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Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
From Reddit, lol:



Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
My issue with Childe isn't so much about him being good or evil, but just the utter inconsistency with which they portray him and that his "twist" in 1.1 that resolved the geo archon story felt way less interesting than what it felt like they were maybe hinting at. The whole point of the initial meeting with him was that acknowledgment of "yeah I'm Fatui, so naturally after what happened in Mondstadt you aren't going to trust me, but maybe there's more to it than that and I'm not just some villain like the Fatui you know of so far, huh?" It felt like they were leaning into a more interesting direction.

Then 1.1 comes out and...oh it turns out he actually is just a cartoon villain as his day job and it's seemingly not even a struggle for him to choose risking the lives of everyone in Liyue for the Tsaritsa's sake without having any idea what she wants. I'm not gonna give a single fuck about him caring about his family when he clearly doesn't give a fuck about the countless families he jeopardized. Then you toss on top of that that his main prevailing trait is actually just that he loves to fight strong opponents, but he's also inconsistent with how he goes about doing that either. Then the cherry on it all is that he's a known criminal working for a criminal enterprise but suffers literally no real repercussions for anything he did. Could you imagine if a terrorist was known to take steps to try and destroy New York City, that destruction was just barely prevented, and the person known to be responsible got to just...continue hanging out in New York? It's utter insanity.

So anyway my point is, buff Amber please.

We're not in a court of law here, why are fictional characters being held to these irl standards of punitive justice lmao. These aren't moral fables and thank god for that, Genshin has enough boring 1d cutouts like Amber and Paimon as it is.


Oct 26, 2017
We're not in a court of law here, why are fictional characters being held to these irl standards of punitive justice lmao. These aren't moral fables and thank god for that, Genshin has enough boring 1d cutouts like Amber and Paimon as it is.
I mean there doesn't really seem to be a system in place at all for people who do bad things. I guess the dependence was on the gods? There was that whole thing about the empowerment to enforce contracts. Wonder if it made it so you couldn't break them or something? Never really explained, but it's interesting that while there seem to be bad people there doesn't seem to be much consequence aside from the MC beating them up.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
We're not in a court of law here, why are fictional characters being held to these irl standards of punitive justice lmao. These aren't moral fables and thank god for that, Genshin has enough boring 1d cutouts like Amber and Paimon as it is.
I mean the God's themselves are pretty much jackasses lol so I don't know why people are taking it so seriously myself. Venti is just a lazy, drunken bum, and Zhong Li is a psycho. Lol. I wonder how the other Gods will turn out.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean...I wrote most of that as an answer to whether or not I like the character. I don't, because the combination of his actions, motivations, and consequences for both all feel inconsistent and generally out of whack to me.

I don't know how the hell criminal justice is handled in Teyvat, I'm just judging him for myself. And in my judgment, he sucks and should have been killed.


Oct 25, 2017
We're not in a court of law here, why are fictional characters being held to these irl standards of punitive justice lmao. These aren't moral fables and thank god for that, Genshin has enough boring 1d cutouts like Amber and Paimon as it is.
The way Teyvat actually works in terms of dealing with criminals isn't explained, or if it is, it's done poorly. It just comes across as inconsistent with how MC was chased down by the Milileth for being suspected of killing Rex Lapis, but the person who had planned to destroy the entire city gets off scot free. Sure, it's a fictional world, so applying the same rules as our world doesn't always work, but fictional worlds at least should put in the work to make their worlds feel believable.

Genshin does an okay to good job setting up the background lore of its characters and making them feel believable, but in terms of making the world feel believable and cohesive, they haven't really done a good job at that imo. At least in terms of the two current towns.


Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
I mean...I wrote most of that as an answer to whether or not I like the character. I don't, because the combination of his actions, motivations, and consequences for both all feel inconsistent and generally out of whack to me.

I don't know how the hell criminal justice is handled in Teyvat, I'm just judging him for myself. And in my judgment, he sucks and should have been killed.

Bad Guy Die is a copout and the least nuanced thing they could possibly do.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Found this on Reddit: An Abyss team recommendation chart:


Xingqiu and Bennett are really the best supports in the game. Can you believe people, even here, were dragging them early on? XD

I could kick myself for not getting Albedo back when I could. He and Zhongli seem to be a fantastic team.
Heh, my current overworld party is Lightning and Quick Rain (Sunny Moment). This team will make a smooth transition when I start making more serious rounds in the Spiral Abyss.

But since I don't have any 5* besides C1 Keqing and C0 Mona, I can't really consider a lot of this list at the moment, haha.
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Character Artist
Oct 25, 2017
25,160 strong yet so fragile. :3

Venti spotted already drunk when he showed up at the KFC:


Less than an hour later even drunkererer under the table:


Childe is a psycho too. Why do you think there's so many Childe X Zhong Li fanart? They go hand in hand together! Zhong Li was welling to risk the entire Liyue Harbor and Childe was willing to carry out the task.

There's so much fanart of those two, because the game already pairs them in a sugar boy and his sugar daddy kind of relationship. Not much imagination for the thirsty fandom needed to start shipping them, lol.
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Top Mog
Oct 27, 2017
Tbf "evil person/country actually right all along", and then later redeeming all these psychos to unite with you under a common banner, isn't exactly very fresh either.

That hasn't happened, there's not only 2 options for portraying an antagonist, and no one was arguing in favour of what you say.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
That hasn't happened, there's not only 2 options for portraying an antagonist, and no one was arguing in favour of what you say.

Because that's totally not what they're doing with Snezhnaya.

Lol, ok, I'll eat crow if it doesn't happen, but Genshin Impact hasn't really strayed from the usual anime tropes so far.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 25, 2017
In the end all of the Fatui's (and Signora's) doings will be for the defense of all and uniting the gnosis, to battle the Abyss and the alter-sibling's attack on everyone. It'll be "the only way they have a chance". It's akin to gathering all seven of the Dragon Balls. Upon collecting the seventh gnosis, they'll summon forth Giga-Paimon to grant them all the abilities they need for the ensuing battle.


Oct 25, 2017
What does that even mean. Did you never pull on any banner prior to Hu Tao over the course of the whole game and then do one single pull and get her?
More like I've done nothing but save up on 10 pulls since at least I'd be guaranteed dupes on my Xiangling or Chongyun (I already have tons on Xinque). The last 10 pull had been particularly devastating for me and I'd just about given up hope, so I just threw caution to the wind this time and low and behold...

btw, before you ask, I'm playing this as entirely f2p/not a single dollar spent.


Oct 27, 2017
I only used double pyro childe among those teams, it's pretty great, especially with ganyu being able to switch in when he's on CD


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
Bruh I'm kinda embarrassed to say that I have never completed all 12 Floors of Abyss before and I'm AR55. How do people get pass the Geovishaps on Floor 12-1? Those freaking HP sponges just keep hopping all over the freaking place. And I could be hitting them for like 40K with Xiao's plunge and it feels like their HP barely even moves.

This is just annoying. :'(


Oct 25, 2017
Bruh I'm kinda embarrassed to say that I have never completed all 12 Floors of Abyss before and I'm AR55. How do people get pass the Geovishaps on Floor 12-1? Those freaking HP sponges just keep hopping all over the freaking place. And I could be hitting them for like 40K with Xiao's plunge and it feels like their HP barely even moves.

This is just annoying. :'(

I've only done floors 9 and 10 myself. I'm just not super interested in clearing it right now. I may start building teams for it in the future, but it's one of those things that require specific team investments, and mats are far too scarce for me to start investing in new characters at this exact moment.


Jan 27, 2018
Haven't logged in at all for a couple of days
I think I'm finally free from the daily grind

Might check back in for the next big update
Have fun out there travelers


Oct 30, 2017
Bruh I'm kinda embarrassed to say that I have never completed all 12 Floors of Abyss before and I'm AR55. How do people get pass the Geovishaps on Floor 12-1? Those freaking HP sponges just keep hopping all over the freaking place. And I could be hitting them for like 40K with Xiao's plunge and it feels like their HP barely even moves.

This is just annoying. :'(
It's pretty rough for me yeah. My "bad play" strategy is 1) shield with Zhongli on team one 2) low energy bursts to have as much invincibility as possible on team 2. Because I rely on so many defensive characters to survive, I can't get too many stars.

In theory, killing them before they kill you is the more reasonable approach but to get higher dps than I can manage now is gonna take pretty hardcore artifact farming to push my crit damage up. Since I'm focused on upgrading talents (to delay the despair of artifact grinding), guess I have to settle for what I can get now.


Oct 25, 2017
Bruh I'm kinda embarrassed to say that I have never completed all 12 Floors of Abyss before and I'm AR55. How do people get pass the Geovishaps on Floor 12-1? Those freaking HP sponges just keep hopping all over the freaking place. And I could be hitting them for like 40K with Xiao's plunge and it feels like their HP barely even moves.

This is just annoying. :'(
I've managed to clear the previous floor 12 before it got changed to the Geovishaps.
Haven't managed to clear the current one.
I can do one half pretty alright with Ganyu, but my 2nd team with Diluc doesn't have the DPS. My struggles are partly because I hadn't really built any Shield characters, my supports aren't really built and half of my comps are kind of a rag-tag mess just to not get CCd to death by the Vishaps.

My best run was this:

Ganyu/Barbara as a budget freeze comp, Sucrose for Viridescent shred (but she literally has unlevelled artifacts and level talents), Beidou for Shield + breaking the Cryo Cicin shield (not really built either). Did it once with Noelle instead of her and that works better for the Vishaps, but she isn't built either.

Diluc + Xinqiu doing the main damage, Qiqi healing (Bennett gets me killed too fast), Ningguang for some shields and sub-DPS (she's actually fairly decently built, since I'm currently working on her).
I'm really noticing the lack of a crit weapon for Diluc, he's only 65/100 critrate/damage.

I initially wanted to put Venti on Dilucs team, which is why I have Sucrose on team 1, but I didn't have space for him and I forgot to put him into team 1.

Made we wish I could just plop Zhongli into Dilucs team instead of Ning, then I could also use Bennett instead of Qiqi, but alas, my only 5* are Ganyu, Diluc, Qiqi and Venti.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
So I was tempted by Hu Tao banner again last min and WOW..... I just pulled Hu Tao off a single... maybe around pull 60 ish or something. I really didn't expect that! This is the first time I ever pull a 5 star that's the promotional character by the 50/50 pity. I'm super happy to have another 5* join my team but I guess this means i'm now back at zero for Venti. Still got like 4k gems though for him.

For Hu Tao I have a rank 3 dragon's bane.... not going for the staff of Homa on her right now so maybe in the future.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
And on PS4/PS5 it again requires scanning a QR code on screen. This is BS, seriously. Web events did function without before on PS4.

If you say that Childe did nothing wrong, I'll teach you a Snezhnayan technique (let's say, a delusion) that allows you to participate.
Sep 11, 2020

I couldn't help but read this (and most of the contents) with the voice of Miyuki's dad from Kaguya-sama. That man is an absolute comedy goldmine, and the anime made it even better by having the same actor that does Dio as his VA.

And on PS4/PS5 it again requires scanning a QR code on screen. This is BS, seriously. Web events did function without before on PS4.

Does the PS5 have a proper web browser? Or is it like the Switch, where they actually built one but it's hidden and can't be used by its owners?

Maybe that's the problem. The first event was just an email with a link to the event, and it was released before the PS5 launch. I feel like the problems with this sort of webevents started in November.

We can still fullfill the different forms and surveys, so I'm not sure that could be it, TBH.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 28, 2017
They want us on mobile because they know nobody in their right mind would share anything via PS browser as part of the daily tasks. Besides, doing the events on that browser was a torture. QR codes imo is the best solution that doesn't exclude anybody.


Oct 28, 2017
My issue with Childe isn't so much about him being good or evil, but just the utter inconsistency with which they portray him and that his "twist" in 1.1 that resolved the geo archon story felt way less interesting than what it felt like they were maybe hinting at. The whole point of the initial meeting with him was that acknowledgment of "yeah I'm Fatui, so naturally after what happened in Mondstadt you aren't going to trust me, but maybe there's more to it than that and I'm not just some villain like the Fatui you know of so far, huh?" It felt like they were leaning into a more interesting direction.

Then 1.1 comes out and...oh it turns out he actually is just a cartoon villain as his day job and it's seemingly not even a struggle for him to choose risking the lives of everyone in Liyue for the Tsaritsa's sake without having any idea what she wants. I'm not gonna give a single fuck about him caring about his family when he clearly doesn't give a fuck about the countless families he jeopardized. Then you toss on top of that that his main prevailing trait is actually just that he loves to fight strong opponents, but he's also inconsistent with how he goes about doing that either. Then the cherry on it all is that he's a known criminal working for a criminal enterprise but suffers literally no real repercussions for anything he did. Could you imagine if a terrorist was known to take steps to try and destroy New York City, that destruction was just barely prevented, and the person known to be responsible got to just...continue hanging out in New York? It's utter insanity.

So anyway my point is, buff Amber please.

Just wanted to say, I really appreciate this post! ^^ It's exactly how I feel about Childe and I couldn't have put it better myself.

I was super disappointed with how he was handled. I wanted a clever and dangerous antagonist with nuance and intelligence....not a Saturday morning cartoon villain clown.

Zhongli came out of the Liyue story as the way more interesting figure. So far, it's the Archons that have stood out to me the most in the story.

Question though, now that Venti and Zhongli have both lost their Gnosis, does that mean no one can be granted new Anemo or Geo Visions? How does that work?


Oct 25, 2017
More like I've done nothing but save up on 10 pulls since at least I'd be guaranteed dupes on my Xiangling or Chongyun (I already have tons on Xinque). The last 10 pull had been particularly devastating for me and I'd just about given up hope, so I just threw caution to the wind this time and low and behold...

btw, before you ask, I'm playing this as entirely f2p/not a single dollar spent.
There's no difference between 10 pulls and single pulls when it comes to the 5* probability, only your pity counter is relevant, which is the amount of pulls since your last 5* on the limited banner.
You said you already did some 10 pulls, so you probably reached at least soft pity and got her with the single pull. (unless you didn't do many pulls since your last 5 star, then you were lucky indeed).

Witch of Miracles

One Winged Slayer
Jun 13, 2019
United Kingdom
Wait, what? O: What do we know? Did the leaking start?
Its in Chinese so i have no idea what they're saying (when they're not doing battle grunts and the like) but one of the voices is more gentle and cutsie while the other is more assertive voice. Its very likely they're Eula and Feiyan but nothing confirmed.

Have a listen yourself. Check out VO_1.5_0_15 and VO_1.5_0_17.

This is all we have atm.


Oct 26, 2017
Found this on Reddit: An Abyss team recommendation chart:


Xingqiu and Bennett are really the best supports in the game. Can you believe people, even here, were dragging them early on? XD

I could kick myself for not getting Albedo back when I could. He and Zhongli seem to be a fantastic team.
Is Ganyu/Childe that much of a good combo?
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