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Nov 2, 2017
I remember in 2016, on the old forum, when I use to refer to Bernie as Bernard to accentuate my disdain for him. It's a silly look, though. As is all the hyperbolic hatred for him I see around here. Sanders is flawed; I couldn't stand him when he ran against Clinton, and he still gets under my skin now at moments. But at the very least I'd hope most people on this forum would agree that he's trying to get this country to a better place. That should warrant him some respect. Something.

I agree, I think most of the D's in this race are trying to get this country to a better place, but in that there's a sliding scale. I put him in the bottom quarter along with Biden. Those two are just too transparent.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
The reason it works with any candidate is because Trump ran as a Le Pen style European populist (econ left social right) and governed as a Paul Ryan (both right). He lied his ass off and is now paying the price for that electorally.
Uh kirblar he held up an LGBT flag so I'm not sure what you meant by being socially right.



Oct 27, 2017

There's more to the thread

Firstly, his assertion that "the majority of the vacant homes were found in low-income black and Latino neighbourhoods or that some residents had inherited housing from deceased relatives or were simply trapped in zombie mortgages" is at least disputed, in the very same Buzzfeed piece he links to:

"There might have been some of those instances, but my impression was that the majority of them were larger investors, and things like [limited liability corporations], kind of a shell game," said Elizabeth Maradik, a city planner in South Bend's department of community investment. "Maybe those were local people, but maybe it was a bit harder to track down because of the LLCs. But … I guess I'd say maybe the more sophisticated kind of investor person versus the neighbor who had it in their name and owned a handful of properties, and something happened."

Kathy Schuth, executive director of Near Northwest Neighborhood Inc., a community development nonprofit that rehabs houses, also believes outside investors accounted for most of the demolished houses. "But I wouldn't dare say that it didn't impact families," she said. "We've heard stories since that make me really sad."

Secondly, the "concerted effort to drive the homeless from underneath the Main Street viaduct" was in fact coupled with the "housing first" initiative:

Our office convened a working group on homelessness last year, and its report is the framework for our administration's policy going forward. The group called for enhanced access to permanent supportive housing, the establishment of an intake center linking the chronically homeless to needed services, and enhanced coordination and data-sharing. The administration is already at work on these priorities.

The City-sponsored Project WARM, operated by Hope Ministries, has provided crucially needed bed space in winter months, even as we work on longer-term solutions for those who are hardest to house year-round.

We partnered with South Bend Heritage Foundation to open the FUSE Center Oliver Apartments, which opened in November. This facility rests on an approach called "housing first," recognizing that residents facing the greatest challenges must first have a roof over their heads before we can address other obstacles. The facility hosts 32 men and women, and at last count, we learned that twelve of those 32 had previously resided under the Main Street bridge. Based on this success, we are partnering with the Center for the Homeless to expand permanent supportive housing access within our community.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
Feels shitty to say but I think Warren should drop sooner rather than later. Even if she's only taking like 2% of the total vote away from Bernie that could make a difference. Make some sort of hand shake "you'll get VP" if necessary

We can't nominate Biden. It's going to be a disaster. Progressive wing should probably align or else we'll just get split and Biden could take it


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017



Jan 27, 2018
Feels shitty to say but I think Warren should drop sooner rather than later. Even if she's only taking like 2% of the total vote away from Bernie that could make a difference. Make some sort of hand shake "you'll get VP" if necessary

We can't nominate Biden. It's going to be a disaster. Progressive wing should probably align or else we'll just get split and Biden could take it
NO, we need people in this primary to push the rest to the left!
Don't worry about Biden, he's a gaffe machine, it's only a matter of time before he gaffes himself down the polls.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
my biggest worry with Biden is the debates

hopefully theres a lot of pressure put on him by the other candidates during them

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
NO, we need people in this primary to push the rest to the left!
Don't worry about Biden, he's a gaffe machine, it's only a matter of time before he gaffes himself down the polls.
I dunno man.

I feel like we shouldn't underestimate him and just assume he'll dip. He's so entrenched and I'm not sure if recent revelations will actually sway people who currently support him away.

He's a gaffe machine sure . But there's a lot of people on the left who will hand wave it because Trump is worse. We are seeing it on here


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Fun thread:

Feels shitty to say but I think Warren should drop sooner rather than later. Even if she's only taking like 2% of the total vote away from Bernie that could make a difference. Make some sort of hand shake "you'll get VP" if necessary

We can't nominate Biden. It's going to be a disaster. Progressive wing should probably align or else we'll just get split and Biden could take it
Let's wait 'til after the debates.


Oct 25, 2017
my biggest worry with Biden is the debates
hopefully theres a lot of pressure put on him by the other candidates during them
I guess it depends on how they go. They're splitting the candidates up over a couple nights so if Warren and Sanders are in one with Biden on another I would not be thrilled about it.

On the other hand if they dig into policies and the past much Biden will probably fall apart unless he lies through his teeth. I think pretty much all the candidates are much more progressive than him so he should stand out (in a negative way).

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
my biggest worry with Biden is the debates

hopefully theres a lot of pressure put on him by the other candidates during them
Yeah like... Biden is a good debater. He decapitated Paul Ryan and totally bailed out Obama after Romney totally dominated him in that one debate. I'm not buying this notion that he's gonna flounder.. Kamala and Gillibrand will cancel him, dem voters that currently are with him care enough about his current scandal etc so on

His bro likeable persona is so entrenched it will be harder to shake off than people realize. He's failed before hard but we are playing by different rules now and the new rules benefit what Biden's strengths are


Oct 27, 2017
I couldn't possibly put someone like Pete over Warren or Sanders. But that's for another time.

Now we have to deal with the rhetoric that Biden is THE candidate to beat Trump. Electric Chair ⚡️


Oct 27, 2017
The updated Nate Silver tier list.
Nate's not-to-be-taken-too-seriously presidential tiers
For the Democratic nomination, as revised on April 26, 2019

1a Biden
1b Harris, Sanders, Buttigieg
2a Warren, O'Rourke
2b Booker, Klobuchar, Abrams*
3a Castro, Gillibrand, Inslee, Yang
3b Bennet*, Hickenlooper, Ryan, Bullock*

* Candidate is not yet officially running but is reasonably likely to do so.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
That's a "chance to win the nom" list.
I actually sort of think Abrams', in the reality that she actually announced and went for it would be more likely to win than Harris. Both would be unlikely but if Stacey got serious I totally could see her winning SC over Harris. Which is sort of the problem *i think* of including candidates who haven't announced and are unlikely to announce on a probability list that is largely based on current polling aggregates


Oct 25, 2017
Oh no, a Mayor increased private business investment into his city, doing that thing that voters love seeing their elected officials do, the horror.

South Bend is a college town. Complaints about "gentrification" (in a state that has very low housing prices) and "too much private investment" seem silly in a place that exists because of a university's presence and thus is always going to be relying on attracting external business development much more than it is developing its own.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I don't know how anyone can take a guy who says the most insane shit without a shred of irony then doubles down on it seriously.

Anita hill was right to reject his apology that he clearly just did for the Presidential campaign, what was it, like 48 hours ago?

Pretty much everything Biden has done so far is overly cynical and transparently calculating to the most infuriating degree and he's barely even been in the race for 2 days. I literally cannot see the argument of people saying he's the best shot to beat Trump. There's far more than old white baby boomer democrats in the party who would accept that kind of shit just cause its uncle joe.

I didn't expect it to be this bad, but right out of the gate he's faceplanting on everything from overtly cozying with big name lobbyists, corporate donors and just giving everyone the middle finger with his staff trying to desperately clean it up

Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Oh no, a Mayor increased private business investment into his city, doing that thing that voters love seeing their elected officials do, the horror.

South Bend is a college town. Complaints about "gentrification" (in a state that has very low housing prices) and "too much private investment" seem silly in a place that exists because of a university's presence and thus is always going to be relying on attracting external business development much more than it is developing its own.
Why did you put gentrification in quotations


Dec 26, 2018
I really only remember Biden in the vice presidential debates in 2008.
He really made Sarah Palin look foolish. You could tell he was holding back because he felt sorry for her.

To be fair he had easy competition, the majority of the candidates running today would have dismantled Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin just as badly. Tulsi could do that lol


Oct 26, 2017
Are we going to end up in a situation where we've fucked ourselves over with self imposed financial restraints (which come from a good place and would hopefully ensure that candidates are less likely to feel beholden to their donors), and end up helping Biden, which seemingly everyone who posts in this thread seems to hate?


Dec 26, 2018
Are we going to end up in a situation where we've fucked ourselves over with self imposed financial restraints (which come from a good place and would hopefully ensure that candidates are less likely to feel beholden to their donors), and end up helping Biden, which seemingly everyone who posts in this thread seems to hate?

Perhaps, this is why it's an advantage to have wealthy donors. You have to worry about shit like this.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Feels shitty to say but I think Warren should drop sooner rather than later. Even if she's only taking like 2% of the total vote away from Bernie that could make a difference. Make some sort of hand shake "you'll get VP" if necessary

We can't nominate Biden. It's going to be a disaster. Progressive wing should probably align or else we'll just get split and Biden could take it
Warren will probably drop out eventually but I hope she makes it far. The longer she's in the better awareness people will have of her policies. Plus it means more progressive voices.


Oct 25, 2017
Are we going to end up in a situation where we've fucked ourselves over with self imposed financial restraints (which come from a good place and would hopefully ensure that candidates are less likely to feel beholden to their donors), and end up helping Biden, which seemingly everyone who posts in this thread seems to hate?
I'm not worried about it. Sanders just got 700K yesterday alone and he didn't have to get it from Comcast. All that money Biden gets will work for him, but it will also work against him.


Oct 25, 2017
As a brazilian that know nothing about Usa politics, I really thought that after 2016 the democrats would have their "Trump", bringing a rich and famous person, without political experience/baggage, but progressive and utterly charismatic to face the 2020 ellection. I fear that the good numbers of USA economy (correct me if I`m wrong, but this is been veiculated around here) makes another victory for Trump, empowering even more our shit president (bolsonaro) and his base.


Dec 26, 2018
As a brazilian that know nothing about Usa politics, I really thought that after 2016 the democrats would have their "Trump", bringing a rich and famous person, without political experience/baggage, but progressive and utterly charismatic to face the 2020 ellection. I fear that the good numbers of USA economy (correct me if I`m wrong, but this is been veiculated around here) makes another victory for Trump, empowering even more our shit president (bolsonaro) and his base.

It's the Republicans who do that not Democrats, our famous people don't run for office that often.


Oct 29, 2017
The Obama is a celebrity attack from Karl Rove was funny at the time given Reagan but even dumber in retrospect with Trump.


May 17, 2018
Why did you put gentrification in quotations
It's only really gentrification once displacement becomes a serious problem. That has not happened in South Bend. In fact, displacement is what's already been happening in South Bend, but for an entirely different reason. For decades, the city has been hollowing out and people have been leaving to find other places to live with better opportunities and better neighborhoods. Especially in poor and minority neighborhoods, the huge number of abandoned and decaying homes has been a burden and caused all sorts of problems, including crime and very low property values. Economic development is a necessary step to open up more opportunities (unemployment has dropped significantly in the last few years as the downtown area has started to attract businesses) and reverse the population decline (they just had their first year of population growth since 2000). If South Bend continues this revitalization and growth, gentrification will be something the city has to deal with in the future and work to prevent, but I don't really see the evidence to support the idea that it's a problem there right now.


Apr 12, 2019
Posts above have already addressed the tweets, but I just wanted to say Luke Savage and his Current Affairs buddy will do anything to try to slander Pete. Just know that what they say is with extreme bias.


Oct 27, 2017
"I'm not Bernie Sanders," Joe Biden said at the Brookings Institution. "I don't think 500 billionaires are the reason why we're in trouble. The folks at the top are not bad guys... wealthy Americans are just as patriotic as poor folks."

Well, glad we got that cleared up.

Deleted member 2145

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
"I'm not Bernie Sanders," Joe Biden said at the Brookings Institution. "I don't think 500 billionaires are the reason why we're in trouble. The folks at the top are not bad guys... wealthy Americans are just as patriotic as poor folks."

Well, glad we got that cleared up.

hey that's cool, so they're not bad guys

I guess that means they're in favor of being taxed more to help the many americans that have it worse than they do. they're just as patriotic, right joe? ......right joe?


alt account
Mar 25, 2019
"I'm not Bernie Sanders," Joe Biden said at the Brookings Institution. "I don't think 500 billionaires are the reason why we're in trouble. The folks at the top are not bad guys... wealthy Americans are just as patriotic as poor folks."

Well, glad we got that cleared up.

Fuck em. Was clear for me from the beginning


Oct 26, 2017
That's an old quote by now, old as in he said this last year? Anyway it's not like anyone thought any different.

It is a bit funny seeing Jacobin shit on Biden because if you were the kind of person to read Jacobin your opinion of Biden would be pretty low anyway. Very preaching to the choir.
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