tank or Dean Byahhh?
Or does it matter how he recovers in the moment?


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017

Richard Blumenthal ✔@SenBlumenthal

According to the AG, the Special Counsel concluded that the evidence fell short of a prosecutable criminal conspiracy, which involves a high bar of proof beyond a reasonable doubt—but reached no such conclusion on the obstruction of justice issue.

On obstruction of justice, the Special Counsel tossed a jump ball, & the AG tipped it to President Trump, but shared none of the information supporting his conclusion.

4:59 PM - Mar 24, 2019


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno. I'm honestly not deflated, just anxious to see how the next couple weeks go. I only would have been deflated if the report fully exonerated him, which we know it didn't.

If Trump suddenly gets a 5-10% popularity increase in the next week then people can worry, but I don't see that happening


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I wish it felt like 2018. To me it feels like the continued slow death of this democracy.

Like I said, this isn't a good summary even with all of the spin and crowing from Trump and co. Much like 2018, where they were early on claiming "red wave" and the media paroting stupid drivel like "this wasn't a wave!". Then a few weeks later, it was a wave of historic proportions.

A report like this, where it is explicitly not exonerating even with Barr doing his best to spin the details, is not a great sign. The handed off proprietorial work has a lot of meat, is what this means.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's pretty blatant that the story won't stop given were likely to get more coming out that may even contradict this "summary". However, when it comes to the groups that will ultimately determine the election in 2020 I'm not convinced they give a crap about Russia and either hate him or love you for completely unrelated reasons and don't give a crap about it.

The Russia stuff has become frankly inside beltway baseball since the ACA repeal attempt if not before.


Oct 27, 2017
I know Mueller is a stickler for rules and authority, but I would find it hard to believe that after spending two years on this investigation he'd be content with just staying quiet if Barr's summary was a major misrepresentation of the report.

Also heads up that ResetEra is currently being inundated with bad actors and it's pretty obvious.
tbh sometimes I can't tell whether it's someone making a deliberately bad-faith argument or just being really fucking dumb.


Oct 27, 2017
Congress really needs to get the entire report. This shit about Barr and Rosenstein mulling over different things they can show Congress is bullshit- we aren't interested in your cherry picking and opinion.

Ideally Congress can have the entire report in hand first, and then subpoena Barr/Mueller. Harder to ask questions about a report you can't even see yet.


Oct 25, 2017
I know Mueller is a stickler for rules and authority, but I would find it hard to believe that after spending two years on this investigation he'd be content with just staying quiet if Barr's summary was a major misrepresentation of the report.

tbh sometimes I can't tell whether it's someone making a deliberately bad-faith argument or just being really fucking dumb.

Mueller isn't going to say shit unless subpoenaed.


Oct 25, 2017
Today proves that at a minimum, Mueller needs to be subpoenaed and testify under oath/his report needs to be delivered in full to congress.

No matter what way you spin it, this thing looks shady as fuck. Too many unanswered questions.


Oct 28, 2017

For comedy's sake (we need it in this day of fuckery), here is when the 2018 election day thread turned and we thought we were gonna live in the endtimes. I imagine a lot of people will look back on today similarly and realize they were too emotional at the moment.

The Senate results are a harbinger for the future of the United States. Things are going to get bad when a small percentage of the country has a monopoly on the most powerful branch of Congress.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Reading Twitter. My bad, sure. But there are three main credible theories happening:

1. This is so bad that NatSec stuff is happening behind the scenes and Barr/Rosentein put a good face on it to buy time while it unfolds. There's a lot more to see here.

2. This is the best (worst) possible reading of a really bad report by Republicans being cowardly and the main thing to hang your hat on are the remaining investigations. (Southpaw)

3. Mueller was never going to do an actual investigation and he was only running out the clock while the Russian mob took over the US Government and consolidated power under a fascist puppet. (Kendzior)

I, uh, am going with #1.

My reading is it's number 2. My guess is the report is maybe 60% of how bad it could have been for Trump. That it's not as bad as it could have been but that it's still pretty damning and Barr's trying to spin that down (which is why you get the "no exoneration but no collusion" angle even in this letter).


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The Senate results are a harbinger for the future of the United States. Things are going to get bad when a small percentage of the country has a monopoly on the most powerful branch of Congress.

Are you just being disingenuous or did you forget what the map of 2016 was for the Senate? (ie. the worst possible map to defend)

The senate is not in a good place in general, but that map was terrible in 2016 as the map is terrible in 2020 for Republicans.


Oct 26, 2017
The Netherlands
According to Barr if they don't find evidence you committed the crime you can't have obstructed justice.... which makes zero sense. Means you just have to obstruct so much that they can't find evidence.

Okay, but what about staff who helped POTUS obstruct justice? I thought the whole point of their oath was that they serve the rule of law, not the chain of command.

I'm also puzzled how Mueller established (lack of) motive with just Trump's written answers. Why was there no face to face interview?


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
The future senate map is not great either.

They'll lose a number of seats in 2020 where currently they have remnants in states that have transitioned. The Senate map will forever be bad so long as it is strongly diluted by empty states that are R, but it has a good probability of swinging back in 2020 and 2022 as more "old seats" go up for grabs in states that have shifted from purple to blue.
Oct 27, 2017
Reading Twitter. My bad, sure. But there are three main credible theories happening:

1. This is so bad that NatSec stuff is happening behind the scenes and Barr/Rosentein put a good face on it to buy time while it unfolds. There's a lot more to see here.

2. This is the best (worst) possible reading of a really bad report by Republicans being cowardly and the main thing to hang your hat on are the remaining investigations. (Southpaw)

3. Mueller was never going to do an actual investigation and he was only running out the clock while the Russian mob took over the US Government and consolidated power under a fascist puppet. (Kendzior)

I, uh, am going with #1.

Number 3, good lord.

As far as 1 and 2 - multiple people were connected with the RNC money, the inauguration money, and connecting with Russians (whether by design or by flattery). Multiple people lied to congress and investigators over this. The president attacked an investigation even after it appeared to take him out of legal jeopardy. And this is still just what we know about. Yet the president, his legal and press team, and republicans still want to push back on it all. Nothing has changed here, and there is more to come out.


Oct 28, 2017
Are you just being disingenuous or did you forget what the map of 2016 was for the Senate? (ie. the worst possible map to defend)

I'm talking about the structure of the Senate itself. As time goes on the in the US most of the population will be concentrated in a few large states while a bunch of low populated small states will have most of the Senate. The Senate is already kind of like this but it will just get worse. I remember reading some estimates that say by 2040 30% of the US population will control 70% of the Senate.


Oct 25, 2017
Are you just being disingenuous or did you forget what the map of 2016 was for the Senate? (ie. the worst possible map to defend)

The senate is not in a good place in general, but that map was terrible in 2016 as the map is terrible in 2020 for Republicans.[/QUOTE]

Assuming you're talking about 2018, this is in no way true. The only thing close to what we faced in ND, IN and MO is CO with Gardner.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I'm talking about the structure of the Senate itself. As time goes on the in the US most of the population will be concentrated in a few large states while a bunch of low populated small states will have most of the Senate. The Senate is already kind of like this but it will just get worse. I remember reading some estimates that say by 2040 30% of the US population will control 70% of the Senate.

Yes I agree with this (check the edit). But the map in 2020 will be stretched for Republicans with also motivated D voters in a presidential year. They'll absolutely lose Garder's seat and depending on what Moore does in Alabama, we could even see the unlikely scenario of a seat maintained if there's nothing good fielded in Alabama or if Moore runs to split the vote.

Then there's Georgia to factor in with Abrams, and other "close calls". Obviously if PA were up in 2020, I'd also say that there's a shot seat there for R's as well given the changes going on in Pennsylvania but that is not until next time.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
Now that Mueller is done I really hope we can get some indictments for Jr this week in SDNY. This is really a gut punch at the moment. We need to see the full report.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
When do we think Mueller will testify, if ever?

If the report isn't released, they may pull him in to elaborate on the lack of exoneration but he may also never be pulled in because he cannot bypass the DoJ in speaking on the details of his report.

Mueller did his job, he's not the target to go after in getting the full memo.


Oct 25, 2017
When do we think Mueller will testify, if ever?

He will need to be subpoenaed as he likely will not talk about investigative work openly without that threat, much like Banks require you to subpoena them in order to get financial records otherwise they enter into legal complication with the person or institution that record is about. Mueller has done congressional hearings on cases before so he will likely be very open to doing it otherwise.


Oct 30, 2017
So the next time Trump has a super secret meeting with Putin, we're just supposed to ignore it and assume everything is on the up and up? Lmao


Oct 26, 2017
Amidst all this hoopla, I'm really pretty annoyed with Rosenstein at the moment. He's once again lending his name to some bullshit (first time being that Comey firing letter) and shielding Barr in a decision that he shouldn't even be a part of in the first place because he was involved in the events surrounding obstruction! What a hack.
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