Baron Von Beans

One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Returnal, the very first boss, being in a large room filled with fog that is fully interactive. Blew my freaking mind.


Apr 23, 2021

Turning your DS upside down in 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors.
the zero escape game is the "holy shit" of video games for me.

This series is specifically engineered for this purpose, both for good and for bad.
Nov 2, 2019
The first credits roll in MGS4 and reveal of a certain character's appearance made me drop my controller and actually say "holy shit" out loud and my mouth was agape for almost the entire scene that followed. One of my favorite gaming memories.


Oct 27, 2017
Elden Ring has like 10 of these moments and 130 hours in I am still discovering more… it's been blowing my mind.


Oct 30, 2017
Mario Odyssey - Capturing Bowser to play as him
Mario Odyssey - Peach's Castle
God of War: Chains of Olympus - Calliope in the Garden
God of War 2 - Getting the Blade of Olympus
God of War 3 - Poseidon Fight
God of War (2018) - Athena + Blades of Chaos reveal
Fallout 3 - Stepping out into the Wasteland
Fallout 3 - Megaton blowing up
Batman: Arkham Knight - Driving the Batmobile for the first time
Bioshock - the reveal
Deus Ex Human Revolution - the ending


Nov 6, 2017
Talking with my cousin about Bloodborne and us slowly realizing that the more insight you gained the more of the world was revealed to you as a player. And realizing that Amygdala was always there on the building just completely invisible because we lacked "eyes". So cool.


Has got mad skills!!
Oct 27, 2017
I recently had one in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands which involved
You seek his help to bless your crummy boat so you can cross a cursed ocean and instead he blows it up with a barrage of nukes but not until he finishes giving a fantastic musical peptalk:

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Jan 24, 2018
I got to the same part and it was literally a Skyril Blackreach moment.
I loved it


Dec 7, 2017
Austin, TX
Almost all of Half-Life: Alyx for me. Especially the very first thing you see as the white background fades away and you're looking out at the Citadel over the city. Such a treat, especially for Half-Life fans.


Jan 16, 2021
The first credits roll in MGS4 and reveal of a certain character's appearance made me drop my controller and actually say "holy shit" out loud and my mouth was agape for almost the entire scene that followed. One of my favorite gaming memories.

This. I had played through the whole game along with a friend and we both lost our shit when that came up. Such a simple reveal, but so well done.

I was recently watching the Kinda Funny guys play through the MGS series and they were like 'hmm, that's funny he wasn't in this game' and then saw them realise what was happening was brilliant!


Oct 27, 2017
Recently, it's all Elden Ring. All the wonderful hidden stuff everywhere. But there were two that really stuck out to me:

Finding Roundtable Hold in Leyndell. I remember there being something vaguely familiar about the place and then when it clicked where I was, I legitimately gasped out loud.
I was going to post this if nobody else had yet. I just got here and had a legitimate :O reaction.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting to Mt Lanayru the first time

This was so damn cool. I did Mt. Lanayru pretty early when I first played the game so I had not yet seen the other two dragons, so I had no context for what I found at the top. The way the music shifts to a creepy song you haven't heard yet while getting near the top, making you wonder what the heck is up with this mountain, to when you reach the top and see *that.*


My contribution would be when you leave Elun in Metroid Dread...

...and see the X Parasites escape through the door you came in from and realizing how significant that was going to change the game from there on.

Another would be the second phase of the final boss against Dracula in Super Castlevania 4:

Where the music shifts from the slow, creepy final boss theme to the triumphant theme of Simon Belmont. Hard not to get pumped up at that point.

Deleted member 2595

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
Gotta try to get back to this one.
Outer Wilds starts really really on the wrong foot.

If you pick it back up again, just think:

"I'm an archaeologist with a newly invented translator. For the first time we can read the writings of a long dead advanced alien race, whose ruins cover the star system. Go uncover their secrets!"

Sadly the game's opening minutes bury this lede, but beae this in mind and you'll be grand. There are secrets everywhere.


Oct 26, 2017
Every first player's reaction to opening up the massive level/skill tree in Path of Exile:

(Mind the language here.)

Ballpoint Ren

Oct 25, 2017
Pretty much had the same experience as OP. To discover that there was a Z-axis to Elden Ring's world blew my mind.

Numerous moments in FFXIV come to mind as well. More recently: during the Endsinger boss fight the music that plays is a medley/remix of all of the major songs and themes of each expansion from the past 10 years. It felt absoluately exhilirating, and I don't think I've ever felt that way from a piece of music before.


Unshakable Resolve
Jan 10, 2019
Disco Elysium is full of little absurd, funny, sad and creative moments but the phasmid reveal scene is just fantastic

"I exist"

"I exist too."

The feels. The music. The way it catches you completely off-guard. You spend the whole game finding sad and mundane answers to any of the mysteries the local populace hold on to, but somehow the most obviously made up one is in fact real. The way your character begins to understand their worth and their role in the world. The way that his mind finally seems to work in complete tandem. Ah just all incredibly pretty


Prophet of Truth
Nov 17, 2020
That opening sequence in Bioshock is just incredible, especially the first Metropolis-inspired glimpse of the cityscape. Gives me chills everytime I play it.


Aug 7, 2019
Intro to GTA III and stepping into the city realizing you can go anywhere on foot or in a vehicle. A friend encouraged me to pick up the game so I did not know what I was getting into.


Oct 25, 2017
Most recently just the entire scale of Elden Ring.

So many times you're like, oh neat skybox.... and then you actually go there.

Ive thought omg this map is so huge like 10 seperate times. And it just got bigger.
Nov 9, 2017
In Dark Souls 3 there's a series of consecutive levels where you go deeper into darkness, first in a creepy forest, then a dark swamp full of monstrosities and finally dark crypts full of skeletons, you spend a good chunk of time in dark oppressive environments and you fight a boss that plunges you into a pitch-black arena. Then you emerge from that fight into a crypt and a staircase leading upwards, into one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen. Everyone who's played Dark Souls 3 experienced this moment.


Not only is it a beautiful environment but it's situated in the perfect spot within the game to bring it to life and fill us with beauty right before we're smashed to the ground by some of the harshest enemies in the game.

This is where the real Dark Souls 3 begins.

Utterly LOVED the reveal of this after Wolnir.


Nov 14, 2021
When you let Yurt out of his cage and then get into his cage (Demon's Souls).

Also, things later on, involving Yurt!

Bad Company 2's near perfect tuning to frequently result in "Battlefield Moments".

Realizing that the E3 trailers for Snake Eater only showed Snake doing things which you can actually do in-game. The trailers are setup with cinematic camera angles. But everything Snake does and everything the enemies do: all of it is actually doable gameplay.
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Oct 25, 2017
Portal, when suddenly you
see yourself going into the fire
, all the muscle memory from the previous levels made me search for a way to deal with it and
I instinctively searched for a place to land a portal and then realizing that I was outside a level and a new world opened
The way I was surprised, the way I reacted without thinking and the payoff were such a high.

It's because of moments like this that I think that no matter how old something is, care should be taken to not spoil it. Someone playing it today, or in 10 years deserves to have this moment waiting for them, unnanounced.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing has compared so far to playing Shadow of the Colossus on ps2 for the first time. I remember calling my family in who I knew didn't care about games because I thought it was that amazing
I brought my PS2 to the family christmas just so I could show my cousins (and keep playing) Shadow of the Colossus.


Dec 5, 2020
FF4, discovering there was an underworld.

FF6, the World of Ruin. I racked up a large Blockbuster bill and my parents just bought me a new copy a month later.

Chrono Trigger's sheer scope at the time.

The dogs in Resident Evil.

Silent Hill world shifting and disturbing me.

GTA3 existing.

My favourite one is in Halo CE. Just coming down the mountain in the snowy dark, lit up by lasers and Banshees. Something in that moment just hit me the same way I felt the first time I played Mario 64. It just felt like, "Oh yeah, this is why we bought the console."
Oct 25, 2017
I'll keep it real simple: the moment I first encountered a dragon in BotW. Saw it flying in the distance and couldn't figure out what it was. Then as it got closer and closer it got more "uh, the fuck is about to happen?" until it just kinda… flies by.
Oct 27, 2017
I still think about the final case of Ace Attorney 6 often. I had felt that the series couldn't shock me anymore after all the crazy stuff in 1-5 and both Investigations games, but BOY was I wrong. Absolute jaw on the floor moment.
It's a worldie. One of the big reasons why AA6 is probably my favourite game in the series. I alternate between AA3 and AA6 on the strength of their final cases.


Apr 8, 2019
Has anyone mentioned 'that moment' in the ape boss fight of Sekiro yet? I still think about it sometimes and how freaky/unexpected it was if you hadn't been spoiled on it beforehand

Travis Pickle

Jun 21, 2020
Not a specific game, but rather the first time you play any game in VR. You only get to experience that feeling once, and it's incredible.


Oct 25, 2017
In Dark Souls 3 there's a series of consecutive levels where you go deeper into darkness, first in a creepy forest, then a dark swamp full of monstrosities and finally dark crypts full of skeletons, you spend a good chunk of time in dark oppressive environments and you fight a boss that plunges you into a pitch-black arena. Then you emerge from that fight into a crypt and a staircase leading upwards, into one of the most beautiful scenes I've ever seen. Everyone who's played Dark Souls 3 experienced this moment.

Not only is it a beautiful environment but it's situated in the perfect spot within the game to bring it to life and fill us with beauty right before we're smashed to the ground by some of the harshest enemies in the game.
Agreed. Very few vistas rival this one in all of the Souls games (until Elden Ring that is).

And right after your beat Sulyvahn and explore the second part of Irithyll, there's that moment when you start thinking "hey, these knights look familiar", followed by "wait, I know this giant stair-elevator" and "ho no they didn't", and then, bam, ANOR LONDO appears with the usual sound of a newly discovered area. I was so happy and confused, it was incredible.


Unshakable Resolve
Jun 30, 2019
Discovering your first environmental puzzle in the witness
Solving the 'golden path' in TUNIC