
Oct 25, 2017
I may be a 'dude', and even if things could not possible be as bad, as a person with a heavy mexican accent i can relate to this sort of abuse.

Online gaming is ruined to the point that i only use voice chat EXCLUSIVELY with IRL friends.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
I'd rather no have people who have no problem making sexist comments be able to know my real name and find me thanks. Facebook plugin comment sections should tell you that anonymity means nothing.
Ugh. You're right. The promise is that the other person can't hide but you're right it would stop nothing.

So is moderation the only answer?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
But at least text chat is something that can more easily be moderated.

While true, you'd be surprised how little that sort of moderation does. Like, WoW has pretty heavy moderation on text chat and it's still all just gold farming and epithets all the time.

You wanna play online with voice? Friends or Community discord. That's it.

Rando voice chat in video games: Not even once.

Ugh. You're right. The promise is that the other person can't hide but you're right it would stop nothing.

So is moderation the only answer?

Moderation done by people who have something to gain from moderating. So a paid entity who's job it is to sift through complaints and verify behavior. Basically a firm would have to be created. Anyone who does this will make bank.

But publishers will never pay for something like this. Because they know they don't need to.

Suicide King

Oct 27, 2017
Some gamers probably fit the stereotype of living in a basement devoid of any human interaction. It's just sad that they have so many ways to channel their ignorance into annoying other people and that is also the only way their lives are fulfilled.

Deleted member 12186

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Siege is especially toxic in general so I imagine it only amplifies if you're a woman.

I used to play with a couple of women and tried to create a safe environment for them as well as others for easygoing casual(since playing casual solo is a nightmare for me due to how much hate I get for my rank and whatever else). Ive since deleted them and many others for reasons unrelated to the topic so I hope they're doing well(one was justified since she was doing something I didn't agree with).


Oct 26, 2017
Anne's good people and actually super good at Siege and OW. I have occasionally tuned into her streams but whenever some dickwad started calling out to her sex in voice chat it would cause me to become so uncomfortable that even I as a passive viewer would have a hard time continuing to watch. I can't imagine dealing with that every time I went on the internet. She's way more thick skinned than I am to make it her livelihood.

Anne is fire and I sub her often for her cool attitude. Sucks that people harass her for being a woman. She is way better than most guys in OW and Siege. Really cool person. :)
Oct 28, 2017
I don't play games online very often at all anymore because of this. I usually ended up using party chat with friends if available, or use Discord more recently.


Nov 2, 2017
Xbox is really good for me when I report people for saying rude things to others or having offensive gamer tags. Almost every time I report someone I get an message around 48 hours after back from Microsoft saying thank you for making are community safer place to play. We have taken action on the following claim. I report everything that is offensive, I don't care. Been on Xbox live since day one. Well since Christmas of the year Xbox live came out.


Oct 27, 2017
I kind of only play online games with voice chat turned off, this the kind of behavior that I came to expect from people online :(

it's really sad


Oct 26, 2017
I am speaking from my 10yrs experiences.
Maybe yours is different.
But WoW/FF14 when I was in a guild, no one would treat people like that.
You would get instantly kicked out or never be invited to the raid.
Ironically, most big guilds have a Code of Conducts for this type of stuff.
MMO is more progressive than whatever "happening" around the online gaming community.

in guilds sure, at the end a guild it's a team and you need to be cool with everyone to get your loot and stuff, but try talking to people outside your guild...
It's more or less the same as jumping on an FPS and then talking with private chat with your friends teammates.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm continually surprised by the North American PS4 Overwatch player base. We have a few girls in our small group and there hasn't been a single time when they've been targeted, certainly not for being girls.

Maybe because in Overwatch, everybody directs the hate towards the poor SR and matchmaking system lol


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Anne's good people and actually super good at Siege and OW. I have occasionally tuned into her streams but whenever some dickwad started calling out to her sex in voice chat it would cause me to become so uncomfortable that even I as a passive viewer would have a hard time continuing to watch. I can't imagine dealing with that every time I went on the internet. She's way more thick skinned than I am to make it her livelihood.

I watched Wrytex play OW comp the other day. Lots of women in the match, one trans woman. The entire team chat was racial and trans epithets for 6 minutes.

Top 500 seems like a hell hole.

Gamers are awful, man
It's true.

And it's almost comical how offended gamers get when people say this.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How is that missing the point? The point is all anyone has to do is start speaking up at the right time. Yes in the video of there wasn't anything she could have done in her own, but why does this conversation need to be about only one experience in one video, why do so many of you need to argue with the fact that ppl need to do more, do you like to just argue?
Because this experience she had in this one game session mirrors the experience women have gaming online every day. Hell, many women receive much worse abuse than this. It's worth discussing because more visibility and awareness of this issue increases the likelihood change will come about.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Lol, I'm literally acknowledging the issue and telling you and all the others including myself need to be active in stepping in. How is that hard for you to understand? U keep arguing likes "its fucking hopeless, there is no point because there is just to many of them whaaaa!"

Get out of here with that fucking disingenuity. Nobody ever said not to step in (I've repeatedly said the exact opposite); I'm simply calling out your ignorant "I doubt that everyone in the team being a harasser or indiferent is statistically significant" bullshit when there's ample proof in this thread (let alone outside it, if you cared enough at all to reseach it) that it happens all the time. Wake the fuck up.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 28, 2017
I'm a guy, and all of this behavior is essentially why I just stick to party chat with friends. I have no interest in speaking with people who are unquestionably terrible. Anonymity is poison, and many people simply can't handle the "freedom" so they let all of their inner thoughts (their "true selves" if you will) roam free. Without a physical presence, some people simply don't police their tone or their thoughts. It's pathetic and sad that women have to deal with this just because they enjoy some escapism in video games.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Ffxiv seems very inclusive.
I've heard stories, but I feel like it's inclusive because you have to depend on a large number of characters to get anything meaningful done. You need to be able to communicate and follow orders.

In shooters, half the time people are just playing it like call of duty anyway, so they don't care. It's why people who can do meaningful calm call outs in OW are godsends.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 26, 2017
I honestly mostly think that these people are just douchebags from the start looking for something to scream at you for, and if you aren't a white dude then they have their angle to use.

I've returned to Rocket League for a few matches after a year of not playing and people are awful in text chat for no reason from the opening kick off.

Like others have said, call that shit out.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
it's almost like generalizing makes people you are generalizing about unhappy..go figure

And it's almost like we don't have this same conversation once every 3 months with 0 changes. Fancy that.

I'm done with the "not all gamers" bullshit. Gamers have an image problem and I do not understand why people choose to ignore it. "But it's not me!" GOOD! Then you're fine.


Oct 27, 2017
While true, you'd be surprised how little that sort of moderation does. Like, WoW has pretty heavy moderation on text chat and it's still all just gold farming and epithets all the time.

You wanna play online with voice? Friends or Community discord. That's it.

Rando voice chat in video games: Not even once.

Moderation done by people who have something to gain from moderating. So a paid entity who's job it is to sift through complaints and verify behavior. Basically a firm would have to be created. Anyone who does this will make bank.

But publishers will never pay for something like this. Because they know they don't need to.

I think public text chat is different from public voice chat though. For text chat there is at least some effort to read the message. For voice chat you hear other people without any effort on your part.


Oct 25, 2017
As someone that has played with woman in games before, yeah you hear this shit often. I always call them out and report them, I have no idea how effective those reports end up being though.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
I think public text chat is different from public voice chat though. For text chat there is at least some effort to read the message. For voice chat you hear other people without any effort on your part.
It is, 100%, but the core concept is there; Moderation, as it stands now, will be completely ineffective. They could strip out VC tomorrow and these people would still find ways to be shitty, they'd just have less outward information about the people playing to use as ammunition.


Dec 15, 2017
in guilds sure, at the end a guild it's a team and you need to be cool with everyone to get your loot and stuff, but try talking to people outside your guild...
It's more or less the same as jumping on an FPS and then talking with private chat with your friends teammates.

Not really.
MMO actually has a goal.
So when you do cross realm raiding, nobody got the time to listen to toxic players.
You are there with them for the next 2-3hrs.
Everyone is there to collect loots, so everyone behaves and acts efficiently to cut down the raiding time.

But FPS has no goal.
Die/respawn/new game.
And so, a lot of these young people would say random crap since they will be in a match afterward.

Just by simple logic, you can easily tell how big a gap in behavior between these two playerbases.
One actually has time commitment so you need to act like a normal human being...the other? Say vulgar stuff, match make a new game, say more vulgar stuff.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
it's almost like generalizing makes people you are generalizing about unhappy..go figure

If it's so upsetting for them maybe they should...


ignore and.... not feed the dissenters lol


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
"Don't feed the trolls" aka "hide and bury your own identity to make gamerz feel more comfy while playing their game"

Honestly this kind of response makes me wanna puke, i can't believe that people are that oblivious to how absurd those statements are.

Don't defend yourself, don't expose toxic behaviour and basically, don't be yourself. This is insane.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Not really.
MMO actually has a goal.
So when you do cross realm raiding, nobody got the time to listen to toxic players.
You are there with them for the next 2-3hrs.

FPS has no goal.
Die/respawn/new game.
And so, a lot of these young people would say random crap since they will be in a match afterward.

You can tell how big a gap in behavior between these two playerbases.
One actually has time commitment so you need to act like a normal human being...the other? Say vulgar stuff, match make a new game, say more vulgar stuff.
On top of which, it's much easier to blame your bad performance on other people in an action setting when it comes to shooters.

If you fuck up your role in a Raid, people know it was you. If you're dicking around in the backfield and aren't on the payload, people are probably too busy to notice in the moment.

That Genji meme is dumb, but there's a truth to it.


Oct 27, 2017
And it's almost like we don't have this same conversation once every 3 months with 0 changes. Fancy that.

I'm done with the "not all gamers" bullshit. Gamers have an image problem and I do not understand why people choose to ignore it. "But it's not me!" GOOD! Then you're fine.
if it's not all gamers why the hell would you use the term "gamers" then...that's what i don't understand

if you yourself understand that them being gamers is not the reason why they are assholes, why would you say that gamers have a problem?

i understand that generalization is how the human mind deals with big numbers, but it's not gonna help your cause

but again,since this argument is not newfor you, just continue doing what you were doing.


Mar 7, 2018
It's fucking shameful behavior from those knuckle-draggers. I don't play online MP so I have no idea how these things are reported, moderated etc. but it does seem like publishers need to do more. People are responsible for their own actions so you can't blame publishers for that but they do have a responsibility to everyone playing their games to provide an environment free of harassment and abuse, especially if they are being paid by those playing. In these days of streaming and easy recording of gameplay, is it not enough to provide video evidence to at least initiate an investigation? Is there not a "silent alarm" button that can be pressed during gameplay to alert moderators if someone feels they are under duress which is invisible to other players, but ether brings in an invisible moderator or automatically reports the game and saves footage and game data from thereon for the game to be assessed? If not there should be.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
if it's not all gamers why the hell would you use the term "gamers" then...that's what i don't understand

if you yourself understand that them being gamers is not the reason why they are assholes, why would you say that gamers have a problem?

i understand that generalization is how the human mind deals with big numbers, but it's not gonna help your cause

but again,since this argument is not newfor you, just continue doing what you were doing.

Because you know as well as I do that saying, "well, not all gamers, but these guys, but not those guys, and certainly th-" that shit does nothing. People can cry about generalizations all day and I'm just going to keep pointing to these videos that people keep posting and keep saying, "see this? This is what the world thinks of you. They consider you to be misogynistic, racist, infantile man-children who aren't worth a damn, and the majority of are doing nothing to change that. You won't even call out the bad behavior when it happens."

Because that's the truth.

But yes, please, continue chastizing my generalizations of this easily documented bad behavior.

I am a gamer, I realize that gamers fucking suck and we all need to do better.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Gamer: Wow, us gamers need to do better

Gamer 2: *indignation*

Can some of you stop making this all about you already?
Oct 25, 2017
This is really frustrating. Ubisoft or any other company for that matter should have a perma-ban policy if someone emails them a video like this in. Disgusting behaviour by disgusting humans.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
It's fucking shameful behavior from those knuckle-draggers. I don't play online MP so I have no idea how these things are reported, moderated etc. but it does seem like publishers need to do more. People are responsible for their own actions so you can't blame publishers for that but they do have a responsibility to everyone playing their games to provide an environment free of harassment and abuse, especially if they are being paid by those playing. In these days of streaming and easy recording of gameplay, is it not enough to provide video evidence to at least initiate an investigation? Is there not a "silent alarm" button that can be pressed during gameplay to alert moderators if someone feels they are under duress which is invisible to other players, but ether brings in an invisible moderator or automatically reports the game and saves footage and game data from thereon for the game to be assessed? If not there should be.
While I agree more needs to be done in the way of moderation, what you're proposing is a top-down solution, which is never going to fix this problem. The change has to come from within the community.

Deleted member 42351

User requested account closure
Apr 18, 2018
I'm assuming this is sarcasm (hard to tell, as there are actually a lot of men that actually think like this), but that's not what I'm saying at all. If someone is shat upon 24/7, and you can give them a respite from that for a few minutes, I don't think it's asking too much to show some empathy and do it. It doesn't matter if they're a woman, or black, or gay, or transgender, or any other similarly stupid reason why people shit on them; they have to deal with that every day, so I'm sure it won't kill you, as a member of the single most privileged group on the face of the Earth, to stand together with them against that abuse for a few minutes. There's nothing heroic or extraordinary aboit extending a hand to those in a far worse situation than you; it's simple, basic human decency.

Empathetically, this is not about "us men can take it". I have the firm conviction that if men magically and suddenly started to have to deal with what women do everyday, they would break far sooner than them.
Ah, I see, you are making the assumption that the man you are asking to take the abuse hasn't experienced enough of it in his life, emotionally or physically, that they should check their privilege and suck it up.


Oct 30, 2017
Absolute lol at the "This happens to everyone!" comments, didn't even make it to second page before that started rolling in.

Can only speak for Siege but there it actually happens to everyone.
Siege has as far as I've noticed in over 1000 hours one of the most toxic community there is because until recently there wasn't even a Chat-toxicity punishment but in the end who cares about chat because Siege is 90% all about Voice.
Siege because of its tactical nature NEEDS callouts if you want to have a chance especially at higher rankings but Voice Chat is pretty much hell in this game especially at lower ranks.

The Community gets better once you reach High Platinum or Diamond Rankings because most players know each other up there but before that?
Toxicity....for EVERYONE.

Big part of the reason why is because you can be thrown into a group as a Solo player if you queue up.
There are no Solo or Duo queues to avoid getting thrown into a group of 4 or 3.
The 4 will ALWAYS harass the random - I rarely play Solo to avoid this but if i do i usually get called all kinds of things and it gets even worse if those 4 guys are shit,die in the first 20 seconds and then watch your view.
Recently it doesn't even need to be a group of 4...Its enough that 2 people gang up on a single person.
The way the game works is that it is sadly perfect for those that like to feel strong in groups and they always search for a victim because they know there is no punishment as of now.

Ubisoft needs to finally find a way to monitor and punish toxic players.
Its not just about females in Siege though i totally understand that these assholes have more ways to get under their skin compared to guys.
Usually these assholes would have taken turns to teamkill her but because she is a woman they more than likely wanted to watch her play so they can comment on her playstyle and find more ammunition.

Are there any social MMO games where people communicate without the toxicity? I mean, you can't avoid the occasional asshole, but are there games with a very relaxed player base?

All Big MMOs usually
Half of my WoW guild were women and my Guildleader was one too - Same for FF14.
Being toxic in these games usually means you get a reputation that goes around on the server and all the good content&equipment is usually locked behind group play.
And at least back then when i played reporting toxic players even just for their Character Names had an effect and Gamemasters took action.

In Siege they kinda don't care
Epi(community manager) commented on the Siege Video because it got traction and she is a somewhat known streamer and other known people spread it.
She made sure to show their names and Epi probably banned them but not everyone is a streamer or a twitter personality.
Even if i made a video with this kind of toxicity(probably in the first 2 games i would play if i would queue up solo) and upload it no one would care.

The report possibilities ingame are shallow and not working anyway - If you don't write anything offensive in chat they don't even have a way to connect anything to you.
I bet the guys in that video even reported HER for toxicity because they simply can.

Game companies in general need to find a way to monitor Voice Chat and make it easier to report these people especially for unknown people.
Everyone these days has ways to record things but it doesn't matter if only like 2 guys would need to go through hours of material daily at lets say Ubisoft.
But if they had a real division for that and made it known you can send in your shadowplay etc videos and they will actually getting watched and taken seriously these toxic people would either stop or push their luck with risking their accounts.


Oct 27, 2017
I really wish this behavior wasn't still happening, it makes me sick.

I played some squads in PUBG a few nights ago and took out 3/4 people in a squad.

The person who killed me was a woman and her teammates immediately said "LUL YOU WERE KILLED BY A GIRL". Like it was some sort of insult.