Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
If there is a discord anyone has, if it's alright I would not mind being invited

If you don't find something more specific and helpful, the dating era discord is mostly just a chill place for talking about our days and sharing thoughts. Feel free to pop in, link is in the thread OP I believe. If you don't find the link or it doesn't work, shoot me a PM.


Oct 25, 2017
I stand with all of you in this thread. Nicole is right.

Mods please speak up. Era was never supposed to be Gaf 2.0 yet it feels more like it all the time

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
Mod rotation desperately needs to happen. With what happened on NeoGAF you'd think maybe there would be some foresight with that
As post #673 so articulately points out, the issue goes higher up the ladder than just the mod team. IMO, and pardon me for resorting to this term, likely an entire reset is in order if we wish some semblance of reform here.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
Banned for this? Let's echo.

The first part is a good first step as it is actually addressing an issue that has been a long running issue on this site and online in general. Outrage culture, left eating itself, woke culture, and bad faith arguing are all used incorrectly by people and used primarily as a way to dismiss people as not being genuine so that they don't have to actually entertain that they could be wrong. It's incredibly similar to the arguments that people have used in the past that accuse people of virtue signalling which has been actioned quite a bit, which is why it was frustrating to see things regress on this front.

The issue that exists within the pronoun section is the implications that doing something like that carries if it's not explicitly said. People who willfully misgender trans people are telling us that they don't really see trans people as the gender that we are, that we aren't valid. When someone does this explicitly for all trans people, that is abundantly clear. However, there are times where someone will see a trans person doing something criminal and they'll start to fall back into using the wrong pronouns. This shows that they don't see us as valid as much as they see our identities as a courtesy or a polite gesture that can be taken back when needed. We have been told in the past that people who do not see trans women as women, trans men as men, or trans people in general as valid will be perma'd instantly when they reveal this, and I think that willful misgendering should fall into that category as well.

And you're right that trans people are individuals, but you sort of start to counteract that with your very next part. Staff members and regular members are not treated the same way, and it's always been apparent to everyone who posts on this forum to the point that it's a running joke in a lot of circles here. I'm not talking about who makes decisions on reports, but the way that hostility is treated as well as the way that bigotry is actioned. If someone insults another member, they'll get a warning or at most a day ban if they don't have a history. But, if someone comes after the moderation or express frustration they'll more than likely get 5 days to a week at minimum. I don't think that you all should be facing harassment of any kind, but this is one of the easily verifiable things on the site that people have seen.

The way that bigotry is handled by people on Staff is also a bit strange. There was that one transphobic post by a moderator that when posted by anyone else would have been a month ban, but in this case, they were just talked to and allowed to stay on the team. When evidence was presented of how they had said these things throughout their time on GAF before this, it was dismissed and considered resolved. There are also chats that have been shown to people about a moderator on the staff talking in the discord about how Asexuals should not be a part of the LGBT+ community and instead of any challenging or talking through, was essentially told that people could see where they were coming from, to not feel bad, and then dropped.

These things are always going to be treated differently because these people that are on the team are more easily reached, more easily talked to than the people on the forum, but these double standards that people see on top of the regressions that have happened in some topics are going to frustrate people. Of course you guys care about the site, but you often seem to be under the impression that you're the only ones who do and the rest of us are just trying to stick it to you instead of doing what we can from our own end. The users of this site are people too, and you can't expect us to take just as much abuse as you when we have no ways of pushing back against it.

It's not that you all aren't open to listening or feedback, so much as the opinions on people of staff are typically held higher than the rest. Which is somewhat understandable as you're able to have longer and more in-depth conversations as you're in a discord together, but is part of the issue I have with this "Trans people are individuals" line. I get what your point is. There are threads where people are upset about an issue going on and telling someone that they don't care about trans issues without knowing the first thing about the person they're talking to. That isn't good, and that should be taken care of, but when we're able to recognize that trans people are going to differ on some of these minute topics it can't all come down to the weight of whichever trans mod is online at that particular moment to make the call every time. Because I'm dating someone who was on the mod team for almost 2 years and had a lot of conversations with you all, I know that it's rare for more than one trans mod to be around and tackling reports. And I think you all need to be more open to the idea that people aren't reporting what they see as bigotry for no reason.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone,

I wanted to chime and offer my two cents on the ongoing situation. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a former administrator for this website, and a transgender person myself. I also own and co-run the TransEra community discord. With that context out of the way, let's dig into things.

First of all, I think the mod post in this thread misunderstands what the actual issue is from the community's perspective. The community's issue is not with leaks. The community's issue is not with investigations. The community's issue is with how the situation was handled.

It is one thing to ban a member for leaking something that was private. I think most people can understand that logic, even if they don't necessarily agree with the decision. Where you lost people is when you decide to start talking about investigating the issue seriously, as if there was ever going to be any kind of chat log or read receipt in Discord that provided a smoking gun. The entire 'investigation' could never be more than he said, she said, for that's all that Discord provides you.

I am very frustrated to see that the staff has a willingness to take a swing at a banned member who can no longer speak for herself here in a thread about transgender awareness, no less. The sheer lack of awareness is mind boggling. To take a shot by saying, 'Ketkat understood the importance of privacy in safe spaces, as she has championed this herself,' isn't just low, it is quite frankly pathetic. Why would ever think it is ok to take a snide shot at someone like this in an official capacity? I cannot believe that there is an administrator on staff who approved this. It makes staff look like the pettiest people on the planet, taking a shot at a former trans member of the community loved by the community in a thread about the trans community.

The community doesn't care about how the ResetEra staff feels right now. It isn't about the ResetEra staff feeling comfortable, it is about the ResetEra community feeling comfortable. Ultimately, the staff serves the community, not the other way around. When I was on staff, I was always willing to make myself uncomfortable if it meant making the community more comfortable, even if it meant having hard conversations that lasted long hours. That's part of being a volunteer, and that is part of serving. It isn't about you, the staff, it is about us, the community. That is something that has absolutely been lost as time has gone on.

There's a lot more I could say on my feelings, but my feelings are ultimately moot at this point, and so are words. What really matters at this point is actions. ResetEra staff, whether you agree with them or not (and I hope you do), the community feels extremely wronged right now. People are hurting, and they're hurting because you've hurt them. Now is the time to show that y'all really are the good people I know and worked alongside for years. Do the right thing, and show it with your words, not with your actions.

I would suggest the following:
  • The moderator who made the post that has been linked around this thread needs to resign. In order for the community to move on and to heal, sometimes it is necessary for oneself to step aside. In this case, it is time for you to step aside and allow the healing process to begin.
  • An apology should be posted for this whole situation. In this apology, you should clearly outline the steps that you take when evaluating transphobic content or other content that is anti-LGBT. There are plenty of us in the community that are former staff and could as easily articulate these rules, but you need to step forward and tell the community what they are. And then, you have to let the community hold you accountable to them. That's how you will open the door for the community to restore trust in you, by enforcing this policy (that you already have) not with your words, but with your actions.
  • There needs to be a greater diversification in the administration table. This is something that has been great in the past, but after most of the original administration left, is severely lacking now. Please correct this decision with serious administration changes that will result in better conversations in the administration room with voices who are more concerned about doing right by the community than doing right by the moderation rulebook.
  • And, this really should be a given, but at this point, Ketkat should be unbanned. Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter how you feel about it. It will be a good starting sign to restorting the trust between the community and staff. If Ketkat breaks the rules again, that's on her, but right now, it doesn't really matter. What matters is keeping the community together and restoring the trust that has been broken.

This is by no means the only things that have to happen or the only things that can happen, but I would call this a good start. It is hard. It is going to not be particularly fun for anyone involved. But, at the end of the day, it is worth it because this community and ResetEra are worth it. I urge this to be done at all haste.

If you have any questions for me, my inboxes are always open. If others have suggestions or additions to this list they'd like to see, please feel free to mention them, this was simply the first few big points that came to my mind.


edit: fixed a typo

Thank you for this. The staff here should really take these suggestions to heart.


Mar 4, 2018
Seconded, and we can do even better:

  • Sanction board: per-user thread that collates their history of warnings, bans, why, and the reasoning behind extensions. Don't obfuscate behind a shell account.
  • Formal ban appeals: to be attended to not by the mod that instituted the ban, particularly when considering long or permanent bans, as a hedge against cronyism, over-reaction, or plain error. Include appeals to the sanction board.
  • Mod nominations: you want better coverage of the forum's corners, more diverse voices, and a less adversarial relationship? Here's a way how. Nominate on a regular cycle such that existing mods can also feel free to step down without shortchanging anyone.
  • Mod recalls: because, let's be honest. Sometimes we get some stinkers and that's just mundane reality when it comes to running a place like this. Make nominations for recall anonymous through a bot akin to the Giftbot, and set a percentile threshold to carry the recall or not.
  • No blanket staff posts: Append each name individually to an advisory post, not in aggregate. If you want to be regarded as like us, post like us instead of erecting a procedural wall of perfect mod unity (it mostly serves to stifle discussion and cement the perspective that you're not our peers).
  • Forget moderation of console warring/port begging/store warz that falls below the point of personal attacks. It's all trivial consumerist faff and coming down on it so hard is a solution in search of a problem. It's busywork, not valuable work.
  • Shed the Gaf vestiges: seriously, so much of this crud is just hanging on because of simple inertia. Do we need member castes? Do we need four canonical subforums? Do we need to mandate OTs that expire at 20k posts?
  • No more heavy-handed, "This is the last word on that, the united, formless, shapeless, and undivided mod mass decrees it" tosh. Discussions taper off and end. Don't throw weight around just to have the last word.
  • More openness: discussion of the site's culture, future, and problems can't solely remain the prerogative of the mod team. Open discussion is the only reasonable way to make things better, work conciliation, and invest the entire forum in better outcomes.
  • Proportion: accusations of bigotry can't be simply played off with stonewalling and blanket accusations of a criminal offense committed by the sanctioned member. It's irresponsible, it's insulting, and perfectly underlines the cultural problem that is driving people away and embittering members against a mod team that increasingly looks out of touch and out of hand.
  • Conciliation: full and open discussions of crises like this one, including giving the accused and their witnesses the chance to speak for and defend themselves, and full ownership of mistakes, blind-spots, failings (both on the account of the mods and the accused). The social expectation to cop to fuckups should be expected of mods too, and not just as something that is nice to have when it happens.

Yunno what? Cosigned. These are good additions.


Oct 25, 2017
If you don't find something more specific and helpful, the dating era discord is mostly just a chill place for talking about our days and sharing thoughts. Feel free to pop in, link is in the thread OP I believe. If you don't find the link or it doesn't work, shoot me a PM.

Thanks, I might do that!

Honestly part of me is asking in case we go deeper and bans start getting handed out...


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Still reading through everything, but I'm here to stand with y'all.

Bad moderation kills good communities, and I hate for it to kill this place.

Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York
Hey everyone,

I wanted to chime and offer my two cents on the ongoing situation. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a former administrator for this website, and a transgender person myself. I also own and co-run the TransEra community discord. With that context out of the way, let's dig into things.

First of all, I think the mod post in this thread misunderstands what the actual issue is from the community's perspective. The community's issue is not with leaks. The community's issue is not with investigations. The community's issue is with how the situation was handled.

It is one thing to ban a member for leaking something that was private. I think most people can understand that logic, even if they don't necessarily agree with the decision. Where you lost people is when you decide to start talking about investigating the issue seriously, as if there was ever going to be any kind of chat log or read receipt in Discord that provided a smoking gun. The entire 'investigation' could never be more than he said, she said, for that's all that Discord provides you.

I am very frustrated to see that the staff has a willingness to take a swing at a banned member who can no longer speak for herself here in a thread about transgender awareness, no less. The sheer lack of awareness is mind boggling. To take a shot by saying, 'Ketkat understood the importance of privacy in safe spaces, as she has championed this herself,' isn't just low, it is quite frankly pathetic. Why would ever think it is ok to take a snide shot at someone like this in an official capacity? I cannot believe that there is an administrator on staff who approved this. It makes staff look like the pettiest people on the planet, taking a shot at a former trans member of the community loved by the community in a thread about the trans community.

The community doesn't care about how the ResetEra staff feels right now. It isn't about the ResetEra staff feeling comfortable, it is about the ResetEra community feeling comfortable. Ultimately, the staff serves the community, not the other way around. When I was on staff, I was always willing to make myself uncomfortable if it meant making the community more comfortable, even if it meant having hard conversations that lasted long hours. That's part of being a volunteer, and that is part of serving. It isn't about you, the staff, it is about us, the community. That is something that has absolutely been lost as time has gone on.

There's a lot more I could say on my feelings, but my feelings are ultimately moot at this point, and so are words. What really matters at this point is actions. ResetEra staff, whether you agree with them or not (and I hope you do), the community feels extremely wronged right now. People are hurting, and they're hurting because you've hurt them. Now is the time to show that y'all really are the good people I know and worked alongside for years. Do the right thing, and show it with your words, not with your actions.

I would suggest the following:
  • The moderator who made the post that has been linked around this thread needs to resign. In order for the community to move on and to heal, sometimes it is necessary for oneself to step aside. In this case, it is time for you to step aside and allow the healing process to begin.
  • An apology should be posted for this whole situation. In this apology, you should clearly outline the steps that you take when evaluating transphobic content or other content that is anti-LGBT. There are plenty of us in the community that are former staff and could as easily articulate these rules, but you need to step forward and tell the community what they are. And then, you have to let the community hold you accountable to them. That's how you will open the door for the community to restore trust in you, by enforcing this policy (that you already have) not with your words, but with your actions.
  • There needs to be a greater diversification in the administration table. This is something that has been great in the past, but after most of the original administration left, is severely lacking now. Please correct this decision with serious administration changes that will result in better conversations in the administration room with voices who are more concerned about doing right by the community than doing right by the moderation rulebook.
  • And, this really should be a given, but at this point, Ketkat should be unbanned. Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter how you feel about it. It will be a good starting sign to restorting the trust between the community and staff. If Ketkat breaks the rules again, that's on her, but right now, it doesn't really matter. What matters is keeping the community together and restoring the trust that has been broken.

This is by no means the only things that have to happen or the only things that can happen, but I would call this a good start. It is hard. It is going to not be particularly fun for anyone involved. But, at the end of the day, it is worth it because this community and ResetEra are worth it. I urge this to be done at all haste.

If you have any questions for me, my inboxes are always open. If others have suggestions or additions to this list they'd like to see, please feel free to mention them, this was simply the first few big points that came to my mind.


edit: fixed a typo
Amazing. Thank you.

Deleted member 56909

User requested account closure
May 21, 2019
Hey everyone,

I wanted to chime and offer my two cents on the ongoing situation. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a former administrator for this website, and a transgender person myself. I also own and co-run the TransEra community discord. With that context out of the way, let's dig into things.

First of all, I think the mod post in this thread misunderstands what the actual issue is from the community's perspective. The community's issue is not with leaks. The community's issue is not with investigations. The community's issue is with how the situation was handled.

It is one thing to ban a member for leaking something that was private. I think most people can understand that logic, even if they don't necessarily agree with the decision. Where you lost people is when you decide to start talking about investigating the issue seriously, as if there was ever going to be any kind of chat log or read receipt in Discord that provided a smoking gun. The entire 'investigation' could never be more than he said, she said, for that's all that Discord provides you.

I am very frustrated to see that the staff has a willingness to take a swing at a banned member who can no longer speak for herself here in a thread about transgender awareness, no less. The sheer lack of awareness is mind boggling. To take a shot by saying, 'Ketkat understood the importance of privacy in safe spaces, as she has championed this herself,' isn't just low, it is quite frankly pathetic. Why would ever think it is ok to take a snide shot at someone like this in an official capacity? I cannot believe that there is an administrator on staff who approved this. It makes staff look like the pettiest people on the planet, taking a shot at a former trans member of the community loved by the community in a thread about the trans community.

The community doesn't care about how the ResetEra staff feels right now. It isn't about the ResetEra staff feeling comfortable, it is about the ResetEra community feeling comfortable. Ultimately, the staff serves the community, not the other way around. When I was on staff, I was always willing to make myself uncomfortable if it meant making the community more comfortable, even if it meant having hard conversations that lasted long hours. That's part of being a volunteer, and that is part of serving. It isn't about you, the staff, it is about us, the community. That is something that has absolutely been lost as time has gone on.

There's a lot more I could say on my feelings, but my feelings are ultimately moot at this point, and so are words. What really matters at this point is actions. ResetEra staff, whether you agree with them or not (and I hope you do), the community feels extremely wronged right now. People are hurting, and they're hurting because you've hurt them. Now is the time to show that y'all really are the good people I know and worked alongside for years. Do the right thing, and show it with your words, not with your actions.

I would suggest the following:
  • The moderator who made the post that has been linked around this thread needs to resign. In order for the community to move on and to heal, sometimes it is necessary for oneself to step aside. In this case, it is time for you to step aside and allow the healing process to begin.
  • An apology should be posted for this whole situation. In this apology, you should clearly outline the steps that you take when evaluating transphobic content or other content that is anti-LGBT. There are plenty of us in the community that are former staff and could as easily articulate these rules, but you need to step forward and tell the community what they are. And then, you have to let the community hold you accountable to them. That's how you will open the door for the community to restore trust in you, by enforcing this policy (that you already have) not with your words, but with your actions.
  • There needs to be a greater diversification in the administration table. This is something that has been great in the past, but after most of the original administration left, is severely lacking now. Please correct this decision with serious administration changes that will result in better conversations in the administration room with voices who are more concerned about doing right by the community than doing right by the moderation rulebook.
  • And, this really should be a given, but at this point, Ketkat should be unbanned. Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter how you feel about it. It will be a good starting sign to restorting the trust between the community and staff. If Ketkat breaks the rules again, that's on her, but right now, it doesn't really matter. What matters is keeping the community together and restoring the trust that has been broken.

This is by no means the only things that have to happen or the only things that can happen, but I would call this a good start. It is hard. It is going to not be particularly fun for anyone involved. But, at the end of the day, it is worth it because this community and ResetEra are worth it. I urge this to be done at all haste.

If you have any questions for me, my inboxes are always open. If others have suggestions or additions to this list they'd like to see, please feel free to mention them, this was simply the first few big points that came to my mind.


edit: fixed a typo
Fantastically said it rest highlights everything that has happened with a reasonable solutions. Any of these steps would be welcome and we can Foster our community further into a better one.

Subpar Scrub

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks, I might do that!

Honestly part of me is asking in case we go deeper and bans start getting handed out...

Hoping that won't be the case, but if history repeats itself then being part of a good discord is probably worth it.

That being said, I'd like to remain here if possible but we definitely need some improvements and clarity.


Oct 27, 2017
Funny how towards the end of the other thread, after Ket got banned, there were like 80 mods who I hadn't ever even heard of who had to give their 2 cents on the situation. Now we are asking for them to say literally anything and not one to be found.


Apr 28, 2018
Trans woman here. I haven't posted in a while because I'm super busy with work and NaNoWriMo, but I I come here on this of all weeks and see this garbage fire? Gross. Stay strong, trans friends. I love you.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Funny how towards the end of the other thread, after Ket got banned, there were like 80 mods who I hadn't ever even heard of who had to give their 2 cents on the situation. Now we are asking for them to say literally anything and not one to be found.
Like a fart in the wind...
Oct 25, 2017
Then your entire team royalan fucked up.



The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone, I'm part of the Mafia (the party game) community here on ERA; Ket would regularly play games with us and we're supporting her on this (many have posted here already).

In case you're ever interested in playing with us, or really just hanging out in our discord, a place where all are welcome, come on in (we barely talk about Mafia in the discord lol, it's just a place where us friends can be together and talk about whatever else):
Hidden content
You need to reply to this thread in order to see this content.

Sweeney Swift

User Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like if you have time to lock threads you have time to explain what the fuck is going on

Funny how towards the end of the other thread, after Ket got banned, there were like 80 mods who I hadn't ever even heard of who had to give their 2 cents on the situation. Now we are asking for them to say literally anything and not one to be found.

It was the same behavior in the other place too

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
Love all types of people equally and fight for them like you would fight for yourself. I love you all and hope to see you remaining here to help bring light to your experiences.

Deleted member 30681

user requested account closure
Nov 4, 2017
Hey everyone, I'm part of the Mafia (the party game) community here on ERA; Ket would regularly play games with us and we're supporting her on this (many have posted here already).

In case you're ever interested in playing with us, or really just hanging out in our discord, a place where all are welcome, come on in (we barely talk about Mafia in the discord lol, it's just a place where us friends can be together and talk about whatever else):
[Hidden content]

Arm Van Dam

self-requested ban
Mar 30, 2019
Hey everyone,

I wanted to chime and offer my two cents on the ongoing situation. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a former administrator for this website, and a transgender person myself. I also own and co-run the TransEra community discord. With that context out of the way, let's dig into things.

First of all, I think the mod post in this thread misunderstands what the actual issue is from the community's perspective. The community's issue is not with leaks. The community's issue is not with investigations. The community's issue is with how the situation was handled.

It is one thing to ban a member for leaking something that was private. I think most people can understand that logic, even if they don't necessarily agree with the decision. Where you lost people is when you decide to start talking about investigating the issue seriously, as if there was ever going to be any kind of chat log or read receipt in Discord that provided a smoking gun. The entire 'investigation' could never be more than he said, she said, for that's all that Discord provides you.

I am very frustrated to see that the staff has a willingness to take a swing at a banned member who can no longer speak for herself here in a thread about transgender awareness, no less. The sheer lack of awareness is mind boggling. To take a shot by saying, 'Ketkat understood the importance of privacy in safe spaces, as she has championed this herself,' isn't just low, it is quite frankly pathetic. Why would ever think it is ok to take a snide shot at someone like this in an official capacity? I cannot believe that there is an administrator on staff who approved this. It makes staff look like the pettiest people on the planet, taking a shot at a former trans member of the community loved by the community in a thread about the trans community.

The community doesn't care about how the ResetEra staff feels right now. It isn't about the ResetEra staff feeling comfortable, it is about the ResetEra community feeling comfortable. Ultimately, the staff serves the community, not the other way around. When I was on staff, I was always willing to make myself uncomfortable if it meant making the community more comfortable, even if it meant having hard conversations that lasted long hours. That's part of being a volunteer, and that is part of serving. It isn't about you, the staff, it is about us, the community. That is something that has absolutely been lost as time has gone on.

There's a lot more I could say on my feelings, but my feelings are ultimately moot at this point, and so are words. What really matters at this point is actions. ResetEra staff, whether you agree with them or not (and I hope you do), the community feels extremely wronged right now. People are hurting, and they're hurting because you've hurt them. Now is the time to show that y'all really are the good people I know and worked alongside for years. Do the right thing, and show it with your words, not with your actions.

I would suggest the following:
  • The moderator who made the post that has been linked around this thread needs to resign. In order for the community to move on and to heal, sometimes it is necessary for oneself to step aside. In this case, it is time for you to step aside and allow the healing process to begin.
  • An apology should be posted for this whole situation. In this apology, you should clearly outline the steps that you take when evaluating transphobic content or other content that is anti-LGBT. There are plenty of us in the community that are former staff and could as easily articulate these rules, but you need to step forward and tell the community what they are. And then, you have to let the community hold you accountable to them. That's how you will open the door for the community to restore trust in you, by enforcing this policy (that you already have) not with your words, but with your actions.
  • There needs to be a greater diversification in the administration table. This is something that has been great in the past, but after most of the original administration left, is severely lacking now. Please correct this decision with serious administration changes that will result in better conversations in the administration room with voices who are more concerned about doing right by the community than doing right by the moderation rulebook.
  • And, this really should be a given, but at this point, Ketkat should be unbanned. Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter how you feel about it. It will be a good starting sign to restorting the trust between the community and staff. If Ketkat breaks the rules again, that's on her, but right now, it doesn't really matter. What matters is keeping the community together and restoring the trust that has been broken.

This is by no means the only things that have to happen or the only things that can happen, but I would call this a good start. It is hard. It is going to not be particularly fun for anyone involved. But, at the end of the day, it is worth it because this community and ResetEra are worth it. I urge this to be done at all haste.

If you have any questions for me, my inboxes are always open. If others have suggestions or additions to this list they'd like to see, please feel free to mention them, this was simply the first few big points that came to my mind.


edit: fixed a typo

Modsadmins/staff, if you're reading this, PLEASE LISTEN TO NICOLE


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Posting to show my support; don't know what else to say that hasn't already been said and more eloquently.



Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone,

I wanted to chime and offer my two cents on the ongoing situation. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a former administrator for this website, and a transgender person myself. I also own and co-run the TransEra community discord. With that context out of the way, let's dig into things.

First of all, I think the mod post in this thread misunderstands what the actual issue is from the community's perspective. The community's issue is not with leaks. The community's issue is not with investigations. The community's issue is with how the situation was handled.

It is one thing to ban a member for leaking something that was private. I think most people can understand that logic, even if they don't necessarily agree with the decision. Where you lost people is when you decide to start talking about investigating the issue seriously, as if there was ever going to be any kind of chat log or read receipt in Discord that provided a smoking gun. The entire 'investigation' could never be more than he said, she said, for that's all that Discord provides you.

I am very frustrated to see that the staff has a willingness to take a swing at a banned member who can no longer speak for herself here in a thread about transgender awareness, no less. The sheer lack of awareness is mind boggling. To take a shot by saying, 'Ketkat understood the importance of privacy in safe spaces, as she has championed this herself,' isn't just low, it is quite frankly pathetic. Why would ever think it is ok to take a snide shot at someone like this in an official capacity? I cannot believe that there is an administrator on staff who approved this. It makes staff look like the pettiest people on the planet, taking a shot at a former trans member of the community loved by the community in a thread about the trans community.

The community doesn't care about how the ResetEra staff feels right now. It isn't about the ResetEra staff feeling comfortable, it is about the ResetEra community feeling comfortable. Ultimately, the staff serves the community, not the other way around. When I was on staff, I was always willing to make myself uncomfortable if it meant making the community more comfortable, even if it meant having hard conversations that lasted long hours. That's part of being a volunteer, and that is part of serving. It isn't about you, the staff, it is about us, the community. That is something that has absolutely been lost as time has gone on.

There's a lot more I could say on my feelings, but my feelings are ultimately moot at this point, and so are words. What really matters at this point is actions. ResetEra staff, whether you agree with them or not (and I hope you do), the community feels extremely wronged right now. People are hurting, and they're hurting because you've hurt them. Now is the time to show that y'all really are the good people I know and worked alongside for years. Do the right thing, and show it with your words, not with your actions.

I would suggest the following:
  • The moderator who made the post that has been linked around this thread needs to resign. In order for the community to move on and to heal, sometimes it is necessary for oneself to step aside. In this case, it is time for you to step aside and allow the healing process to begin.
  • An apology should be posted for this whole situation. In this apology, you should clearly outline the steps that you take when evaluating transphobic content or other content that is anti-LGBT. There are plenty of us in the community that are former staff and could as easily articulate these rules, but you need to step forward and tell the community what they are. And then, you have to let the community hold you accountable to them. That's how you will open the door for the community to restore trust in you, by enforcing this policy (that you already have) not with your words, but with your actions.
  • There needs to be a greater diversification in the administration table. This is something that has been great in the past, but after most of the original administration left, is severely lacking now. Please correct this decision with serious administration changes that will result in better conversations in the administration room with voices who are more concerned about doing right by the community than doing right by the moderation rulebook.
  • And, this really should be a given, but at this point, Ketkat should be unbanned. Right or wrong, it doesn't really matter how you feel about it. It will be a good starting sign to restorting the trust between the community and staff. If Ketkat breaks the rules again, that's on her, but right now, it doesn't really matter. What matters is keeping the community together and restoring the trust that has been broken.

This is by no means the only things that have to happen or the only things that can happen, but I would call this a good start. It is hard. It is going to not be particularly fun for anyone involved. But, at the end of the day, it is worth it because this community and ResetEra are worth it. I urge this to be done at all haste.

If you have any questions for me, my inboxes are always open. If others have suggestions or additions to this list they'd like to see, please feel free to mention them, this was simply the first few big points that came to my mind.


edit: fixed a typo
good post. it is truly maddening how every staff response so far has taken such an adversarial tone. ending these posts with variations on "this now a private matter not open for discussion" is so mind-bogglingly tone deaf, amplified only be how long it's taken between those responses.

Deleted member 48897

User requested account closure
Oct 22, 2018
It would be absolutely hilarious if my last post here were ACAB.

If trans era folks are looking for more community I can send links forward with PM. I'd rather keep the links relatively private in order to try to keep the site freer from targeted harassment. It's had issues in the past that have been pretty successfully dealt with


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I don't have a lot to add, but I just want to say that I hope the decision on Ketkat is reversed and the staff listens to what has been said in this thread. It's distressing that so many in the trans community feel unwelcome and unsafe here.

I really hope the staff silence is because they are attempting to figure out how to do right by the trans community (Nicole's post is a great start). They deserve it.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Former mod here, and certainly no stranger to saying stupid shit, as pretty much all of y'all are well aware.

I've written about three dozen versions of this post and deleted them all because it's hard to formulate the right words. Rather than posting a huge essay, I'm just going to say that while I DO understand the challenges of moderating a site as large, diverse, and ever-changing as Era, I ALSO know that it's possible to make the wrong call sometimes.

Nicole has the right of it, from my point of view. I may not be a frequent presence in most TransEra threads, but I stand with you. It's so, so damn common to see people trivialize the struggles of the asexual community nowadays, and Era needs to be a place where ace members of the community can feel safe and not under the same kind of threat of erasure.


The Fallen
Oct 26, 2017
Ah the wonderful, constant reminders that "allies" will sell you out for a pinch of cornbread. Just what we all needed.

Who needs straight cis people when we ourselves would tear each other apart.

The mods need to give us answers about Royalan and unban those who have been banned unfairly. I also think the title of the thread should be changed.